A Space Opera RPG - OCC
Moderator: Thanas
Psionics allows the talented character to perform wondrous and extraordinary abilities, through the power of the mind. The relevant abilities to psychic strength is Charisma (which is about force of personality) and Wisdom (how "in-tune" your character is to the world and people). There are two relevant skills attached to the use of psionics: Concentration and Psionics.
Concentration - (Con) - If performing some focused task this skill prevents a failure from distractions. Also aids in the use of psionics. To use a psionic power when in a stressful and distracting environment, such as during combat, the psychic must make a concentration check, or he will lose all actions in a round.
Psionics - (Wis/Cha) - Requires the Talent (Natural or Psi) feat. You use this skill everytime you want to use a power. The check you make determines how effective that power is on a target, or in defence when a rogue psion attacks you. Cha is the modifier when the skill is applied upon another, while Wis is the modifier if the power is about awareness or defence against psychic attacks/powers.
There are a number of Feats that the Psychic enjoys:
(Psi) Talent - (Wis 12+ and Cha 12+) - The talented individual is given instruction in the ways of using psionics, usually through most if not all of their life. There is nothing physically distinctive to a psychic that distinguishes them apart from any other member of their race; at least in terms of outward appearance. However, all psychics tend to be striking individuals, and more in-tune with their surroundings and other people. This feat can only be taken at first level.
Free Powers - ESP, Regenerative Trance, Suggestion.
Powers Gained - You may choose 4 powers from the list.
(Psi) Natural Talent - (Wis 12+ OR Cha 12+) - Natural Talent implies that someone is a "clumsy" psychic or "untrained" - raw. This doesn't make them more powerful, in fact they can't choose as many powers as a fully trained psychic, nor can a Natural Talent ever really claim mastery over the art (in other, less ambiguous words, you can't select Psychic Mastery as a feat, even if your Wis or Cha scores meet the prerequisite), but their advantage is they can use a few powers really well. What they lack in flexibility they make up for in power.
Free Powers - ESP, Regenerative Trance, Suggestion.
Powers Gained - Pick 2 powers from the list. The Stamina cost for using these 2 powers is halved and rounded up. In effect your character can wield his powers as if under the influence of the Booster or Double drugs. The Natural Talent can't take drugs to increase his abilities except Special, which quarters the cost of using the power - taking Booster or Double has no effect on the Natural Talent.
(Psi) Natural Conditioning - (Natural Talent feat) - Natural Conditioning is the only other psychic feat open for the Natural Talent. This feat adds +2 to Concentration and Psionics checks for the Natural Talent, and it also allows 1 more power to be chosen from the list.
Powers Gained - You may choose 1 more power from the list. This power benefits from the same half-Stamina-cost feature that your other 2 powers enjoy.
(Psi) Combat Psionics - (Talent feat) - The psychic has trained to use his power in the stressful environment of combat encounters. Add +4 to concentration checks when using powers in a combat environment, this doesn't stack with Skill Focus. The Natural Talent cannot select this feat.
Powers Gained - You may choose 1 additional power from the list.
(Psi) Psychic Focus - (Talent feat) - The psychic's mental conditioning and training allows him to focus his abilities to succeed. Add +4 to psionics skill checks. Note: this skill is slightly more powerful than the Skill Focus feat, and as such the latter cannot be used for Psionics nor does it stack (So you can't have Skill Focus: Psionics and Psychic Focus). The Natural Talent cannot select this feat.
Powers Gained - You may choose 1 additional power from the list.
(Psi) Psychic Mastery - (Talent, Wis 14+ Cha 14+) - Psychic Mastery allows the psychic to use an power as a free action, rather than a standard action. Only one power can be used in this quickened way, but a standard action can still be used to fire off another power. The Natural Talent cannot select this feat.
Powers Gained - You may choose 2 additional powers from the list.
Psychic Powers
Psychic powers are what makes the psychic such a dangerous foe and useful ally. The use of these powers can give the psychic an edge against any circumstance, but they shouldn't be abused. Everytime you use a psychic power you suffer stamina damage (minor damage, but damage none the less). Psionics can be an exhausting skill to master, and overdepending on them is one of the key weaknesses a psychic suffers.
There are 13 powers in this list, 3 of which are free to both Talents and Natural Talents. Taking the Talent feat gives 4 powers from the list, while the Natural Talent feat gives 2 powers from the list. The Talent can take the additional feats Combat Psionics, Psychic Focus, and Psychic Mastery, which grant 4 more powers from the list (1/1/2, respectively). The Natural Talent can select the Natural Conditioning feat, which adds 1 more power. The Talent therefore will be able to use a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 11 powers, while the Natural Talent will be able to use 5 or 6 powers.
RANGE - All psychic powers have a range that they can be effectively used. Although specific ranges differ between powers, there are a number of general range descriptions that all powers fall under:
Self - Powers that have a range of "self" can only be used on oneself (to state the bleeding obvious).
Touch - Powers that require the psychic to touch the target for a prolonged amount of time. Wearing gloves doesn't actually prevent the power from being used, but it does dull it's effect. Any power that is used in this fashion suffers a -2 penalty to the Psionics skill. Touch means you have to be firmly gripping the target, not casually brushing against them or lightly tapping them on the shoulder.
Line Of Sight - Powers that require the psychic to have a clear line of sight on the target; if at any point something obsctructs clear view of the target the power is blocked. A psychic can't use a power that requires LoS through a sniper rifle (which can have a range of 1000m). The effective range of LoS equals the character's effective visual range - roughly 30m.
Beyond Sight - Powers that are long ranged and don't require Touch or LoS on the target, so long as the target is known to the psychic. The minimum range can be the inside of a room, while the maximum range seems to be planetary based.
STAMINA COST - All psychic powers (with the exception of ESP) takes some effort to use, and this effort generally wears out the psychic if he uses too much power too fast. Drugs can be taken to offset this effect, however the dangers of using drugs should be plain for all to see. There is always a danger of becoming addicted to the drug, and there is always a danger in some drugs to seriously threaten your wellbeing should you overdose.
Additionally, some powers are minor (in that the stamina cost is quite low) while others are major (the cost is high, or can be high - depending on how much stamina you are willing to use).
SAVING THROWS - All psychic powers that affect a target can be resisted in some form or another.
Fortitude - Fort Saves protect the psychic or the target if the power being used against them deals some kind of physical damage - such as Assault or TK (if the attacker is trying to starve your brain of oxygen).
Reflex - Reflex Saves protect the psychic or the target if the power being used against them requires either a LoS or deals some kind of physical danger towards them - such as Assault if used at range (in which case the Save can only succeed if there is cover available to block the LoS), or if TK is used to throw an object at the target.
Will - Will Saves protect the psychic or the target if the power being used against them acts to charm or mislead them - such as Clairvoyance/Clairaudience, Compulsion, Empathy, Illusion, and Suggestion.
Range - Touch, Line of Sight.
Stamina - 1 (A/Stun), 5 (A/KO), 10 (A/Kill).
Save - The target can make a Reflex Save (DC20 + the Cha modifier of the attacking psychic) if there is some cover available to reach; otherwise the target must make a Fort Save for each level of the Assault (see below).
A mental attack that can stun someone, knock them out, or cause permanent damage. When used on mundanes the psychic can easily stun or KO or even damage the target; if used against another psychic a duel commences. This duel is like the grapple attack, and can carry on for many rounds until one party or the other gains an advantage.
Duel takes 1 Stamina point from each psychic combatant for each round the duel endures, until one or the other has reached an advantage. When the duel is initiated both parties must make opposed psionics rolls. Whoever succeeds at breaking the other's defences first must hold their opponent for 1 round (concentration check DC20 + the target's Wis modifier), at the end of which the held target can make a Will Save (DC20 + Cha modifier of the attacker) to break free and continue the duel. If the Will Save fails the attacker can make a A/Stun, A/KO or A/Kill action - or can let the hapless psychic go.
Stun takes 1 Stamina point to spend, and the target must make a Fort Save (DC20 + Cha modifier of the attacker) or be stunned for 1d6+3 rounds. A stunned target for the duration of the rounds may only make partial actions, lose whatever Dex or Dodge bonus they had to AC, and can only move half as fast as before; additionally, they lose the ability to make any action on the round they were stunned. Using Assault/Stun is a Standard action, meaning you can use it then move, or move then use it.
KO takes 5 Stamina points to spend, and the target must make a Fort Save (DC25 + Cha modifier of the attacker) or be knocked cleanly out. No ability damage, the target's stamina is reduced to 0 (which means they're unconscious), and prone, which means their Dex and dodge bonuses are taken away from their AC, any attack done upon them is an automatic critical. Using Assault/KO is a Full action, meaning you can't move after you've done it, except to take a 1.5 metre step.
