Kirk Starkiller (working title) A B5/TOS Crossover

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Post by NecronLord »

Dalek eh?

Large controversial ship from Earth's past? I'm having difficulty not thinking of the horribly dangerous ship known as Vejur 8) :wink: .

Keep it up.
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

NecronLord wrote:Dalek eh?

Large controversial ship from Earth's past? I'm having difficulty not thinking of the horribly dangerous ship known as Vejur 8) :wink: .

Keep it up.
hey, it sounded Minbari enough. Now if you had a copy of the big big book of minbari names, i'd love a copy. :wink:
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Post by Comosicus »

Very nice by now. It shows potential. Keep up the good work.
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Post by SpecWar826 »

Woot good begining for the battle I like it.
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Post by Albert Green »

Again not bad. There are a few errors ind writing and editing but I am absolutely the last person to complain. Thank you for the postings. I look forward to see how Kirk deals with this first major attack. I also look forward to seeing how Earth Force responds to the Federation.

Question: do you know what your writing (posting) schedule will be like?
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Re: More

Post by Col. Crackpot »

Albert Green wrote:Again not bad. There are a few errors ind writing and editing but I am absolutely the last person to complain. Thank you for the postings. I look forward to see how Kirk deals with this first major attack. I also look forward to seeing how Earth Force responds to the Federation.

Question: do you know what your writing (posting) schedule will be like?

the haphazard schedule system works for me! :wink:
although i will be cleaning and organizing what is already posted before i continue.
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

Earth Alliance Space Cooke III Colony

“Sir, The first wave of the main invasion fleet is arriving at the staging area in hyperspace. They are asking for a report on our current situation.” Luran reported to his superior.

“Inform them we are dealing with a minor setback. They may exit hyperspace at their leisure.” Dalek’s focus returned to the display before him.

“Bridge to engineering, Scotty stand by for emergency warp maneuvers. I’m going to need every last drop of power you can give me.” Kirk’s mind raced now. “Uhura, open multiple tight beam channels to the fleet… all vessels stand by for evasive pattern Archer tango six on my mark”

“Reading multiple energy spikes on all closing vessels” before Spock’s words could leave his lips….


As dozens of pulsing yellow beams raced at near-luminal velocity towards them, the four Federation vessels flickered, elongated and vanished from the Minbari scanners. Less than a second later they re-appeared, behind Dalek’s supporting Sharlins. After rotating one hundred eighty degrees, impulse drives glowed a brilliant red throwing the ships forward.

Realizing that his task force would have been crippled, or worse, by the Minbari strike, Kirk quickly ordered his group into an elevated Z formation. Phaser fire sprung forward at once striking three unsuspecting Sharlins from behind. One was sent spinning violently off course, dead in space. A second salvo from the Enterprise struck one of the wounded Sharlin’s gravitic drive fins rendering it immobile. The trio of Miranda’s combined their fire hitting a previously undamaged Sharlin rupturing the hull in over a dozen places.

“Evasive maneuvers and give me a damage report!” Dalek pulled himself up from the floor. His head was spinning, and bleeding.

“Multiple hull breaches sir. The reactor is also unstable and power output if fluxuating. Two other ships have been crippled, and the Jewel of Minbar is reporting moderate damage.” Luran spoke nursing a badly broken arm. “They can see us sir. They can see us and hit us with near perfect accuracy.”

“Indeed. Order the fleet to shut down their cloaks and divert that power to weapons.” Dalek watched his display as the incredibly nimble ships overtook their positions. Fewer hits were scored, as the Minbari vessels were able to maneuver. Still, enough damage was done to send the Shimmering Pulsar to her death. Blinding white light filled the display. “Ships fire at will. Maximize volume of fire.”

The six Sharlins of the attack wing now waded back into the fray and began to saturate the Federation position with yellow death. The Yeltsin suffered several hits and rolled hard to her starboard before vanishing only to reappear on Minbari sensors ten thousand kilometers away less than a second later. Before her disappearing act a single torpedo sprung from an aft launcher and detonated against the hull of the would-be attacker. It was torn to shreds.

