There is no way you can quantitatively match the Red Army without wrecking the Western economies in the process.The Last Rebel wrote:I would try to maintain parity in conventional forces with the Red Army in Europe, instead of the thin green line we had in Western Europe. Match them man for man, tank for tank, plane for plane.
After a certain point, Bonn and Amsterdam are going to be hit by Soviet IRBMs anyways.Have theatre nukes on standby just in case they use theirs first, though. We are not going to let them bastards sack Bonn or Amsterdam.
Gunships are unlikely to be survivable on the European Front, and it is unlikely you'll be able to best the Soviet tanks for quite awhile.Make the best tanks we can. Try to develop gunships faster.
The B-70 probably could have penetrated Soviet airspace at least at IOC..Keep the BUFFS, build the B-70 Valkyries instead of the B1s or 2s.
If a Mach 3 capable bomber can`t penetrate Soviet airspace, I don`t know what could.
Could be done, Nike-Zeus and Nike-X were effective and could have been deployed as far back as the 1960s.Develop a decent ABM system that works.
Vocal support? There's this little thing called the First Amendment, you know.Make it a act of treason, punishable by death, for ANYONE to give any support for the Soviet Union and its leaders, be it financial, *VOCAL*, technological, or otherwise.