Arm Commander VS the Imperial forces on Hoth

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Arm Commander VS the Imperial forces on Hoth

Post by Xon »

A malfunctioning Galactic Gate deposits an Arm Commander under the canopy shield on Hoth just as the Imperial forces are landing. The said Arm commander starts with a typical 1k metal & energy. How would this change the outcome of the assault and the series?

Some info on what the Arm from TA can do:
Commanders: Commanders have anti-matter backpacks for power, blueprints and nano-lathes which them to, in a matter of hours, build up whole military industrial complexes, and special nano-technology born viruses which allow them to capture the intelligences running other war machines. Not expecting reinforcements for days or weeks after moving through a Galactic Gate onto a planet, the Commander must conquer or be destroyed
The Commanders are piloted by the best and brightest, and any conceivable tactic will be used if it insures victory. Even giving control over Moho-metal makers to other Commanders to cause them to drain their energy nets unexpectedly has been observed.

The commander can move at 14.4 m/s, with a linear acceleration of 1.8 m/s/s, has a full body rotation rate of 172 degrees a second (from in game stats screen). The commander generates 25 energy per second, and it takes 400 energy to fire a d-gun. So at most the commander can fire 2 d-gun blasts before needing to wait 8 seconds for enough energy to be generated before it can fire the 3rd d-gun blast. After that it requires 16 seconds to generate enough energy to fire the d-gun. The Commander is also armed with a ‘laser’ that requires no external energy and has a reload rate of .85 seconds.

In Game time is measured in the same units as real time, ie 1 hour in game is 1-hour real-time (at normal speed, higher game speeds alter how fast time goes) so the construction speeds are canon.

Some build times for stuff built by the Commander
  • A Light Laser Tower(LLT) can be built in 15.54 seconds
  • A Kbot lab can be built in 22.53 seconds
  • A solar collector in 8.32 seconds
This of course ignores resource limitations, which are the real hindrance on how fast you can build in TA.

As for the size of a Commander, they are about >8 meters high, Scalling them to various objects yields similar, if not greater, results. (The cars & trucks that can be found in the urban maps)
Heavy Armour: Many times more dense than its ancient counterpart, heavy Armour is so resilient that, for an equal amount of protection, less weight is needed than traditional armour. This has lead to its near universal adoption as the protection for military units. However if it, or the generators that are maintaining it, are severely damaged, then it tends to catastrophically fail. It works by artificially strengthening and compressing matter to make the whole of the outside of the vehicle one giant molecule.
A SIF on steroids, big steroids.

There are roughly 3 types of weapons: Plasma, Laser, Anti-matter explosives.
Plasma weapons are (in general) weaker than 'laser' based, but have a longer range.
All other explosives use anti-matter to get the required energy densities to be useful.

“Energy Cannon / Energy Shells: Energy cannons are similar to standard cannons, except that they fire energy shells. Energy shells are very powerful lasers, which fire for several seconds and are ‘frozen’ in a tiny grid of space-time. This grid is then launched in a manner similar to a rail gun, (but using vacuum fluctuations rather than electro-magnetic fields).
When the energy shell reaches the target, the entire energy is given off at once in a near microscopic area. No armor can with stand the temperatures generated, and the spray of metal plasma destroys the interior of the target (the spray of plasma is forced inside the unit by the intense light pressure) ”
This is the weapon the Peewee & Brawler use, not the most powerful ‘laser’ weaponry around.

“Lasers: A generic term for any sort of weapon that directs an ‘energy’ beam. As well as traditional lasers of coherent light, coherent matter beams and certain classes of pseudo boson beams are also included”

“Plasma Cannon: This fires a spherical force field with a highly pressurized 10 million degree plasma tightly contained with in it. When the force ball touches the target, the force field dissolves on the side touching the target and the plasma burns through the target’s armour. Simple heat and thermal shock may cause the kill. Heavy Armour is moderately venerable to high temperatures and multiple hits by plasma cannons can cause its breakdown. ”
Cannot argue that half the firepower is waste, it ALL gets diverted to the target.
Any human that makes contact with any weapons fire would be vaporized completely.

