Moderator: Thanas
- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
- Posts: 22678
- Joined: 2002-07-15 11:22pm
True, but at least in this game it's assumed that ships of an equivalent class (and orginal numbers) are roughly equal. So while Affront vessels might mount less weaponary, what they do mount is some what more effective.Thanks, I am working on it. It can be a bit tricky though, especially since individual navies apparent firepower is so varied. Case in point, The Affront ships have a tiny amount of weapon emplacements in comparison to the SKS.
True, but the PRC is the embodiment of the quantity navy. And the same really holds true for the TSC escort fleet.As for my escort numbers, I have fewer escorts than the PRC (which has 900 total) and the TSC.
Like I said, that'll work just fine. You'll have fairly solid capital warships and decent and numerous escorts to back them up.They -do- have more major worlds however, so it does balance out. Currently my capital ship to escort ratio is that 93% of my fleet are escorts. I would lean towards getting more capital ships, but I did read somewhere that many fleets were getting "top heavy" so I wanted to avoid that as much as possible. If anyone has suggestions and such, I am more than happy to listen to them. Currently though, I am leaning towards keeping the current 850 escorts and 61 capital ships fleet as is.

- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
- Posts: 22678
- Joined: 2002-07-15 11:22pm
There was no isntant jump. Both of us just played it smart. We had our fleets in the area under false pretenses and no one bothered to make sure our fleets were really doing what they said they were doing.
TF 51 was supposedly performing wargames in free space beyond the FSA publicily, and the Kzin ships were in the area supposedly hunting down pirates. Once my ships hit space they went in udner emcon, and with the knowledge of the TSC to an area outside the oort cloud and waited for the signal from the TSC.
The Kzin fleet, without the knowledge of the TSC but with the knowledge of the UTR took up station above the spiral arm and waited for my signal. They jumped when I did and came in after them.
It was a well planned ambush that the PRC fell for completely.
TF 51 was supposedly performing wargames in free space beyond the FSA publicily, and the Kzin ships were in the area supposedly hunting down pirates. Once my ships hit space they went in udner emcon, and with the knowledge of the TSC to an area outside the oort cloud and waited for the signal from the TSC.
The Kzin fleet, without the knowledge of the TSC but with the knowledge of the UTR took up station above the spiral arm and waited for my signal. They jumped when I did and came in after them.
It was a well planned ambush that the PRC fell for completely.
And everyone is now distracted away from the planet, what with the combined Terran/Kzinti fleet breathing down their necksKyle wrote:The Kzin fleet, without the knowledge of the TSC but with the knowledge of the UTR took up station above the spiral arm and waited for my signal. They jumped when I did and came in after them.
It was a well planned ambush that the PRC fell for completely.

- Pablo Sanchez
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As Kyle said, our ships were in lying in wait very close to the system in question. I told Nitram via PM to prevent any notion of unfair play from cropping up. It was a setup, you're lucky you chose to accept the ceasefire in time.Stormbringer wrote:Oh, and Pablo and Kyle, let's try to avoid the instant jump thing. That's going to get old fast.

"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."
--The Lord Humungus
- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
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- Joined: 2002-07-15 11:22pm
- Thirdfain
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- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
To clarify things:
the trapped Cornerian fleet is over DEsjardins, my capital, they were headed there with the intention of vaping my Dreadnought shipyards. That is where the Entente fleets and the Commonwealth defensive fleet are.
Coventry is a tertiary Commonwealth industrialized world in the border porvince of the Harbinger March, and the sight of the first clashes between the KSE and the Commonwealth. The only vessels present are Krytosian. This is where ground combat is taking place.
Corneria is the capital of the PRC, and a running battle between TSC/Corsair fleets and PRC/Affront fleets is taking place. There, no Ententee vessels are present, and thye have not gotten word of the cease fire. As a matter of fact, Nitram, you were talking about cracking the planetary shields when we left off...
the trapped Cornerian fleet is over DEsjardins, my capital, they were headed there with the intention of vaping my Dreadnought shipyards. That is where the Entente fleets and the Commonwealth defensive fleet are.
