STGOD2 Main Story thread
Moderator: Thanas
[ooc] Where's Stormbringer? [/ooc]
Onboard the Rekai's Arrow
"Activate missile pods. Concentrate fire on those eastern cruisers."
Strapped to the sides of the Daidoji Fleet, over the armor were pods full of missiles manufactured in the PRC. From these missiles spewed, the number launched rapidly increasing into the tens of thousands. The missile pods spent, were detached by explosive bolts. Onboard the now detached pods, small drives and sensor mimics turned on, instantly creating a large group of ghosts on the TSC ships' sensors.
"Time to arrival of reinforcements?"
"Ten minutes."
Onboard the Rekai's Arrow
"Activate missile pods. Concentrate fire on those eastern cruisers."
Strapped to the sides of the Daidoji Fleet, over the armor were pods full of missiles manufactured in the PRC. From these missiles spewed, the number launched rapidly increasing into the tens of thousands. The missile pods spent, were detached by explosive bolts. Onboard the now detached pods, small drives and sensor mimics turned on, instantly creating a large group of ghosts on the TSC ships' sensors.
"Time to arrival of reinforcements?"
"Ten minutes."
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
Passchendale, HAB:
"We are here to inform you that the PRC has begun offensive operations against the TSC in Azegart space. We are about to begin offensive operations in their own home space."
"We have begun offensive operations against the TSC."
"We are here to inform you that the PRC has begun offensive operations against the TSC in Azegart space. We are about to begin offensive operations in their own home space."
"We have begun offensive operations against the TSC."
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
(ooc) Beats me as to Stormbringer's whereabouts. He's been on a few times lately, but hasn't posted. He owes me casualty reports and new fleet movements, goddamit!
Oh, nice Pod trick, BTW- Thank god the Commonwealth has its own version.(/ooc)
Sous-Admiral Marcao examined the display with awe. The firepower being released was far in excess over what vessels the size of the nonstandard craft should have been able to release.
"Order the Provisional cruiser squadron and two Provisional destroyer squadrons to reinforce the flank. Have the Eastern task force flush their swarmer batteries on point defense mode."
The Swordsman, the Arbiter, and the Michigan, along with their escorts, fired off their swarmer PD batteries. The devices released massed clouds of hundreds of thousands of tiny countermissiles, guided to their targets by the Commonwealth targetting sensor arrays. The escorts discarded their spent launchers, and the three cruisers retracted their reusable launchers for the painstaking 5-minute reloading process.
The squadron's other point defense weaponry activated- massed batteries of small lasers, MFR Particle beam guns sweeping precision blasts across the oncoming swarm. The tattered enemy missile volley smashed into the squadron's shields.
"Swordsman reports shield failure on her port side, and damage to her port particle beam cannon and missile tubes. Arbiter reports engine troubles. Michigan, shields holding. Destroyers Ajax and Reaver lost, frigates G-1, G-3, and G-4 lost. Destroyer Hannibal reporting aft reactor failure, switching to fore reactors."
Sous-Admiral Marcao gave new orders.
"All remaining vessels, hold on to swarmer packs until ordered otherwise. Center and western flank, focus fire on the Azegart craft. Eastern flank, focus on the Mercenary escort craft."
The three Commonwealth cruisers, now bolstered by five Provisional cruisers and escorts, opened up their LRM batteries, spinning like dervishes along their axis to bring new tubes to bear as ones which had just fired reloaded.
Oh, nice Pod trick, BTW- Thank god the Commonwealth has its own version.(/ooc)
Sous-Admiral Marcao examined the display with awe. The firepower being released was far in excess over what vessels the size of the nonstandard craft should have been able to release.
"Order the Provisional cruiser squadron and two Provisional destroyer squadrons to reinforce the flank. Have the Eastern task force flush their swarmer batteries on point defense mode."
The Swordsman, the Arbiter, and the Michigan, along with their escorts, fired off their swarmer PD batteries. The devices released massed clouds of hundreds of thousands of tiny countermissiles, guided to their targets by the Commonwealth targetting sensor arrays. The escorts discarded their spent launchers, and the three cruisers retracted their reusable launchers for the painstaking 5-minute reloading process.
The squadron's other point defense weaponry activated- massed batteries of small lasers, MFR Particle beam guns sweeping precision blasts across the oncoming swarm. The tattered enemy missile volley smashed into the squadron's shields.
"Swordsman reports shield failure on her port side, and damage to her port particle beam cannon and missile tubes. Arbiter reports engine troubles. Michigan, shields holding. Destroyers Ajax and Reaver lost, frigates G-1, G-3, and G-4 lost. Destroyer Hannibal reporting aft reactor failure, switching to fore reactors."
Sous-Admiral Marcao gave new orders.
"All remaining vessels, hold on to swarmer packs until ordered otherwise. Center and western flank, focus fire on the Azegart craft. Eastern flank, focus on the Mercenary escort craft."
The three Commonwealth cruisers, now bolstered by five Provisional cruisers and escorts, opened up their LRM batteries, spinning like dervishes along their axis to bring new tubes to bear as ones which had just fired reloaded.
Last edited by Thirdfain on 2004-01-09 09:13pm, edited 1 time in total.
[ooc] I think you missed the part where PRC missiles have shields... They aren't just for protecting the missile against micrometeorites in the way. Also, the clouds of countermissiles can't have very much energy. Also, how the hell are you supposed to know that part of that fleet is made up of mercenaries?[/ooc]
"We're reading a very high number of hits against the enemy cruisers."
"How's our point defense holding up?"
"Fairly well... The data interlink we got seems to work fairly well at allowing us to avoid wasting shots. The fact that they aren't firing very fast at us, compared to a PRC task force, helps. The pod decoys are helping as well, though we're going to run out of them soon."
Outside, not that it could be seen, shields were gradually increasing in brightness from the inky black that was their base state.
"So nice of them to turn broadside to us, isn't it? Concentrate fire on those cruisers. Time to reinforcements?"
"Eight minutes."
"And our sensor readings?"
"We have that pair of dreadnaughts well localized."
"We're reading a very high number of hits against the enemy cruisers."
"How's our point defense holding up?"
"Fairly well... The data interlink we got seems to work fairly well at allowing us to avoid wasting shots. The fact that they aren't firing very fast at us, compared to a PRC task force, helps. The pod decoys are helping as well, though we're going to run out of them soon."
Outside, not that it could be seen, shields were gradually increasing in brightness from the inky black that was their base state.
"So nice of them to turn broadside to us, isn't it? Concentrate fire on those cruisers. Time to reinforcements?"
"Eight minutes."
"And our sensor readings?"
"We have that pair of dreadnaughts well localized."