Kill takes 10 Stamina points to spend, and the target must make a Fort Save (DC30 + Cha modifier of the attacker) to take half damage, or suffer the full 2d6 Con or Int damage (at the choice of the attacker - if your Con equals 0 you are dead, and the same goes for Int, where a score of 0 means you are a vegetable). Using Assault/Kill is a Full Action, meaning you cannot do any other action beside this one. It must be maintained for 2 rounds (meaning if you initiate it on round 1, it has to be maintained in round 2, and by the end of that round, or beginning of round 3, the target has been killed), and requires a Concentration check in the second round (DC20 + half the Clvl of the target). Assault/Kill does provoke an attack of opportunity from the attacker.
Range - Beyond Sight.
Stamina - Varies.
Save - Will Save (see description).
By concentrating, the psychic can view the activity and features of a specific location, where a target or group of targets are likely to be in. There is no sound; what you see is what you get. There are 2 ways to use this power: the first is to prepare oneself by meditating prior to commencement, appearing to all in a trance-like state; when the psychic is ready he thinks of the place or the person he wants to view and the area and it's inhabitants appears in his mind's eye. A psionics check determines how long you meditated for, and you can take 20 with this check (you spend 10 minutes meditating, and you can use the power for 10 minutes; see check result 40+).
Psionics check
1-9: You fail to even use this power.
10-14: You can use this power for 5 rounds (30 seconds), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
15-19: You can use this power for 10 rounds (1 minute), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
20-24: You can use this power for 20 rounds (2 minutes), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
25-29: You can use this power for 30 rounds (3 minutes), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
30-34: You can use this power for 40 rounds (4 minutes), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
35-39: You can use this power for 50 rounds (5 minutes), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
40+ : You can use this power for a maximum amount of 100 rounds (10 minutes), at the end of which you take 3d6 Stamina damage and must rest for 8 hours, or do nothing but partial actions.
If there is a psychic present at the location, they make a psionics check (DC20 + the Clvl of the spying psychic) and if they succeed they can view the whereabouts of the spy. They can banish the spy by making a Will Save (DC20 + the spy's cha modifier) which will sever the contact the spy has with the location, bringing him out of his trance. If the Will Save fails, the spy nevertheless knows his cover has been blown. In some cases the spy's identity will be revealed, but not always (it depends on the success of both the psionics check and the Will Save). Natural use of this power seems to have a maximum range of planetary proportions (meaning you can use it on any location on a planet), though interplanetary and even stellar ranges have been rumoured to be possible.
The second way to use this power is by entering the room/place and attempting to sense for impressions. Usually a scene that occurred in the past takes place, once again in the psychic's mind's eye (although in this case those he shares a rapport with or who are similarly talented can see what he sees as well). Rather than tie it into a place this power is directed at the people that were in this place, which can include the psychic himself. A psionics check is required to make use of the power in this fashion, and you can take 20 (assuming there are no pressing time constraints). An additional +2 is added to the DC for every non-psychic you wish to allow to share the experience, while 2 psychics can combine skill attempts.
Range - Beyond Sight.
Stamina - Varies.
Save - Will Save (see description).
By concentrating, the psychic can listen in on the sounds and noises being made from a specific location, where a target or group of targets are likely to be in. There is no image; what you hear is what you get. There are 2 ways to use this power: the first is to prepare oneself by meditating prior to commencement, appearing to all in a trance-like state; when the psychic is ready his mind picks up the conversations being uttered by the people he was trying to target. A psionics check determines how long you meditated for, and you can take 20 with this check (you spend 10 minutes meditating, and you can use the power for 10 minutes; see check result 40+).
Psionics check
1-9: You fail to even use this power.
10-14: You can use this power for 5 rounds (30 seconds), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
15-19: You can use this power for 10 rounds (1 minute), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
20-24: You can use this power for 20 rounds (2 minutes), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
25-29: You can use this power for 30 rounds (3 minutes), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
30-34: You can use this power for 40 rounds (4 minutes), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
35-39: You can use this power for 50 rounds (5 minutes), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
40+ : You can use this power for a maximum amount of 100 rounds (10 minutes), at the end of which you take 3d6 Stamina damage and must rest for 8 hours, or do nothing but partial actions.
If there is a psychic present at the location, they make a psionics check (DC20 + the Clvl of the spying psychic) and if they succeed they can feel the presence of a spy eavesdropping. They can banish the spy by making a Will Save (DC20 + the spy's cha modifier) which will sever the contact the spy has with the location, bringing him out of his trance. If the Will Save fails, the spy nevertheless knows his cover has been blown. In some cases the spy's identity will be revealed, but not always (it depends on the success of both the psionics check and the Will Save). Natural use of this power seems to have a maximum range of planetary proportions (meaning you can use it on any location on a planet), though interplanetary and even stellar ranges have been rumoured to be possible.
The second way to use this power is by entering the room/place and attempting to sense for impressions. In this way whatever conversations that were uttered before in the past are reheard by the psychic (those he shares a rapport with or who are similarly talented can hear what he hears as well). Rather than tie it into a place this power is directed at the people that were in this place, which can include the psychic himself. A psionics check is required to make use of the power in this fashion, and you can take 20 (assuming there are no pressing time constraints). An additional +2 is added to the DC for every non-psychic you wish to allow to share the experience, while 2 psychics can combine skill attempts.
Note: You can combine Clairvoyance and Clairaudience into one power check. You must have both powers, and you can only use the power for half the duration that you would using one or the other. Also it costs 2 Stamina points for every round spent past the duration.
Range - Touch or LoS. Touching the subject adds +2 to the Will Save DC.
Stamina - 1 Stamina for a minor; 1d6 Stamina for intermediate; 1d6 + 5 Stamina for major; additionally, if the target is stressed then for each round of resistance both the target and psychic take an additional +1d6 Stamina drain.
Save - Will Save (varies, see below).
The psychic can instill a mental compulsion within a subject, who will often carry out the act without knowing what it is they're doing. In order to carry out this task the psychic must be free of distractions, and have the target immobile in some way though still have brain activity - sleep or some altered state of consciousness (drugs for instance) work, while being in a coma doesn't. Compulsions are affected by the condition of the target:
Stressed Consciousness - Usually in a torture/interrogation situation, or if the compulsion is life-threatening to the target; and the target is completely aware of the psychic or the situation he's in. The target is Stressed which gives him a +4 circumstance bonus to Will Saves. However, at the end of every Will Save the target takes 1d6 Stamina damage (as does the interrogating psychic).
Normal Consciousness - Basically when the target isn't expecting to be compelled by a psychic. Minor compulsions, like slap yourself on the face or stand on one leg, can be done quite easily, while major compulsions - such as jump off that cliff, or blow your head out with your own gun - increase the target's consciousness level to Stressed (see above).
Drugged - By injecting drugs into the target, their mental defences are weakened enough for a compulsion to be entered into their brain. Drugged targets suffer a -2 circumstance penalty to Will Saves. Note that some agents are deliberately fed false information, yet still believe it is true, for just this purpose: to be caught and pass on misinformation.
Asleep - By waiting for the target to fall asleep, the psychic can attempt to transmit a compulsion into their subconscious. Sleeping targets suffer a -4 circumstance penalty to Will Saves. If the Save succeeds, they wake up as if from a bad dream, to discover an intruder in their room. If the Save fails, the compulsion is successfully entered into their minds, and they spend a lot of nights sleeping badly.
Unconscious - If the target is knocked out, or is in a coma, then no compulsion can be transmitted into their minds. You have to wait until they wake up.
There are degrees of compulsions, and their Difficulty Class (DC):
Minor - act foolishly, slapstick comedy, relatively safe activities that won't damage the target in any way except for his ego. Also minor compulsions don't arouse the target into a stressed condition. (DC10 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic)
Intermediate - answer specific questions, make one standard action. (DC15 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic).
Major - reveal state's secrets, suicide, murder. (DC20 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the Psychic).
Range - Touch, Line of Sight, Beyond Sight (though this only referrs to those individuals a psychic has built a rapport with)
Stamina - Varies, see below.
Save - Will Save (DC15 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic).
The psychic can transmit and receive emotions. They know when someone is lying to them, and they can make an angry thug back down, often with a befuddled expression on their face. They can make a depressed person feel love, or take their pain and draw it on themselves. They can transmit messages, but only in a vague sense. (nothing specific like: "I'm at room 44-B of the Hotel floor, and I'm being attacked by assassins! Come quick!") An empathic psychic can use his power to build a rapport with another individual, whom the psychic trusts implicitly.
To transmit a message - While no specific message can be sent, the psychic can let people know they're condition by flavouring their message with an emotional underpinning. If in danger, for instance, the psychic will transmit that sense of danger to another psychic, who will know their location. A message can be transmitted to a mundane, but only if they share an emotional rapport. 1 Stamina point per message.
Sense Motive - You can use the psionics skill in place of Sense Motive, the cost is 1 Stamina point for every use of the power and skill in this way.
