Some new Databank entries (Clone Wars related)

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Some new Databank entries (Clone Wars related)

Post by Vympel »

Anakin's Jedi Starfighter

The V-19 Torrent fighter

A Slayn & Korpil design (like the B-Wing).

Asajj Ventress

Clonetrooper Missile Launcher: part of the Merr-Sonn PLX series
Armed with a portable missile launcher, a single infantryman can transform into a piece of mobile artillery, capable of taking out enemy armored vehicles and fortifications while still only presenting a small and agile target for return fire. Merr-Sonn Munitions supplied the standard portable missile tube for both the clone troopers of the Clone Wars, and the Imperial troops of the Galactic Civil War.

The Merr-Sonn PLX series (or the "Plex," as it is called) of combination missile and rocket launcher quickly became the standard-issue weapon for rapid, high-powered response. The original edition that debuted in the Clone Wars, the PLX-1, could deliver explosive payloads capable of destroying a Trade Federation AAT.

The launcher is an over-the-shoulder device operated by one person. It fires "dumb" rockets in a line-of-sight attack, or can program and fire the smart GAM (gravity-activated mode) guided missile especially designed for the weapon. The Plex chambers one projectile, and holds a second in reserve.

A clone trooper selects the guided missile tracking mode with the push of a firing stud on the launcher housing. The two modes are EPR, which homes in on intense infrared sources such as vehicle exhaust, and GAM, which targets repulsorlift signatures coupled with specific vehicle silhouettes. A GAM missile can pursue a target for 40 kilometers before its fuel expires.

During the height of the Galactic Civil War, the PLX-2 and PLX-2M became standard, refining the launcher with lighter materials, a built-in microrepulsorlift stabilizing unit that acts as an "invisible tripod," and belt-worn firing triggers. The PLX-2M has a larger missile cartridge, allowing an Imperial trooper to carry six Arakyd 3t3 missiles or other specific payloads.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

And this also serves to confirm that Clone Wars is part of the EU and not Canon. Another issue cleared up.
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Post by JME2 »

Glade to see the issue wrapped up too.
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Post by neoolong »

Is there some mention anywhere of why Durge's armor seems able to take many blaster shots without damage?
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Post by Vympel »

neoolong wrote:Is there some mention anywhere of why Durge's armor seems able to take many blaster shots without damage?
Look at the Durge entry perhaps. Notice that Clone Wars hardly shows any armor damage at all. Stricken Clonetroopers fall over.
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Post by neoolong »

Yeah, but blaster bolts don't bounce off the armor like for Durge.
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Post by Vympel »

neoolong wrote:Yeah, but blaster bolts don't bounce off the armor like for Durge.
Magnetically sealed? :)
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Post by neoolong »

If I was a clone trooper, I'd be asking why I don't get cool toys like that. :D
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Post by vakundok »

I like the V-19.
The entry says that the prototypes were present at Geonosis. How was it possible? It is OK that their transports and equipment were close to the clone army, but prototypes from an other company? It would require that Slayn & Korpil also had knowledge about the secret armament program. Or did the clone fleet stop during the urgent trip to Geonosis to load some prototypes that were difficult to control?
Forget it. It is possible that an overseeer purchased new prototype things and carried them secretly to the fleet.

At least, it makes clear that Clone Wars happens at least months after the battle of Geonosis.
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Post by Stormbringer »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:And this also serves to confirm that Clone Wars is part of the EU and not Canon. Another issue cleared up.
Why was the issue ever in doubt? The other made for tv movies and specials are all less than canon (though possibly set higher than the rest of the EU).
vakundok wrote:I like the V-19.
The entry says that the prototypes were present at Geonosis. How was it possible? It is OK that their transports and equipment were close to the clone army, but prototypes from an other company? It would require that Slayn & Korpil also had knowledge about the secret armament program. Or did the clone fleet stop during the urgent trip to Geonosis to load some prototypes that were difficult to control?
Forget it. It is possible that an overseeer purchased new prototype things and carried them secretly to the fleet.

At least, it makes clear that Clone Wars happens at least months after the battle of Geonosis.

The naval build up (if we accept the EU of course) occurred much more openly; in fact it was done pretty brazenly. Acquiring a new fighter isn't going to be that remarkable when Palpatine was building things like the Katana-dreadnaughts, Acclamators, and presumably starting the Victory Star Destroyer.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Stormbringer wrote:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:And this also serves to confirm that Clone Wars is part of the EU and not Canon. Another issue cleared up.
Why was the issue ever in doubt? The other made for tv movies and specials are all less than canon (though possibly set higher than the rest of the EU).
I think it was due to the length of time between Clone Wars and the last television incarnation of SW, which was roughly fifteen years.

I'm guessing that because of it, people weren't exactly sure if LucasFilm would classify CW the same way.
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Post by Death from the Sea »

I find this interesting
Databank Entry Asajj Ventress wrote:Asajj has perfected a lightsaber combat form that uses paired blades to strike and parry. She carried twin weapons given to her by Count Dooku, and each bears a similar archaic curved handle design favored by the former Jedi Master. Ventress' lightsaber handles are especially modified so that they can connect into a joined, S-shaped handle, becoming a double-bladed lightsaber.
It implies that the curved style of the saber hilt is older than that of the straight hilt we are used to seeing. I wonder why they would have changed? I also think it is somewhat neat her sabers interlock.
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Post by vakundok »

Death from the Sea wrote:I find this interesting
Databank Entry Asajj Ventress wrote:Asajj has perfected a lightsaber combat form that uses paired blades to strike and parry. She carried twin weapons given to her by Count Dooku, and each bears a similar archaic curved handle design favored by the former Jedi Master. Ventress' lightsaber handles are especially modified so that they can connect into a joined, S-shaped handle, becoming a double-bladed lightsaber.
It implies that the curved style of the saber hilt is older than that of the straight hilt we are used to seeing. I wonder why they would have changed? I also think it is somewhat neat her sabers interlock.
Maybe that kind of hilt is better for the older (conventional) fighting style. The older (Dooku's) style was better against an other sabre, but worse against blaster fire.

However, giving a new style weapon to someone who mastered an other type is like giving a lance to a swordman.
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Post by Vympel »

That might've been the point- notice that Dooku doesn't train her in any Sith techniques (so as not to violate Sith tradition) and as far as Palaptine is concerned, she's just a tool to kill a few Jedi- he doesn't have any illusions that Anakin will deal with her.
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Death from the Sea wrote:It implies that the curved style of the saber hilt is older than that of the straight hilt we are used to seeing. I wonder why they would have changed? I also think it is somewhat neat her sabers interlock.
I kinda thought that was implied in the AOTC SW:VD tho.
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