“Damage report!” Kirk growled

“Shields holding at 53 percent. Minor damage to the shuttle bay doors.” Spock soothing calmness was an asset in this situation.

“Captain” Uhura interrupted “The Yeltsin is reporting heavy damage to her warp drive. They say their main energizer is destroyed and the engineering deck is flooded with radiation.”

“Damn. Order her to hold back and lay down long-range torpedo fire. If it gets too hot, have her make a run for the wormhole. Mr. Chekov, How’d we do?”

“We cut them in half Admiral. One ship destroyed, four crippled and two heavily damaged.” Checkov noted with a hint of satisfaction. “ The remaining ships are attempting to regroup sir.”

“Still no response to our hails Admiral.” Uhura added matter-of-factly.

“Very well. We’ll make another run. Mr. Sulu, attack patter…” Kirk was interrupted as Spock nearly leaped from his station,

“Warp evasive, any heading!” Spock's Vulcan calmness was gone, and Sulu complied near instantly.

The Reliant and Saratoga however, were not as quick, and paid a heavy price. Dozens of swirling blue jump points opened directly to their stern and opened fire. The Saratoga was literally sliced to pieces as over twenty heavy yellow beams tore through her hull. Reliant lasted a few seconds longer as her helmsman managed to roll and spin her about fast enough to launch two torpedoes. Each struck its target at point black range, erasing them from existence in a ball of flame.

Desperately trying to avoid death she was struck several times. Her torpedo pod was smashed and chucks of hull were burned away from her before she finally collided with one of her pursuers wiping them both from the field of battle.

“Dear god no!” Kirk leapt from his seat “ Uhura tight beam to the Yeltsin! Retreat through the wormhole! Sulu get us out of here!!”

After blindly firing a double salvo of torpedoes at the new group of attackers, actually hitting two war cruisers, the Enterprise spun and warped to within a kilometer of the wormhole, breaking the event horizon at full impulse.

An angry and dejected Kirk slumped in his chair. "Uhura transmit the following on the Federation emergency channel..... Condition Omega"
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Post by Myrmidon »

Wow. Very well written. I never really liked B5 because I thought that the Humans forgave those aliens much too easily and forgot much too quickly.
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Post by Major Diarrhia »

Myrmidon wrote:Wow. Very well written. I never really liked B5 because I thought that the Humans forgave those aliens much too easily and forgot much too quickly.
They had no choice but to be forgiving. They were going to be utterly destroyed, or so it seemed, and for some inexplicable reason the Minbari just stopped. The Minbari could have still kicked the EA's proverbial ass at any time. I agree they did forget to quickly though but in reguard to battle. Some of them thought that things would go differently in a war later on, which is totaly wrong. The Minbari would still put the smack down on them.
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Post by Comosicus »

Space battles. Oh, yeah!

Nice depiction, although a litle short. Waiting for some more.
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

Comosicus wrote:Space battles. Oh, yeah!

Nice depiction, although a litle short. Waiting for some more.
i'm working on more, but i may have to put the story on hold. My wife just called and her grandfather has passed away. I'm afraid i'll have my hands full with that over the next several days. :(
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Post by Comosicus »

Col. Crackpot wrote:
Comosicus wrote:Space battles. Oh, yeah!

Nice depiction, although a litle short. Waiting for some more.
i'm working on more, but i may have to put the story on hold. My wife just called and her grandfather has passed away. I'm afraid i'll have my hands full with that over the next several days. :(
Don't worry, take your time. After all family is more important than a fanfic (or the guys waiting for it).
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Post by Major Diarrhia »

Col. Crackpot wrote: i'm working on more, but i may have to put the story on hold. My wife just called and her grandfather has passed away. I'm afraid i'll have my hands full with that over the next several days. :(
Sorry to here that, my condolences.
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Post by starfury »

Wow. Very well written. I never really liked B5 because I thought that the Humans forgave those aliens much too easily and forgot much too quickly.
That is a first, most people who like the show are fanatic fans of the aliens, EA fans tend to relatively rare. most were cheering for the minbari.
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Post by Thag »

