Zaia wrote:I (that's you, lunkhead)
come to because...
4) the people here are kickass and makes me laugh, damnit. Shut your hole before I get all teary-eyed.
Check out my average posts-per-day. I read way more than I write.
If someone (like Z, for kicks, who's writing this survey) made me pick my favourite troll, I'd have to go with...
3) Random Young Earth/Fundy Christian master of "debating."
Out of teh choices presented I'd go witht his guy, 'cause it's fun to watch others take him apart, but the new guy-revprez-is rather high on my list because he actually bothers to reply to me.
How would I best describe how I feel about Mike Wong?
3) He's a really smart guy, fun to talk with, and I'm really glad he started this board.
I've only been around the ST vs. SW scene since summer 2001, so I never really became one of the "Disciples of Wong," but I like him anyway.
I like to hang out at the board primarily to...
1) read. Only when I find a topic where I can contribute meaningful discussion will I post.
More or less true, although my contributions are rearely that maeningful. Is it still spam if I only do it a few times a day?
"Starcrossed" is...
3) something I really need to read but haven't yet. Its length is a little intimidating *snerk*...
There are a ton of other fanfic sites on the Web, and I've been too busy to even start it.
I visit
1) once or twice, maybe a few times a day. I'm ok with that.
Those "few times" usually last between a half-hour and an hour, though...
What makes me laugh most at would have to be…
4) all the smartass comments from my favourite denizens. Ego and cockiness are sexy. ROWR!
So ture. And since when have you started using British spellings?
Getting FUQed is…
1) the best way to spend a Saturday night with Rob Dalton, whether or not you keep your clothes on.
Alas, I have yet to say anything witty enough to get noticed.
Have you ever said the phrase "concession accepted" in a discussion with non-board members?
3) Yes. They laughed, but I was still right, damnit.
Back on SB.
The Great Dolphin Conspiracy.
2) I haven't been paying attention to the blue text and cute Flipper pictures. What's all this, now?
I'm sure it either has something to do with Miami, or that weird dophin sex site people are always linking to, or both.
Where's your main drag?
2) SLAM, New & Politics, and consequently HoS.
This and OT. I'm not really into anything enough to contribute to the fiction boards, and I have no skill with art or computers.
If all the members of were miraculously able to gather all together at some random location (just assume we can afford to do it, 'k? And yes, bring your SOs/spouses for Answer D, thanks), what do you surmise would happen?
4) ORGY! What else? ...Would HAVE to get more chicks first, though. Please God.
I'm sure Lord Punder could convince some mroe guys to join GALE.
How does compare to the other BBSes in your life?
3) It's the most kickass place on the web. If you don't think so, just fuck me up the ass.
The only board I post at, really, although I read a couple others.