Somewhere within the Aquarian UnionConfederation Network News wrote: The Aquarian [credit] continues to devalue in the wake of recent news of universal conscription. Analysts across the universe were stunned to hear this announcement as it came to be a complete surprise.
Eiwelt McGreagor, professor of economics at Cambridge on Old Earth is with us this afternoon. Thank you for your time, Professor.
"Thanks for having me. The recent universal conscription law passed by the Aquarian Union came as a shock to all of us here. While their intent is understandable, this will ruin their already devestated economy. They simply do not have the ability to arm such a massive population even as unorganized militia -- and their intent to arm all as light infantry will be their downfall. The economic shockwaves and political fallout may be very dangerous indeed."
The raid executed now, deep inside the underwater cities of the Union. Panicked civilians fled in terror, numerous innocents cut down by uncaring terrorists. The police responded quickly, but they were unable to resist in the face of superior firepower. The few who could not get out of the area watched in disgust and dismay as the few police withdrew from their own station -- and the attached judiciary building.
The building was stormed by force, bodies of foe and friend strewn around and blood in the water. The remaining strike force fanned out in the building, cutting down some cowering inside and freeing numerous criminals awaiting transport elsewhere. Then the building was filled with high-powered timed charges and the terrorists retreated.
Similar strikes were executed elsewhere against government buildings and other authorities. The first phase was working: make the populace begin to distrust the government. Then they would supplant the government.