Animatrix - Cain and Abel (Matrix crossover)

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Post by Trytostaydead »

I'm just waiting for the architect to say, "Fuck this.." and load in pulse-rifle equivalents into the Agents' jackets.
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Post by Comosicus »


I'm new here and I must admit this fanfic was the reason I registered. I can hardly wait to see what's happening next. Keep up the good work Stravo

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Post by Stravo »

Comosicus wrote:Hello,

I'm new here and I must admit this fanfic was the reason I registered. I can hardly wait to see what's happening next. Keep up the good work Stravo

Welcome Comosicus. Check out some of my other work if you like what you're reading here. In particular Starcrossed is considered by many the centerpiece of my work. Also we have a healthy and thriving fanfic section with a group of talented as hell writers.
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Post by Comosicus »

Stravo wrote:Welcome Comosicus. Check out some of my other work if you like what you're reading here. In particular Starcrossed is considered by many the centerpiece of my work. Also we have a healthy and thriving fanfic section with a group of talented as hell writers.
Thank you for your welcome. It may not be the perfect place for this posting, but I must admit that I've devoured 32 chapters from Starcrossed in about 2 days. It surely get's one emerged into story.

:angelic: that will keep me busy until the next chapter of Cain and Abel is released...hope so :twisted:
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Post by Comosicus »

Where is that chapter? :banghead:

I want it ....

:shock: MY PRECIOUSSSSSS :shock:
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Post by 2000AD »

Comosicus wrote:Where is that chapter? :banghead:

I want it ....

:shock: MY PRECIOUSSSSSS :shock:
Give the guy a break! He's already writing 4 (or is it 5?) fanfics !
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Post by Comosicus »

200AD wrote:
Comosicus wrote:
Where is that chapter?

I want it ....


Give the guy a break! He's already writing 4 (or is it 5?) fanfics !
:roll: just kidding, man! :mrgreen:

I realy appreciate Stravo's effort ... but sometimes I just can't stop myself wishing things going faster.

:mrgreen: BE CAREFULL WHAT YOU WISH FOR :mrgreen:

isn't it? :wink:
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

Comosicus wrote:
200AD wrote:
Comosicus wrote:
Where is that chapter?

I want it ....


Give the guy a break! He's already writing 4 (or is it 5?) fanfics !
:roll: just kidding, man! :mrgreen:

I realy appreciate Stravo's effort ... but sometimes I just can't stop myself wishing things going faster.

:mrgreen: BE CAREFULL WHAT YOU WISH FOR :mrgreen:

isn't it? :wink:
Hope it's all right if I mention this here, Stravo -- Comosicus, if you need some Matrix fanfic to tide you over between chapter's of Cain & Abel, feel free to check out The Matrix: Preloaded.
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Post by Stravo »

Chapter 15: Storming the Keep

“Watch out!”

“Get men up to the front!”

“Someone secure the rear and break out the automatic weapons.”

“Anyone seen the flak jackets?”

Sarah groggily awoke to the sounds of raised voices and running feet. In her troubled dreams she heard shouts of alarm and a loud staccato burst of machine gun fire. That had forced her to slowly sit up, fighting the sleep and fatigue that had overwhelmed her on the couch only hours ago.

At least it felt like hours ago.

She looked around quickly, eyes widening slowly as she saw shadows moving rapidly past the frosted windows of the office.

This was not a dream. This was slowly becoming terrifying.

Unbidden, Reese’s words floated to the surface of her consciousness. He’ll wade through you and reach down her throat and pull out her heart.

She quickly rose from the couch and her eyes searched the office desperately.

Suddenly the door snapped open and Traxler stuck his head in.

“Sarah, stay here. You’ll be safe.”

“What’s happening?” she demanded.

“Just stay here and I’ll come get you in a few minutes.” his words were punctuated by another burst of machine gun fire that sounded startlingly close. He shut the door and locked it before moving on, his shadow behind the frosted window vanishing in a burst of motion.

Sarah knew better than to stand anywhere near the door at this point and quickly found herself a place to hide under one of the desks and placed hands over her ears and rocked back and forth wondering briefly if perhaps, just maybe, Kyle Reese had not been lying to her at all.

