Termatrix - Shattered

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Post by NecronLord »

2000AD wrote:Ah, but Neo isn't The One yet. Does that mean Neo's gonna get 0wned too? :D
Well, if you take what the Oracle says about terminators and destiny, they're immune to the whole destiny thing of the matrix (No fate but what we make). So if they shot Neo, unlike Cypher, nothing would stop them. :)
Last edited by NecronLord on 2003-11-11 06:53am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Jesus Christ! That's good, really good. Don't pussify the 850s like what Stravo did, okay?
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Post by NecronLord »

Part # Eight wrote:Smith stepped off the metallic underground train, the area around him was a mess. Craters had been gouged out of the walls, pillars cleaved through and melted. He looked around at the walls. MOBIL AVE was stencilled onto one of them. Near that, a hole had been smashed, inwards. Smith withdrew his pistol and walked towards it.

The tunnel beyond was darkened, lit only by the fitful spark of electrical cables. Something prompted smith’s mind to thing of the gaping maw of some vast beast. It was not a pleasant thought. He advanced cautiously.

As he passed, a fallen rock could be seen to change, unfortunately, Smith failed to notice its metamorphosis. The tunnel took a turn to the left and began to climb downwards.

The T-1000 stepped into its accustomed form as soon as it was sure that the agent had passed. It exchanged signals with its compatriots in the other timeline; the fly had entered the web.

Skynet’s sub-self watched in satisfaction as more equipment from the ruined cities was brought to its new headquarters. Soon its home in this reality would be ready to hold it. It did not think of leaving the safety of the Skynet system core with fear or trepidation, nor would it ever betray its parent, it would soon be an independent, and admittedly less advanced Skynet, left here to take control.

It moved to review the data on human behaviour constantly being filtered from the machine construct. The construct was useful, but in the end, if this timeline were to become the refuge it hoped for, then eventually, all potential threats must be destroyed, be they human, or machine. Skynet knew that both groups would one day decide it did not belong in their world, and act against it.

Skynet would act first. It checked the progress of its base here against projections. It knew that when it was destroyed in its home timeline – and it would be, Connor’s forces were marching on Colorado with the strength needed to assure a ninety percent chance of victory – it would need a refuge, somewhere where the humans would be unable to pursue it.

The super intelligent computer had no resentment toward Connor and the humans; they were only doing what it would have done in their situation, defending their lives from termination. Skynet also accepted its failure with ease, the numerical advantage the enemy had enjoyed had been too powerful for it to overcome in its own timeline, and it decided that it would have to find a timeline without such a crippling disadvantage. It had found one.

Still, when Connor destroyed Skynet’s equipment in its own timeline, it would loose its ability to project terminators into the construct, and to control the construct’s programs. Then the true battle would begin.

At its last count the enemy had assembled over two hundred and forty thousand sentinels, and many other battle units. Skynet knew that this numerical advantage was too great for it to overcome, even by subverting them.

More industrial capacity would be needed. And Skynet knew just where to shanghai such capacity. The great computer once more looked at the uplink for the Zion mainframe.

Its attention was snapped back by a signal from one of the terminators. The upgraded security program it had detected before had continued onward toward the interface, soon it had crossed. Then Skynet would engage it, and subvert it. If that were possible, if not, it was confident in its ability to triumph in any engagement.

Smith looked at the shimmering glass wall. Beyond was an empty vault that seemed to stretch off to infinity, an endless corridor of steel. He stepped through the interface with a force of will, the air shining like glass and feeling like honey as he pressed through it.

As he stepped through a clear voice spoke, “Welcome Agent Smith, I am pleased that you have arrived.

Trinity floored the accelerator, and glanced nervously at the rear view mirror. The agent hadn’t appeared behind them yet. Her cell phone rang once, and she threw it to Apoc,

“Apoc,” he said, expectantly, keeping his head down, and still looking around for the super-agent.

“It’s Morpheus, I need all of you to trust me,”

“Trust you?”

“Yes, you must get Neo out, now.”


“Yes, the Oracle told me before I left, he is the one.” Apoc rolled his eyes, and breathed out loudly.

“Trin, feel like picking up Neo and hoping the super-agent doesn’t decide to drop by?” he said sarcastically.

She looked out of the window once, and turned the wheel in the appropriate direction. “Trinity,” exclaimed Switch, holding onto one of the vehicle’s doors.

“Don’t ask,” she said, “it’s just something I feel I have to do.”

Serena watched on one of the screens as Agent Brown left the Oracle’s corpse. “I have one of them here now,” said the voice of Skynet, “They have the potential to harm your operation, terminate the other.

“Very well,” she said, already in motion.

And go yourself, replied the supercomputer.

“My offensive capabilities are limited,” she stated, though she knew Skynet had that data.

