In the books, the way the battles are resolved is set up well in advance.StarshipTitanic wrote:Is it just me, or does each battle end with the use of a deus ex machina?
And why the hell did the orcs kill every last one of each other in the tower where Frodo was kept?
At Helm's Deep Gandalf scurries off to Isengard to see Treebeard, recruit Huorns,and bring them back, and gathers as many of the area's survivng troops as he can. After all, by this time we've already seen the Ents on the march, and they've already started on Isengard as soon as it's armies have left.
At the battle of the Pelennor, the setup for the Rohirrim and Aragorn's relief armies is all laid out well in advance.
They arrive just in time, because that's dramatically satisfying, but Tolkien doesn't just invent them as he needs them, which is what a Deus ex Machina is..