Tell a Warsian that the Force is mythical and you'll get a wholly different reaction. We could no doubt call them both 'religions', but they'd never be accepted as such.
Simple the reason being is a Warisy is much closer to the "God" at hand then say a Christian
IE They say a Guy named Jesus ran around preaching common sense and brotherly love and they nailed him to a stake the end
No biggy right? Lots of nuts ran around doing this at the time and got nailed to a stake
For somone who lived ten years after he bit the big one, Jesus was no big deal, cause there where alot of *Jesus running around doing the same thing
However lets skip a hundred years forward to somone who never met the guy in person and we hear
Prophets and messaihas(With the Excption of Mohammad and Buddah are never taken seriously untill after they are dead buired and gone for awhile
Its just a fact of common religions
Sure its easy to dis Jedi as a bunch of silly guys running around with Cloacks
But what about hundred years from now when you describe it to somone whos never seen nor heard of SW and just the Concept of Jedi(Its not Jediism its Jedi)
Rare is it the religion that catchs on when its creator is still around and kicking