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
-OOC- Right about the mercenaries, I'll edit the post. As for the missiles, well, nice job on the shielding, but of course the countermissiles have much less distance to travel to target and can tehrefor devote more space to warheads. You have a 1 shot missile weapon, I have a 1 shot countermissile weapon. Live with it. And declare casualties, please. There are 8 heavy cruisers, plus their escorts, hitting you with long-range missile fire. Just cause it isn't as heavy as PRC fire doesn't mean it won't hurt, and we are focusing on your escorts.-/ooc-
"Sous-Admiral, early warning sensor nets are picking up gravitic distortion- looks like fold-drive signatures incoming. Eight minutes till arrival. Signature is very heavy- multiple smaller capital ships. PRC, almost definatly."
"Merde. Looks like we just ran out of time. All vessels, advance to energy range. Order the gun platforms to open fire, and message Desjardins."
"Sous-Admiral, early warning sensor nets are picking up gravitic distortion- looks like fold-drive signatures incoming. Eight minutes till arrival. Signature is very heavy- multiple smaller capital ships. PRC, almost definatly."
"Merde. Looks like we just ran out of time. All vessels, advance to energy range. Order the gun platforms to open fire, and message Desjardins."
[ooc] The mercenaries have PRC point defense outfits, which are for obvious reasons much more capable of intercepting large numbers of missiles than yours. Something to do with a preference for quantity over individual firepower. Also note that your missiles are going after the decoy missile pods, which reduces what they can do. Long range missile fire is extremely susceptible to interception. Which is part of the reason why I have such large salvos. And as I recall, I concentrated my missiles on your cruisers. Another thing: we should let Stormbringer catchup with this battle.[/ooc]Thirdfain wrote:-OOC- Right about the mercenaries, I'll edit the post. As for the missiles, well, nice job on the shielding, but of course the countermissiles have much less distance to travel to target and can tehrefor devote more space to warheads. You have a 1 shot missile weapon, I have a 1 shot countermissile weapon. Live with it. And declare casualties, please. There are 8 heavy cruisers, plus their escorts, hitting you with long-range missile fire. Just cause it isn't as heavy as PRC fire doesn't mean it won't hurt, and we are focusing on your escorts.-/ooc-
"Sous-Admiral, early warning sensor nets are picking up gravitic distortion- looks like fold-drive signatures incoming. Eight minutes till arrival. Signature is very heavy- multiple smaller capital ships. PRC, almost definatly."
"Merde. Looks like we just ran out of time. All vessels, advance to energy range. Order the gun platforms to open fire, and message Desjardins."
"Finally they begin advancing. Have the fleet break off North. We want to keep out of energy range."
A flash appeared on the sensor display, as the frigate Sembi lost it's last layer of shields, and blinked out.
"Keep up our counter fire. We have to buy time for the PRC forces to get here. Time to reemergance?"
"Seven and a half minutes."
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
- Raptor 597
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 3338
- Joined: 2002-08-01 03:54pm
- Location: Lafayette, Louisiana
The Passing of Lord Edward III and his dying wil
To all the nations of the Galaxy at large:
My name Herman Maxmillian Karl Scheel, Earl of the Canton Knights and I bring ye dire news. The Leader of the Royal House of Dunlap, Edward of Dunedias known by his ruling title of Edward the Third has passed on. After proper burial in the royal Cemetery outside of the Hagia Sophia, offices were closed until the new Holy Lord of the Galaxy could be coronated. Harold Alexander Dunedias, Viscount of the Herald's Calling, grandson of Lord Edward III has been choosen to rule. Lord Alexander XI has anounced that restrictions on free trade on some of the nations will soon be dropped. This will be anounced within the quarter. Lord Edward's dying will be made avaliable to those concerned and many of our allies have received substanial doweries for their assistance.
To the PRC and the HAB:
Lord Edward had left you numerous ships of increased avialable for extremely low purchase. You would be doing us a favor by emptying the mothball yards, these ships would make very good scrap and the instruments are still there to be salvaged and resold. Should you need loans if the future, feel free to ask for our nearly inflation free national currency, the Moldov. Interest would be very low aswell.
Also, we having been preparing our fleets for actions aganist the TSC. Privateers owned by nobility will into TSC space excluding Desjardins and the surronding space. The forces will be small consisting of: Destroyers, Battle Frigates, some Ranger Drone Class Carriers, and older Harold Teller Class Cruisers. Numerous raiding squadros are enroute currently.
In addition, our main support will be arriving within the day around Ulrich. Duke Kennisgton, Seventh Lord of the Admiralty has the following forces dispatched with him:
3 Baden Heavy Cruiser
9 Winslow Medium Cruisers
15 Edmund Burke Light Cruisers
1 Ranger Super Class Carriers
3 Ranger Fast Class Carriers
2 Ranger Escort Class Carriers
23 Blake Drake Battle Frigates
38 Brighton Destroyers (I'll get to this later in my OOB)
More carriers, lights cruisers and destroyers will arrive with Baron Liguris, Lord of the Admiralty. He'll also bring his flagship, the Bremen Class Commandship, Sir Palio Benko to coordinate the attack. The commandship may well enter combat but it'll first arrive at the temporary HQ, where our station and convoys will be forwarded too. Hope to see soon as my ship is with Lord Kennnisgton's force.
Earl of the Canton Knights Herman Maxmillian Karl Scheel
To all the nations of the Galaxy at large:
My name Herman Maxmillian Karl Scheel, Earl of the Canton Knights and I bring ye dire news. The Leader of the Royal House of Dunlap, Edward of Dunedias known by his ruling title of Edward the Third has passed on. After proper burial in the royal Cemetery outside of the Hagia Sophia, offices were closed until the new Holy Lord of the Galaxy could be coronated. Harold Alexander Dunedias, Viscount of the Herald's Calling, grandson of Lord Edward III has been choosen to rule. Lord Alexander XI has anounced that restrictions on free trade on some of the nations will soon be dropped. This will be anounced within the quarter. Lord Edward's dying will be made avaliable to those concerned and many of our allies have received substanial doweries for their assistance.
To the PRC and the HAB:
Lord Edward had left you numerous ships of increased avialable for extremely low purchase. You would be doing us a favor by emptying the mothball yards, these ships would make very good scrap and the instruments are still there to be salvaged and resold. Should you need loans if the future, feel free to ask for our nearly inflation free national currency, the Moldov. Interest would be very low aswell.
Also, we having been preparing our fleets for actions aganist the TSC. Privateers owned by nobility will into TSC space excluding Desjardins and the surronding space. The forces will be small consisting of: Destroyers, Battle Frigates, some Ranger Drone Class Carriers, and older Harold Teller Class Cruisers. Numerous raiding squadros are enroute currently.