To transmit an emotion - This can be used to attack someone or to change their view of you in a favourable light:
Fear - By making a psionics check you can cause a demoralising fear to enter the hearts of those arrayed against you, sometimes causing them to run. A large group of people will raise the check DC by +4. (18 for fear -2 penalty to checks and saves, 1d3 Stamina points; 25 for terror -4 penalty to checks and saves, plus the target/s lose any actions that can be taken in that round, 2d3 Stamina points; 33 for panic -4 penalty to checks and saves, plus the target/s run away, 3d3 Stamina points) DC15 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic.
Charm - By making a psionics check you can charm the pants off of someone, or even a group of people. A large group of people will raise the check DC by +4.(18 for Friendship +2 bonus to any Cha-based skills when made against a specific target, or group of targets, 1d3 Stamina points; 25 Charm +4 bonus to any Cha-based skills when made against a specific target, or group of targets, 2d3 Stamina points; 33 for Enamoured the target, or group of targets, is completely enamoured by you, and will do anything you ask of them so long as it isn't self-harming, 3d3 Stamina points) DC15 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic.
Confuse - By making a psionics check you can confuse or disorient a target or group of people, causing them to ignore you. A large group of people will raise the check DC by +4. (18 for Daze the target/s can only make partial actions, 1d3 Stamina points; 25 for Confuse the target/s completely loses their next action, 2d3 Stamina points; 33 for Disoriented the target/s spends the next 1d6+3 rounds wandering aimlessly, 3d3 Stamina points) DC15 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic.
Rage - By making a psionics check you can make someone or a group of people really angry, causing them to make a reckless attack against you or someone else. A large group of people will raise the check DC by +4. (18 for Anger the target/s start an argument, focusing their attention on each other and away from you, 1d3 Stamina points; 25 for Rage the target/s begin a fight, and they enjoy +2 to Attacks but -2 to AC, 2d3 Stamina points; 33 for Melee a large group of people begin a brawl, enjoying +2 to Attacks but suffering -2 to AC, 3d3 Stamina points) DC15 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic.
To build an emotional rapport - The psychic can build a rapport with an individual he feels strongly for, either a good friend or a lover. The amount of trust necessary to do such a thing is staggering, and many psychics don't do it simply because they're afraid of letting their guard down. There can't be any resistance to this process, or it fails. The time it takes to make a rapport with someone can vary for an hour to a day; it all depends on how intimate their contact is. Once a rapport is achieved, various effects are realised. A rapport can be built between 2 psychics, or between a psychic and a mundane. A psionics check of 20 is required between 2 psychics, or a psychic and a mundane (you can take 20, but this automatically assumes a day has gone by).
Range - Beyond Sight.
Stamina - N/A.
Save - N/A.
Extra Sensory Perception. A psychic's awareness goes beyond what can be seen or heard; their affinity to psionics gives them a "sixth" sense which protects them from harm. When someone is preparing to kill them, they can read their intent from a mile off. They always have a "shield" that can tell them if another psychic is in the neighbourhood (range is within a few kilometres), and they immediately know when someone is using a power. ESP is always active.
Danger Sense - Essentially like the Uncanny Dodge 1 feat.
Life Detection - Essentially like the Alertness Feat.
Shield - You know instantly when another psychic touches your mind, or attempts to use a power on you. You can detect another psychic within an indeterminate number of kilometres, but no more specific than that (you can tell how close they are, and possibly intuit which direction, but no more).
Range - Touch, LoS.
Stamina - 1 Stamina point for minor; 1d6 Stamina points for intermediate; 1d6+5 Stamina points for major.
Save - Will Saves for intermediate and major illusions (see description).
A trick designed to confuse an opponent, this power can plant an image or sound in someone's mind that distracts and disorients them. Depending on the strength of the illusion the effect can be as minor as turning someone's head to investigate a noise, to causing a panic by projecting an image of something the target fears.
There are degrees of illusions, and their difficulty class (DC):
Minor - Figments a sound, a quick blur of movement, a shadow. Costs 1 Stamina point. The illusion is powerful enough to distract a target/s for 1d6 rounds, usually long enough to slip by. Any Awareness counter-check (assuming you're using the skill Stealth to sneak past) suffers a -4 penalty.
Intermediate - Slight altering of the appearance, changing the tone of voice or appearing taller etc, when made against a target/s. You can substitute a Disguise or Intimidate check for a Psionics check. Will Save (DC15 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic) is made by the target/s, instead of the usual Awareness or Sense Motive counter-checks.
Major - You can make yourself invisible to the target (although a camera will still pick you up), you can make yourself appear as someone the target knows (although the illusion will break if you speak or act out of character). The target requires a Will Save (DC20 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the Psychic).
Range - Self.
Stamina - 1d6 Stamina for the first 10 rounds, 2 Stamina for every additional round.
Save - N/A
In emergencies a psychic can use their power to preconceive attacks, preempt a target's actions, give their reflexes a much needed boost, and further their initiative. This power can increase the psychic's Intiative, AC, Reflex Save and Attack roll by 1 point each, lasts 10 rounds (1 minute) and costs 1d6 Stamina. Every additional round costs 2 Stamina. The skills Drive, Pilot and Ride enjoy a +4 circumstance bonus. This power requires some commencement time comprised of meditation.
Range - Touch.
Stamina - 1d3 Stamina points per round of contact; +1 cost for every round of resistance.
Save - Will Save (DC20 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the Psychic)
Probe is essentially the Vulcan mind-meld. The psychic and the target, free from distractions (otherwise it won't work), join their minds and the psychic gains knowledge of whatever the target is thinking about. The psychic can't just enter the mind and fool around, in order to get what he wants he has to make the target think about it; simply asking a leading question is enough for this, but some high-will power individuals might be able to even resist this probe. Bewarned that while you may know everything he knows, the reverse may also apply. Note also that the target is the master of his own mind; should he not want you delving deep into his thoughts, he will make things difficult. Every round the target is allowed to make another Will Save, while the psychic must make a Concentration check (DC equal to the target's Will Save result) or the probe-link is severed.
Range - Self.
Stamina - 1d6 Stamina for the first 10 rounds, 2 Stamina for every additional round.
Save - N/A
In emergencies a psychic can increase his strength by concentrating and mentally re-inforcing his muscles and limbs. This power can increase the psychic's damage rolls by an extra 4 points (if using a melee weapon or a ranged attack that depends on muscles), doubles the psychic's speed, and adds a +4 circumstance bonus to any skill that requires strength, such as Climb, Jump and Swim. The power lasts 10 rounds (1 minute) and costs 1d6 Stamina. Every additional round costs 2 Stamina. Using this power requires some time of meditation prior to commencement.
Range - Self, Touch.
Stamina - None for oneself, 1 + Cha modifier of psychic if used on another.
Save - None for oneself, Will Save (DC20 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the Psychic) if used on another.
In case of injury, the psychic can induce a trance that heals damage. This Trance simulates the effect of the medical Slow drug (that's just what it does, rather than it's scientific name) without the dangers of overdose. If Stamina is the only damage taken, the trance lasts 8 hours and completely refreshes the psychic or target. If Con damage has been taken the trance heals 1d3 ability points of the target for every day spent in the trance. The minimum amount of time one can spend in a trance is 8 hours, while the maximum amount of time that can be spent in a trance is 1 week.
Range - Touch, LoS.
Stamina - 1 Stamina point per use.
Save - Will Save (DC10 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic).
A minor and perhaps subtler version of Compulsion, Suggestion works on a similar principle - to make the target do what you will - but rather than transmit the suggestion through to the subconscious, this power is used through speech. The proverbial jedi mind trick, suggestion can be used to ask leading questions and get the target to answer, often not realising what he just said. It can be used to walk past a bouncer or security guard, simply by saying "I want to go past you now." Bewarned, the power is only useful against low-will power targets, as those who are firmer will see through your tricks. This power is similar to Minor Compulsion, but instead of getting the target to perform an action you're getting him to change his attitude.
Range - LoS.
Stamina - See below.
Save - Reflex Save to avoid an object that has been "thrown" (DC20), Fort Save to resist a TK choke or push effect (DC25).
A powerful ability, Telekinesis allows the psychic to affect or move objects without physically touching them. Of course, using TK strains the user somewhat. TK must be used in line of sight of the object, you can't move an object you can't see. Furthermore TK provokes an attack of opportunity, and must be used as a Full round Action regardless of what the skill check result. To use TK you must roll a psionics check, the results of the roll consists of the following:
Psionics Check
1-9: You fail to even use this power.
10-14: You can move, deflect or hold an object of about 1kg to 10kg. Costs 1 Stamina point.
15-19: You can move, deflect or hold an object of about 10kg to 50kg. Costs 2 Stamina points.
20-24: You can move, deflect or hold an object of about 50kg to 250kg. You can push a grown human 10 metres away, inflicting 2d6 Stamina damage and losing the target a round. Costs 4 Stamina points.
25-29: You can move, deflect or hold an object of about 250kg to 1000kg. You can cause a low-level wound upon a target that inflicts 1d4 points of Con damage. Costs 1d6 Stamina points.
