Quite frankly the Bantam run was a joke.zombie84 wrote:I agree. The EU is comprised of shitty sci fi written by equally horrid writers--for the most part at least. Theres a diamond in the rough here and there, but even still, they tend to take Star Wars in silly directions and often reduce the great Star Wars series to the level of Star Trek.
Its a combinations of the sheer quantity of EU that is written, the fact that a lot of times the authors are limited in their narrative (a natural consequence when you have one hundred authors all competing in the same fictional universe) and a bunch of smaller miscellaneous things, like the fact that most of the EU writters just arent very good authors--again, this may be due to the above two facts, but it seems to me that EU often smacks of the same quality (and not surprising, the very same storylines) that you would find in POS fan fiction (hell sometimes even that is better). I guess one of the problems may be that the EU essentially boils down to the fact that its movie-merchandise.
It does anger me when people often argue the crappy EU notions with the same validity as the films, because the EU often carries the series into realms not really meant for Star Wars (i guess its just denial), but what can you expect? At least Lucas can acknowledge that the EU exists in its own seperate alternate universe from the films.
There should've been epic comic/novel series covering the fall of Coruscant, the rise of Thrawn, and the return of Palpatine. The rest could've been filled in by I, Jedi style novels (but with less masturbation), and X-Wing style series to cover the war.
Quite frankly a good pulp contribution while remaining pretty fluid and not as pretentious as previous EU is the Jedi, Republic, and Empire series.
Little comics like that do a good job of continuing the story of Star Wars while keeping it small. I think it works a lot better and I'm personally glad that they've begun to put their emphasis there.