Stewart at SDI wrote:None of the SW movies have ever shown a replicator. In the last one, they go to great lengths to show an automated factory stamping out robots. This would seem to be the very best place to use replicator tech if you had it. After the fact sumises from books do not equate to technology parity. After all, any current factory "replicates what ever it builds. It's the how of the replication proccess that we are concerned with.
But its use is neccesitated in ROTJ, unless you wish to explain how a planet with no manufacturing infrastructure built the Death Star.
And of course, going by your logic, why wasn't replicators used to build starships?
Since I have not read the book were it becomes cannon, I must defer to those that have. My only question is is it the same type of proccess that converts energy into mater or assembles things from atoms one at a time, as in the ST universe, or is it some type of automated factory like we all saw in the last SW movie?
of course, this requires you to answer the question first on why you insist that replicators convert energy into matter, when we know that it requires replicator supplies to do so.
The answer to that question implies a tremendious difference in technological capasity. If it's operation is compairable to that in the ST setting, then it must imply that it is not wide spread like in the ST / UFoP civilisation or we would have certainly seen it in the movies. But no evidence of that type of skill is shown, therefore, it must be something so new as to be rair. In the ST / UFoP, they are so common and cheep that every cabin has one and they are given away to indavidual refugees with out cost. They are so reliable that no spair parts or service is ever mentioned as it pertains to that unit given to the last people on the planet. Surely a circumstance were spairs would be issued if needed, don't you think.
And surely the show could show Picard going to the loo. Hell, in fact, where is the loo? Surely the loo would be seen if the crew required to go to the toilet, right? I mean, less fancy stuff like the transporter, holodeck, shuttlecraft, simple console and computer programmes break down, but not the uber replicator.
That not all nations have it on the scale shown in the various ST serries is proof of it's advanced nature in the UFoP.
Finaly, that there are many instances of that technology displayed is a fair indication that it is widespread and normal in the ST universe.
Your replies are welcome as always, Sincerely, Stewart.
and how do we know that its widescale? Yup, because the Feds uses food replicators, as opposed to the Klingons who like their food raw and bloody, as opposed to the Romulans who we don't see pigging themselves out. We don't see the Borg use replicators, does that mean that they don't have it?
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner