FROM: Commonwealth Department of Commerce (Desjardins)GNN Headline News:
In other news, the goverment of the PRC has inititated legal action against Gunsmith Unlimited, and Aegean Hypergate, contending that they have violated anti-spam laws, and for theft of ansible time. If the government wins, they will likely attempt to initiate extradition proceedings for the top officials of those companies.
TO: Diplomatic Office, PRC
SUBJ: Suits against TSC- based Corporations
Your recent attempts to illegally sue Three Suns Commonwealth based corporations for breaches of international treaties the Commonwealth has not signed are clearly out of order. In the Three Suns Commonwealth, we believe in free trade and expression. Your immoral "antispam" laws have no hold over us.
Both Aegean HyperTech and Gunsmith Unlimited paid for the usage of Commonwealth ansible transmitters, as is permissible in our free market.
Any attempts to force extradition of Commonwealth citizens will be met by the full might of the Commonwealth.
Thank you for your time.