A Space Opera RPG - OCC
Moderator: Thanas
Heroic versus Gritty:
Heroic can best be described by the majority of the Star Wars films, excepting ESB which I define as gritty. Basically:
Heroic - the stormtroopers and TIE pilots always miss (the heroes, that is), the Bad Guys are really bad (Tarkin blows up Alderaan, Vader tortures Leia), at it's best it's archetypal, at it's worse it's stereotypical. The good part - it's fun, you can be a goody two-shoes or an evil badass; such extremes are rarely tolerated in real life. The bad part - it's hard to suspend your disbelief when your Luke Skywalker/Flash Gordon character singlehandedly defeats the Evil Empire terror troops, defecates on the Emperor while dueling Skeletor, and blows up the Death Star while getting a blowjob from the Princess - all before breakfast.
Gritty - the fights are deadly. Getting hit usually means death. No bacta tanks to pull you back from the brink. The Bad Guys are less obvious, as are the Good Guys - there's a lot of grayscaling. The good part - it might seem more "realistic," and if you value realism in fantasy then go for it. The bad part - the entire party could be killed by a mere ambush; poorly thought out plans of attack will go very badly for the PCs; the enemy won't stand and scratch their arses, they'll come and kill you; bullets not only hurt, they kill.
ESB is actually a combination of the above. Luke Skywalker takes out an AT-AT singlehanded, but duels Vader in the end and gets his hand chopped off. B5 is another example of both concepts working in conjunction. The Shadows seem evil, while the Vorlons seem good - yet by the end it's revealed that both have their own motives, the Shadows seem to think what they're doing is good for the YRs, while the Vorlons are just a bunch of selfish pricks.
Both are extremes. Going down the middleroad is probably the best (and I'm a moderate by nature anyway), but I wanted to "poll" the players to see where they stand.
Heroic can best be described by the majority of the Star Wars films, excepting ESB which I define as gritty. Basically:
Heroic - the stormtroopers and TIE pilots always miss (the heroes, that is), the Bad Guys are really bad (Tarkin blows up Alderaan, Vader tortures Leia), at it's best it's archetypal, at it's worse it's stereotypical. The good part - it's fun, you can be a goody two-shoes or an evil badass; such extremes are rarely tolerated in real life. The bad part - it's hard to suspend your disbelief when your Luke Skywalker/Flash Gordon character singlehandedly defeats the Evil Empire terror troops, defecates on the Emperor while dueling Skeletor, and blows up the Death Star while getting a blowjob from the Princess - all before breakfast.
Gritty - the fights are deadly. Getting hit usually means death. No bacta tanks to pull you back from the brink. The Bad Guys are less obvious, as are the Good Guys - there's a lot of grayscaling. The good part - it might seem more "realistic," and if you value realism in fantasy then go for it. The bad part - the entire party could be killed by a mere ambush; poorly thought out plans of attack will go very badly for the PCs; the enemy won't stand and scratch their arses, they'll come and kill you; bullets not only hurt, they kill.
ESB is actually a combination of the above. Luke Skywalker takes out an AT-AT singlehanded, but duels Vader in the end and gets his hand chopped off. B5 is another example of both concepts working in conjunction. The Shadows seem evil, while the Vorlons seem good - yet by the end it's revealed that both have their own motives, the Shadows seem to think what they're doing is good for the YRs, while the Vorlons are just a bunch of selfish pricks.
Both are extremes. Going down the middleroad is probably the best (and I'm a moderate by nature anyway), but I wanted to "poll" the players to see where they stand.

Incidentally, the rules favour a middleroad approach: most weapons deal double damage on a critical hit, and since the average Con score is 10-12*, and the average damage dealt by a weapon that enjoys a critical exceeds that, fights can be potentially deadly.
But then you have an autodoc, which can repair you or at the least sustain you while your mates get your sorry arse to a Hospital ship. And as long as you think of a plan to rescue the princess and blow up the Death Star, then you're better off than the munchkins who rush off and get shot.
* Rules Addition
There are two main forms of Hitpoint - Stamina, and Lifeblood. Stamina is basically explained as the amount of damage your character avoids due to dodging and ducking etc. Lifeblood is the damage you take when Stamina has been exhausted. Lifeblood, for all intents and purposes, is equal to your Con score. While I have not listed it in the equipment section, Armour does Damage Reduction when you take a hit to your Lifeblood (not stamina). You can increase Lifeblood with the feat Toughness, and there may be other ways to increase it as well. I hope I haven't confused people already.
But then you have an autodoc, which can repair you or at the least sustain you while your mates get your sorry arse to a Hospital ship. And as long as you think of a plan to rescue the princess and blow up the Death Star, then you're better off than the munchkins who rush off and get shot.
* Rules Addition
There are two main forms of Hitpoint - Stamina, and Lifeblood. Stamina is basically explained as the amount of damage your character avoids due to dodging and ducking etc. Lifeblood is the damage you take when Stamina has been exhausted. Lifeblood, for all intents and purposes, is equal to your Con score. While I have not listed it in the equipment section, Armour does Damage Reduction when you take a hit to your Lifeblood (not stamina). You can increase Lifeblood with the feat Toughness, and there may be other ways to increase it as well. I hope I haven't confused people already.

- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2002-12-13 04:49pm
- Location: Cocytus
OK, I see. In that case, I probably do favor a somewhat middle-of-the-road approach, leaning more towards gritty. ESB has always been my favorite SW movie, and I've always disliked the incompetent, totally evil bad guys verses the goody-two-shoes, impossibly lucky good guys situation that goes on in a lot of fantasy and sci-fi.Stofsk wrote:Heroic versus Gritty:
ooooooooh. Stargate SG1.
The "coup de grace" maunver is in this game right?
The "coup de grace" maunver is in this game right?
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It means that if you catch someone unawares (they have to be paralized, asleep, or somthing like that), you can kill them without bothering to roll.
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Coup de grace is in. Also, there are ways to bypass Stamina and hit Lifeblood; grapple does that. Criticals do both types of damage. If you catch someone unawares, and they don't have the Uncanny Dodge feat, then hitting them is so much simpler. Putting a gun to someone's head is guaranteed to kill them. And so on.
Note that the rules for fighting in any RPG assumes that all things are equal. If things are not equal, then you have a harder time of defending yourself, and the other guy has an easier time of hitting you (or vice versa).
Note that the rules for fighting in any RPG assumes that all things are equal. If things are not equal, then you have a harder time of defending yourself, and the other guy has an easier time of hitting you (or vice versa).

- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2002-12-13 04:49pm
- Location: Cocytus
I thought we already answered that.Stofsk wrote:What sort of campaign do you guys want?

Is it a crime to try and learn the truth? Is it a sin to search for those things which you fear? My purpose in this world is knowledge, and the dissemination of it. And it is I who is to restore the fruits of my labors to the entire world. Wake up! Don’t be afraid of knowledge! Humans who loose the capacity to think become creatures whose existence has no value. Think, you humans who are split into two worlds! Unless you want the gulf between humans to expand into oblivion, YOU MUST THINK! - Schwarzwald
Sorry, I should be more specific. There are a few "types":The Prime Necromancer wrote:I thought we already answered that.Stofsk wrote:What sort of campaign do you guys want?Well, some of us anyway.
- Intrigue/Political
Here the action is more words than it is swords and guns. Actually, if there is a fight it's more likely to be with swords in a duel more than anything. Anyway the campaign would follow an integral plot, with side-quests being the exception or diversion to the rule. This is probably best characterised in B5.
- Far/Free Trader
Like above, the action is more dialogue and only the occassional fight. There won't be a structured campaign, you simply go from planet to planet doing whatever you like, but the theme would be trading. Making money. No-one chose the Merchant class so this campaign type I'm guessing will be unpopular. Unlike the Intrigue campaign, the Trader will have less emphasis on an overarching plot that's central to the story, and more emphasis on letting the PCs do what they want. I can't think of a sci-fi story this is analagous to.
- Action/Adventure
Obviously, the action is important with this type of campaign, though talk is still better. (3 of you guys said you want more dialogue than action, so I'm applying that to all 4 campaign types) The difference between this campaign type and, say, the Intrigue type is characterised with the 2 shows B5 and Crusade (or TOS for that matter, or even SW) - with B5 the action more or less comes to you, with Crusade they're the ones going out there to find the action.
- Mercenary
Like Action/Adventure, but less structured. If there's an overarching plot the characters don't necessarily have to get involved. It's more about what the players want to do. Also, the type of action involved is of a military nature. Sci-fi example: Cowboy Bepop or Firefly (not that I have seen it, but the image fits).
So in a nutshell:
Intrigue and Action/Adventure favour an overarching plot that players can get involved with, while side-quests are less typical. The ratio might be as low as 60:40, or as high as 90:10 depending on what people want.
Trade and Mercenary campaigns favour the reverse: there's a plot but it's secondary to the character's desires and goals.
What ratio of plot versus side-quests do you guys want?
Note that the campaign types can be combined, as they have elements within each that can cross over; and also because PC classes can be mixed (as it is with the current group - we've got a Soldier, a Psychic Witch, a Noble, and a Rogue - a good mixture).
And I reiterate, any ideas you guys have should be voiced. So don't be shy. What kind of campaign do you want? What mixture of the above 4 archetypes do you want?

I"m in favor of "run around and do whatever the #$#! we feel like".
Yanno, where-ever the plot may take us.
Yanno, where-ever the plot may take us.
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- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 735
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- Location: Cocytus
I think Action/Adventure best characterizes what I'm looking for, or possibly some mixture of Intrigue and Mercenary.