The three agents paused as if listening to something far away as the sounds of battle erupted close by. Kyle tensed. The bastard was making his move and he was stuck here.

“We have an intrusion.”

“Alien machine entities have been positively identified.”

“All other priorities rescinded.”

The three agents rose as one and quickly fished heavy pistols out of their jackets. They filed out of the interrogation and Jackson the last one out stopped to face a nervous looking police officer and pointed back to Kyle.

“Watch him.”

The officer nodded slowly and watched as the agents calmly marched towards the sounds of battle. Kyle was ready to pounce and slowly positioned himself to strike as the stunned officer slowly backed into the Interrogation room and closed the door with one hand while reaching for his gun with the other.

Kyle sprang from his chair like a leopard and pounced on the officer, kneeing him in the small of his back and using his body weight to slam him into the door with a bone jarring impact. The door knob striking the officer in the temple. He grunted and slid to the floor drifting in and out of consciousness.

Kyle wasted no time and turned around and clumsily reached for the officer’s keys on his belt with his bound hands while looking up desperately in the hope that he could be free in time to actually do something.

Morpheus and Trinity walked at a rapid pace not slowing down as they strode right into the depths of the station. Two officers turned a corner fumbling for their hand guns. Morpheus whipped his hand out and struck the officer closest to him on the chin sending him sprawling to the ground as Trinity delivered a quick snap kick to the other officer’s solar plexus causing him to double over where she finished him with a hard chop to the base of his skull.

They did not break stride.

“Link?” Morpheus asked as he snapped his phone open when crossing another corridor. More police officers could be seen streaming around them trying to get to the front of the station.

“He’s down that hall, make a left and you’ll come to the interrogation rooms. He’s in the last one to your right. Oh Shit!”

Morpheus saw it as well, two SWAT officers had set up an ambush in the T intersection that they needed to cross to get into the heart of the precinct and the interrogation rooms beyond. They were aiming their M-16’s with deadly intent when they saw the black garbed trio and did not hesitate to open fire.

The bullets swarmed between Trinity and Morpheus as time dilated and they broke into spinning back flips away from their attackers. Morpheus flipped over a desk and as he landed he cleared two machine pistols from his long leather trench coat and crouched behind the desk waiting to strike.

Trinity flipped back down the side corridor and drew her 9MM Baretta and took a deep breath as she assessed the situation. They could not afford to get pinned down here. Her thoughts briefly flickered over to Neo and wondered whether he was truly fine handling those new machines.

She had never shaken her first impression of him as a lost young man when they first met. He could never be the One to her. He was much more the young inexperienced Neo still trying to find his place in the world.

Neo did not hesitate to launch his attack on the male Terminator. He took to the air and delivered three quick successive kicks to its head, driving it back with jackhammer like blows. The female was already in motion, with one free hand she delivered a murderous fusillade with her Uzi, several officers were brought down by the precise bursts while with the other she grabbed Neo’s knee and pulled hard.

Neo was pulled out of his aerial attack and driven into the ruined front desk with a thunderous crash. She followed through with a kick, raised up high and bringing her foot down on his skull with full intent of crushing it into paste. Neo’s arms snapped up and caught her foot, twisted it with a flick of his wrist, the sound of metal rending on metal was quickly followed by the crash of the female terminator landing on the front hood of the car, crashing through into the engine block itself.

Neo rose up spinning and landed in a defensive crouch, arms extended in a classic white crane stance.

The male terminator ignored him and had already surged past the ruined security barrier and was intent on penetrating deeper into the precinct as the female Terminator simply pulled herself out of the ruined engine block.

Neo turned to strike the male terminator when it stopped short as several rounds smashed against its chest and face. A small squad of police officers, several firing one handed while slinging their flak jackets on with the other had formed a tight phalanx in front of the main corridor. More were rushing to the fray.

The Terminator grimly aimed and fired. Officers cried out in surprise and pain as bullets neatly punched through joints and weak points in the tactical armor. The return fire was desperate and urgent as it focused exclusively on the advancing Terminator. It continued forward, blasting its machine pistols and reloading as it moved.

Neo turned as he heard the sound of metal shrieking as it was torn apart and watched the female terminator effortlessly heft the ruined engine block of the car and launch it towards the phalanx of SWAT officers.

