revprez wrote:
But invasion of our territory today means terror acts like 9/11 or worse. We don't anticipate them coming, there's little to no strategic depth to exploit in order to protect the citizens, and if WMDs entire the equation the cost to our society beyond that of human life will be enormous. Is there no case for going to war preemptively with a lower standard of evidence when the threat is not imminent?
Rev Prez
I would agree that the greater the risk the more demanding of action, but it's dangerous ground to start acting
purely on hunches or the most basic of intelligence. I do believe the CIA among other intel servives had an idea a major attack on the US was going to take place, but nothing could be done because nothing
could be done. It was too vague and unsubstantiated to act upon and so we have the horrid chain of events that led to the loss of many lives and an altered global atmosphere.
Some would criticize the intel services for not doing something and blatantly allowing terrorists to attack with immunity, but that would be wrong since while they have to take every piece of info as serious, they can't just go and make plans off the bat. If they got a message from several sources that said Arabs were going to attack NYC, they couldn't really do much other than boost security or at the most evac the place. If they got it wrong, that's a big problem even if people should be thankful for the countermeasure.
I'm seeing the same applying to this situation, maybe not perfectly, but I like to think we have significant findings before we potentially get into very hot water with no justification to act as a lifeline. Depending on the general workings and attitude of the government, I'd say there would be different ways at looking at this invasion or whole scenario post 9/11 if another US gov't was in place.