What kind of scale do you prefer for RTS?

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Which do you prefer?

Give me the command of all the forces of the realm! Large scale death and destruction!
Small scale tac ops for me.
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What kind of scale do you prefer for RTS?

Post by PrinceofLowLight »

Do you prefer to be a general or a sergeant?

The main thing I don't like about WarCraft 3 is the small army size. It always felt more like you were hiring henchmen for your Hero than actually building an army. I eat up games with a fairly large scale, like Total Annihilation and Cossacks, however.

How about y'all?
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Post by Chardok »

I like smaller groups. I can magae them better. I like stealthy shit, too. So that helps. I just can't get a good grasp of macro-wars. Hard 4 me to do.
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Post by Pu-239 »

I like large numbers that can be moved around in groups.

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Post by Howedar »

C&C scale at a minimum. Cossacks scale is preferable.
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Post by Shinova »

Total Annihilation scale's good for me.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Depends on the type of game.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Absolutely huge.

Unless I'm playing a Tom Clancy Squad game...small groups are just tedious.

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Post by Ace Pace »

can I say Total war size armies?
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Depends... for pure, traditional RTSs, then larger scale (e.g., C&C, Age of Empires, Rise of Nations). I hate WC3. I hope all copies of it spontaneously combust and cause a head crash of the disk they're on.

Then there's the games that skirt the line between RTS and wargame (Total War series)... obviously, those need to be laaaaaaarge.

Squad Based Tacticals I prefer much smaller than the norm. Fallout Tactics, I prefer 1 or 2 guys, not the whole 6. In Chaos Gate, I liked to stick with just 1 squad, put the rest on overwatch.
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Post by Companion Cube »

Big. Cossacks-style big. But C&C scale is also good.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Shinova wrote:Total Annihilation scale's good for me.
Especially when you download the 5000-unit patch and use the cheat to get extra AI's, then play against them on a metal map in a race to win before the game locks up your computer from the vast numbers running around.

I like a couple small scale RTS games, but not many.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

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Fuck General where's the option for ADMIRIAL/Fleet Command?

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Post by Isolder74 »

I liKe the C & C scale armies where I can have as many tanks as I can afford and then steamroll anything in my way
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

I like theft, I like building most anything. I like logistics, and well thought defenses...

When I do attack it is with overwhelming force....

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Post by Hethrir »

Starcraft is puuurrfect.
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Post by God Emperor »

Hethrir wrote:Starcraft is puuurrfect.
No it isn't, I hate being limited to controling 12 units at once. Games like HomeWorld were you can command every thing in your fleet at once is perfect.
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Post by Zac Naloen »

i like starcrafts and warcraft 2's scale, i also like C&C, but only cos i can go crazy with my armies and have some fun.
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Post by Shortie »

Big is good, but OTOH Ground Control size is cool as well. Any scale can be done well, it doesn't bother me.
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Post by Sir Sirius »

I prefer small scale, I like to have a chance to actualy control the units individualy and be able to fight battles with means other then just brute force and numbers.
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Post by Gandalf »

I like the style of Age2 and SW:GB, a hundred or so units, some mass movement. Small groups annoy me, though sometimes I like to send small guerilla groups about to hit resource producers and Priests/Jedi.
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Post by phongn »

Sea Skimmer wrote:
Shinova wrote:Total Annihilation scale's good for me.
Especially when you download the 5000-unit patch and use the cheat to get extra AI's, then play against them on a metal map in a race to win before the game locks up your computer from the vast numbers running around.
There's nothing like running Total Annihlation at 2048x1536 (I've done it a few times on a lark). Of course, it's nearly impossible to control since you can barely read anything, but that's fine ...
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Post by Alferd Packer »

The larger the scale, the better. That's the STvSW mod for ST: Armada was a lot of fun, and I invariably play Zerg in SC, simply because I hate micromanagement. Ram them until they give up, and all that.
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Post by Typhonis 1 »

for very small tactical scale combat in space Star Fleet Command 2 is good for large scale 2 d Star trek Armda 2.

Ground Combat C+C scale is good
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

God Emperor wrote:
Hethrir wrote:Starcraft is puuurrfect.
No it isn't, I hate being limited to controling 12 units at once. Games like HomeWorld were you can command every thing in your fleet at once is perfect.
OK everyone form a line and move with the command ship to the resources at location X/Y/Z

oh, and starcraf/warcraft are only two dimensional....

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Post by Slartibartfast »

Kohan is the best. It owns all. Or I should say 0wnz.
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