Vader for President, would you vote for him?

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Post by Lt. Dan »

Darth Wong wrote:Imagine Gulf War II under Darth Vader instead of President Bush:

HUSSEIN (on TV): Let the Americans come! We will ... <urgh> ... <aaaacck> ... *thump*

VADER: Apology accepted, President Hussein.

CHIRAC (on TV): Yet again, America shows its true colours. In the name of- <urgh> ... <aaaacck> ... *thump*

VADER: Apology accepted, President Chirac.

And Vader would have found and tortured Bin Laden quite a while ago. He would be a great leader in wartime. The only problem would be what happens when he turns his eye to the domestic front.
Yes, wouldn't that be interesting. But then there would be a loss of jobs in the body guard department. He can take care of himself so there is no need for them. Imagin a assassination atempt on him.


Oh and I would vote no for the man that can kill me with just a thought.
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Post by Darth Raptor »

Actually, I doubt Vader would even run for president. He's a warrior, not a politician. I could see him occupying a top-tier place in the government, maybe Secretary of Defense or one of the Joint Chiefs. He wouldn't put up with red tape and going through the proper channels, but he would certainly get things done and ferret out corruption and incompetence wherever he went.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Lazy Raptor wrote:Actually, I doubt Vader would even run for president. He's a warrior, not a politician. I could see him occupying a top-tier place in the government, maybe Secretary of Defense or one of the Joint Chiefs. He wouldn't put up with red tape and going through the proper channels, but he would certainly get things done and ferret out corruption and incompetence wherever he went.
Replace "ferret out" with "terminate" :)

And who said anything about "running" for President? I think that there would come a point when he decides that a key source of corruption and incompetence happens to be the man at the top, so after assuming some high post in the government, he would eliminate the personnel in the chain of command above him until he becomes the President.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Omega-13 wrote:
I don't think it would be too bad actually, aslong as whatever he decided was most important for America was going as planned, I don't think he'd tinker too much with the lives of your average american. Terrorist threats would drastically diminish, as each terrorist caught would be tortured to death, or near death, until all answers were found. I think Americans would actually feel safer with him in office, I know I would. I hate to say it, and I hate to think about it, but I'd know that every last resource of information would have been shredded and tortured and analysed, until nothing was left.
I concur. I mean, even the Stormies aboard his ships weren't subjected to any horrid shit. Except if they fucked up, then they get force choked to death. Vader wouldn't touch much on the domestic people. Except perhaps improving infrastructure and following some good advise of his loyal advisors. He would be concentrating more on defense and such.

I think he would be better if he were the Secretary of Defense or something since he's less of a people-person.

I think the evil villanous sith lord suited for running the presidency would be Palpatine. Would you vote for Palpy?
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Post by Burak Gazan »

*waves hand " you will vote for Palpy...."

:arrow: " we will vote for Palpy...... " :shock:

heheh , having Vader or Palpy in any role of the executive branch would make for some rather entertaining press conferences...... :twisted:
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Post by Darth Wong »

having Vader or Palpy in any role of the executive branch would make for some rather entertaining press conferences
<urgh> ... <aaacckk> ... *thump*

VADER: Next question, please.
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

You'll forgive me if I don't vote for the tyrannical, Dark Side wielding, half robot maniac. Granted I wouldn't dare and start a resistance to someone like Vader; he'd ruin my shit for sure. But there's something about your President being able to murder anyone, anywhere, with a mere thought that drives me to veer towards more standard forms of goverment.
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Post by Howedar »

I guess I'll go ahead and be serious for a moment. What era of Vader is this? He was fairly reasonable in ANH, and by the end of ROTJ would be quite a fine leader. His swath of officer fratricide only occured during a short period in TESB.
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Post by Kuja »

Has anyone seen the movie Swordfish? I'd rather have Vader doing what Travolta's character did in that: go around and kill off any skag who felt like indulging in a bit of terrorism.

That, or have him go in as Veep. Let someone else be the figurehead and have Vader force him to change his stance whenever he does something stupid. :D
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Post by FTeik »

President Vader on Press-Cons

Jan. 2005: "Now that MY brave and loyal troops have liberated Iran in our war against terrorism it is necessary to place a corps there to keep order and stability and ..."

