I've gotten into a bit of a debate with somebody at a different board, and they'be brought up that damned solipsism argument.
"Because the mind is all that exists, all science is bunk"
So can anybody give me some good counters to this laughable idea that I can shove down his throat?
EDIT: I know mike has a few rebuttals against solipsism on the creationist site, but I can't seem to find it right now.
As for the creationist horse:
The famous horse fossil series, for instance, is totally outdated, though it still appears in some textbooks. Fossils of the various types have been found in the same geological strata, including two modern horses in the same strata as Eohippus. And even if these fossils were in the "right" sequence, each is a distinct species and no transitional forms between the species have been found. Species simply appear at one point in time and disappear at another.
To be honest, I've never run into this "creative" creationist argument before. Anybody got any counters?
here's the thread if you want to read it. You'll have to scroll down a bit. I'm Godjira.