In addition, our main support will be arriving within the day around Ulrich. Duke Kennisgton, Seventh Lord of the Admiralty has the following forces dispatched with him:
3 Baden Heavy Cruiser
9 Winslow Medium Cruisers
15 Edmund Burke Light Cruisers
1 Ranger Super Class Carriers
3 Ranger Fast Class Carriers
2 Ranger Escort Class Carriers
23 Blake Drake Battle Frigates
38 Brighton Destroyers (I'll get to this later in my OOB)
More carriers, lights cruisers and destroyers will arrive with Baron Liguris, Lord of the Admiralty. He'll also bring his flagship, the Bremen Class Commandship, Sir Palio Benko to coordinate the attack. The commandship may well enter combat but it'll first arrive at the temporary HQ, where our station and convoys will be forwarded too. Hope to see soon as my ship is with Lord Kennnisgton's force.
Earl of the Canton Knights Herman Maxmillian Karl Scheel
Formerly the artist known as Captain Lennox
"To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me." - Sir Isaac Newton
"To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me." - Sir Isaac Newton
Above the galactic ecliptic:
"Superlaser status?"
"Charging. Currently at 1% power. Should be ready upon emergence."
"Fleet Status?"
"The Invictushas dropped out due to sensor malfunctions. The rest of the fleet is green."
"Superlaser status?"
"Charging. Currently at 1% power. Should be ready upon emergence."
"Fleet Status?"
"The Invictushas dropped out due to sensor malfunctions. The rest of the fleet is green."
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
- Biozeminade!
- Posts: 3874
- Joined: 2003-02-02 04:29pm
- Location: what did you doooooo щ(゚Д゚щ)
ATTN: TSC Forces in the Ulrich area.
FROM: OA Expeditionary Force
RE: We've arrived
Be advised, our forces are taking up positions alonside yours, just within the planetary defence grid. Reinforcements will be arriving within half an hour.
FROM: OA Expeditionary Force
RE: We've arrived
Be advised, our forces are taking up positions alonside yours, just within the planetary defence grid. Reinforcements will be arriving within half an hour.
And when I'm sad, you're a clown
And if I get scared, you're always a clown
And if I get scared, you're always a clown
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
FROM: Sous-Admiral Marcao (HRM Alpha)
TO: Outworlds Alliance Forces
SUBJ: Welcome!
"Sending Commonwealth point defense network connection data, and our current battle plan. Good to see you, Outworlders. We have pickd up gravitic distortion indicative of a PRC battlegroup incoming, they will be on-station in less than five minutes.
TO: Outworlds Alliance Forces
SUBJ: Welcome!
"Sending Commonwealth point defense network connection data, and our current battle plan. Good to see you, Outworlders. We have pickd up gravitic distortion indicative of a PRC battlegroup incoming, they will be on-station in less than five minutes.
- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
- Posts: 22678
- Joined: 2002-07-15 11:22pm
- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
- Posts: 22678
- Joined: 2002-07-15 11:22pm
[Azegart Fleet]
The attacking fleet had taken it's lump, a dozen frigate and four destroyers had been destroyed. But as the heavier ships had closed with the retreating enemy they had taken a deadly total. Azegart energy weapons were among the best in the galaxy. The massed fire was directed primarily against the enemy dreadnaughts.
"Special units, execute plan divine wind."
Four destroyers, heavily damaged in The Loss had been prepared as suicide units, their crew the most frighteningly devout. The ships sent all their power to the drive system, running them to the ragged edge even as they were turn up by the dreadnaughts. They made it though, half destroyed but they hit the dreadnaughts.
All the ships were covered in a massive blast of a light.
[Azegart throne world]
Rebel cells, long dormant had sprung to life and begun an assualt on the pretenders palace. It was a massive operation, the rebel fielding heavy weapons and were completely willing to die.
But that wasn't the most potent weapon, six Inquisitors all alpha-plus level psykers were. Every where they went they turned the Palace Guard against their fellows. None could stand against them as the whole of the assualt forced it's way deeper into the palace.
The attacking fleet had taken it's lump, a dozen frigate and four destroyers had been destroyed. But as the heavier ships had closed with the retreating enemy they had taken a deadly total. Azegart energy weapons were among the best in the galaxy. The massed fire was directed primarily against the enemy dreadnaughts.
"Special units, execute plan divine wind."
Four destroyers, heavily damaged in The Loss had been prepared as suicide units, their crew the most frighteningly devout. The ships sent all their power to the drive system, running them to the ragged edge even as they were turn up by the dreadnaughts. They made it though, half destroyed but they hit the dreadnaughts.
All the ships were covered in a massive blast of a light.
[Azegart throne world]
Rebel cells, long dormant had sprung to life and begun an assualt on the pretenders palace. It was a massive operation, the rebel fielding heavy weapons and were completely willing to die.
But that wasn't the most potent weapon, six Inquisitors all alpha-plus level psykers were. Every where they went they turned the Palace Guard against their fellows. None could stand against them as the whole of the assualt forced it's way deeper into the palace.

- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
(Ulrich's Surface)
The Agency had suspected an operation of this sort- the heavy weapons shipments had not gone unnoticed.
Guard Commander Strahnsbrad turned to his Commonwealth liason.
"I have heard from the forward defenses. The soldiers are turning on each other. It is the work of Inquisitor-Witches. they are beyond human ken! We must evacuate the Emperor."
The liason smiled.
"Beyond human ken? I am afraid not. they are quite within human ken, and the Agency understands how the work."
He thumbed his comlink.
"Send the special teams to the breakthrough point."
He grinned broadly.
"You see, Commander Strahnsbrad, the work of such "Inquisitors" is known to us. The Agency has been in charge of such gifted individuals back home. We are well prepared for such an eventuality."
-: Imperial Palace, Floor 3 sector 5 :-
Inquisitor Markham ducked behind cover as the sharp, rolling crack, like a hundred lightning bolts striking at once, erupted through the hallway. Two dozen guardsmen armed with Commonwealth-made particle-beam shoulder weapons were dug in behind barricades at the other end of the hallway. Two of Markham's men fell, burning holes where their chests should be.
He grinned broadly, and reached out with his mind- almost gently he touched the minds of the two dozen terrified guardsmen.
The screams from the far end of the hall spoke measures to his success.
"Move ahead! FOR THE EMPEROR! SLAY THEM ALL!" He shouted. His soldiers moved ahead in good order, moving from cover to cover.- they were fanatics, but well trained fanatics.
Then the figures emerged from cover- unnaturally tall, covered in sleek, black powerarmor. Cut-down heavy weapons hung from their armored paws like any other solder would carry a submachine gun.
