Hey, I am something of a "Do what thou wilst" attitude in reguards to religion, Pampheteering on campus us just wrong because it DOES interfer with study and promote hatred. What in that act premotes hatred, simple combination of peer pressure, the need to eliminate the "Outsider", and the devicivness of children, particularly teenagers.
I remember both extremes of left and right trying to pamphlet my High School. The school administration let the Fundimentalists (But not the Greens) spread pamphlets until it became obvious that the mere act of providing children with information that cane be devicive results in crimes against others.
In college my roommate was a follower of Alister Crowley, My next dore on one side was a Rastamon, and his roomie was an Athiest, and on the otherside I had a Chick puplication loving Baptist, who was rooming with a Closet gay, neat freak (Ok, Fernando wasn't exactly Closested, his roomie was the ONLY one that didn't figure out that the Catholic he kept trying to convert was also into men.) This ecclectic bunch managed to survive living together with only some major conflicts over a two year span. (Still say no conflict was as bad as the radio wars were, Rufus and I won that battle by me moving Next door, and Mr. Rasta & Me playing Blues until everyone gave in.)