Firstly let me say how glad I am to see that you have spent over a day thinking up this feeble flame.
Pointless preamble of smug insults noted.
Good Job! Again you ignore the definition of strawman, and fail to give any reason why they are invalid.
You admitted that the two situations weren't analogous, which effectively conceded your entire argument! Are you getting tired of backpedaling, yet? Make up your fucking mind.
If explaing to you why I use analogies is backpeddling then yes, I am backpeadaling
You used that analogy in the first place as a way to try and illustrate the flaws in Mike's original argument. After having your reasoning beat into a bloody pulp by Mike and myself, you shrunk back and tried to trivialize your original argument to minimize the amount of pride you'd lose. That is backpedaling. You seem to enjoy doing it.
flame flame what is your point Draco?
Hypocrisy. What was your point with your original flame?
This is a morality question whose answer can be determined through scientific reasoning. Is an embryo human? Biologically speaking, no. Does the embryo's potential to develop into a human equate to being human? Biologically speaking, no. So, why should we treat the embryo as if it were a human, again?blather. This is a morality question, were it a sceintific question, then there would be no argument, as it clearly works.
It's not a subjective opinion, you moron; it's simple observation. The embryo is not a human being. It is up to you to justify your personal, subjective opinion that it should be treated as such. All you've given in your defense is a poorly thought-out analogy and the unjustified assumption that its potential to become human equates to actually being human because of yet another unjustified assumption that natural mechanisms, in this case, are somehow benevolent, while artificial ones are evil.idiot
Your personal subjective opinion, explained on your site has nothing to do with the matter.
You've mindlessly repeated yourself and utterly failed to address my challenges. All you've done is spew the same bullshit with hopelessly uncreative insults attached.Repeating oneself so that ignoramuses is not a broken record tactic.
Function, not purpose
Answer the question.
Lack of response to my argument is noted. Your concession is accepted.Wow! you can reword the same thing, now this is a broken record
Bullshit. Your entire stance has been based on the premise that embryos should be treated as though they are human beings -- being afforded human rights -- even though they are clearly not humans.and this is a strawman please look for any post where I claimed it did, bubba
Incorrect reasoning, and an obiously shaky grasp of my argument.
Lack of response noted. Concession accepted.
You're the one who started flaming.Ohh Flame Flame, the last resort of the defeated
I'd put the same challenge to you. You didn't address anything I said; you've only buried your head in the sand and repeated yourself over and over. There is absolutely nothing new in this post compared to your last one. You even use the same insults, for fuck's sake! I've gone to utterly painful lengths to explain why your argument is a strawman and why it is you who have the subjective opinion. Yet, you still blather on, blissfully ignorant of your irrevocably flawed reasoning.Go back, read, try to understand, If you have nothing relevent, then say nothing at all
No, you misunderstand. Zero brain activity isn't some arbitrary choice for defining "brain-dead"; it's simply the logical way to define it. If there is no brain activity, you are brain-dead. This is just intuitively obvious to anyone. You've carried on these DarkStar-like debating tactics long enough. Just admit that you lost. Everyone can see it but you.You misunderstand, The choice of brain activity is arbitary.