Coventry is a tertiary Commonwealth industrialized world in the border porvince of the Harbinger March, and the sight of the first clashes between the KSE and the Commonwealth. The only vessels present are Krytosian. This is where ground combat is taking place.
Corneria is the capital of the PRC, and a running battle between TSC/Corsair fleets and PRC/Affront fleets is taking place. There, no Ententee vessels are present, and thye have not gotten word of the cease fire. As a matter of fact, Nitram, you were talking about cracking the planetary shields when we left off...
- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
- Posts: 22678
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- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
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- Joined: 2002-07-15 11:22pm
- Marcao
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Tech Overview
Heya all:
this is pretty much an overview of the various technologies I borrowed to make the Indashani. Some concepts are unique, others were borrowed liberally from my sci-fi collection. *shrugs* I am not that damned creative. *laughs* If anyone has any comments and such, feel free to poke the list over what works and what would not.
Military Technology
STL types
A: Gravity Drives: The primary drive found in civilian and military ships, gravity drives are efficient and capable of reaching a high fraction of C. All Indashani vessels mount gravity drives as their primary drives. In the case of civilian ships, these are the only drives used.
B. Psy-Drives: P-Drives or Psy drives are found exclusively in military ships and harness power from the ships internal psychic grid to propel the ship forward telekinetically. These drives are not as efficient as gravity drives and offer restricted perfomance. The drives are however extremely stealthy, and as such are immensely useful for military operations.
FTL types:
A: Primary FTL: Hyperdrive.
B: Secondary FTL: Displacement Drive (Instant Transit, 20 min recycle time for military cargo ships, 30 minute recharge time for current generation military combination-drives)
A: Quantum Determinacy Communication (Ansibles): (FTL, long range, point to point, secure communications. Found in most military types of Drones that require constant updates with their home ships)
B: Thought Projectors: (FTL, varied range communications through psychic bands. Internal ship comms are generally through Psy-Amps and most inter-fleet communications follow this method as well.)
Miscellaneous Technology
A: Gestalt Devices: The Gestalt device is a powered psychic booster that allows many of the Indashani technologies to function. Without the ability of Gestalt Devices many of the Indashani technologies such as the P-Drives and thought projectors would be far more limited. In essence, a gestalt is capable of boosting the power and range of a psychic mind hooked up to the device. The latest generation of these devices is efficient and smaller than their predecessors but still function on the same principle. The stronger the telepath that is hooked up to the gestalt device, the more he or she may get out of it. Nonetheless, Gestalt devices have their own risk as a mind if pushed too hard may break under the strain.
B: Displacers
isplacers are displacement based devices that are capable of for all intensive purposes teleporting matter over various distances. The primary uses of displacers are primarily civilian in application, and displacers are incorporated widely in cargo ships. Indashani displacers cannot transport living matter, and will kill any known creature that is transported in such a fashion. Indashani scientists believe that the technology incorporates an integral “sanitation” safety, which is the reason why living organic matter such as viruses, bacteria and all known life forms are killed by the displacement process. The military applications of displacers have been considered and are found primarily in ground combat or in attack drones since current Indashani technology limits the effective range of displacers to a dozen light seconds at most.
C: Psy-Grid: The heart and soul of Indashani naval ships are Psy-grids. The grid incorporates gestalt technology to harness, amplify and contain psychic energy. Grids vary in size and power, as well as storage capacity. A larger ship will have a larger and more capable grid than a smaller vessel.
D: Artificial Intelligence: The usage of Artificial Intelligence in the Republic of Indas is widespread and as such a considerable amount of resources have been channeled into its development. The A.I used by the Republic is highly advanced, capable of completely independent operations. Some would argue that it straddles the line between Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Sentience although the Republic denies any allegations of possessing AS technology. The truth is that AS is detrimental to the Republic’s wishes and they have instead settled on refining their AI technology. There are various classes of AI, starting with the basic Level 1 AI and moving all the way up to the state-of-the-art Level 6 AI. The former is widely found in civilian applications while the latter is found exclusively in military applications.