The male Terminator did not even turn around, it simply crouched down and took the brief respite to reload both machine pistols as the engine block sailed overhead. neo noted that it had known the attack was coming without seeing it, they must be able to communicate with each other without speaking. Were they connected in some way as the agents were?

The engine block sailed right into the packed corridor as more alert officers scrambled out of the way. The men screamed as bones snapped under the devastating impact of the flying hunk of metal. One man was pinned directly under the engine block, crimson blood smearing the valves and walls as one arm reflexively convulsed several times.

“How the fuck do you stop that thing!” One of the wounded men exclaimed in despair and fired a short burst from his M-16.

Neo stepped past the rubble and grabbed the male Terminator with a firm hold on his shoulder and pulled him around. The Terminator did not hesitate and it dropped its weapons as it was turned and delivered a two handed shove right into Neo’s mid-section.

Neo was launched backwards right through the ruined front doors of the precinct and vanished out of sight. The male Terminator exchanged a glance with the female Terminator and nodded. As it turned to pick up its weapon the engine block crashed into its side and pinned the Terminator down to the floor.

The female looked up sharply, weapons ready.

Jackson, Johnson and Thompson stood in the breach and held their pistols at the ready. Thompson adjusted his tie and jacket slightly after hefting and tossing the engine block.

“You will not pass.” Jackson stated grimly.

“This incursion ends here.” Johnson added.

The female terminator examined each one with a critical eye for a moment.

“You cannot stop me.” she said coldly and suddenly dropped her weapons and reached into her jacket whipping out a plasma blaster. The agents split up quickly firing as they moved.

The female Terminator opened fire, her plasma weapon fire tearing fist sized chunks out of the concrete and masonry of the precinct. The agents’ return fire whizzed into her flesh and stopped short by the hyper alloy chassis. She began moving forward as the Agents circled in closer like a pack of wolves.

Underneath the engine block the male Terminator was running a quick self diagnostic loop caused by the massive and sudden damage. As it finished running the diagnostic he received a new flagged encoded message from his link with the mainframe outside the construct. In order to maintain optimum secrecy and security Terminator units only checked in with the mainframe at randomized times and usually not more than three times in a day and never from the same location.

Its eyes snapped open.

A new directive had been downloaded into its core matrix.

Sarah heard a crash that seemed to shake the very foundations of the building and she bit back a scream of surprise. She heard more gunfire close by and a pair of men raced by the office casting long shadows into the office.

“How many are they saying?!”

“It’s a full fledged fucking assault!” The other one replied breathlessly.

Sarah slowly peered over the edge of the desk. A shadow slowly approached, quietly and furtively. Her eyes narrowed on the shadow as it loomed in the frosted glass of the door and slowly tested the door knob. Sarah’s fingers tensed on the edge of the desk, she could feel her nails digging into the grain of the desk.

The door knob finished turning and suddenly it turned violently from side to side.

Her lips tightened and she fought every urge to scream, instead suddenly her eyes began searching the desk for a weapon.

The shadow pulled back and suddenly lurched forward slamming into the door and knocking it off its hinges. The figures rushed into the room. Sarah ducked back under the desk as she pulled a paperweight down with her. She held it close to her chest and rocked silently back and forth fighting the fear that was almost choking her.

Someone was stalking through the office.

“Sarah?” He called out.

Her eyes widened and her heart nearly stopped.

“Reese!” She exclaimed and pulled herself out from under the desk. Kyle nodded grimly as he took her hand.

“Come on, we’re getting out of here.”

“What’s happening?” she asked desperately as she followed him into another office, away from the sounds of battle.

“We don’t want to be anywhere near what’s happening out there.” Reese replied dryly as he tried to find his way through the mazelike nest of offices.

Morpheus popped out from behind the desk and unleashed a steady burst of fire at the SWAT ambush team. The bullets chewed through some of the column where they were crouched behind and splintered a desk top nearby.

Trinity took her cue and flipped into the corridor intersection. The SWAT team opened fire but Trinity was not going to be where they thought. They concentrated their fire at the point where they knew she would land as she sailed into the intersection but they certainly did not expect her to suddenly grab hold of an overhanging pipe and pull herself up on the ceiling and run across it pouring fire into the position.