30-34: You can move, deflect or hold an object of about 1000kg to 10'000kg. You can cause a mid-level wound upon a target that inflicts 2d4 points of Con damage. You can push a group of adult humans 10 metres and causing 2d6 Stamina damage and loss of a round. Costs 2d6 Stamina points.
35-39: You can move, deflect or hold an object of about 10'000kg to 50'000kg. You can cause a high-level wound upon a target that inflicts 3d4 points of Con damage. Costs 3d6 Stamina points.
40+ : You can tear apart a target, ripping limb from limb. Costs 4d6 Stamina points, and causes 1 point of Con damage.
Move Object - Picking up an object that is not secured to something, and moving it for 1 round (6 seconds) and a maximum of 20 metres. The higher the skill check the heavier an object that can be moved. You can move an object and throw it at someone, requiring a Reflex Save on their parts. You can rip an object away from any securings on a skill check of 30+.
Deflect/Hold Object - You can deflect a thrown object, or hold it in midair for a cost of 1 Stamina point per round (in addition to the Stamina cost associated with the weight of the object). To deflect a bullet requires a skill check DC of 25 + 1 for every other bullet (a result of 26 deflects 2 bullets, a result of 29 deflects 5 bullets etc). To hold any object for more than 1 round requires a concentration check (DC20) for every round the object continues to be held in midair.
TK Push - You can telekinetically push an adult human 10 metres away on a skill check of 20+, inflicting 2d6 Stamina damage, and the target loses a round trying to get back up. You can push a group of adult humans on a skill check of 30+, same damage and distance as before.
Wound - You can telekinetically wound a target, inflicting 1d4 Con damage on a roll of 25-29, 2d4 Con damage on a roll of 30-34, 3d4 Con damage on a roll of 35-39, and completely killing a target on a roll of 40+.
Psi drugs - Sleepers, Booster, Double, Special - Sleepers can disconnect the user from psionics, though not totally - basically it induces a headache which prevents concentration - the use of low-level psionics requires a Concentration check with a -4 penalty, while mid to high-level psionic powers are off-limits. Depending on the dosage, Sleepers can last 12-24hrs, or even longer. Booster halves the Stamina cost of Intermediate and Major powers rounded up - so a Stamina cost of 5 would be halved to 3 (minor powers will always cost 1 Stamina point), and lasts 1-2 hours. Double is a concentrate version of Booster, and lasts 2d3 hours. Special is a rare drug, and not taken without risk. It does the same thing as Booster, but it lasts a full 24 hours. You must make a Fort Save (DC20 - any Con modifier) or suffer an overdose. An overdoes deals 1d6 points of Con damage.
What about Telepathy?
Telepathy, as in communicating with someone as though you both have walkie-talkies in your heads, isn't covered by the psionics powers listed above. Not even between 2 psychics who share an emotional rapport. The only way you can have telepathy as per the description above is if you have the Datalink cybernetic enhancement (which is essentially a nano-scale comlink that's surgically inserted onto the brain).
What Social or Cultural implications are there to being a Telepath?
It depends on where you go. The Talent is sometimes called the "Taint" by those who view psychics with suspicion, misunderstanding and downright hostility. Some worlds where psychics are tolerated they are nevertheless regulated - psychics must register with the world's PAI - Psychic's Affairs Insititute. Other worlds are either ignorant of their powers, as in the case of worlds that have been under barbarism for 250 years (and refer to those who demonstrate their powers as "Tainted" - they are usually lynched), or worlds that have been colonised completely by psychics (in those cases the vast majority of the populace are Natural Talents).
Sentinels are not immune to this discrimination, and even suffer some of their own. There are those who blame the Sentinels for whatever caused the Dark Ages, as they are the last surviving organisation or group from that time. However, most people react to Sentinels out of ignorance - no-one really knows what happened 250 years ago, people just like jumping to conclusions.
Psionics allows the talented character to perform wondrous and extraordinary abilities, through the power of the mind. The relevant abilities to psychic strength is Charisma (which is about force of personality) and Wisdom (how "in-tune" your character is to the world and people). There are two relevant skills attached to the use of psionics: Concentration and Psionics.
Concentration - (Con) - If performing some focused task this skill prevents a failure from distractions. Also aids in the use of psionics. To use a psionic power when in a stressful and distracting environment, such as during combat, the psychic must make a concentration check, or he will lose all actions in a round.
Psionics - (Wis/Cha) - Requires the Talent (Natural or Psi) feat. You use this skill everytime you want to use a power. The check you make determines how effective that power is on a target, or in defence when a rogue psion attacks you. Cha is the modifier when the skill is applied upon another, while Wis is the modifier if the power is about awareness or defence against psychic attacks/powers.
There are a number of Feats that the Psychic enjoys:
(Psi) Talent - (Wis 12+ and Cha 12+) - The talented individual is given instruction in the ways of using psionics, usually through most if not all of their life. There is nothing physically distinctive to a psychic that distinguishes them apart from any other member of their race; at least in terms of outward appearance. However, all psychics tend to be striking individuals, and more in-tune with their surroundings and other people. This feat can only be taken at first level.
Free Powers - ESP, Regenerative Trance, Suggestion.
Powers Gained - You may choose 4 powers from the list.
(Psi) Natural Talent - (Wis 12+ OR Cha 12+) - Natural Talent implies that someone is a "clumsy" psychic or "untrained" - raw. This doesn't make them more powerful, in fact they can't choose as many powers as a fully trained psychic, nor can a Natural Talent ever really claim mastery over the art (in other, less ambiguous words, you can't select Psychic Mastery as a feat, even if your Wis or Cha scores meet the prerequisite), but their advantage is they can use a few powers really well. What they lack in flexibility they make up for in power.
Free Powers - ESP, Regenerative Trance, Suggestion.
Powers Gained - Pick 2 powers from the list. The Stamina cost for using these 2 powers is halved and rounded up. In effect your character can wield his powers as if under the influence of the Booster or Double drugs. The Natural Talent can't take drugs to increase his abilities except Special, which quarters the cost of using the power - taking Booster or Double has no effect on the Natural Talent.
(Psi) Natural Conditioning - (Natural Talent feat) - Natural Conditioning is the only other psychic feat open for the Natural Talent. This feat adds +2 to Concentration and Psionics checks for the Natural Talent, and it also allows 1 more power to be chosen from the list.
Powers Gained - You may choose 1 more power from the list. This power benefits from the same half-Stamina-cost feature that your other 2 powers enjoy.
(Psi) Combat Psionics - (Talent feat) - The psychic has trained to use his power in the stressful environment of combat encounters. Add +4 to concentration checks when using powers in a combat environment, this doesn't stack with Skill Focus. The Natural Talent cannot select this feat.
Powers Gained - You may choose 1 additional power from the list.
(Psi) Psychic Focus - (Talent feat) - The psychic's mental conditioning and training allows him to focus his abilities to succeed. Add +4 to psionics skill checks. Note: this skill is slightly more powerful than the Skill Focus feat, and as such the latter cannot be used for Psionics nor does it stack (So you can't have Skill Focus: Psionics and Psychic Focus). The Natural Talent cannot select this feat.
Powers Gained - You may choose 1 additional power from the list.
(Psi) Psychic Mastery - (Talent, Wis 14+ Cha 14+) - Psychic Mastery allows the psychic to use an power as a free action, rather than a standard action. Only one power can be used in this quickened way, but a standard action can still be used to fire off another power. The Natural Talent cannot select this feat.
Powers Gained - You may choose 2 additional powers from the list.
Psychic Powers
Psychic powers are what makes the psychic such a dangerous foe and useful ally. The use of these powers can give the psychic an edge against any circumstance, but they shouldn't be abused. Everytime you use a psychic power you suffer stamina damage (minor damage, but damage none the less). Psionics can be an exhausting skill to master, and overdepending on them is one of the key weaknesses a psychic suffers.
There are 13 powers in this list, 3 of which are free to both Talents and Natural Talents. Taking the Talent feat gives 4 powers from the list, while the Natural Talent feat gives 2 powers from the list. The Talent can take the additional feats Combat Psionics, Psychic Focus, and Psychic Mastery, which grant 4 more powers from the list (1/1/2, respectively). The Natural Talent can select the Natural Conditioning feat, which adds 1 more power. The Talent therefore will be able to use a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 11 powers, while the Natural Talent will be able to use 5 or 6 powers.
RANGE - All psychic powers have a range that they can be effectively used. Although specific ranges differ between powers, there are a number of general range descriptions that all powers fall under:
Self - Powers that have a range of "self" can only be used on oneself (to state the bleeding obvious).
Touch - Powers that require the psychic to touch the target for a prolonged amount of time. Wearing gloves doesn't actually prevent the power from being used, but it does dull it's effect. Any power that is used in this fashion suffers a -2 penalty to the Psionics skill. Touch means you have to be firmly gripping the target, not casually brushing against them or lightly tapping them on the shoulder.
Line Of Sight - Powers that require the psychic to have a clear line of sight on the target; if at any point something obsctructs clear view of the target the power is blocked. A psychic can't use a power that requires LoS through a sniper rifle (which can have a range of 1000m). The effective range of LoS equals the character's effective visual range - roughly 30m.