Commonwealth power-armor Cavalry thought Markham. I should have known they would have dispatched some elite troops to protect their little puppet. He grinned. Their fancy armor and training wouldn't protect them one bit. He reached out, a destruction casting on his thoughts. He would tear them apart from the inside.
His mind reached out again- and STOPPED. The soldiers were all psykers! Weak ones- how did they hold him back?
they are twenty of them, but there is also only one of them. What the hell? Markham thought. How can they hold me back? what they HELL are they? Markham didn't panic. Inquisitors didn't panic easily. But it didn't help him one bit.
The squad moved forwards with unnatural speed. Counterfire lashed out from the rebel troops, but they weren't trained to deal with opposition like this. Two of the armored figures pitched over, smoking holes in their armor; but the flurry of counterfire ripped across the broad hallway. They were joined by squads of guardsmen and Commonwealth marines, pushing the rebels back across the hallway.
Markham lay bleeding in the corner, his arms and chest ravaged by a frag cannon. He frantically scrabbled for a weapon as one of the massive armored figures strode over to him. the last thing he saw, as the soldier delicatly blew his head off with a particle beam, were the letters emblazoned across the powered armor's left shoulder- PSAINT.
"Manipule One to Agent Goodman. Target One eliminated. Have you detected the rest?"
"Roger that, Manipule One. Coordinate with Manipules Two and Three- and happy hunting."
-: Orbit, Ulrich. :-
the four ships ripped in ahead of the main Azegart fleet. Their trajectories gave little doubt as to their objectives.
"All ships! Four enemy fireships detected, focus fire! FOCUS FIRE!"
The heavy energy batteries of the Commonwealth and Provisional fleet cut into the incoming craft. Every gun that could be brought to bear was- and the the fire was frighteningly effective. Three of the vessels were shrapnel almost instantly. The fourth sailed through, tumbling as her engines were blown out by arcing laser fire from a Commonwealth strike frigate. She continued on her ballistic path, right into the CNVSif.
"This is Captain Hallsey, all hands, brace for impact!"
The kilometer-long escort, trailing debris, smashed into the Dreadnought's broadside. The shields, designed to absorb gigatons of firepower, shattered the Destroyer- but they had been weakened by the enemy bombardment. A large chunk of hull slammed into the Sif's bare surface. Missile magazines were set off, and huge secondary explosions riped across her surface. Her aft reactors overloaded, their failsafes shutting them down at the last moment.
"-.... Sif to Kali, this is ..... to Kali. Repor..... ing 60% power .... Port.... ds GONE. Venting Atmosphere! Request.... Orders."
Sous-Admiral Marcao grimaced. Every book told him to pull the Sif out. Her engines were still online, and her fore reactors could power her engines long enough to jump to safety.
But he needed time, and the Sif's guns could allow him that.
"Hallsey, I need you to rotate the Sif and bring her Starboard guns to bear. All power from engines to starboard weapons and shields. All other vessels, the Azegart ships have closed to knife fighting range. Focus fire on their battlecruisers, cut them to peices!"
"Eastern manipule and Provisional cruiser squadron, continue to fire on the nonstandard vessels. Remember the previous orders."
"Gun Platform Command- this is your moment. Cut the pretenders down!"
The Azegart made fine energy weapons, but they were drastically outgunned. The Kali and Sif's huge SRM hypermissile broadsides, combined with the capital-scale particle beam cannon on the fleet's heavy cruisers and the massive gun platforms showed what strength of numbers could do.
"Three minutes until PRC fleet arrival, Sous-Admiral!"
The Agency had suspected an operation of this sort- the heavy weapons shipments had not gone unnoticed.
Guard Commander Strahnsbrad turned to his Commonwealth liason.
"I have heard from the forward defenses. The soldiers are turning on each other. It is the work of Inquisitor-Witches. they are beyond human ken! We must evacuate the Emperor."
The liason smiled.
"Beyond human ken? I am afraid not. they are quite within human ken, and the Agency understands how the work."
He thumbed his comlink.
"Send the special teams to the breakthrough point."
He grinned broadly.
"You see, Commander Strahnsbrad, the work of such "Inquisitors" is known to us. The Agency has been in charge of such gifted individuals back home. We are well prepared for such an eventuality."
-: Imperial Palace, Floor 3 sector 5 :-
Inquisitor Markham ducked behind cover as the sharp, rolling crack, like a hundred lightning bolts striking at once, erupted through the hallway. Two dozen guardsmen armed with Commonwealth-made particle-beam shoulder weapons were dug in behind barricades at the other end of the hallway. Two of Markham's men fell, burning holes where their chests should be.
He grinned broadly, and reached out with his mind- almost gently he touched the minds of the two dozen terrified guardsmen.
The screams from the far end of the hall spoke measures to his success.
"Move ahead! FOR THE EMPEROR! SLAY THEM ALL!" He shouted. His soldiers moved ahead in good order, moving from cover to cover.- they were fanatics, but well trained fanatics.
Then the figures emerged from cover- unnaturally tall, covered in sleek, black powerarmor. Cut-down heavy weapons hung from their armored paws like any other solder would carry a submachine gun.
Commonwealth power-armor Cavalry thought Markham. I should have known they would have dispatched some elite troops to protect their little puppet. He grinned. Their fancy armor and training wouldn't protect them one bit. He reached out, a destruction casting on his thoughts. He would tear them apart from the inside.
His mind reached out again- and STOPPED. The soldiers were all psykers! Weak ones- how did they hold him back?
they are twenty of them, but there is also only one of them. What the hell? Markham thought. How can they hold me back? what they HELL are they? Markham didn't panic. Inquisitors didn't panic easily. But it didn't help him one bit.
The squad moved forwards with unnatural speed. Counterfire lashed out from the rebel troops, but they weren't trained to deal with opposition like this. Two of the armored figures pitched over, smoking holes in their armor; but the flurry of counterfire ripped across the broad hallway. They were joined by squads of guardsmen and Commonwealth marines, pushing the rebels back across the hallway.
Markham lay bleeding in the corner, his arms and chest ravaged by a frag cannon. He frantically scrabbled for a weapon as one of the massive armored figures strode over to him. the last thing he saw, as the soldier delicatly blew his head off with a particle beam, were the letters emblazoned across the powered armor's left shoulder- PSAINT.
"Manipule One to Agent Goodman. Target One eliminated. Have you detected the rest?"
"Roger that, Manipule One. Coordinate with Manipules Two and Three- and happy hunting."
-: Orbit, Ulrich. :-
the four ships ripped in ahead of the main Azegart fleet. Their trajectories gave little doubt as to their objectives.
"All ships! Four enemy fireships detected, focus fire! FOCUS FIRE!"