Interesting story so far, and it looks like you're setting up some serious falls for both sides. Btw, if you need to expand the fed forces at all, I would recommend 'Ships of the Star Fleet Vol.1'. I don't think it's official, let alone canon, but it's one of the better books I've seen on the TOS/TMP era fleet.
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Post by Enola Straight »

Col. Crackpot wrote:
Darth Phoenix wrote:Very nice. Time for the federation to kick Minbari ass.
Just one question will the Excelsior class appear?
i doubt it. i don't think the Fed's rolled out the Excelsior until around 2290. There will, however, be appearances made by a large, controversial class of ship from the federation's past.
Would this be the Federation class dreadnaught? :twisted:
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Post by consequences »

Ooh, Ooh, the Inaieu! Although you probably meant the Star Empire
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Post by Sarevok »

The battle between the Sharlins and the Fed ships were well done. I liked how Feds battled one of the most powerful classes of Babylon 5 ships.
I have to tell you something everything I wrote above is a lie.
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Post by Enigma »

I wouldn't mind if that wormhole also affects the timeline. Meaning, maybe the E-E might show? I hope. :):):):):)

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Post by consequences »

Enigma wrote:I wouldn't mind if that wormhole also affects the timeline. Meaning, maybe the E-E might show? I hope. :):):):):)
Almost certainly overkill.

There are three basic paths to take for finding info on ships(four really, but the fourth one kind of blows)
1: Ships of the Star Fleet, A nice piece of work
2: Star Fleet Battles, slightly lacking in things bigger than a Constitution, but at least pays attention to things like fleet structure and balance. I'd recommend ripping off the fighters if nothing else.
3: The old FASA Star Trek game(good luck finding it if you don't already own it)
4: Wading through 100+ assorted trek novels for references(not recommended)

and if all else fails 5: Make up your own ships

For B5 its a good deal easier, B5 Wars has at least some approval from JMS.

One serious note, remember the Federation doesn't exist in a power vacuum, and unless they can bring the Klingons and Rommies in on their side, either or both might take advantage of the distraction(unless this is after the Klingon treaty, I'm not familiar with Trek dates).
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Post by Enigma »

consequences wrote:
Enigma wrote:I wouldn't mind if that wormhole also affects the timeline. Meaning, maybe the E-E might show? I hope. :):):):):)
Almost certainly overkill.

For just one Sovereign? I'm sure the E-E could be used against a Minbari starbase or something like it?

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Post by Major Diarrhia »

When all of their abilities are used to the fullest the Ent refit and Miranda are just about even with the Warcruiser. That means the E-E would be blowing holes through a dozen War Cruisers at once and blowing up fleets with single torpedoes. :D That would be amusing for about a minute then just get boring.
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Post by consequences »

Major Diarrhia wrote:When all of their abilities are used to the fullest the Ent refit and Miranda are just about even with the Warcruiser. That means the E-E would be blowing holes through a dozen War Cruisers at once and blowing up fleets with single torpedoes. :D That would be amusing for about a minute then just get boring.
That presumes you don't subscribe to the basic 'tech stasis theory'. Although it might be interesting to see the Ent-E dropped on its own into the B5 universe during the Minbari War.
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Post by Major Diarrhia »

consequences wrote:
Major Diarrhia wrote:When all of their abilities are used to the fullest the Ent refit and Miranda are just about even with the Warcruiser. That means the E-E would be blowing holes through a dozen War Cruisers at once and blowing up fleets with single torpedoes. :D That would be amusing for about a minute then just get boring.
That presumes you don't subscribe to the basic 'tech stasis theory'. Although it might be interesting to see the Ent-E dropped on its own into the B5 universe during the Minbari War.
You mean Trek being stagnent because the basic techs haven't really changed? No, I don't go for that because the effects of those techs are quite different and ever changing. In the MOV era, ships would stitch holes in each other and punch holes with torpedoes. In DS9, ships were NDFing huge gaping holes in each all over the place. Then of course the B5 situation depends on whether you go for 100Mt per second Minbari beam weapons or kt/s ones amoung other things.
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Post by Albert Green »

How is the story coming?
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