Beyond Sight - Powers that are long ranged and don't require Touch or LoS on the target, so long as the target is known to the psychic. The minimum range can be the inside of a room, while the maximum range seems to be planetary based.
STAMINA COST - All psychic powers (with the exception of ESP) takes some effort to use, and this effort generally wears out the psychic if he uses too much power too fast. Drugs can be taken to offset this effect, however the dangers of using drugs should be plain for all to see. There is always a danger of becoming addicted to the drug, and there is always a danger in some drugs to seriously threaten your wellbeing should you overdose.
Additionally, some powers are minor (in that the stamina cost is quite low) while others are major (the cost is high, or can be high - depending on how much stamina you are willing to use).
SAVING THROWS - All psychic powers that affect a target can be resisted in some form or another.
Fortitude - Fort Saves protect the psychic or the target if the power being used against them deals some kind of physical damage - such as Assault or TK (if the attacker is trying to starve your brain of oxygen).
Reflex - Reflex Saves protect the psychic or the target if the power being used against them requires either a LoS or deals some kind of physical danger towards them - such as Assault if used at range (in which case the Save can only succeed if there is cover available to block the LoS), or if TK is used to throw an object at the target.
Will - Will Saves protect the psychic or the target if the power being used against them acts to charm or mislead them - such as Clairvoyance/Clairaudience, Compulsion, Empathy, Illusion, and Suggestion.
Range - Touch, Line of Sight.
Stamina - 1 (A/Stun), 5 (A/KO), 10 (A/Kill).
Save - The target can make a Reflex Save (DC20 + the Cha modifier of the attacking psychic) if there is some cover available to reach; otherwise the target must make a Fort Save for each level of the Assault (see below).
A mental attack that can stun someone, knock them out, or cause permanent damage. When used on mundanes the psychic can easily stun or KO or even damage the target; if used against another psychic a duel commences. This duel is like the grapple attack, and can carry on for many rounds until one party or the other gains an advantage.
Duel takes 1 Stamina point from each psychic combatant for each round the duel endures, until one or the other has reached an advantage. When the duel is initiated both parties must make opposed psionics rolls. Whoever succeeds at breaking the other's defences first must hold their opponent for 1 round (concentration check DC20 + the target's Wis modifier), at the end of which the held target can make a Will Save (DC20 + Cha modifier of the attacker) to break free and continue the duel. If the Will Save fails the attacker can make a A/Stun, A/KO or A/Kill action - or can let the hapless psychic go.
Stun takes 1 Stamina point to spend, and the target must make a Fort Save (DC20 + Cha modifier of the attacker) or be stunned for 1d6+3 rounds. A stunned target for the duration of the rounds may only make partial actions, lose whatever Dex or Dodge bonus they had to AC, and can only move half as fast as before; additionally, they lose the ability to make any action on the round they were stunned. Using Assault/Stun is a Standard action, meaning you can use it then move, or move then use it.
KO takes 5 Stamina points to spend, and the target must make a Fort Save (DC25 + Cha modifier of the attacker) or be knocked cleanly out. No ability damage, the target's stamina is reduced to 0 (which means they're unconscious), and prone, which means their Dex and dodge bonuses are taken away from their AC, any attack done upon them is an automatic critical. Using Assault/KO is a Full action, meaning you can't move after you've done it, except to take a 1.5 metre step.
Kill takes 10 Stamina points to spend, and the target must make a Fort Save (DC30 + Cha modifier of the attacker) to take half damage, or suffer the full 2d6 Con or Int damage (at the choice of the attacker - if your Con equals 0 you are dead, and the same goes for Int, where a score of 0 means you are a vegetable). Using Assault/Kill is a Full Action, meaning you cannot do any other action beside this one. It must be maintained for 2 rounds (meaning if you initiate it on round 1, it has to be maintained in round 2, and by the end of that round, or beginning of round 3, the target has been killed), and requires a Concentration check in the second round (DC20 + half the Clvl of the target). Assault/Kill does provoke an attack of opportunity from the attacker.
Range - Beyond Sight.
Stamina - Varies.
Save - Will Save (see description).
By concentrating, the psychic can view the activity and features of a specific location, where a target or group of targets are likely to be in. There is no sound; what you see is what you get. There are 2 ways to use this power: the first is to prepare oneself by meditating prior to commencement, appearing to all in a trance-like state; when the psychic is ready he thinks of the place or the person he wants to view and the area and it's inhabitants appears in his mind's eye. A psionics check determines how long you meditated for, and you can take 20 with this check (you spend 10 minutes meditating, and you can use the power for 10 minutes; see check result 40+).
Psionics check
1-9: You fail to even use this power.
10-14: You can use this power for 5 rounds (30 seconds), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
15-19: You can use this power for 10 rounds (1 minute), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
20-24: You can use this power for 20 rounds (2 minutes), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
25-29: You can use this power for 30 rounds (3 minutes), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
30-34: You can use this power for 40 rounds (4 minutes), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
35-39: You can use this power for 50 rounds (5 minutes), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
40+ : You can use this power for a maximum amount of 100 rounds (10 minutes), at the end of which you take 3d6 Stamina damage and must rest for 8 hours, or do nothing but partial actions.
If there is a psychic present at the location, they make a psionics check (DC20 + the Clvl of the spying psychic) and if they succeed they can view the whereabouts of the spy. They can banish the spy by making a Will Save (DC20 + the spy's cha modifier) which will sever the contact the spy has with the location, bringing him out of his trance. If the Will Save fails, the spy nevertheless knows his cover has been blown. In some cases the spy's identity will be revealed, but not always (it depends on the success of both the psionics check and the Will Save). Natural use of this power seems to have a maximum range of planetary proportions (meaning you can use it on any location on a planet), though interplanetary and even stellar ranges have been rumoured to be possible.
The second way to use this power is by entering the room/place and attempting to sense for impressions. Usually a scene that occurred in the past takes place, once again in the psychic's mind's eye (although in this case those he shares a rapport with or who are similarly talented can see what he sees as well). Rather than tie it into a place this power is directed at the people that were in this place, which can include the psychic himself. A psionics check is required to make use of the power in this fashion, and you can take 20 (assuming there are no pressing time constraints). An additional +2 is added to the DC for every non-psychic you wish to allow to share the experience, while 2 psychics can combine skill attempts.
Range - Beyond Sight.
Stamina - Varies.
Save - Will Save (see description).
By concentrating, the psychic can listen in on the sounds and noises being made from a specific location, where a target or group of targets are likely to be in. There is no image; what you hear is what you get. There are 2 ways to use this power: the first is to prepare oneself by meditating prior to commencement, appearing to all in a trance-like state; when the psychic is ready his mind picks up the conversations being uttered by the people he was trying to target. A psionics check determines how long you meditated for, and you can take 20 with this check (you spend 10 minutes meditating, and you can use the power for 10 minutes; see check result 40+).
Psionics check
1-9: You fail to even use this power.
10-14: You can use this power for 5 rounds (30 seconds), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
15-19: You can use this power for 10 rounds (1 minute), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
20-24: You can use this power for 20 rounds (2 minutes), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
25-29: You can use this power for 30 rounds (3 minutes), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
30-34: You can use this power for 40 rounds (4 minutes), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
35-39: You can use this power for 50 rounds (5 minutes), 1 Stamina point for every round afterwards.
40+ : You can use this power for a maximum amount of 100 rounds (10 minutes), at the end of which you take 3d6 Stamina damage and must rest for 8 hours, or do nothing but partial actions.
If there is a psychic present at the location, they make a psionics check (DC20 + the Clvl of the spying psychic) and if they succeed they can feel the presence of a spy eavesdropping. They can banish the spy by making a Will Save (DC20 + the spy's cha modifier) which will sever the contact the spy has with the location, bringing him out of his trance. If the Will Save fails, the spy nevertheless knows his cover has been blown. In some cases the spy's identity will be revealed, but not always (it depends on the success of both the psionics check and the Will Save). Natural use of this power seems to have a maximum range of planetary proportions (meaning you can use it on any location on a planet), though interplanetary and even stellar ranges have been rumoured to be possible.
The second way to use this power is by entering the room/place and attempting to sense for impressions. In this way whatever conversations that were uttered before in the past are reheard by the psychic (those he shares a rapport with or who are similarly talented can hear what he hears as well). Rather than tie it into a place this power is directed at the people that were in this place, which can include the psychic himself. A psionics check is required to make use of the power in this fashion, and you can take 20 (assuming there are no pressing time constraints). An additional +2 is added to the DC for every non-psychic you wish to allow to share the experience, while 2 psychics can combine skill attempts.
Note: You can combine Clairvoyance and Clairaudience into one power check. You must have both powers, and you can only use the power for half the duration that you would using one or the other. Also it costs 2 Stamina points for every round spent past the duration.
Range - Touch or LoS. Touching the subject adds +2 to the Will Save DC.
