Looks good. Just a couple of notes that I see.
Symmetry wrote:
Alertness – 8 (+8 SS Ear)
Spot – 4 (+4 SS Eye)
Noting the bonuses with the stat makes it easy for the GM.
Hacking – 0
Medic – 0
Engineering(Electrical) – 6
Law – 1
Tier 3 Skills: (1/2 * n XP per point)
Demolitions – 8
Music –
Field of study (specify) –
may have more points to distribute. I say
may only because I'm not sure what Arthur means by "knowledge based skills" when reading the description on Hard Memory. When I submitted my character, HM was simply described as 'perfect memory'. The CP rulebook has been updated since the start of the campaign so we'll see what Arthur has to say, unless Gerard can weigh in on it.
If I'm wrong, then your current set up results in the following:
Available XP: 3
Earned XP:
Starting XP: 150
Money: $45 in pocket, $200 hidden in ceiling.
Brown Leather Jacket with extra pockets added on inside($50)
Laser Site ($100)
5 lb C4 ($175)
4 lb TNT ($40)
2lb Thermite ($20)
6 Tear Gas grenades ($60)
4 grenades ($40)
4 Flashbands ($40)
200 9mm rnds 120 EFMJ 80 SC ($20)
Homemade briefcase EMP bomb, lots and lots of electronics spare parts, soldering iron, portable electronics case, oldish laptop, ($2000)
NV goggles ($1000)
Plain old goggles ($5)
TMP – Cap 30, Conceal Jacket, $500
CZ-75 – Cap 16, Conceal Jacket, $700
Kubaton – Conceal Pocket, Freetarget(general), $5
The total is $5000. I thought the max was $4000 for starting.
Cybernetic upgrades:
Hard Memory: $20,000 ½ Price for Knowledge Skills
Visual Processor: $500 +4 Spot
Audio Processor Mk2: $2000 +8 Awareness
Cranial Shock Absorber: $500 Doubles Thresholds above Jaw
Circulatory Regulator: $1000 No bleeding
Nasal Filters: $500 Immune to harmful substances in air
Replacement Lungs: $500 Hold breath 30 minutes
That's $25000. Looks good to me.
Character background/description:
When Yuuki, a sansei from Hawaii, entered college Japan was the USA’s valued ally. When he left, the two countries were at war, making it quite hard to find a job. Luckily, a few years later came the second civil war, and Yuuki found some people who were willing to employ him, and in a good cause too. They called his work terrorism, but as long as he was careful to attack only soldiers and to limit collateral damage he knew that he was a true revolutionary, and he did his best to try to restore the country he had been taught to love. It didn’t work out though, and the revolution failed, in his home state ironically.
After that Yuuki tried to find work helping causes he believed in, but not many were willing to employ someone as fastidious as he was. Still, he found work and was able to buy a bit of cyberware over the years. Unfortunately things have been slow lately, and he has been eating boiled potatoes for the last month.
Yuuki, who goes by Thomas because everybody mispronounces his same as “Yuki,” has studied Isshinryu Karate for most of his life, off and on, and has picked up some knowledge of firearms in the revolution. Ultimately he believes that everybody deserves to live, but that some people deserve to live less than other people because of their actions and so can be hurt or killed if there is a good reason.
Sounds like someone with a morality in positive integers - but that's my opinion and worth probably half market value.