The Kernel wrote:Stuart Mackey wrote:
who the hell are you trying to kid? As to qulification to infantry NCO of ten years standing is very well qulified to judge his proffetional opposites in the American army based on what he has seen in combat. The same holds true of officers in similar situations from a different army, in a different war with differnt units. The US army is not above critisism from others.
As to national proide and bias..that tends to go out the window when you are engaged in your that as a soldier or in anything else. nationalist bragging is reserverd for cold ones in the pub.
Excuse me but what the fuck are you talking about? How is an Australian military NCO qualified to judge the training of the United States military? That's like asking a Japanese manufacturing worker to judge the efficency of an American assembly line. The United States Military trains their troops in an entirely different manner then the Australian, and to an outsider it may seem strange, and I don't see you coming up with any numbers to prove your ridiculous appeal to authority.
First off, in the case of the NCO in question, he is a New Zealander, as am I. you will aslo note that I pointed out that I said he quite well able to judge his 'proffetional opposites' as observed in combat.
As for appeal to authority..I will say it again, as you might have missed it in other replys. When numerous officers and NCO's who have never met, are from different armies, and say the same things about the US army, in different wars in different parts of the world, this does raise relivant questions.
Given this, its hardly an appeal to authority, more like the repeated obseravations of people who are qulified to judge.
No other army on the planet is as well equiped and trained as we are.
Given what I responded to {above} as a grossly unsupported statement , I mearly pointed out that not everyone agtrees with such a genralisation. That America is the most poerfull nation on the planet, does not mean they are without faults or above critisism.
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