Foo, you besta stop trippin on me fo I smoke yo ass.Col. Crackpot wrote:why u gotta be a playa hater, yo?
At any rate, Ebonics or "Slanguage" as it is referred to gets on my nerves to no end. I hear this garbage at work every day and it Boggles my fucking mind to hear this shit being spoken to customers on the phone. WHEN TALKING ABOUT A MORTGAGE, NO LESS. Arguably not always a simple three-word conversation. (Customer's often need instruction on exactly HOW their escrow account became 600.00 short) to hear attempts to explain this in pidgin speak is, to say the least, annoying as a metallic splinter up my asshole. Words like "Aks" in place of ask, and "Da" in place of the, make people sound unintelligent and uninformed. Dare I say it? Stupid. Where did fucking "aks" come from anyway? What a stupid fucking piece of shit meaningless word. (Unless you refer to a weapon or tool) *deep breath*
Gotta take calls now.