Plasma weapons (which are in general weaker than 'laser' based weapons) are composed of 10 million degree highly pressurized plasma. The temperature of core of the sun, is 16 million degrees Kelvin (K), this isn’t very far of the 10 million degree plasma in the weapons. (The differences between Kelvin and centigrade is 273). This stuff is hotter than the surface of the sun. (The corona, the sun’s surface, is extremely hot - millions of degrees Kelvin)

Rockets: This is the generic name for a wide variety of weapon systems.
Generally they have a pre-programmed flight path to prevent an unsophisticated
guidance from being completely fooled by the ordinary ‘weak cloaking’
and electronic spoofing that all units possess. They carry a larger than
a smarter missile and this payload is almost invariably a small amount of anti-matter
Lots of ECM are in use.

“Anti-matter: Like normal matter but with the opposite charge and magnetic moment. When antimatter and normal matter combine, they turn completely into energy, releasing vast floods of gamma rays. Antimatter is used extensively for weapons and for energy storage were extraordinary energy density is required”
Proof of extensive use of anti-matter, there is even a suicide unit, which is a large matter/antimatter bomb.

As for what the weapons can do:
The D-Gun:
Disintegrator: This is an ultimate weapon: no physical matter provides protection from it. It works by suppressing the quantum field strength of the ‘gluons’ that hold together atomic nuclei. The matter violently tears itself apart, leaving hydrogen, deuterium, and a burst of free neutrons. This is the major advantage of Disintegrators: anything is destroyed and Heavy Armour provides virtually no protection.

The weapon has a number of disadvantages: First the matter is disintegrated so no metal salvage is possible. Second, the weapon is short range, partly because of the inherent physical limitations of reasonable sized projectors, and partly due do atmospheric attenuation of the effect. The most severe restriction is the vast amounts of energy required to fire it.

A useful attribute of the weapon is that it damages everything in a cone of effect so it can destroy several units that are clustered together
This causes the nucleus of an atom to spontaneously disintegrate, which would release an incredible amount of energy to be liberated (not quite the same level as a anti-matter/matter reaction but much greater than a normal nuclear reaction).

Now to get some firepower calcs.(note these were by Bagus of
These are based not from much-maligned fanfic, but from canon Galactic War reports straight off the Cavedog website.
Galactic War Briefing Update: Week 3


NEWSBOT -- From out of nowhere came a single CORE Commander. Going by the handle of Coldfire, this lowly private put up the fight of his life to save his patterned brothers from seeing clones run free over the world of Core Prime.

The charges had been set. Central Consciousness was wired to blow in 1:30:00. Arm Commanders Ikill4laffs, wembly, Hawk, Klord, and Clone sat back and admired the handiwork of their charges, waiting for the time to press the button and destroy the center of patterned life. The only thing left was to eliminate the remaining Core Commanders who walked the surface of the world.

Ignatz vs. Ewok: With victory still in reach, CORE Commander Ignatz rolled his tanks into Ewok's fortified base. Using an air transport, he hoisted himself over the sea of enemy troops, sacrificing his own body that his soldiers may fight on and win. Ignatz's sacrifice and the resulting CORE victory raised the stakes even higher -- the war was still going in favor of the ARM, but now only by a single battle.

Coldfire vs. Gnug615: As the previous battle continued to blaze, ARM Commanders were kept feverishly on the edge of their seats as their veteran hero, Gnug615, took on the unknown soldier, Coldfire. Hawk relayed battle updates to the peanut gallery, wembly watched the countdown to detonation and Ikill4laffs scanned the horizon for another would-be CORE hero. None came. Now, it was all up to Coldfire.

At T minus 5 minutes to detonation, the battle still raged. Nuclear missiles were countered by both sides' anti-nuke systems, while flakker fire brought down entire wings of bombers and gunships.

T minus 4 ... minus 3...2...1...

With an explosion that cracked and fissured the armored surface of Core Prime, Central Consciousness was no more. The huge computer banks boiled away as matter/anti-matter charges detonated around its surface.

But on the surface, the battle raged on.

Thrown into a frenzy of rage at the scream of thousands of billions of patternings perishing in a single blow, Coldfire's troops pressed their final charge, overwhelming the last of Gnug's battered and surprised troops, driving them into the ground with gigatons worth of explosive power.

When the smoke cleared, Coldfire scrambled to complete the download begun over two hours previously. Central Consciousness may have died, but a remnant of the Core was determined to live on, at least in part. Coldfire strained against the flood of data before finally getting cut off. A single message flashed in monochrome green across his signal feed.


Core Private Coldfire sunk to his knees, crushing a twisted scrap of metal and flesh beneath him, pounding an armored fist against the ground. He had won the battle, but the war had been lost.