E: Genetic Engineering: The Republic uses genetic engineering extensively and due to this as well as generations of usage, all of her citizens possesses improved immune systems and enhanced life spans. Genetic engineering has been used to root out genetic diseases and subtly enhance the people. Military genetic engineering is extremely common and has proven to be enormously successful. It is hoped that eventually, genetic engineering will allow the Republic the ability to unlock the telepathic gene. This is considered by many to being the ultimate goal of Republican genetic science.
F: Cybernetics: Although genetic engineering is quite advanced within the Republic allowing for a multitude of capabilities, cybernetics has not lost their popularity. Cybernetic enhancements are rare in the general populace, but the military embraces such enhancements. The two branches of the military that derive the most benefit from cybernetics are the naval forces and the children of Indas. Both of these branches utilize cybernetic modifications such as thought interfaces and artificially boosted reflexes.
G: Automation: The Republic incorporates a great deal of automated systems in civilian and military fields. It is the belief of the Republic that manual labor is not something her citizens should do; as such the majority of her factories are completely automated. Military vessels are also equipped with the best automated systems possible, reducing crews and thus allowing for longer patrol times. Military vessels compensate for smaller numbers of crew with an internal defense system in all their ships.
H: Replicators: There are two kinds of replication technology found in the Republic. The mass produced version can take individual elements and form them into more complex ones. The rarer and far more expensive versions can take energy and produce matter. These technologies are incorporated into capital ship design in order to allow Republican ships a great deal of independence. A Republican Battleship is capable of mining, refining and creating its own supplies given enough time. However, this measure is not designed to be the norm. Furthermore, some advanced systems and munitions cannot be easily replicated. In this manner, the Republican Navy relies on its supply lines as much as any other navy.
Armor, Shields and Weapons
A: Psy-Emitter: These are the primary ship-killer weapons of the Republic and are the most flexible design fielded by the Navy. A Psy-Emitter is capable of amplifying and channeling power from the ship’s grid and focuses it into beams of psychic energy. The weapon’s flexibility occurs when the emitter’s angle of attack comes into effect. The weapons can generally be fired in a singular burst, constant beam, or a wider aperture angle. The maximum angle that a Psy-Emitter may use corresponds directly to the strength of the ship’s grid and thus, the ship’s size. Furthermore, the wider the angle chosen the more damage bleeds off. A capital ship may fire a Psy-emitter in an angle up to 180 degrees. An escort ship up to a destroyer may fire up to 90 degrees while frigates have a maximum effective angle of 45 degrees.
B: Attack Drones: The Republic does not use manned fighters or bombers in her navy, deeming them wasteful and obsolete. A manned fighter cannot match a state-of-the-art drone in many fields as the fighter is constrained by the endurance of her pilot and must sacrifice some of the fighter’s space for the life support systems to keep its pilot alive. This reliance on drones and the Republican advances in AI has made Republican drones among the best in the stars.
C: Force Screens: These are supplementary shields and form the first line of defense against Republican naval vessels. Force Screens are designed to bleed off energy from incoming attacks rather than stopping them outright. In this manner, they weaken incoming energy weapons, kinetics and slow down missiles before they reach the main shields of the ship. Force Screens projectors can be quite small in size, and Republic R&D is currently investigating the possibility of incorporating force screens into future armor designs.
D: Pulsars: These weapons incorporate any weapon fired in bursts or constant streams that travel at C or a high fraction thereof. These are the most common weapon found in Naval Ships. Point Defense Systems often incorporate beams due to their range and speed.
E: Particle Beam Cannons: These weapons are less common than their beam counterparts, due to their reduced range and speed. Nonetheless, Particle Cannons can be devastating weapons and as such assure their place in the Republican arsenal.