One of the SWAT officers cried out clutching his throat as the other tried to correct his angle of fire at Trinity’s impossible position. Morpheus was leaping across the gulf in a single long legged stride and landed behind the final SWAT officer and grabbed his M-16 stock and jammed it up into his chin. The SWAT officer fell backwards and slumped into unconsciousness.

Trinity and Morpheus looked at each other and nodded.

“This way.”

They raced down the last hallway and stopped at the interrogation room. Morpheus pushed the door in and stopped short as he saw the unconscious police officer lying sprawled out on the floor.

“Looks like he’s gotten himself loose.” Trinity noted casually.

“Looks like the boy can take care of himself.” Morpheus added with a respectful smile.

“I don’t know about you but I’m not up for another chase through the city to find him.” Trinity noted with concern.

“We also don’t have much time. We’ve probably missed the meeting and that could prove to be disastrous. Something is threatening Zion and we are not there to help.” Morpheus noted coldly.

“You know Neo won’t leave him.” Trinity replied.

Morpheus nodded slowly.

“I’m afraid this could be a problem.”

The female Terminator dodged Jackson’s roundhouse kick, ducking under it and firing a burst from her plasma blaster right into Jackson’s exposed crotch area. The Agent barely had time to open his mouth and scream when he was consumed by the bright crimson energy blast.

Johnson grabbed the female terminator by the mane of her hair and jerked her backwards hard and then lurched her forward face first into a wall. She reached around without hesitation and fired another blast that blew off Johnson’s shoulder. The agent stumbled backwards clutching his ruined shoulder, smoke still rising from the wound.

Thompson started to move in as the female extricated herself from the wall, turning at her waist to fire when a black blur flashed by and struck the Terminator with a boom like thunder and the female Terminator vanished through the far wall in a cloud of debris and dust that slowed down as time dilated upon the impact.

Thompson regarded Neo for a moment, an almost cold fury in his eyes as neo turned casually to face him, one hand extended out in a welcoming motion.

“I’m back.” Neo said simply.

Thompson said nothing but launched his attack with a silent swift kick that Neo casually blocked. Thompson’s attacks grew quicker in intensity Neo blocking each one in an almost dreamy state. Johnson in his wounded state leapt overhead with a flying kick Neo ducked under the blow, catching the agent’s leg and spinning him out of the precinct gaping front entrance.

The male Terminator was watching the exchange with a cold interest while it transmitted the images of the battle to the mainframe. A beacon was going off as well guiding in the strike team.

ETA: 3 minutes.

“This way.” Reese urged. Sarah followed him through the winding corridors.

They saw shadows at the end of the next hallway. Reese paused and drew the gun he had taken off the unconscious officer. he held one hand up to Sarah to hold and wait. He inched around the corner and his eyes widened for a moment and Sarah saw his face break out into a wide grin.

“Morpheus! Trinity!”


Sarah paused as she saw the large intense looking black man and the dangerous looking woman in black vinyl round the corner.

“Are you alright?” Trinity asked.

“There’s not time. We have to leave.”

“Where’s Neo?” Kyle asked concerned.

“He can take care of himself. I’m more concerned about us and getting out of here.” Morpheus replied. His eyes drifted over to Sarah.

“That’s her?” Trinity asked.

“Yes. We need to pull her out of the construct now.”

“That may not be possible.” Morpheus stated grimly as he eyed the terrified woman.

“Then I’m not going anywhere….sir.” Reese added when he saw Morpheus’ expression change to one of controlled anger.

“That’s not an option soldier.”

“Unfortunately for me it is. I have my orders. I have to protect her no matter what the cost.”

Morpheus sighed softly and grabbed both Kyle and Sarah. He started to lead them out of the precinct through a side entrance avoiding the tell tale sounds of battle as every officer that remained was rushing to the front of the building.

“Look Kyle,” Morpheus began as they rushed through semi darkened rooms. The battle had been drawn deeper into the building and the power was suddenly knocked off line. “We can’t just leave you here. That’s not an option. The ship has to remain at broadcast depth to maintain your position here in the Matrix. So by staying here you are forcing me to make a decision.”

“You won’t kill me sir.” Kyle replied without skipping a beat.

“Kyle what kind of friends are these?” Sarah interjected.