Regaining his footing, Coldfire looked to the horizon. Already, the demolition crew was rushing the planet in celebration, raising the ARM flag high. A beacon light winked weakly in one corner of his field of vision. Shaking his head, he turned, hit the "Destruct" button on the Sector-span Gate and strolled through, gazing across the metal fields and mountains of Core Prime one last time before disappearing in a puff of logic-defying light.
Just to clarify, the relevant part of this quote is "Coldfire's troops pressed their final charge, overwhelming the last of Gnug's battered and surprised troops, driving them into the ground with gigatons worth of explosive power."

Now, according to Gnug615, who I asked about this a few days ago, Coldfire hit him with 100-200 units at this point.

Assuming a fairly reasonable average of 20 shots per unit throughout the fight, 200 units, and 2 GT of firepower total, we reach an average yield of 500 KT per shot.

For an ultra-conservative figure, we can say 500 units (the unit limit in normal TA, it would've been impossible for more to have been involved, and this assumes no resource structures, factories, or anything but combat units) and 50 shots each (using the staple missile trucks, which fire once per 2.5 seconds, every unit would have had to have been firing constantly for 2 minutes. This gives us a bottom-end of 80 KT per shot.

A little bit more high end, let's say 100 units, 10 GT, and 20 shots each... 5 MT per shot. That's a tad ridiculous, but it establishes an absolute utter high end.

So, overall, this gives us a range of 80 KT to 5 MT average for ground weapons, with a reasonable range of 250 KT to 1 MT (IMO).

Comments? Criticism? Flames?
The Arm missile truck does 40 ingame damage points, it is an area effect weapon but with a very small area effect (relatively to every thing else in TA). This allows us to calculate that each ingame hit point & damage point is worth :
[80 KT, 250 KT, 1 MT, 5 MT] / 40
=[2 KT, 6.25 KT, 25 KT, 125 KT]

The Commander’s laser, doing 60 points of damage(focused). So:
60 points of damage equates to
60 * [2 KT, 6.25 KT, 25 KT, 125 KT]
= [120 KT, 375 KT, 1.5 MT, 7.5 MT]
So low end the Arm Commander laser does 120 KT of highly focused damage.

The commander has 3000 hitpoints, so damage absorption is
3000 * [2 KT, 6.25 KT, 25 KT, 125 KT]
= [6 MT, 18.75 MT, 75 MT, 375 MT]
So a low end 6 MT of damage.

Side note: the Krogoth can take 29918 points of damage. So a Krogoth can absorb:
29918* [2 KT, 6.25 KT, 25 KT, 125 KT]
= [59.8 MT, 186.98 MT, 747.95 MT, 3.74 GT]
So a low end 59.8 MT of damage!
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Mr Bean
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Post by Mr Bean »

AT-AT are armed with Megaton Weapons(On Full power that is)
Plus have KM's of Range

Arm commander Appers
AT-AT's see
AT-AT's Shoot twice, maybe three time,

SW has a major Range advantage here which you have to consider

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Post by Mr Bean »

Oh another note I forgot to add
If you gave the Commander some lag time to build first he'd likley be attacked by the Rebels :D
Assuming not the fight would become a bit fairer depending on how fair the chain he had climbed
Only Batterys and Big Berthas have the range you need however to ingage the At-Ats the rest will be sunk by simple we can walk faster than you can run oh and we shot father to

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Post by Mr Bean »

Gaaaaaaaah no edit button, correction the above no they can't walk faster
They can shot for more, What was I thinking?

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Post by Xon »

Not having an Edit button sucks :( but I can understand why wong didnt add one.

A TA commander can move at 51.84 km/h, which is a lot faster than running and I'm sure its faster than an AT-AT.

As for the aspect of range, remember the game is scaled so you can actually handle it.
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Mr Bean
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Post by Mr Bean »

But scalled how much?
Besides you still have to too remeber two shots puts down a Commander, Maybe three

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Post by Xon »

Besides you still have to too remeber two shots puts down a Commander, Maybe three
True, but it would only take a single shot from the commander to kill any Starwars unit (dgun or laser).

Also remember the dead blast of a commander is bad and would wipe out the entire area around the commander.