F: Shields: Republican shields deal with redirection of energy principles. The more energy that is encountered the more it is redirected around the ship. Shields are unidirectional and are broken down into four sectors. Shield energy may be drained from one facet and transferred to another if necessary. If the shields are breached in a facet, they will regenerate given time and assuming that the shield generators are still functional.
G: Armor: The armor of the republic varies depending upon what is optimal for the specific task at hand. Battle-steel is a refinement of steel offering significant protection at a light weight. The external armor of Republican capital ships is generally composed of neutronium embedded armor. The sole exception is the INS Pride of Indas, whose molecular composite hull is too expensive to replicate in other vessels.
H: Anti-Ship Drone Types: The republic uses three distinct types of ship killing drones to fulfill their missile requirements. The first and most common type is the standard type "A" ship-killer which is propelled through realspace via a capable and efficient gravity drive. It is capable of reaching a high fraction of C. The type "B" ship-killer is also called the "baby hypermissile" and moves through realspace and hyperspace through a series of short hyperspace hops. These missiles are not designed to bypass shields and explode within a vessel. It is simply designed to make interception as difficult as possible. These drones are usually called "flicker drones" due to their distinctive means of reaching their target. Type "C" ship killer are actual hypermissiles, designed to bypass normal shields and explode inside their target.
edits: clarified various topics.
this is pretty much an overview of the various technologies I borrowed to make the Indashani. Some concepts are unique, others were borrowed liberally from my sci-fi collection. *shrugs* I am not that damned creative. *laughs* If anyone has any comments and such, feel free to poke the list over what works and what would not.
Military Technology
STL types
A: Gravity Drives: The primary drive found in civilian and military ships, gravity drives are efficient and capable of reaching a high fraction of C. All Indashani vessels mount gravity drives as their primary drives. In the case of civilian ships, these are the only drives used.
B. Psy-Drives: P-Drives or Psy drives are found exclusively in military ships and harness power from the ships internal psychic grid to propel the ship forward telekinetically. These drives are not as efficient as gravity drives and offer restricted perfomance. The drives are however extremely stealthy, and as such are immensely useful for military operations.
FTL types:
A: Primary FTL: Hyperdrive.
B: Secondary FTL: Displacement Drive (Instant Transit, 20 min recycle time for military cargo ships, 30 minute recharge time for current generation military combination-drives)
A: Quantum Determinacy Communication (Ansibles): (FTL, long range, point to point, secure communications. Found in most military types of Drones that require constant updates with their home ships)
B: Thought Projectors: (FTL, varied range communications through psychic bands. Internal ship comms are generally through Psy-Amps and most inter-fleet communications follow this method as well.)
Miscellaneous Technology
A: Gestalt Devices: The Gestalt device is a powered psychic booster that allows many of the Indashani technologies to function. Without the ability of Gestalt Devices many of the Indashani technologies such as the P-Drives and thought projectors would be far more limited. In essence, a gestalt is capable of boosting the power and range of a psychic mind hooked up to the device. The latest generation of these devices is efficient and smaller than their predecessors but still function on the same principle. The stronger the telepath that is hooked up to the gestalt device, the more he or she may get out of it. Nonetheless, Gestalt devices have their own risk as a mind if pushed too hard may break under the strain.
B: Displacers

C: Psy-Grid: The heart and soul of Indashani naval ships are Psy-grids. The grid incorporates gestalt technology to harness, amplify and contain psychic energy. Grids vary in size and power, as well as storage capacity. A larger ship will have a larger and more capable grid than a smaller vessel.
D: Artificial Intelligence: The usage of Artificial Intelligence in the Republic of Indas is widespread and as such a considerable amount of resources have been channeled into its development. The A.I used by the Republic is highly advanced, capable of completely independent operations. Some would argue that it straddles the line between Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Sentience although the Republic denies any allegations of possessing AS technology. The truth is that AS is detrimental to the Republic’s wishes and they have instead settled on refining their AI technology. There are various classes of AI, starting with the basic Level 1 AI and moving all the way up to the state-of-the-art Level 6 AI. The former is widely found in civilian applications while the latter is found exclusively in military applications.
E: Genetic Engineering: The Republic uses genetic engineering extensively and due to this as well as generations of usage, all of her citizens possesses improved immune systems and enhanced life spans. Genetic engineering has been used to root out genetic diseases and subtly enhance the people. Military genetic engineering is extremely common and has proven to be enormously successful. It is hoped that eventually, genetic engineering will allow the Republic the ability to unlock the telepathic gene. This is considered by many to being the ultimate goal of Republican genetic science.
F: Cybernetics: Although genetic engineering is quite advanced within the Republic allowing for a multitude of capabilities, cybernetics has not lost their popularity. Cybernetic enhancements are rare in the general populace, but the military embraces such enhancements. The two branches of the military that derive the most benefit from cybernetics are the naval forces and the children of Indas. Both of these branches utilize cybernetic modifications such as thought interfaces and artificially boosted reflexes.
G: Automation: The Republic incorporates a great deal of automated systems in civilian and military fields. It is the belief of the Republic that manual labor is not something her citizens should do; as such the majority of her factories are completely automated. Military vessels are also equipped with the best automated systems possible, reducing crews and thus allowing for longer patrol times. Military vessels compensate for smaller numbers of crew with an internal defense system in all their ships.
H: Replicators: There are two kinds of replication technology found in the Republic. The mass produced version can take individual elements and form them into more complex ones. The rarer and far more expensive versions can take energy and produce matter. These technologies are incorporated into capital ship design in order to allow Republican ships a great deal of independence. A Republican Battleship is capable of mining, refining and creating its own supplies given enough time. However, this measure is not designed to be the norm. Furthermore, some advanced systems and munitions cannot be easily replicated. In this manner, the Republican Navy relies on its supply lines as much as any other navy.
Armor, Shields and Weapons
A: Psy-Emitter: These are the primary ship-killer weapons of the Republic and are the most flexible design fielded by the Navy. A Psy-Emitter is capable of amplifying and channeling power from the ship’s grid and focuses it into beams of psychic energy. The weapon’s flexibility occurs when the emitter’s angle of attack comes into effect. The weapons can generally be fired in a singular burst, constant beam, or a wider aperture angle. The maximum angle that a Psy-Emitter may use corresponds directly to the strength of the ship’s grid and thus, the ship’s size. Furthermore, the wider the angle chosen the more damage bleeds off. A capital ship may fire a Psy-emitter in an angle up to 180 degrees. An escort ship up to a destroyer may fire up to 90 degrees while frigates have a maximum effective angle of 45 degrees.
B: Attack Drones: The Republic does not use manned fighters or bombers in her navy, deeming them wasteful and obsolete. A manned fighter cannot match a state-of-the-art drone in many fields as the fighter is constrained by the endurance of her pilot and must sacrifice some of the fighter’s space for the life support systems to keep its pilot alive. This reliance on drones and the Republican advances in AI has made Republican drones among the best in the stars.
C: Force Screens: These are supplementary shields and form the first line of defense against Republican naval vessels. Force Screens are designed to bleed off energy from incoming attacks rather than stopping them outright. In this manner, they weaken incoming energy weapons, kinetics and slow down missiles before they reach the main shields of the ship. Force Screens projectors can be quite small in size, and Republic R&D is currently investigating the possibility of incorporating force screens into future armor designs.
D: Pulsars: These weapons incorporate any weapon fired in bursts or constant streams that travel at C or a high fraction thereof. These are the most common weapon found in Naval Ships. Point Defense Systems often incorporate beams due to their range and speed.
E: Particle Beam Cannons: These weapons are less common than their beam counterparts, due to their reduced range and speed. Nonetheless, Particle Cannons can be devastating weapons and as such assure their place in the Republican arsenal.