Stamina - 1 Stamina for a minor; 1d6 Stamina for intermediate; 1d6 + 5 Stamina for major; additionally, if the target is stressed then for each round of resistance both the target and psychic take an additional +1d6 Stamina drain.
Save - Will Save (varies, see below).
The psychic can instill a mental compulsion within a subject, who will often carry out the act without knowing what it is they're doing. In order to carry out this task the psychic must be free of distractions, and have the target immobile in some way though still have brain activity - sleep or some altered state of consciousness (drugs for instance) work, while being in a coma doesn't. Compulsions are affected by the condition of the target:
Stressed Consciousness - Usually in a torture/interrogation situation, or if the compulsion is life-threatening to the target; and the target is completely aware of the psychic or the situation he's in. The target is Stressed which gives him a +4 circumstance bonus to Will Saves. However, at the end of every Will Save the target takes 1d6 Stamina damage (as does the interrogating psychic).
Normal Consciousness - Basically when the target isn't expecting to be compelled by a psychic. Minor compulsions, like slap yourself on the face or stand on one leg, can be done quite easily, while major compulsions - such as jump off that cliff, or blow your head out with your own gun - increase the target's consciousness level to Stressed (see above).
Drugged - By injecting drugs into the target, their mental defences are weakened enough for a compulsion to be entered into their brain. Drugged targets suffer a -2 circumstance penalty to Will Saves. Note that some agents are deliberately fed false information, yet still believe it is true, for just this purpose: to be caught and pass on misinformation.
Asleep - By waiting for the target to fall asleep, the psychic can attempt to transmit a compulsion into their subconscious. Sleeping targets suffer a -4 circumstance penalty to Will Saves. If the Save succeeds, they wake up as if from a bad dream, to discover an intruder in their room. If the Save fails, the compulsion is successfully entered into their minds, and they spend a lot of nights sleeping badly.
Unconscious - If the target is knocked out, or is in a coma, then no compulsion can be transmitted into their minds. You have to wait until they wake up.
There are degrees of compulsions, and their Difficulty Class (DC):
Minor - act foolishly, slapstick comedy, relatively safe activities that won't damage the target in any way except for his ego. Also minor compulsions don't arouse the target into a stressed condition. (DC10 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic)
Intermediate - answer specific questions, make one standard action. (DC15 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic).
Major - reveal state's secrets, suicide, murder. (DC20 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the Psychic).
Range - Touch, Line of Sight, Beyond Sight (though this only referrs to those individuals a psychic has built a rapport with)
Stamina - Varies, see below.
Save - Will Save (DC15 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic).
The psychic can transmit and receive emotions. They know when someone is lying to them, and they can make an angry thug back down, often with a befuddled expression on their face. They can make a depressed person feel love, or take their pain and draw it on themselves. They can transmit messages, but only in a vague sense. (nothing specific like: "I'm at room 44-B of the Hotel floor, and I'm being attacked by assassins! Come quick!") An empathic psychic can use his power to build a rapport with another individual, whom the psychic trusts implicitly.
To transmit a message - While no specific message can be sent, the psychic can let people know they're condition by flavouring their message with an emotional underpinning. If in danger, for instance, the psychic will transmit that sense of danger to another psychic, who will know their location. A message can be transmitted to a mundane, but only if they share an emotional rapport. 1 Stamina point per message.
Sense Motive - You can use the psionics skill in place of Sense Motive, the cost is 1 Stamina point for every use of the power and skill in this way.
To transmit an emotion - This can be used to attack someone or to change their view of you in a favourable light:
Fear - By making a psionics check you can cause a demoralising fear to enter the hearts of those arrayed against you, sometimes causing them to run. A large group of people will raise the check DC by +4. (18 for fear -2 penalty to checks and saves, 1d3 Stamina points; 25 for terror -4 penalty to checks and saves, plus the target/s lose any actions that can be taken in that round, 2d3 Stamina points; 33 for panic -4 penalty to checks and saves, plus the target/s run away, 3d3 Stamina points) DC15 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic.
Charm - By making a psionics check you can charm the pants off of someone, or even a group of people. A large group of people will raise the check DC by +4.(18 for Friendship +2 bonus to any Cha-based skills when made against a specific target, or group of targets, 1d3 Stamina points; 25 Charm +4 bonus to any Cha-based skills when made against a specific target, or group of targets, 2d3 Stamina points; 33 for Enamoured the target, or group of targets, is completely enamoured by you, and will do anything you ask of them so long as it isn't self-harming, 3d3 Stamina points) DC15 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic.
Confuse - By making a psionics check you can confuse or disorient a target or group of people, causing them to ignore you. A large group of people will raise the check DC by +4. (18 for Daze the target/s can only make partial actions, 1d3 Stamina points; 25 for Confuse the target/s completely loses their next action, 2d3 Stamina points; 33 for Disoriented the target/s spends the next 1d6+3 rounds wandering aimlessly, 3d3 Stamina points) DC15 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic.
Rage - By making a psionics check you can make someone or a group of people really angry, causing them to make a reckless attack against you or someone else. A large group of people will raise the check DC by +4. (18 for Anger the target/s start an argument, focusing their attention on each other and away from you, 1d3 Stamina points; 25 for Rage the target/s begin a fight, and they enjoy +2 to Attacks but -2 to AC, 2d3 Stamina points; 33 for Melee a large group of people begin a brawl, enjoying +2 to Attacks but suffering -2 to AC, 3d3 Stamina points) DC15 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic.
To build an emotional rapport - The psychic can build a rapport with an individual he feels strongly for, either a good friend or a lover. The amount of trust necessary to do such a thing is staggering, and many psychics don't do it simply because they're afraid of letting their guard down. There can't be any resistance to this process, or it fails. The time it takes to make a rapport with someone can vary for an hour to a day; it all depends on how intimate their contact is. Once a rapport is achieved, various effects are realised. A rapport can be built between 2 psychics, or between a psychic and a mundane. A psionics check of 20 is required between 2 psychics, or a psychic and a mundane (you can take 20, but this automatically assumes a day has gone by).
Range - Beyond Sight.
Stamina - N/A.
Save - N/A.
Extra Sensory Perception. A psychic's awareness goes beyond what can be seen or heard; their affinity to psionics gives them a "sixth" sense which protects them from harm. When someone is preparing to kill them, they can read their intent from a mile off. They always have a "shield" that can tell them if another psychic is in the neighbourhood (range is within a few kilometres), and they immediately know when someone is using a power. ESP is always active.
Danger Sense - Essentially like the Uncanny Dodge 1 feat.
Life Detection - Essentially like the Alertness Feat.
Shield - You know instantly when another psychic touches your mind, or attempts to use a power on you. You can detect another psychic within an indeterminate number of kilometres, but no more specific than that (you can tell how close they are, and possibly intuit which direction, but no more).
Range - Touch, LoS.
Stamina - 1 Stamina point for minor; 1d6 Stamina points for intermediate; 1d6+5 Stamina points for major.
Save - Will Saves for intermediate and major illusions (see description).
A trick designed to confuse an opponent, this power can plant an image or sound in someone's mind that distracts and disorients them. Depending on the strength of the illusion the effect can be as minor as turning someone's head to investigate a noise, to causing a panic by projecting an image of something the target fears.
There are degrees of illusions, and their difficulty class (DC):
Minor - Figments a sound, a quick blur of movement, a shadow. Costs 1 Stamina point. The illusion is powerful enough to distract a target/s for 1d6 rounds, usually long enough to slip by. Any Awareness counter-check (assuming you're using the skill Stealth to sneak past) suffers a -4 penalty.
Intermediate - Slight altering of the appearance, changing the tone of voice or appearing taller etc, when made against a target/s. You can substitute a Disguise or Intimidate check for a Psionics check. Will Save (DC15 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic) is made by the target/s, instead of the usual Awareness or Sense Motive counter-checks.
Major - You can make yourself invisible to the target (although a camera will still pick you up), you can make yourself appear as someone the target knows (although the illusion will break if you speak or act out of character). The target requires a Will Save (DC20 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the Psychic).
Range - Self.
Stamina - 1d6 Stamina for the first 10 rounds, 2 Stamina for every additional round.
Save - N/A
In emergencies a psychic can use their power to preconceive attacks, preempt a target's actions, give their reflexes a much needed boost, and further their initiative. This power can increase the psychic's Intiative, AC, Reflex Save and Attack roll by 1 point each, lasts 10 rounds (1 minute) and costs 1d6 Stamina. Every additional round costs 2 Stamina. The skills Drive, Pilot and Ride enjoy a +4 circumstance bonus. This power requires some commencement time comprised of meditation.
Range - Touch.
Stamina - 1d3 Stamina points per round of contact; +1 cost for every round of resistance.