They stopped short at a fire exit. Morpheus looked into Kyle’s eyes, Kyle’s face was reflected in his mirrored shades.

“How do you know I won’t make that decision?”

“Because sir, you know what its like to believe in something so much that your life is no longer significant as long as the mission is completed.” Kyle replied coolly, his gaze not leaving Morpheus’.

“We are running out of time.” Trinity warned.

Morpheus frowned.

“Your condemning us to stay her at broadcast depth.”

“I’m trying to fulfill my mission.”

“There’s another way.” Trinity pressed, glancing back into the building.

Morpheus looked at Sarah.

“What I am about to tell you will change your life.”

“Believe me, buddy, my life has already changed.” Sarah spat back sardonically.

“And if I were to tell you that everything you know is a dream, that all this,” he opened his arms to indicate the area around them. “was not real?”

Sarah blinked and looked from Morpheus to Kyle.

“You’re both crazy aren’t you?” she whispered.

Neo rolled over Thompson’s shoulder and delivered a two legged kick right into Johnson’s face sending him sailing backwards into a column which cracked at its base upon impact and Johnson slumped down to the floor. Neo landed behind Thompson and delivered a hammer kick to the base of his spine. Thompson collapsed to the floor not moving at all.

He turned suddenly on the Terminator which had watched the battle but did not intervene.

“Hold here.” the Terminator said coldly.

“I’m not holding still for anyone.”

“You have no choice.” The interior of the precinct’s common area was flooded by intense white light and the high pitched whine of turbojets. Neo looked into the light and watched as a hunter killer slowly descended to several meters above the ground, a large antipersonnel cannon slung under its nose snapped over in his general direction.

The belly section slid open and several shapes descended with mechanical precision. They entered the ruin of the front office, glass and concrete crunching underneath their feet as they walked. Five figures stood stoically facing Neo.

“Fellas.” Neo nodded to the newcomers.

“You will come with us.” the woman said simply. She was tall and statuesque, beautiful to the point of being inhuman, not a single blemish or flaw on her body she moved with precision and purpose. Her long blonde tresses very nearly glowed in the flood lights stabbing out from the Hunter Killer.

“I’ve fought you before. What makes you think five is going to be any different than three?” Neo asked with a soft smirk.

“We are not what you faced before. You battled with obsolete models.” she said coolly and suddenly her hand morphed into a cannon. The four figures behind her were revealed in the cold flood lights as amorphous liquid metal humanoid shapes. Their hands were slowly growing into blades with a cold metal hiss.

“Now you face us.”

Neo adjusted his sunglasses then his coat's collar. He opened his right hand and made a welcoming gesture.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Nicely done.

The end is set up nicely, and you mixed in the precient scene with the addition of being in the Matrix well.

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Post by Comosicus »

Neo adjusted his sunglasses then his coat's collar. He opened his right hand and made a welcoming gesture.
Things are about to become interesting!
4 T-100 and TX (If I understand correctly) vs The One. "Ave Caesar moritori te salutant!"

And, this time looks like someone will have take the pill, no matter what.

Well done Stravo.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Great chapter. Cool ending. I can just see neo casually saying bring it to the T-1000s. Please tell us he bearly makes it out alive. Please?
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Post by 2000AD »

SOmething that might actually challenge NEo this time. All you need to do now is bring in Smith :twisted:
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Post by Comosicus »

2000AD wrote:SOmething that might actually challenge NEo this time. All you need to do now is bring in Smith :twisted:
only one Smith? Remember this:
Agent Smith in Matrix Reloaded wrote:The good thing about me is that there are SO MANY me!
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Post by Trytostaydead »

Good chapter Stravo, but what I don't understand is this. At least according to the movies the Agents' powers were carefully regulated within the bounds of the physics of the Matrix so that they were incredibly strong and fast but the One would be able to school them.

With the new incursion, and presumably with new data on Skynet I would presume that the Matrix would at least re-upgrade their Agents or give them better weapons (since the plasma cannons are "real," I would expect that the Matrix could incorporate something similar themselves without bending or breaking their physics model).. but then again, I'm still waiting to see what the connection between Skynet and the Matrix is!
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Post by Crown »

Crazedwraith wrote:Great chapter. Cool ending. I can just see neo casually saying bring it to the T-1000s. Please tell us he bearly makes it out alive. Please?
Yes because the T-1000 and was sooo much stronger than Arnies T-800 series in T2 that Arnie didn't last more than a few minutes- wait a minute ...