The heavy energy batteries of the Commonwealth and Provisional fleet cut into the incoming craft. Every gun that could be brought to bear was- and the the fire was frighteningly effective. Three of the vessels were shrapnel almost instantly. The fourth sailed through, tumbling as her engines were blown out by arcing laser fire from a Commonwealth strike frigate. She continued on her ballistic path, right into the CNVSif.
"This is Captain Hallsey, all hands, brace for impact!"
The kilometer-long escort, trailing debris, smashed into the Dreadnought's broadside. The shields, designed to absorb gigatons of firepower, shattered the Destroyer- but they had been weakened by the enemy bombardment. A large chunk of hull slammed into the Sif's bare surface. Missile magazines were set off, and huge secondary explosions riped across her surface. Her aft reactors overloaded, their failsafes shutting them down at the last moment.
"-.... Sif to Kali, this is ..... to Kali. Repor..... ing 60% power .... Port.... ds GONE. Venting Atmosphere! Request.... Orders."
Sous-Admiral Marcao grimaced. Every book told him to pull the Sif out. Her engines were still online, and her fore reactors could power her engines long enough to jump to safety.
But he needed time, and the Sif's guns could allow him that.
"Hallsey, I need you to rotate the Sif and bring her Starboard guns to bear. All power from engines to starboard weapons and shields. All other vessels, the Azegart ships have closed to knife fighting range. Focus fire on their battlecruisers, cut them to peices!"
"Eastern manipule and Provisional cruiser squadron, continue to fire on the nonstandard vessels. Remember the previous orders."
"Gun Platform Command- this is your moment. Cut the pretenders down!"
The Azegart made fine energy weapons, but they were drastically outgunned. The Kali and Sif's huge SRM hypermissile broadsides, combined with the capital-scale particle beam cannon on the fleet's heavy cruisers and the massive gun platforms showed what strength of numbers could do.
"Three minutes until PRC fleet arrival, Sous-Admiral!"
- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
- Posts: 22678
- Joined: 2002-07-15 11:22pm
The death-scream of the Inqisitor had alerted them. Markham had been careless. They wouldn't make the mistake a second time. These PSAINTs would hardly last against a forwarned psyker.
Inquistor-Lord Varios strode through the corridor. Ahead were two of these new pyskers. Instead of engaging them in direct combat he simply unless the most dread socery, most Inquisitors would have killed him for ever knowing of it. The air around them turned to fire, even a nuclear weapon would pale in comparison to energy confined up the hall. There was little left but ash.
"Forewarned is forarmed."
[The Fleet]
The enemies dreadnaughts had both been crippled, the first all but shieldless and the latter little more than a burning wreck. It was a satisfying first strike and the Imperial ships had given as good as they got. The enemies heavy cruisers while ferocious had proven to be relatively fragile for their size. At least three of them had fallen and many more were wrecks.
The two battlecruisers, Reaver and Blade withdrew, battered but still relatively intact. The losses among the escorts were heavy but if the enemy wanted a missle duel, they'd get one. When reinforcements arrived.
Admiral Karis grinned despite the bloody head wound. The reinforcements had arrived.
"Ah, compnay."
[OOC: the suicide ships aren't any different than regular ones. They'd just recieved some measure of irrepairable damage (damage to the frame, engines, etc) and were written off. In the midst of a battle they wouldn't stand out.]
The death-scream of the Inqisitor had alerted them. Markham had been careless. They wouldn't make the mistake a second time. These PSAINTs would hardly last against a forwarned psyker.
Inquistor-Lord Varios strode through the corridor. Ahead were two of these new pyskers. Instead of engaging them in direct combat he simply unless the most dread socery, most Inquisitors would have killed him for ever knowing of it. The air around them turned to fire, even a nuclear weapon would pale in comparison to energy confined up the hall. There was little left but ash.
"Forewarned is forarmed."
[The Fleet]
The enemies dreadnaughts had both been crippled, the first all but shieldless and the latter little more than a burning wreck. It was a satisfying first strike and the Imperial ships had given as good as they got. The enemies heavy cruisers while ferocious had proven to be relatively fragile for their size. At least three of them had fallen and many more were wrecks.
The two battlecruisers, Reaver and Blade withdrew, battered but still relatively intact. The losses among the escorts were heavy but if the enemy wanted a missle duel, they'd get one. When reinforcements arrived.
Admiral Karis grinned despite the bloody head wound. The reinforcements had arrived.
"Ah, compnay."
[OOC: the suicide ships aren't any different than regular ones. They'd just recieved some measure of irrepairable damage (damage to the frame, engines, etc) and were written off. In the midst of a battle they wouldn't stand out.]

- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
(OOC) As much as I HATE it when you declare kills, your last post was shockingly equitable.
The Kali's shields were hurting, but she was far from out of the fight- The Sif, burning on all decks, fell out of formation. There was little else she could do.
Two Provisional cruisers had been taken down, and the Ashkaga had just gone up as well, sliced neatly in half by Imperial fire. The Battle of Togo had taken some hull damage but was largely intact. Two more Provisional cruisers had pulled back, nursing wounds.
"Fighter Command, we've knocked out the balance of the enemy escorts. Hit them, and hit them hard! Strike Frigate squadrons A through C, join the attack. Kill the remaining enemy Cruisers."
"Hotfoot Leader to Hotfoot Squadron. Follow me in on my attack run. Demon and Assassin Squadrons, follow me in and remember the Admiral's orders- PD work when the timer goes out."
The heavy Commonwealth-built fighters fought there way in. The enemy escort wall had been heavily damaged in the exchange, and the enemy fighter squadrons had been horrifically depleted in their fanatical charge into the Commonwealth guns in the beginning of the battle. What fire there was wasn't enough to keep the fast-moving strike craft from hitting their targets. Massive explosions blossomed among the Azegart cruisers. They had been reallocating their shielding to protect against the Commonwealth fleet's firing, and now they were being attacked from all sides by the strike craft. Without adequate escort and fighter protection, their casualties would be heavy.
"Command, clock says 30 seconds to PRC fleet arrival."
"Alright, kill the active targetting sensors on my mark. Begin launching ECM decoys. Signal the fighter squadrons to finish their runs and return. Contact the Provisional admiral and ask him what's the ETA on Life Taker squadron."
"Roger, command."
Manipule One's pointmen died, and their psionic deathhowls echoed down the links. Varios' spell had made his presence abundantly known to Agent Goodman, and the PSAINTs in manipules Two and Three.
The 16 survivors of Manipule One moved ahead. The Inquisitor was striding down the middle of the hallway (ooc hell, you said it....), arrogant after blasting the two pointmen of Manipule One into atoms.
There weren't enough left in Manipule One to completely stop the attack Varios hurled at them the second he noticed them, but the information they had gotten from the pointmen's deaths allowed them to hinder the master psyker's efforts for the bare seconds it took PSAINT Hiroshi to blow the man in half with a burst from his heavy particle cannon.