Save - Will Save (DC20 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the Psychic)
Probe is essentially the Vulcan mind-meld. The psychic and the target, free from distractions (otherwise it won't work), join their minds and the psychic gains knowledge of whatever the target is thinking about. The psychic can't just enter the mind and fool around, in order to get what he wants he has to make the target think about it; simply asking a leading question is enough for this, but some high-will power individuals might be able to even resist this probe. Bewarned that while you may know everything he knows, the reverse may also apply. Note also that the target is the master of his own mind; should he not want you delving deep into his thoughts, he will make things difficult. Every round the target is allowed to make another Will Save, while the psychic must make a Concentration check (DC equal to the target's Will Save result) or the probe-link is severed.
Range - Self.
Stamina - 1d6 Stamina for the first 10 rounds, 2 Stamina for every additional round.
Save - N/A
In emergencies a psychic can increase his strength by concentrating and mentally re-inforcing his muscles and limbs. This power can increase the psychic's damage rolls by an extra 4 points (if using a melee weapon or a ranged attack that depends on muscles), doubles the psychic's speed, and adds a +4 circumstance bonus to any skill that requires strength, such as Climb, Jump and Swim. The power lasts 10 rounds (1 minute) and costs 1d6 Stamina. Every additional round costs 2 Stamina. Using this power requires some time of meditation prior to commencement.
Range - Self, Touch.
Stamina - None for oneself, 1 + Cha modifier of psychic if used on another.
Save - None for oneself, Will Save (DC20 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the Psychic) if used on another.
In case of injury, the psychic can induce a trance that heals damage. This Trance simulates the effect of the medical Slow drug (that's just what it does, rather than it's scientific name) without the dangers of overdose. If Stamina is the only damage taken, the trance lasts 8 hours and completely refreshes the psychic or target. If Con damage has been taken the trance heals 1d3 ability points of the target for every day spent in the trance. The minimum amount of time one can spend in a trance is 8 hours, while the maximum amount of time that can be spent in a trance is 1 week.
Range - Touch, LoS.
Stamina - 1 Stamina point per use.
Save - Will Save (DC10 + Cha modifier + half Clvl of the psychic).
A minor and perhaps subtler version of Compulsion, Suggestion works on a similar principle - to make the target do what you will - but rather than transmit the suggestion through to the subconscious, this power is used through speech. The proverbial jedi mind trick, suggestion can be used to ask leading questions and get the target to answer, often not realising what he just said. It can be used to walk past a bouncer or security guard, simply by saying "I want to go past you now." Bewarned, the power is only useful against low-will power targets, as those who are firmer will see through your tricks. This power is similar to Minor Compulsion, but instead of getting the target to perform an action you're getting him to change his attitude.
Range - LoS.
Stamina - See below.
Save - Reflex Save to avoid an object that has been "thrown" (DC20), Fort Save to resist a TK choke or push effect (DC25).
A powerful ability, Telekinesis allows the psychic to affect or move objects without physically touching them. Of course, using TK strains the user somewhat. TK must be used in line of sight of the object, you can't move an object you can't see. Furthermore TK provokes an attack of opportunity, and must be used as a Full round Action regardless of what the skill check result. To use TK you must roll a psionics check, the results of the roll consists of the following:
Psionics Check
1-9: You fail to even use this power.
10-14: You can move, deflect or hold an object of about 1kg to 10kg. Costs 1 Stamina point.
15-19: You can move, deflect or hold an object of about 10kg to 50kg. Costs 2 Stamina points.
20-24: You can move, deflect or hold an object of about 50kg to 250kg. You can push a grown human 10 metres away, inflicting 2d6 Stamina damage and losing the target a round. Costs 4 Stamina points.
25-29: You can move, deflect or hold an object of about 250kg to 1000kg. You can cause a low-level wound upon a target that inflicts 1d4 points of Con damage. Costs 1d6 Stamina points.
30-34: You can move, deflect or hold an object of about 1000kg to 10'000kg. You can cause a mid-level wound upon a target that inflicts 2d4 points of Con damage. You can push a group of adult humans 10 metres and causing 2d6 Stamina damage and loss of a round. Costs 2d6 Stamina points.
35-39: You can move, deflect or hold an object of about 10'000kg to 50'000kg. You can cause a high-level wound upon a target that inflicts 3d4 points of Con damage. Costs 3d6 Stamina points.
40+ : You can tear apart a target, ripping limb from limb. Costs 4d6 Stamina points, and causes 1 point of Con damage.
Move Object - Picking up an object that is not secured to something, and moving it for 1 round (6 seconds) and a maximum of 20 metres. The higher the skill check the heavier an object that can be moved. You can move an object and throw it at someone, requiring a Reflex Save on their parts. You can rip an object away from any securings on a skill check of 30+.
Deflect/Hold Object - You can deflect a thrown object, or hold it in midair for a cost of 1 Stamina point per round (in addition to the Stamina cost associated with the weight of the object). To deflect a bullet requires a skill check DC of 25 + 1 for every other bullet (a result of 26 deflects 2 bullets, a result of 29 deflects 5 bullets etc). To hold any object for more than 1 round requires a concentration check (DC20) for every round the object continues to be held in midair.
TK Push - You can telekinetically push an adult human 10 metres away on a skill check of 20+, inflicting 2d6 Stamina damage, and the target loses a round trying to get back up. You can push a group of adult humans on a skill check of 30+, same damage and distance as before.
Wound - You can telekinetically wound a target, inflicting 1d4 Con damage on a roll of 25-29, 2d4 Con damage on a roll of 30-34, 3d4 Con damage on a roll of 35-39, and completely killing a target on a roll of 40+.
Psi drugs - Sleepers, Booster, Double, Special - Sleepers can disconnect the user from psionics, though not totally - basically it induces a headache which prevents concentration - the use of low-level psionics requires a Concentration check with a -4 penalty, while mid to high-level psionic powers are off-limits. Depending on the dosage, Sleepers can last 12-24hrs, or even longer. Booster halves the Stamina cost of Intermediate and Major powers rounded up - so a Stamina cost of 5 would be halved to 3 (minor powers will always cost 1 Stamina point), and lasts 1-2 hours. Double is a concentrate version of Booster, and lasts 2d3 hours. Special is a rare drug, and not taken without risk. It does the same thing as Booster, but it lasts a full 24 hours. You must make a Fort Save (DC20 - any Con modifier) or suffer an overdose. An overdoes deals 1d6 points of Con damage.
What about Telepathy?
Telepathy, as in communicating with someone as though you both have walkie-talkies in your heads, isn't covered by the psionics powers listed above. Not even between 2 psychics who share an emotional rapport. The only way you can have telepathy as per the description above is if you have the Datalink cybernetic enhancement (which is essentially a nano-scale comlink that's surgically inserted onto the brain).
What Social or Cultural implications are there to being a Telepath?
It depends on where you go. The Talent is sometimes called the "Taint" by those who view psychics with suspicion, misunderstanding and downright hostility. Some worlds where psychics are tolerated they are nevertheless regulated - psychics must register with the world's PAI - Psychic's Affairs Insititute. Other worlds are either ignorant of their powers, as in the case of worlds that have been under barbarism for 250 years (and refer to those who demonstrate their powers as "Tainted" - they are usually lynched), or worlds that have been colonised completely by psychics (in those cases the vast majority of the populace are Natural Talents).
Sentinels are not immune to this discrimination, and even suffer some of their own. There are those who blame the Sentinels for whatever caused the Dark Ages, as they are the last surviving organisation or group from that time. However, most people react to Sentinels out of ignorance - no-one really knows what happened 250 years ago, people just like jumping to conclusions.
Starting money?
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*zaps thread*
*zaps thread*
3D Printed Custom Miniatures! Check it out: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pro ... miniatures
*zaps thread*
*zaps thread*
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Sorry I haven't been posting on the thread lately, things have been on my mind. Lazerus, I know you're clamouring for money - would your character take monetary benefits or material benefits for services rendered? In other words, would he want money for doing a job or a kind of "gift" that would still be very valuable but not in the sense that money might be?
Say he can pick 5 times the type of rewards he can get (5 levels = 5 terms of service in Prior History, just so you know) - would he pick money 5 times, or material 5 times, or 2/3, 4/1 etc? Does that make sense?
This question goes to the others as well. In Prior History your character serves a term of service in the class of his choosing. At the end of the term he gets the rewards/pay/whatever. The rewards differ between cash and materials. An example of material benefits might be a masterclass weapon that you can't even get on the black market, or a vehicle, or a First-Class ticket to anywhere in Known Space.
It's hard to explain and the above fits only a general description.
Also can people who are still interested in playing post their confirmation again? I know Lazerus and The Prime Necromancer have come along on their character generation, but there are others who may have too much on their minds to play the game, or are still interested but aren't sure what to do etc.
I'm working on Prior History now. I'll PM the results to each of you when I'm done.
Say he can pick 5 times the type of rewards he can get (5 levels = 5 terms of service in Prior History, just so you know) - would he pick money 5 times, or material 5 times, or 2/3, 4/1 etc? Does that make sense?
