Xenophobe3691 wrote:Anyways, try living here in the Wang of the country! I live about an eight hour drive from the next state, let alone any other part of the country!
Yeah, and Pensacola's as far from you as Atlanta, so even just the Wang is huge
. Florida's about 16 hours from southeast to northwest, IIRC (this is going off my time driving from Orlando to Pensacola, and a good friend's time driving from Lakeland to Miami).
TrailerParkJawa wrote:People often think California is the state of beaches and sunshine. While most of the state is sunny a great deal of the time, most of the state is no where near a beach. Let alone a nice beach with warm water.
Bah. Florida's not even all that sunny, and we're the Sunshine State (as well as CA). During the summer, it's a rare day when we
don't have rain. Sure, it'll be a nice, semi-cloudy day for about 6 hours, but those storms are nasty. Ask Xeno how bad some of the roads flood in Orlando, which is the center of the state and gets relatively lesser storms compared to the coast. And I'm about ready to leave the state if I get caught in a hurricane again. Three plus a half dozen tropical storms is enough.