His arrogance had been his undoing. He should have stayed in cover.
"Watch them, they are stronger than expected. Their pyrokinesis is impressive, so watch their other efforts as well. Continue the advance."
Manipules Two and Three moved ahead, followed by teams of infantry.
The Kali's shields were hurting, but she was far from out of the fight- The Sif, burning on all decks, fell out of formation. There was little else she could do.
Two Provisional cruisers had been taken down, and the Ashkaga had just gone up as well, sliced neatly in half by Imperial fire. The Battle of Togo had taken some hull damage but was largely intact. Two more Provisional cruisers had pulled back, nursing wounds.
"Fighter Command, we've knocked out the balance of the enemy escorts. Hit them, and hit them hard! Strike Frigate squadrons A through C, join the attack. Kill the remaining enemy Cruisers."
"Hotfoot Leader to Hotfoot Squadron. Follow me in on my attack run. Demon and Assassin Squadrons, follow me in and remember the Admiral's orders- PD work when the timer goes out."
The heavy Commonwealth-built fighters fought there way in. The enemy escort wall had been heavily damaged in the exchange, and the enemy fighter squadrons had been horrifically depleted in their fanatical charge into the Commonwealth guns in the beginning of the battle. What fire there was wasn't enough to keep the fast-moving strike craft from hitting their targets. Massive explosions blossomed among the Azegart cruisers. They had been reallocating their shielding to protect against the Commonwealth fleet's firing, and now they were being attacked from all sides by the strike craft. Without adequate escort and fighter protection, their casualties would be heavy.
"Command, clock says 30 seconds to PRC fleet arrival."
"Alright, kill the active targetting sensors on my mark. Begin launching ECM decoys. Signal the fighter squadrons to finish their runs and return. Contact the Provisional admiral and ask him what's the ETA on Life Taker squadron."
"Roger, command."
Manipule One's pointmen died, and their psionic deathhowls echoed down the links. Varios' spell had made his presence abundantly known to Agent Goodman, and the PSAINTs in manipules Two and Three.
The 16 survivors of Manipule One moved ahead. The Inquisitor was striding down the middle of the hallway (ooc hell, you said it....), arrogant after blasting the two pointmen of Manipule One into atoms.
There weren't enough left in Manipule One to completely stop the attack Varios hurled at them the second he noticed them, but the information they had gotten from the pointmen's deaths allowed them to hinder the master psyker's efforts for the bare seconds it took PSAINT Hiroshi to blow the man in half with a burst from his heavy particle cannon.
His arrogance had been his undoing. He should have stayed in cover.
"Watch them, they are stronger than expected. Their pyrokinesis is impressive, so watch their other efforts as well. Continue the advance."
Manipules Two and Three moved ahead, followed by teams of infantry.
Troy Flagship of the First Fleet:
"How's the sensor feeds?"
"Very Good. We have most of the enemy fleet localized."
On the main holo the time to emergence counted down. 15 seconds left.
"Target those dreadnaughts."
Warspite Flagship of the Third Fleet:
"Target the TSC cruisers."
5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
The fleet emerged from fold drive. Immediately missiles began leaving the tubes of the assembled fleet. The numbers of missiles quickly reached a million, and kept climbing, as the missile launchers went into full automatic. Just as quickly, fighters were launched, tens of thousands of them.
[ooc] Time to die. This a full 1/3 of my fleet landing with both feet on you, heavily damaged already. [/ooc]
EDIT: screwed up the name of one of the ships... oops...
"How's the sensor feeds?"
"Very Good. We have most of the enemy fleet localized."
On the main holo the time to emergence counted down. 15 seconds left.
"Target those dreadnaughts."
Warspite Flagship of the Third Fleet:
"Target the TSC cruisers."
5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
The fleet emerged from fold drive. Immediately missiles began leaving the tubes of the assembled fleet. The numbers of missiles quickly reached a million, and kept climbing, as the missile launchers went into full automatic. Just as quickly, fighters were launched, tens of thousands of them.
[ooc] Time to die. This a full 1/3 of my fleet landing with both feet on you, heavily damaged already. [/ooc]
EDIT: screwed up the name of one of the ships... oops...
Last edited by Beowulf on 2004-01-11 10:27am, edited 1 time in total.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
- SirNitram
- Rest in Peace, Black Mage
- Posts: 28367
- Joined: 2002-07-03 04:48pm
- Location: Somewhere between nowhere and everywhere
[ooc There are large reasons why most don't dump large fractions of their fleet into attacks. Here is one of them.]
A Psychopath Battleship appeared in the PRC's home turf, diving into one of their lesser industrial systems. Flanked by over a dozen Unrelenting's and never abandoned long by six Gangster's, the fleet was easily a match for anything the People's Republic happened to hurl. In this case, it was the largely obsolete 2nd Fleet.
While mass-produced ships were apparently enough in the Republic, the relatively weak state of individuals left them almost kitten-feeble against the rough-and-tumble pirate fleet.
"Like a kid at his first date, he blows his load, then he's less than useless!" Guffawed the captain of one of the Unrelenting's, the massive ship little more than a floating peice of point defense. The initial volley had been quite impressive, and had damaged one of the cruisers enough that it was retreating.
The point defense of their foes meant the Frigates had to remain as point defense; their missiles would be wasted. So too did the Privateers stay in their hangars, venturing out only when bombers thought they could get in a few licks. Still, against the overwhelmingly beam-style weapons of the Alliance, the 'Missiles over everything' philosophy of the Republic had proven bad.
Crippling half the fleet sent to kill them in a dazzling array of ions and CREWS fire, the flotilla Displaced industrial structures from the planet below up, and began their retreat to their fleet. Doubtlessly they'd be followed; the captain of the BAS Didn't Do Nuffin' had carved a very rude and crude drawing onto the side of the planet they were raiding with it's heavy CREWS.
With half their ships at least somewhat damaged, they soared up, away from the main eliptic, to get to their pickup point.
A Psychopath Battleship appeared in the PRC's home turf, diving into one of their lesser industrial systems. Flanked by over a dozen Unrelenting's and never abandoned long by six Gangster's, the fleet was easily a match for anything the People's Republic happened to hurl. In this case, it was the largely obsolete 2nd Fleet.
While mass-produced ships were apparently enough in the Republic, the relatively weak state of individuals left them almost kitten-feeble against the rough-and-tumble pirate fleet.
"Like a kid at his first date, he blows his load, then he's less than useless!" Guffawed the captain of one of the Unrelenting's, the massive ship little more than a floating peice of point defense. The initial volley had been quite impressive, and had damaged one of the cruisers enough that it was retreating.