March 2005: "Now that MY brave and loyal troops have liberated Syria in our war against terrorism it is necessary to place a corps there to keep order and stability ..."

April 2005: "CIA-reports indicate Osama bin Laden to hide in North Korea ..."

Mai 2005: "Now that my brave and loyal troops ... North Korea ... troops to keep order and stability ... "

June 2005: "Now ... conscripts ... Osama bin Laden in Canada ... liberating ... troops will stay there."

July 2005: "CIA-reports ... WMD in Mexico ... preventive strike ... troops will keep order."

August 2005: "IN our war against terrorism ... Britain requests aid ... becomes protectorate of US ... troops will stay there ... ."

And so on.
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

Reminds me of this old poll of mine.

I've for a long time thought about "re-doing" the poll with including more candidates as well as the vice-president candidates. (so instead of Palpatine you'd in the redux poll be voting for Palpatine & Vader, instead of Great Cthulhu you'd be voting for Great Cthulhu & Hastur The Unspeakable... and so on!)
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Post by Lord Pounder »

Force Persuation means you'd have no choice.

I think Vader might actually be a decent leader. Remember he's not a warmonger like Palpatine, he wanted Luke to join him so they could kill Palpy and end the war and bring order to the people. Thats what America needs.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Cool, Vader will throw Bush into the reactor core of.... the Whitehouse.
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I'd vote for him for PM, things would get somewhat safer domestically. I think he'd throw the Queen down a reactor core though.
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Post by Lord Pounder »

Lizzie would become his 1st lady thus kicking off the new empire.
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Post by Hethrir »

Vaders problem was that he didn't get to play with Tonka toys in the mud and sleep over at a mates house. If you let him do that first, then I'd vote for him.
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Post by The Aliens »

Has he ever shown any meaningful political skills other than <ugh> <aack> *thump*? I'd have him as Minister of Defense, but in a position far away from anywhere he can murder the general populace.
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Post by Crayz9000 »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:Cool, Vader will throw Bush into the reactor core of.... the Whitehouse.
The White House has a reactor core?
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Crazy9000 wrote:The White House has a reactor core?
Of course. How do you think they power those ego-stroking machines?
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Post by The Aliens »

Crayz9000 wrote:
Shroom Man 777 wrote:Cool, Vader will throw Bush into the reactor core of.... the Whitehouse.
The White House has a reactor core?
Where do you think they get the power for Cheney?
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Post by Ronaldo »

I would vote for Darth Vader. Vader would most likely increase defense spending and crack down on terrorism. He would be able to provide the US with better security and stability, as long as he doesn't change the principles that our economy is based on. Vader wouldn't have any qualms of violating the "rights" of terrorists that our courts seem determined to protect. He wouldn't have to pander to opposition leaders in the Congress as well. He would get the job done quickly, in my opinion. As long as he leaves the general population in peace, he could make a fine wartime leader.

In addition to the above, he could also lead the United States into a new Imperial era. With the amount of military might that we have, we could form a large empire. Victory is assured with Vader leading us.
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Post by Bertie Wooster »

Vader as a U.S. president would be very similar to Teddy Roosevelt IMO in terms of styles of leadership, their military backgrounds, diplomacy (speak softly and carry a big stick), and independence from corporate interests.

However, Vader I don't think would win an election, because the opposing candidate would scare the voters into thinking (accurately probably) that Vader would institute a draft and mandatory military service, and would increase the military budget at the expense of social programs and welfare and create the biggest budget deficit ever.
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Post by General Zod »

i can imagine it now. someone legally changes their name to darth vader and runs for president. we already have optimus prime in the military after all.

and on a side note, Cthulhu is indeed running for president :D
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Post by RogueIce »

I can imagine the campaign slogan: "Join me...or die."

And I think he would be able to just disband the Senate. And restore power to the local, Governors...
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

What would his plans for the economy, education, and healthcare be? I think that he'd be too dangerous to be president, but I think he'd be a good leader of the armed forces if he's going to personally go after terorrists and catch them.
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