F: Shields: Republican shields deal with redirection of energy principles. The more energy that is encountered the more it is redirected around the ship. Shields are unidirectional and are broken down into four sectors. Shield energy may be drained from one facet and transferred to another if necessary. If the shields are breached in a facet, they will regenerate given time and assuming that the shield generators are still functional.
G: Armor: The armor of the republic varies depending upon what is optimal for the specific task at hand. Battle-steel is a refinement of steel offering significant protection at a light weight. The external armor of Republican capital ships is generally composed of neutronium embedded armor. The sole exception is the INS Pride of Indas, whose molecular composite hull is too expensive to replicate in other vessels.
H: Anti-Ship Drone Types: The republic uses three distinct types of ship killing drones to fulfill their missile requirements. The first and most common type is the standard type "A" ship-killer which is propelled through realspace via a capable and efficient gravity drive. It is capable of reaching a high fraction of C. The type "B" ship-killer is also called the "baby hypermissile" and moves through realspace and hyperspace through a series of short hyperspace hops. These missiles are not designed to bypass shields and explode within a vessel. It is simply designed to make interception as difficult as possible. These drones are usually called "flicker drones" due to their distinctive means of reaching their target. Type "C" ship killer are actual hypermissiles, designed to bypass normal shields and explode inside their target.
edits: clarified various topics.
Last edited by Marcao on 2004-02-26 03:28am, edited 2 times in total.
- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
- Posts: 22678
- Joined: 2002-07-15 11:22pm
- Pablo Sanchez
- Commissar
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- Location: The Wasteland
The onus is obviously on the PRC to drop shields if they don't want to get massacred. You're the one who needs to respond.Stormbringer wrote:Hey, thirdfain, were you going to actually make a response or is this going to go on like this?

"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."
--The Lord Humungus
- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
- Posts: 22678
- Joined: 2002-07-15 11:22pm
If thats how you want to play it... Say goodbye to that fleet.
You do realize that the TSC is in front of that fleet, the UTR and Patriarchy are behind you, a kzin detachment is off one of your flanks and a UTR strike group is off the other flank. The PRC is horribly outgunned and is in terrible tactical position.
You do realize that the TSC is in front of that fleet, the UTR and Patriarchy are behind you, a kzin detachment is off one of your flanks and a UTR strike group is off the other flank. The PRC is horribly outgunned and is in terrible tactical position.
- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
- Posts: 22678
- Joined: 2002-07-15 11:22pm
Thats an interesting assumption. One that isn't true, but whatever. If that was so, we would have just came in with guns blazing, not given you time to get ready. I could have hit you before anyone even knew my fleet was there, same with the Kzin fleet.Stormbringer wrote:Well, you fully intend to fuck me over if I do anyway.
- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
- Posts: 22678
- Joined: 2002-07-15 11:22pm
Then you'll have to give a little. Because from what Thirdfain has said, I do think you will.Kyle wrote:Thats an interesting assumption. One that isn't true, but whatever. If that was so, we would have just came in with guns blazing, not given you time to get ready. I could have hit you before anyone even knew my fleet was there, same with the Kzin fleet.Stormbringer wrote:Well, you fully intend to fuck me over if I do anyway.
And yes, that would work. But not so well as jumping a fleet that stood down. At the very least you guys had better do the same.

Then your fucked. Sorry to be so blunt about it, but its true.
You've got two options,
#1 Fight
You might kill some of us, but that fleet will be destroyed. The best chance you have from this option is to take some of us with you. Truthfully it won't even be that many, not with those Cornerian ships.
#2 Surrender
Two things can happen if you surrender.
What you think will happen, we open fire on you and wipe your fleet from existence. We suffer no casulties but turn public opinion against us and make the word of the entente completely meaningless. The UTR is a democracy, what do you think such an attack would do to my presidents chances of re-election?
Or what I plan on doing. You surrender, the crews are taken as POWs and the ships are either scuttled or taken as prizes.