I have the utmost confidence in you,” it said back.

Serena continued, confused by the, machine’s suddenly boosted opinion of her, she was ain I-950, and infiltrator, not a combat unit. She was mostly human, a cybernetic organism designed to be able to imitate them more effectively than terminators.

Trinity knocked on the door of Neo’s apartment, room one oh one, though the significance was lost on her. “Tomas Anderson?” she shouted, “NEO!”

A few moments later the door was opened, and a dark haired man peered out, “Who are you?” he asked.

“No time to explain, we’ve got to get you out of here, now,” she said, after a moment she said, “we work for Morpheus.”

A minute later they were shuffling the confused hacker out to the car. A man, in a sharp, but forgettable suit, wearing dark glasses barred their way. He lashed out instantly, killing Apoc and Switch in single strokes each. Neo stopped, watching in astonishment

Agent Brown stopped, something was wrong. A hail of projectiles flew toward him; he dodged, as half a dozen figures stopped firing. There were two women, both tall and blonde, trinity recognised one as one of the new machines, but the other was new, she wore a knife on her hip and carried an MP7 PDW In one hand. The agent was already in motion, attacking the newcomers.

Serena flew back and hit the wall with a dull cracking sound; she could see the super agent looking at her, with an expression of contempt. She could feel her organs rupturing; she was clearly outmatched by the program. Something from the machine part of her mind prompted 'strategy nine thousand eighty five. Then she collapsed onto the floor, her eyes staring blankly into space.

Brown turned, and attacked the nearest T-850, moving with impossible speed he picked up the machine and threw it into a T-1000. The force splattered the poly-mimetic terminator into a cloud of droplets.

The T-X stepped forward and attacked the agent, but even its formidable strength was insufficient, and it was smashed aside.

With the final terminator disposed of, he advanced on the remaining Zionists.

Serena could hear the voice of Skynet in her mind; “I have confidence in you for this reason. You are adaptable enough to know that you are not dead, you do not require a system reset, Serena the construct cannot harm you. Complete your mission.

Her eyes flicked open. 'Strategy nine thousand eighty five' - she remembered what her internal computer had made her do. Play dead. She knew now what must be done to suceed in her mission.

The parameters of the construct were fluid, breakable. Time slowed down for everyone around her, she could see the Zionist female identified as Trinity struggling as she was held one handed by the agent, who was about to land a blow onto the stunned male human. He stopped, dropping the Zionist and turning. The look on his face was of stunned shock. He charged at Serena seeming as though her were mired in glue.

The agent aimed another excessive punch at her, this time her head. Serena blocked the punch, something was different, and the entire area seemed alive with green figures, burning through everything. The agent fired off a volley of assorted blows, each of which she blocked almost as if she were being troubled by little more than a moth.

Serena leaned forward and grabbed his lapels, spinning and slamming him into and through the wall of a nearby building. She pressed onward, and slammed the suited man through one of the interior walls. She kept hold of him, drawing back one hand; she drew the blade at her hip, a sibilant hiss could be heard as it moved through the air.

She buried it to the hilt in the agent’s abdomen, and dropped him to the ground, watching him convulse as his body underwent a catastrophic metamorphosis.

Neo looked at Trinity, “What... what happened there?” he asked, coming out of his shocked state. Trinity however, merely looked at the infiltrator, in utter astonishment.
Last edited by NecronLord on 2003-12-08 01:59pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

1st post! Bad ass fights as always Necron.
So Skynet choose to come to the matrix verse intriqing.
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Post by Captain Cyran »

*scratches his head* The chick is The One? What about Neo...

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Post by NecronLord »

What makes you think she's the one?
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Captain_Cyran wrote:*scratches his head* The chick is The One? What about Neo...

Nah she's just programmed with the abillity to know that ots not real and therefore she has the power of the one but shes not "the one" as it were.
Besides Necronlord's going wiht T2s no fate attitude.
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Post by consequences »

Wow, it certainly seems that Apok and Switch are fated to die. And Mouse didn't even buy it before them this time.
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Post by NecronLord »

consequences wrote:Wow, it certainly seems that Apok and Switch are fated to die. And Mouse didn't even buy it before them this time.
Humm. I ought to have killed Mouse instead. I rather liked Switch (If only for complaining about how shitty her death scene was)... Poor Switch :?

And there isn't much fate in this story... As you will see later.
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Post by Trogdor »

The chick can mimick the abilities of the one...interesting. Just consider the influence Skynet would have over the Zionists if he could make them...hell, if he could make just Morphous believe that she's really the one and Neo isn't.
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Post by NecronLord »

Because this is SD.net... Feel free to speculate on Trinity's reaction... (assuming the Oracle never actually said man.) 8)
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