The point defense of their foes meant the Frigates had to remain as point defense; their missiles would be wasted. So too did the Privateers stay in their hangars, venturing out only when bombers thought they could get in a few licks. Still, against the overwhelmingly beam-style weapons of the Alliance, the 'Missiles over everything' philosophy of the Republic had proven bad.
Crippling half the fleet sent to kill them in a dazzling array of ions and CREWS fire, the flotilla Displaced industrial structures from the planet below up, and began their retreat to their fleet. Doubtlessly they'd be followed; the captain of the BAS Didn't Do Nuffin' had carved a very rude and crude drawing onto the side of the planet they were raiding with it's heavy CREWS.
With half their ships at least somewhat damaged, they soared up, away from the main eliptic, to get to their pickup point.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.
Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.
Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus
Debator Classification: Trollhunter
Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.
Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus
Debator Classification: Trollhunter
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
-OOC- HRM Alpha is doomed. But they will inflict an inordinate number of casualties, because you used the same trick three times in a fuckin' row. Bummer. -OOC-
Just seconds before the PRC fleet had arrived, the Commonwealth vessels had killed all active sensors and launched full ECM complements. (see previous post) The mercenary vessels were suddenly recieving very confusing sensor information- which they were transmitting to their masters in the PRC vessels.
The Commonwealth ships wouldn't be able to hit an average target worth a shit with their sensors down- but the PRC folddrive had an interesting effect. Sous-Admiral Marcao recalled the reports from the incident months before on the PRC border, where PRC vessels used their folddrive's shockwaves to try to damage Commonwealth vessels. The effect, powerful enough to damage a shielded ship at close range, was also very bright and visible on the Commonwealth passive targetting sensors.
Sous-Admiral Marcao had read the reports, and knew what to suspect. The fleet's passive sensors were already configured. He had guessed that the enemy would be using a spotter. He had prepared for this in advance.
The Commonwealth vessels opened fire. Every missile tube in the fleet fired off the last of their hypermissile reserves with deadly accuracy against the bright, clear targets of the incoming Cornerian ships- targets without hypershields and which were, under all their layers of shielding, quite weakly hulled. The Cornerians had elected to go for heavy shielding and armament at the cost of armor, and would pay for that mistake.
The six heavy gun platforms joined the barrage.
Over 1500 of the large Commonwealth hypermissiles arrived on-target, programmed to drop in the ships emerging in bright, pretty flashes from foldspace. The glare of their heavy warheads added a dull counterpart to the Cornerian fire.
The massed counterfire would impact against the Commonwealth fleet in seconds, and Sous-Admiral Marcao knew what he must do.
"All vessels, flush remaining Swarmer pods. Captain, the Kali and her escorts will cover the retreat of the Provisional fleet. Glory to the Commonwealth!"
The first wave of Cornerian missiles arrived on-target, following highly innacurate sensor data and dealing with the massed PD of HRM Alpha's one-shot swarmer pods. Few missiles hit, and the Provisional fleet leapt into Hyperspace.
"Second wave incoming, Commander! They've retargette...."
On Ulrich, the Planetary defense network registered the devastation to the Cornerian fleet.
Combat still raged, but the Provisional and Commonwealth troops were well dug in. Enough of the population was loyal- Ulrich was a border world, recently conquered by the Azegart, and had fewer fanatics by far. The soldiers would be able to holdon for at least a few days longer- and they controlled the planetary shields.
Just seconds before the PRC fleet had arrived, the Commonwealth vessels had killed all active sensors and launched full ECM complements. (see previous post) The mercenary vessels were suddenly recieving very confusing sensor information- which they were transmitting to their masters in the PRC vessels.
The Commonwealth ships wouldn't be able to hit an average target worth a shit with their sensors down- but the PRC folddrive had an interesting effect. Sous-Admiral Marcao recalled the reports from the incident months before on the PRC border, where PRC vessels used their folddrive's shockwaves to try to damage Commonwealth vessels. The effect, powerful enough to damage a shielded ship at close range, was also very bright and visible on the Commonwealth passive targetting sensors.
Sous-Admiral Marcao had read the reports, and knew what to suspect. The fleet's passive sensors were already configured. He had guessed that the enemy would be using a spotter. He had prepared for this in advance.
The Commonwealth vessels opened fire. Every missile tube in the fleet fired off the last of their hypermissile reserves with deadly accuracy against the bright, clear targets of the incoming Cornerian ships- targets without hypershields and which were, under all their layers of shielding, quite weakly hulled. The Cornerians had elected to go for heavy shielding and armament at the cost of armor, and would pay for that mistake.
The six heavy gun platforms joined the barrage.
Over 1500 of the large Commonwealth hypermissiles arrived on-target, programmed to drop in the ships emerging in bright, pretty flashes from foldspace. The glare of their heavy warheads added a dull counterpart to the Cornerian fire.
The massed counterfire would impact against the Commonwealth fleet in seconds, and Sous-Admiral Marcao knew what he must do.
"All vessels, flush remaining Swarmer pods. Captain, the Kali and her escorts will cover the retreat of the Provisional fleet. Glory to the Commonwealth!"
The first wave of Cornerian missiles arrived on-target, following highly innacurate sensor data and dealing with the massed PD of HRM Alpha's one-shot swarmer pods. Few missiles hit, and the Provisional fleet leapt into Hyperspace.
"Second wave incoming, Commander! They've retargette...."
On Ulrich, the Planetary defense network registered the devastation to the Cornerian fleet.
Combat still raged, but the Provisional and Commonwealth troops were well dug in. Enough of the population was loyal- Ulrich was a border world, recently conquered by the Azegart, and had fewer fanatics by far. The soldiers would be able to holdon for at least a few days longer- and they controlled the planetary shields.
[ooc] You think I don't have hypershields? Given the fact that my shields use black body radiation in order get rid of the energy absorbed, the emitted radiation would quickly be in the gamma ray radiation band, if it didn't also cover hyperspace. And similar trick three times in a row. I didn't try the danger close foldspace emergence this time. The reason I went for shields instead of armor is that my shields have a nasty tendency to blast part of their absorbed eneregy in when they fail, which has the net result of cooking every external sensor when they do. Also note that my civ is a byproduct of one that's from the ASVS STGOD1, which featured a high number of ships needing hypershields. Also, I've used the trick more than 3 times in a row.
and Nitram, there is still the 7th fleet at home. Also you seem to forgotten about the fact that most planets have defenses such as shields and plantery weapons. Also, you seem to have remarkably good intelligence to be able to tell that I moved out a good portion of my fleet.[/ooc]
On the sensor holodisplay, Admiral Wong watched most of the frigates and a dozen destroyers disappear from the display. A regrettable loss. The shields of the rest of the fleet were slowly cooling down. A number of ships had lost a few shield layers, but those would soon be back up. The fleet soon commenced with the dismemberment of the plantery defenses, immobile as they were. From the com traffic intercepted, Wong knew that there would soon be a smallish taskforce from the Outworlds Alliance showing up. He intended to give them a choice, leave peacefully, or not leave at all.