The only threat to Neo is Smith (when he has assimilated the enitre construct) and Skynet, anything more is just ridiculous.
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Post by Omega-13 »

Awsome chapter, the agents are getting their asses kicked left right and center, butttttt I guess thats ok in the name of plot :)

I have a feeling Smith is going to turnout more powerful than skynet thinks

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Post by NecronLord »

Crown wrote: Yes because the T-1000 and was sooo much stronger than Arnies T-800 series in T2 that Arnie didn't last more than a few minutes- wait a minute ...
That would depend on what kind of weapon the T-X is using. Even so, a hit from one of those plasma weapons would ruin even Neo's day (though personally, I think the flamethrower would work more effectively). And then there's the HK itself.

I also thought it was meant to be five T-Xs. They may be crap infiltrators, but this is an ideal situation for 'em, no infiltration required.
The only threat to Neo is Smith (when he has assimilated the enitre construct) and Skynet, anything more is just ridiculous.
Or skynet itself...
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Post by 2000AD »

Crown wrote:
Crazedwraith wrote:Great chapter. Cool ending. I can just see neo casually saying bring it to the T-1000s. Please tell us he bearly makes it out alive. Please?
Yes because the T-1000 and was sooo much stronger than Arnies T-800 series in T2 that Arnie didn't last more than a few minutes- wait a minute ...
Ar-nuld's only good fight against the T-1000 was the one in the mall and even then he got thrown around. Most of the other fights consisted of the T-1000 getting plugged full of lead to delay him. When he finally got to the big fight at the steel mill, ar-nuld got owned! Arnuld couldn't punch or even whack the T-1000 with an iron pole effectively and the fight for the most part consisted of the T-1000 schooling him with said iron pole and an I-bar. If the T-1000 had finished ar-nuld off proper, or even just got rid of the grenade launcher Connor would be a shish kebab!
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Post by Crown »

NecronLord wrote:
Crown wrote: Yes because the T-1000 and was sooo much stronger than Arnies T-800 series in T2 that Arnie didn't last more than a few minutes- wait a minute ...
That would depend on what kind of weapon the T-X is using. Even so, a hit from one of those plasma weapons would ruin even Neo's day (though personally, I think the flamethrower would work more effectively). And then there's the HK itself.

I also thought it was meant to be five T-Xs. They may be crap infiltrators, but this is an ideal situation for 'em, no infiltration required.
Why would these things work where bullets failed? I think you are missing a critical step in logic here.
The only threat to Neo is Smith (when he has assimilated the enitre construct) and Skynet, anything more is just ridiculous.
Or skynet itself...
Did we fail reading and comprehesion? :) :wink:
Last edited by Crown on 2003-12-03 08:06am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Crown »

2000AD wrote:
Crown wrote:Yes because the T-1000 and was sooo much stronger than Arnies T-800 series in T2 that Arnie didn't last more than a few minutes- wait a minute ...
Ar-nuld's only good fight against the T-1000 was the one in the mall and even then he got thrown around. Most of the other fights consisted of the T-1000 getting plugged full of lead to delay him. When he finally got to the big fight at the steel mill, ar-nuld got owned! Arnuld couldn't punch or even whack the T-1000 with an iron pole effectively and the fight for the most part consisted of the T-1000 schooling him with said iron pole and an I-bar. If the T-1000 had finished ar-nuld off proper, or even just got rid of the grenade launcher Connor would be a shish kebab!
So you admit that the T-1000 didn't show any substantial increase in strength over Arnie's standard T-800s series? All the T-1000 demonstrated was an amazing ability to withstand damage given the nature of his morphing abilities ... which means jack all to The One who can delete programs at will in the construct and alter it to the point where none of its programs affect him. Honestly.
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Post by NecronLord »

Crown wrote: Why would these things work where bullets failed? I think you are missing a critical step in logic here.
A flame thrower? It tends to have different characteristics you know.

