You're correct, the US and USSR had a combined arsenal of 40,000 MT, with the rest of the nuclear power accounting something like 15,000 or more in the 1960s. And yes, arms reduction has gutted these stockpiles by something like half IIRC.phongn wrote:1. The total US nuclear arsenal at it's height in the 1960s was only 20GT and has been coming down ever since (mainly due to increased accuracy of delivery systems). I find it highly unlikely that the world's total arsenal is 60GT.
Man, I completely forgot about that! I'm too young to have been phased very much to to the early debates on nuclear winter. By the time I got to college and took Postal's special weapons course, TTAPS 100 MT nuclear winter had been of a case study in earlier flawed models for ten years or more.2. Are you referencing Sagan's TTAPS study? That one has been generally discredited.
Rev Prez