It's your call. I'm not makign any concessions, and I don't see the Kzin or TSC doing so either. You're just going to have to trust the word of the UTR and Patriarchy.
Once you decide just post int he main story thread, by either lowering your shields or whatever other action you want to take.
You've got two options,
#1 Fight
You might kill some of us, but that fleet will be destroyed. The best chance you have from this option is to take some of us with you. Truthfully it won't even be that many, not with those Cornerian ships.
#2 Surrender
Two things can happen if you surrender.
What you think will happen, we open fire on you and wipe your fleet from existence. We suffer no casulties but turn public opinion against us and make the word of the entente completely meaningless. The UTR is a democracy, what do you think such an attack would do to my presidents chances of re-election?
Or what I plan on doing. You surrender, the crews are taken as POWs and the ships are either scuttled or taken as prizes.
It's your call. I'm not makign any concessions, and I don't see the Kzin or TSC doing so either. You're just going to have to trust the word of the UTR and Patriarchy.
Once you decide just post int he main story thread, by either lowering your shields or whatever other action you want to take.
- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
- Posts: 22678
- Joined: 2002-07-15 11:22pm
1)As for the damage, there's still a massive and all but completely intact chunk of the Cornerian fleet and a planet with it's defenses down. Any fight to the finish is going to be nasty.
2)But public opinion won't matter one damn bit because I'll have lost a fleet for nothing at that point and unless elections are tomorrow, there'll probably be a nasty war.
The fact is, if you're serious about this there's got to be some give, if nothing else from the TSC. I simply can't trust them and with you acting with them it's difficult to do the same with you. Especially not with you guys not honoring the truce by continuing to position yourselves. I'm willing to make concessions, not cut my own throat.
2)But public opinion won't matter one damn bit because I'll have lost a fleet for nothing at that point and unless elections are tomorrow, there'll probably be a nasty war.
The fact is, if you're serious about this there's got to be some give, if nothing else from the TSC. I simply can't trust them and with you acting with them it's difficult to do the same with you. Especially not with you guys not honoring the truce by continuing to position yourselves. I'm willing to make concessions, not cut my own throat.

- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
There really doesn't have to be any give. A trap has been sprung. If you go to the negotiating table, you will be able to get out of this with your nation intact.
If not, then we will just have to smash your fleet to peices. With most of the Cornerian Navy defeated in detail and the rest outnumbered over the Cornerian homeworld by the TSC task force and the Corsairs, the PRC will likely come out of this in worse shape than the Aquarian Union, if it survives at all.
Oh, and killing a force which has already surrendered is not only reviled by the Commonwealth, but, due to New Bushido conditioning, nearly emotionally impossible. If your fleet stands down, it won't be massacred.
If not, then we will just have to smash your fleet to peices. With most of the Cornerian Navy defeated in detail and the rest outnumbered over the Cornerian homeworld by the TSC task force and the Corsairs, the PRC will likely come out of this in worse shape than the Aquarian Union, if it survives at all.
Oh, and killing a force which has already surrendered is not only reviled by the Commonwealth, but, due to New Bushido conditioning, nearly emotionally impossible. If your fleet stands down, it won't be massacred.
- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
- Posts: 22678
- Joined: 2002-07-15 11:22pm
And I'm willing to negotiate. Just not to trust you. You've admitted you'd fuck people over if it suits you, and have.Thirdfain wrote:There really doesn't have to be any give. A trap has been sprung. If you go to the negotiating table, you will be able to get out of this with your nation intact.
If not, then we will just have to smash your fleet to peices. With most of the Cornerian Navy defeated in detail and the rest outnumbered over the Cornerian homeworld by the TSC task force and the Corsairs, the PRC will likely come out of this in worse shape than the Aquarian Union, if it survives at all.
And as I've said, the Cornerians can still take out the TSC. And the Cornerians are actually capable of taking out the TSC/Merc fleet you've got in the PRC. There's nearly 2/3rds of the fleet there now.