Addition to senario:

The Commander appears a kilometre away from the main fighting arena that we see in the movie. The Imperials interpretit as a thread at start attack as soon as they are in range.
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Mr Bean
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Post by Mr Bean »

At-At's have 22KM+ Range they are only limited by Line of sight factors in Hoth

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Post by Xon »

At-At's have 22KM+ Range they are only limited by Line of sight factors in Hoth
Didnt know that :(

Couldnt the Commander hid behind some hill or something?
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Post by Mr Bean »

Flat Glacer Plain leading to a sloped up kinda place, then a little hump and the Rebel bace is inside the Hump

No sorry its basicly a Shooting Gallery on Hoth

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Post by Smiling Bandit »

AT that power they start *shooting at the hill*.

Or at worst, they could simply wait it out. The Core Commander simply doesn't have that much to work with, but in equal terms, its not contest. Star Wars could still out-produce him, just not on Hoth itself.

Aside from which, USing nanotech to construct is simply a game-o-vation which only works because the game says so. See Wong's page on Sci-Fi myths.
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Post by User099 »

If given enough "start time" and if the Empire didn't "rush" the commander he could build up basically an endless amount of forces. (or a max. of 200 per area, each area = up to 44x44 "screens".. hehehe)
but it's pretty much hopeless unless the commander stayed hidden and built up a reasonable amount of forces before making his presence known.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Thus the comment, Its a Glacier,
IE shooting gallery

"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe
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Post by Xon »

Or at worst, they could simply wait it out. The Core Commander simply doesn't have that much to work with, but in equal terms, its not contest. Star Wars could still out-produce him, just not on Hoth itself.
What if the Commander appeared behind the AT-ATs? they arent very manuverable or fast. (the whole Luke keeping up by running under it thing)

TA construction rates are very high(thats canon, deal with it).
Aside from which, Using nanotech to construct is simply a game-o-vation which only works because the game says so. See Wong's page on Sci-Fi myths.
So the hyperdrive the SW side has doesnt work then? The TA universe have had over 4000 years(the length of the Galactic War) to work on this type of technology, the construction speeds metioned are canon construction speeds. They also use teleportation tech to deploy the nanites from storage to the nano-lathe were they are then deposited on a frame. (which eliminates the logistical nightmare of providing the required materials)
Metal: Nano-bots are made of metal. While non-metallic elements used to build the nano-bots are used in quantity, the rare elements which limit production are a variety of heavy metals, so the raw material need to build nano-bots has come to be known generically as “metal”.
Metal will not be shown up on a Commander’s display until it has been formed into nano-bots ready to be teleported.
Nano-lathing: Tiny robots (10 microns across or less) are sprayed onto a powered skeleton.
They each ‘know’ allowable places they may link up (as well as being guided by the powerful intelligence within the nano-lathing unit) and as they settle into position they fuse creating solid material. Then a second stage of nano-lathing occurs where highly specialized nano-bots seek out precise locations on this skeleton to form optical links, weapon systems, intelligences, and other internal components.
Provided there is a blueprint, anything can be built with nano-lathing.
The nanites in TA are not self replicating, and are guided by an external intelligence.

Nor can they be used in any meaningful way on the battle field.

I will concide that range is a big issue, that really cant be resolved. Lucky TA is very consistent in its canon so it might be posible to derive so ranges.

Also the computing power they must have is just incredible (the whole storing a human level mind in a machine, and holding the complete molecular blueprints for over 150 units + the entirety of central conciseness can be fit into a Core Commander frame) And the Arm is at a similar level (it is a civil war over the ability to upload people into computers)
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Post by Smiling Bandit »

I still think its silly. Its one thing to just have a technology. Its another to try and explain it.

In any event, having you COmmander try and do your main attacking is a BAD idea. Moreover, the actual armies you can support are rather limited in scope, and where on Hoth would you get the materials to build them?

In any event, trying to make every incident of the batlle favoring the Commander would probably make him win. Then again, the Empire would simply grind him into dust. You'll notice they had crud for armies, so that one COmmande with a tiny force could comquer planets from other entrenched Commanders.
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Post by Xon »