As for the plasma weapons, well, given the ungodly momentum of the T-X's plasma bolts exploding, and assuming that Neo's bullet blocking ability isn't unlimited in its power, my money would be on it not really stopping such bolts. Failing which, proximity blasts may be quite effective also, and his ability to block weapons fire coming from multiple directions at once (above, and from the T-Xes) is unquantified.

But no, I agree, if I had to send any terminators to take out Neo, I do believe I've described Russel Blackford's sadistically advanced T-XA on this board in the past 8) EDIT: Interestingly enough, at one point one of them acts as a host for a cut-down version of Skynet. Stavro, have you an alternate identity you're writing under? :wink:

Did we fail reading and comprehesion? :) :wink:
:shock: (Note to self. Check posts written before 8AM for sanity in future.)

Point on the above. Neo didn't delete Smith, merely killed the avatar. I don't think we've ever seen him delete a program.
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Post by Crown »

NecronLord wrote:
Crown wrote: Why would these things work where bullets failed? I think you are missing a critical step in logic here.
A flame thrower? It tends to have different characteristics you know.

As for the plasma weapons, well, given the ungodly momentum of the T-X's plasma bolts exploding, and assuming that Neo's bullet blocking ability isn't unlimited in its power, my money would be on it not really stopping such bolts. Failing which, proximity blasts may be quite effective also, and his ability to block weapons fire coming from multiple directions at once (above, and from the T-Xes) is unquantified.

But no, I agree, if I had to send any terminators to take out Neo, I do believe I've described Russel Blackford's sadistically advanced T-XA on this board in the past 8)
I refer you to The Matrix, and The Matrix Revolutions. He took 3 (?) in the chest, he died, his heart rate flat lined, he realised he was The One and he woke up. So why would a flame thrower, a plasma rifle or even a piano dropped from on high by Road Runner change this?

In Revolutions we saw, quite clearly, that The One can operate his conscienes both in the 'real world' and in the 'construct' while not even being plugged in, clearly more proof that 'killing him in the construct' could not affect him in the real world unless he chooses too.
Did we fail reading and comprehesion? :) :wink:
:shock: (Note to self. Check posts written before 8AM for sanity in future.)
It's okay :)
Point on the above. Neo didn't delete Smith, merely killed the avatar. I don't think we've ever seen him delete a program.
Seek to clarify the point, Neo sent Smith to the recycle bin, however as demonstrated in the films (Reloaded and Revolutions) by Smith, the Architect and the Oracle, Smith's choice to not be deleted was pre-ordained and necessary. Prove other programs could make the same choice.
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Post by NecronLord »

Crown wrote: I refer you to The Matrix, and The Matrix Revolutions. He took 3 (?) in the chest, he died, his heart rate flat lined, he realised he was The One and he woke up. So why would a flame thrower, a plasma rifle or even a piano dropped from on high by Road Runner change this?

In Revolutions we saw, quite clearly, that The One can operate his conscienes both in the 'real world' and in the 'construct' while not even being plugged in, clearly more proof that 'killing him in the construct' could not affect him in the real world unless he chooses too.
They don't need or want him dead, merely defeated, and then take him to Skynet. Invunerable though he is, he still feels pain and still tires.
Seek to clarify the point, Neo sent Smith to the recycle bin, however as demonstrated in the films (Reloaded and Revolutions) by Smith, the Architect and the Oracle, Smith's choice to not be deleted was pre-ordained and necessary. Prove other programs could make the same choice.
"You destroyed me, Mister Anderson."

Point conceeded.

And they are T-1000s... Ughhh... What the fuck was I on this morning? If you'd like to excuse me, I'll go and bash my head against the wall now.
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Post by Crown »

NecronLord wrote:They don't need or want him dead, merely defeated, and then take him to Skynet. Invunerable though he is, he still feels pain and still tires.
How will they defeat someone who can fly so fast that his wake can sweep up cars like they were made of paper? Look the only time Neo seemed tired at all was in Revolutions when he fought Smit to a standstill, and in the end he had to choose to give in.

"You destroyed me, Mister Anderson."

Point conceeded.

And they are T-1000s... Ughhh... What the fuck was I on this morning?
Again it's okay I knew what you meant. :)
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"Science is one cold-hearted bitch with a 14" strap-on" - Masuka 'Dexter'
"Angela is not the woman you think she is Gabriel, she's done terrible things"
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