70/30 sounds good to me, although I'm willing to go as low as 50/50 to compromise, if necessary.What ratio of plot versus side-quests do you guys want?
Actually, Firefly might have been closer to Free Trader than Mercenary; yeah, they got into fights rather frequently, but their job was transporting goods and their motivation was money.I can't think of a sci-fi story this is analagous to.
WITCH?! So many better words: Sentinel, Psion, Warlock, Wizard, and you choose WITCH?!we've got a Soldier, a Psychic Witch, a Noble, and a Rogue

Is it a crime to try and learn the truth? Is it a sin to search for those things which you fear? My purpose in this world is knowledge, and the dissemination of it. And it is I who is to restore the fruits of my labors to the entire world. Wake up! Don’t be afraid of knowledge! Humans who loose the capacity to think become creatures whose existence has no value. Think, you humans who are split into two worlds! Unless you want the gulf between humans to expand into oblivion, YOU MUST THINK! - Schwarzwald
Rogue? What do you think I do, disarm traps!?
I am a smuggler!
I am a smuggler!
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- Captain tycho
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Tycho, I thought you weren't playing? At least, it's been awhile since your last post.Captain tycho wrote:I like the idea's of the free-form Mercenary and Trader campaign types. Also, how much would a ship cost, and could 1st level characters afford a cheap one?
Ship - there's already a ship that belongs to Faxmodem1's character.
Clvl - you start at level 5.
Prior History - erm, we need to discuss your character. Everyone's prior history has been sorted out and kinda links into each other - in order to explain how everyone has met each other, wants to party up etc. I understand you have your own character, but would you perhaps take a different one - I've planned out some NPCs? Just in the interests of keeping the established prior history unmodified?
There a 4 NPCs who will become regular party members:
A Chel'Noirn (reptilioids) Merchant who's got his own ship. He already knows one of the main characters, and can be considered a friend.
A Sonnergatt (mammalian amphibians - they look like seals) Spacer who works for one of the main characters, he's essentially the ship's repairman/troubleshooter.
And 2 chicks - 1 a psychic, the other a... well, I don't want to reveal her just yet.
I understand you already had a character, but most of the others are already done with charactergen - just waiting for a few stragglers *looks pointedly at Faxmodem1 and Jedineophyte* to deal with their skills and feats - besides, picking one of the above would be quicker. I would especially like it if you choose one of the alien NPCs. Anyway PM your decision.

Alignment: Chaotic Netural
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- Jedi Knight
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- Location: Cocytus
Much.Stofsk wrote:Fine fine - we've got a psionically-enhanced talented humanoid, a smuggler, a rich guy and an arsekicker. Better?

Erm, just wondering, but what kind of ideas are you looking for? Story ideas, background ideas, game mechanics ideas?No-one has any ideas for the game?
Alex would probably be either neutral or chaotic good.Do people also have an idea on their character's alignment? This isn't actually a rule or anything, just something to (arguably) help you role play.
Is it a crime to try and learn the truth? Is it a sin to search for those things which you fear? My purpose in this world is knowledge, and the dissemination of it. And it is I who is to restore the fruits of my labors to the entire world. Wake up! Don’t be afraid of knowledge! Humans who loose the capacity to think become creatures whose existence has no value. Think, you humans who are split into two worlds! Unless you want the gulf between humans to expand into oblivion, YOU MUST THINK! - Schwarzwald
I never go back on my word, just look out for exact wording!
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Mike, basically any ideas you have and wish to contribute. Got any pet peeves? Things you don't want to see in the game, let me know. Any ideas for rules? Let me know. Plots and settings are pretty much my domain, but again any ideas you have let me know.
Also, I'm thinking of leaving this thread open for OCC. So if you want to chat, you've got a place to do so - though that should go without saying.

Also, I'm thinking of leaving this thread open for OCC. So if you want to chat, you've got a place to do so - though that should go without saying.

- FaxModem1
- Emperor's Hand
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- Location: In a dark reflection of a better world
Okay, I'd like a mixture of Intrigue-Action/Adventure and it being 60/40 with the arc and one offs would be fine with me.
Frank's goals. His top one, Paradiso remains safe and left alone, no matter what.
Meaning, if his friends get captured and in order for their release he has to give up the defense codes, his friends are screwed. Same with his own life as well.
Other than that, Frank wants to see what the universe is like, and from what I see of the prior history, make sure the SOBs who did this to him get what they deserve.
I'm going to work on abilities now.
Frank's goals. His top one, Paradiso remains safe and left alone, no matter what.
Meaning, if his friends get captured and in order for their release he has to give up the defense codes, his friends are screwed. Same with his own life as well.
Other than that, Frank wants to see what the universe is like, and from what I see of the prior history, make sure the SOBs who did this to him get what they deserve.
I'm going to work on abilities now.

Can you post your character's physical descriptions, or PM them to me - if for some bizarre reason you don't want it public - I was thinking of sketching every character out so everyone has a "face" to put to their character. (yes, this is to kill time for me to prepare the campaign/adventure, and also some people are still in character gen)
On that last point:
Faxmodem1, you still haven't selected skills (and I think feats, but I'm not sure).
Jedienophyte, do you still want to play?
On that last point:
Faxmodem1, you still haven't selected skills (and I think feats, but I'm not sure).
Jedienophyte, do you still want to play?