I still think its silly. Its one thing to just have a technology. Its another to try and explain it.
Well it is explianed by the canon manuel, Galactic War reports, various other canon material (even ignoring the canon fanfics)
In any event, having you Commander try and do your main attacking is a BAD idea. Moreover, the actual armies you can support are rather limited in scope, and where on Hoth would you get the materials to build them?
First of the Commader comes with a smallish resource stash. That is more than enought to start a base. Moho metal extractors drill down to the Mohorovicic Discontinuity(the boundary between the planet's crust and mantle) which is 10-50 km. The normal metal extractor just drills deep into the planets crust. So they would use the resource from the heart of the planets it self (takes less than 15 seconds for a commander to biuld a metel extractor and have it come online). Then there are metel makers which can be used to replace metal extractors.
In any event, trying to make every incident of the batlle favoring the Commander would probably make him win.
If he gets killed in less than a second in the debate, why bother to start with? And it wouldnt insure he would win, as there are many things the Empire could do to stop him.
Then again, the Empire would simply grind him into dust. You'll notice they had crud for armies, so that one Commander with a tiny force could comquer planets from other entrenched Commanders.
The game is set at the end of a 4000 long civil war. There isnt much of the galaxy left(in one piece).
What began as a conflict over the transfer of consensus from Flesh to Machines, escalated into a war which has decimated a million worlds. The Core and the Arm have all but exhausted the resources of a galaxy in their struggle for domination. Both sides now crippled beyond repair. The remnants of their armies continue to battle on ravaged worlds. Their hatred fuelled by over 4000 years of total war. This is a fight to the death, for each side the only acceptable outcome is the complete elimination of the other.
Transcript of the Game Intro.
The Arm developed high-powered combat suits for its armies, while the Core transferred the minds of its soldiers directly into similarly deadly machines. The Core duplicated its finest warriors thousands of times over. The Arm countered with a massive cloning program. The war raged on for more than 4,000 years, consuming the resources of an entire galaxy and leaving it a scorched wasteland.

Both sides lay in ruins. Their civilizations had long since vanished, their once vast military complexes were smashed. Their armies were reduced to a few scattered remnants that continued to battle on ravaged worlds. Their hatred fueled by millenia of conflict, they would fight to the death. For each, the only acceptable outcome was the complete and utter annihilation of the other.
Simply put the galaxy TA is set in is shattered, near total destruction on both sides. And you wonder why the last desperate bid by the last commander of the said side won? (The Extra Core commander in Core contingency wasnt active.) The Galactic Wars which were on boneyard occured eairlier in the War.
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Post by IRG CommandoJoe »

Couldn't the Commander just cloak itself and go around the AT-AT's and attack from behind? It has enough resources to do that. Once he is behind the AT-ATs, he turns off the cloak, builds up the required energy after maybe a minute, and then blasts the AT-ATs with the D-Gun. Even if the D-Gun doesn't kill the AT-ATs, wouldn't it at least melt the ice underneath them? The AT-ATs would fall down and die. lol
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Mr Bean
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Post by Mr Bean »

And Arm-Commanders can Cloak at will when?

Oh and did you forget the giant Foot-prints thing and the Heat and abounc of other things even if it CAN cloack?

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Post by Xon »

Mr Bean wrote:And Arm-Commanders can Cloak at will when?
Since version 1.0 of Total Annihilation. Its to option "visible" in the option menu for the commander. Toggle it, and you get the message 'commander cloaking' if you have verbos unit chatter enabled.
Oh and did you forget the giant Foot-prints thing and the Heat and about the other things even if it CAN cloak?
What if the Cloak effects those too? It is imposible to visualy observe a clocked TA unit. Tracking weapons, lose tracking once a unit cloaks. So their EM signiture must be supressed. More to the point the AT-AT doesnt have any weaposn at the back, nor due to its crap design can it turn very fast.

The dgun would turn the AT-AT into rapidly expanding plasma, got to love weapons which cause matter to sponatiously disintegerate at the sub-atomic level.
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Post by Mr Bean »

What if the Cloak effects those too?
I'm realy waiting to hear how your Cloak Affects FOOTPRINTS

"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe
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Post by Xon »

Mr Bean wrote:
What if the Cloak effects those too?
I'm realy waiting to hear how your Cloak Affects FOOTPRINTS
If the cloak is some type of field the edits out the image of the commander. If it edits the image of the commander out, it woudl also be able to edit the image to removeany food prints. Which would be why there is a minium cloaking distance, as the field would cover a volumn. Get inside the area effect and you negate the cloak field (which is what happens in TA)
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Post by Xon »

Uhg, that last post and a lot of spelling errors in it. Corrected post :

If the cloak is some type of field the edits out the image of the commander, it would also be able to edit the image to remove any foot prints. Which would be why there is a minium cloaking distance, as the field would cover a volumn. Get inside the area effect and you negate the cloak field. Which is what happens in TA, and all units are linked together so all units of a side see the said unit.
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