1. The Democrat's back flips postdates Bush's lies. I wonder what's the next distraction from the bleating sheep; the quality of ice cream in Dakota? And did it occur to you sheep that they are back flipping now because many of them had formed their opinions from what Bush told us? Is it not ok to back flip after realising you were fed a steady diet of bullshit?
2. To all those who think it's necessary for the United States to be a ratifier of the ICC before Bush can be tried at the ICC; you're an idiot. If Bush went voluntarily [not that he would], he would be tried for breaching, amongst others, the Principles of International Law Recognized in the Charter of the Nürnberg Tribunal. In particular, Principle VI:
Before the sheep start wondering if the US falls under the Charter of the Nürnberg Tribunal, Resolutions 3 and 5 of 13 February and 11 December 1946 of the United Nations General Assembly confirm the "principles of international law recognised by the Charter of the Nürnberg Tribunal and by the judgment of the Tribunal".Principle VI wrote:The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under international law:
(a) Crimes against peace:
(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
(ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i).
(b) War crimes:
Violations of the laws or customs of war which include, but are not limited to, murder, ill-treatment or deportation to slave-labour or for any other purpose of civilian population of or in occupied territory; murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war, of persons on the Seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity.
(c) Crimes against humanity:
Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhuman acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds, when such acts are done or such persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime.
The next question the sheep would ask is "well then does the US fall under the U.N. Charter?" The US Senate ratified the U.N. Charter under the Truman Presidency, 1945. Chapter 7, Article 51 of the UN Charter states that the only legal justification for engaging in military action without Security Council authorisation is self-defense.
Suck it down, little sheep.