This question goes to the others as well. In Prior History your character serves a term of service in the class of his choosing. At the end of the term he gets the rewards/pay/whatever. The rewards differ between cash and materials. An example of material benefits might be a masterclass weapon that you can't even get on the black market, or a vehicle, or a First-Class ticket to anywhere in Known Space.
It's hard to explain and the above fits only a general description.
Also can people who are still interested in playing post their confirmation again? I know Lazerus and The Prime Necromancer have come along on their character generation, but there are others who may have too much on their minds to play the game, or are still interested but aren't sure what to do etc.
I'm working on Prior History now. I'll PM the results to each of you when I'm done.
All take 2 materiel rewards and 3 monitary.
And can i start with a ship?
And can i start with a ship?
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Shit shit. I worked out your Prior history taking 5 monetary rewards. Bugger. Tell me what you think of it, and we'll modify as you see fit.lazerus wrote:All take 2 materiel rewards and 3 monitary.
And can i start with a ship?
As for ship - no. There's already a ship. Read the prior history and tell me what you think. You don't start off with a ship, but one of the other players do. If everyone has a ship then keeping the party together would be a bitch. Still, this ship will need a pilot. *hint hint*
- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2002-12-13 04:49pm
- Location: Cocytus
I plan to.........aquire a ship.
Yeah........."aquire" sounds so much better then "steal".
Yeah........."aquire" sounds so much better then "steal".
It's ok. Leave it as is.Shit shit. I worked out your Prior history taking 5 monetary rewards. Bugger. Tell me what you think of it, and we'll modify as you see fit.
3D Printed Custom Miniatures! Check it out: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pro ... miniatures
I'm a pilot with no ship man.......bummer.
On the plus side, that does leave with with a touch of starting money.
On the plus side, that does leave with with a touch of starting money.
Name: Jax
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Str: 10
Dex: 14
Con: 10
Int: 19
Wis: 8
Cha: 14
Class: Rogue lvl 5
Hitpoints: 28
AC: ?
Total Skill Points: 108
Appraise: 8 ranks (int)
Astrogate: 8 ranks (int)
Computer Use: 8ranks (int)
Bluff: 8 ranks (cha)
Sense Motive: 8 ranks (wis)
Gather Information: 8 ranks (cha)
Pilot: 8 ranks (dex)
Repair: 8 ranks (int)
Use Alien Device: 8 ranks (int)
Diplomacy: 8 ranks (cha)
Drive: 8 ranks (dex)
Ride: 8 ranks (dex)
Total Feats: 9
Connections: Millitary
Favor: Millitary
Credit Line
Armour Proficiency (Light)
Armour Proficiency (Medium)
Weapon Proficiency (Marksman)
Weapon Proficiency (Swordsman)
Illicit Barter
Jury Rig
Autopistol. Damage: 1d10(x2) Range: 45meters Clip Size: 15
20 autopistol clips
state of the art hand computer
Last edited by lazerus on 2004-02-01 01:37pm, edited 1 time in total.
3D Printed Custom Miniatures! Check it out: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pro ... miniatures
Fine then, dump the jeep, but i ALWAYS carry an autopistol.
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As for the other stuff, wouldn't they allow passengers to carry even a little cargo? (my hand comp)
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Yes, but the point I was trying to make was you didn't have a lot of time to pack your bags - you had to get the hell out of the system or the fuzz would fall down on your neck. The autopistol is fine, you just smuggled it onboard somehow, the binoculars, hand computer and lockpicks are fine as well. You probably have a spare pair of underpants. Whatever else you feel appropriate, but no heavy machinery or equipment. You're essentially travelling on super-economy class, so weight restrictions apply to your luggage.lazerus wrote:As for the other stuff, wouldn't they allow passengers to carry even a little cargo? (my hand comp)
People if you've got ideas to add, now is the time to speak up and be heard. Ideas centering around rules, setting, characters etc. Let's hear it.
Also, can I get an idea on when people want to start playing? I remember someone saying that they'd have more time once they get back to school or something.
Also, can I get an idea on when people want to start playing? I remember someone saying that they'd have more time once they get back to school or something.
- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2002-12-13 04:49pm
- Location: Cocytus
Ready to start kicking ass at any time!
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Campaign questionaire:
1) What goals do you have in mind for your character, taking into account their background history as well as their prior history? PM me if you want the goal to be ultra secret and you're worried about the Allies cracking the code.
2) Do you want the campaign to be heroic or gritty, or some kind of weird hybrid Frankenstein's monster? I suppose the main difference between the two is style versus substance. There's no reason why they can't both be used, however if you have a preference and wish to make known your opinion then speak up.
3) Do you prefer talk or action, or some unnatural pairing of the two? (yes, I'm being flippant - I figure someone has to be humourous) I realise the principle enjoyment from combat comes mostly from the dice-rolling, which won't be an issue here - so perhaps dialogue might matter more? Speak your mind, or forever hold your peace.
4) Do you prefer a literal story/plot arc, which the characters can play major roles in, or a lateral or intuitive story/plot, which the characters mainly decide what they want to do and do it. Some combination? Don't care? (I do have an overarcing plot in mind, in case people want the literal story)
5) What things would you want to add to the setting? Is there something you want to see/don't want to see? Is there an idea you've been meaning to add, but haven't had the game or opportunity to do so? Do you want a concept you read/heard/experienced to be added to the mix?
6) Got any house rules that might apply? Do you have a problem with the rules as-is? Do you want to suggest alterations?
Jax (Lazerus)
Alexander Delrim (The Prime Necromancer)
Frank Summers (Faxmodem1)
Edward Drackman (Jedineophyte)
To all intents and purposes, the game is now closed to the above 4 players. There are some NPCs. You will meet them and they will range from regular members of the party (as in they will adventure with you and play a proactive role in the party, by yours truly) to semi-regular characters that you will meet on occassion.
The game will start with the party broken up. You haven't met each other, but you will shortly after the game begins.
1) What goals do you have in mind for your character, taking into account their background history as well as their prior history? PM me if you want the goal to be ultra secret and you're worried about the Allies cracking the code.
2) Do you want the campaign to be heroic or gritty, or some kind of weird hybrid Frankenstein's monster? I suppose the main difference between the two is style versus substance. There's no reason why they can't both be used, however if you have a preference and wish to make known your opinion then speak up.
3) Do you prefer talk or action, or some unnatural pairing of the two? (yes, I'm being flippant - I figure someone has to be humourous) I realise the principle enjoyment from combat comes mostly from the dice-rolling, which won't be an issue here - so perhaps dialogue might matter more? Speak your mind, or forever hold your peace.
4) Do you prefer a literal story/plot arc, which the characters can play major roles in, or a lateral or intuitive story/plot, which the characters mainly decide what they want to do and do it. Some combination? Don't care? (I do have an overarcing plot in mind, in case people want the literal story)
5) What things would you want to add to the setting? Is there something you want to see/don't want to see? Is there an idea you've been meaning to add, but haven't had the game or opportunity to do so? Do you want a concept you read/heard/experienced to be added to the mix?
6) Got any house rules that might apply? Do you have a problem with the rules as-is? Do you want to suggest alterations?
Jax (Lazerus)
Alexander Delrim (The Prime Necromancer)
Frank Summers (Faxmodem1)
Edward Drackman (Jedineophyte)
To all intents and purposes, the game is now closed to the above 4 players. There are some NPCs. You will meet them and they will range from regular members of the party (as in they will adventure with you and play a proactive role in the party, by yours truly) to semi-regular characters that you will meet on occassion.
The game will start with the party broken up. You haven't met each other, but you will shortly after the game begins.
Get ritch, maybe fall in love with a princess and save the universe....................What goals do you have in mind for your character, taking into account their background history as well as their prior history?
Nah. Lets stick with ritch.
Gritty.Do you want the campaign to be heroic or gritty
More talk then action.Do you prefer talk or action, or some unnatural pairing of the two?
This one.which the characters mainly decide what they want to do and do it.
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- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2002-12-13 04:49pm
- Location: Cocytus
How about grittily heroic? Or heroically gritty? If you could elaborate a little more on what each of those terms means to you, I could provide a better answer.Stofsk wrote: 2) Do you want the campaign to be heroic or gritty, or some kind of weird hybrid Frankenstein's monster?
Can't we discuss the nature of the universe while we blast apart the bad guys?3) Do you prefer talk or action, or some unnatural pairing of the two?
Sorry. Seriously, I guess I like both. I mean, talk and character interaction is important, but so is conflict.
I guess my desire would be some combination (I'm really going middle-of-the-road today, aren't I?). Freedom is good and all, but I've always had a fondness for an overarching plot that brings meaning and purpose to the game/story. My favorite TV shows almost always have an central plot with some "one-off" episodes thrown in for flavor (like SG-1, Buffy, most anime...). And I'm a big fan of console RPGs, so it should be obvious what that means.4) Do you prefer a literal story/plot arc, which the characters can play major roles in, or a lateral or intuitive story/plot, which the characters mainly decide what they want to do and do it. Some combination? Don't care? (I do have an overarcing plot in mind, in case people want the literal story)