and Nitram, there is still the 7th fleet at home. Also you seem to forgotten about the fact that most planets have defenses such as shields and plantery weapons. Also, you seem to have remarkably good intelligence to be able to tell that I moved out a good portion of my fleet.[/ooc]
On the sensor holodisplay, Admiral Wong watched most of the frigates and a dozen destroyers disappear from the display. A regrettable loss. The shields of the rest of the fleet were slowly cooling down. A number of ships had lost a few shield layers, but those would soon be back up. The fleet soon commenced with the dismemberment of the plantery defenses, immobile as they were. From the com traffic intercepted, Wong knew that there would soon be a smallish taskforce from the Outworlds Alliance showing up. He intended to give them a choice, leave peacefully, or not leave at all.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
- Raptor 597
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 3338
- Joined: 2002-08-01 03:54pm
- Location: Lafayette, Louisiana
The first wave of the Dunlap Attack Force were formed around the various Ranger Carriers and Baden Heavy Cruisers. Though these forces arrived somewhat close to the planet they were still in a high orbit. The drone carriers were however carrying an extra payload: mechanized forces. The combat forces began to form up and head torward the Azegart ships.
"Azegart Forces, this is the command of Lord Duke Kenningston, allies of the PRC. We have arrived to assist to the friends of the PRC, and your liberation from the unlawful Commonwealth invasion. We shall assist your attack on the fleet fully while preparing to land our forces. We are forming up and are awaiting orders."
"Azegart Forces, this is the command of Lord Duke Kenningston, allies of the PRC. We have arrived to assist to the friends of the PRC, and your liberation from the unlawful Commonwealth invasion. We shall assist your attack on the fleet fully while preparing to land our forces. We are forming up and are awaiting orders."
Formerly the artist known as Captain Lennox
"To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me." - Sir Isaac Newton
"To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me." - Sir Isaac Newton
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
CD Manipules Beta, Kappa, and Psi dropped out of hyperspace in the Ulrich system. With them were the Provisional Navy vessels which had escaped the previous battle- only three of the seven cruisers were present, and the one surviving Provisional escort carrier had no fighters.
The Provisional home defense fleet consisted largely, now, of escorts.
Then the rest of the Provisional fleet arrived.
"This is His Imperial Majesty's Ship Life Taker. Cornerian forces, you are taking part in an illegal act of aggression. Leave this system at once, or face the consequesnces."
The Outworlds Alliance fleet arrived seconds after- and it was hardly a pittance. One of the Alliance's Dreadnought groups was present.
The Commonwealth fleet had two of the huge Commonwealth Fleet Carriers present. The Hera and the Ishtar divulged their fighter complements- one thousand of the big Commonwealth shielded fighting craft total. Three "Chorea"-class escort carriers were present as well, and they added another 450 craft to the launch.
The Provisional reinforcement fleet- drawn from the craft which had been dispatched across the Empire, keeping order, was headed by the Life Taker- A hulk salvaged from the bone-yards, her engines replaced, modern Commonwealth-built defense and sensor systems installed. Salvaged Azegart weapons had been installed, along with Commonwealth heavy particle beam cannon. She was much as other vessels of her class had been- slow, but a dangerous opponent.
Around her blossomed a solid dozen cruisers- Half of them rebuilt "Ravages" from the old days, the rest Commonwealth-built. Sixty escorts covered her flanks, and four Provisional escort carriers, fresh from patrol, launched their fighter complements to join with the Commonwealth strikegroup.
Grand Admiral Hideyoshi, aboard the CNV Hera, grinned broad and friendly. Her sensors had just picked up signals from the OA reinforcements.
The Provisional home defense fleet consisted largely, now, of escorts.
Then the rest of the Provisional fleet arrived.
"This is His Imperial Majesty's Ship Life Taker. Cornerian forces, you are taking part in an illegal act of aggression. Leave this system at once, or face the consequesnces."
The Outworlds Alliance fleet arrived seconds after- and it was hardly a pittance. One of the Alliance's Dreadnought groups was present.
The Commonwealth fleet had two of the huge Commonwealth Fleet Carriers present. The Hera and the Ishtar divulged their fighter complements- one thousand of the big Commonwealth shielded fighting craft total. Three "Chorea"-class escort carriers were present as well, and they added another 450 craft to the launch.
The Provisional reinforcement fleet- drawn from the craft which had been dispatched across the Empire, keeping order, was headed by the Life Taker- A hulk salvaged from the bone-yards, her engines replaced, modern Commonwealth-built defense and sensor systems installed. Salvaged Azegart weapons had been installed, along with Commonwealth heavy particle beam cannon. She was much as other vessels of her class had been- slow, but a dangerous opponent.
Around her blossomed a solid dozen cruisers- Half of them rebuilt "Ravages" from the old days, the rest Commonwealth-built. Sixty escorts covered her flanks, and four Provisional escort carriers, fresh from patrol, launched their fighter complements to join with the Commonwealth strikegroup.
Grand Admiral Hideyoshi, aboard the CNV Hera, grinned broad and friendly. Her sensors had just picked up signals from the OA reinforcements.
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
- Contact:
Amidst the fighting, AU physicists had discovered an anomaly that could change the universe as we know it.
"Ok, this should not be happening"
"Well, when I make a certain hand gesture... I seem to create some kind of light" The young Aquarian demonstrates
"Sweet mother void"
"Ok, this should not be happening"
"Well, when I make a certain hand gesture... I seem to create some kind of light" The young Aquarian demonstrates
"Sweet mother void"
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Biozeminade!
- Posts: 3874
- Joined: 2003-02-02 04:29pm
- Location: what did you doooooo щ(゚Д゚щ)
Spreading out like an enormous durasteel flower, waves of OAN fighters surrounded the main battle formation. At it's core, the Dreadnought Judgement readied it's weaponry for the coming battle.
ATTN: Grand Admiral Hideyoshi, CDV Hera
FROM: Admiral Husayn, Judgement
"They don't seem to be responding....are you feeling generous, sir? Or should we commence unpleasantness?" The Admiral grinned tightly.
ATTN: Grand Admiral Hideyoshi, CDV Hera
FROM: Admiral Husayn, Judgement
"They don't seem to be responding....are you feeling generous, sir? Or should we commence unpleasantness?" The Admiral grinned tightly.
And when I'm sad, you're a clown
And if I get scared, you're always a clown
And if I get scared, you're always a clown