phongn wrote:"This is the internal sensor recording off of the AMS Narwhal. Needless to say, it was a merchant freighter flying the flag of the Aquarian Union. They somehow had been hit with a Type I infestation in their foodstock holds; they later picked up a rogue Type II when they visited the victim planet of your biowarfare strike.Alyrium Denryle wrote:Rechecking relevant data, we will conceed that it is possible, however unlikely, that a crossover between the two distinct xenomorph species is POSSIBLE, due to the propensity for the xenomorphs to mutate.
"We here quite clearly see the Queen Xenomorph using the Type II as breeding stock. Over the next week the Queen managed to capture the ship, though not before a crewer forced her out of hyperspace and broadcasted warnings to stay away. A Kzinti poison-warfare ship investigated and sent drones onboard. They found numerous eggs that had failed, but some that had not. Most importantly, the drones retreived nucleic acid from them.
"That evidence proves without a doubt that such crossover is possible and that it in fact happened. Your continued denials over the subject show what little the Aquarians apparently know about Xenomorph biology despite your nation's claim of genetic excellence. At this rate, the Kingdom will be forced to revoke recognition of accreditation for your universities in the biological fields. The information from the sensors and genetics are attached. In addition, extra genetic mapping has been attached from known-pure Type I and Type II Xenomorphs for comparison. "
Sweet mother void... We have ever observed anything like this. Granted, we are used to dealing with entirely different phylum of organisms... We thought we could control their genes to the point where a crossover was impossible... We have never encounted an organism with such rates of mutation.. we have performed countless uplifts, even of dangerous predators, and never encountered this.
It is obvious now to us that we did not know enough about Xenomorph biology to ever attempt this uplift. what is done is done, and we will not allow harm to come to our citizens but... In our zeal to grant the gift of choice we made a horrible mistake.
We woud propose a joint task-force to gather data on this subject, and to get us up to galactic standard on xenomorph biology... As well as to fight off infestation by these Type IIIs
For what it is worth... we apologize...