After seeing who this thread was for and where the link was leading I just had to guess that the Patsies jumped the Chiefs in the Power Rankings.
Personally I've thought the football pundits have been stroking the Chiefs a bit much this year considering how many games were very close, especially the games that were won because Dante Hall ran a kick back.
The Chiefs have looked very good at times but they did not deserve the heaps of praise and fawning respect that the ESPN and other TV crews were giving them. It's like these guys are just dying for there to be a super dominant team for them to glom onto so they can talk about how great they are.
Anyway, I just hope the Chiefs make it to the playoffs and don't choke like they did in the 90's when Mary was coach. That was annoying seeing them have such a good record and then not make it past the first round of the playoffs.
By the pricking of my thumb,
Something wicked this way comes.
Open, locks,
Whoever knocks.