Major Diarrhia wrote:Comments on Chapter 2
I don't know a lot about hyperdrive but for your consideration I submit this proposal. I think you should have the Jedi engage the drive but be pointing at a star several light years away. The enemy ship follows. They both hit the star a second later and it forms a wormhole as the hyper drives destabilize and interact with the hightened output of the unusual star.
Nice idea, I'll take it into consideration, serves the story to have the hyperdrive damaged.
Comments on Chapter 2
There is a spelling error in paragraph one, the second line, far right. "whan" isntead of "when". Although my screen is set to high resolution, the spacing may be a little different.
If you'd read one of my previous posts, you'll note I mentioned a muscular problem in which my hands shake. Causes me to hit the wrong keys.
What do you mean by "non-core", is it actualy a Dominion term? I've forgotton far more DS9 than I remember of any of the other series.
I meant that to mean the "backbone species" of the Dominion. Basicaly the Founders, Vorta or Jem' Hadar.
"an engine that defied desription" would it though? Is it really so different from things we've seen in Trek. There've been about 15 different FTL methods of interstellar travel, several of which would allow for instant galactic crossing and other that would allow galactic crossing in either a couple of months or days of travel. Of course, these are things that the Federation encountered not the Dominion. Then again, the Dominion is supposed to be more advanced, so their theory should be more complete than the Federation's. one musn't forget their three lightyear range subspace transporters and neutronium doors.
They may have seen all manner of engines, but I couldn't imagine much example of the Dominion finding hyperspace. It's from a whole different galaxy.
"Well the transporter, in effect, breaks your body down to a subatomic level, sends it to where you need to be and reassembles you in seconds." It might be better to say that it breaks you down and reasembles you at your target, I don't think subatomic stuff has ever been specificaly mention? I think Riker's description was that it turns you into energy and reasembles you at the target. I can look for the quote if you like, although I think your description is fine.
My theory was that the Vorta is no scientist.
"One hundred and fifty thousand light years, not terribly fast." This one confused me slightly. Is the "not terribly fast" an aside thing or is the range being confused with the speed? Maybe it should "One hundred and fifty thousand light years and not terribly fast." Another thing, since I'm lacking certain knowledge, is that range limited by fuel or is that how far it can go non-stop from point A to point B before having to stop? Sorry if it's a silly question.
I couldn't figure out this one, my ICS lists no speed, I kind of figured if it's Class-1 it wouldn't be that fast.
With the mention of gene manipulation and Force abilities you got me thinking. The Dominion should isolate Force abilities for use in Jem'Hadar!
It's coming. Well, an attempt is.
"Where are you heading now?" This was mentioned in the beginning of the chapter wasn't it?
Yes but it has been fleshed out.
Comments on Chapter 3
"No emotions" I thought they do have emotions, that they enjoy a good fight and can get angry or fustrated. But as you said, they are bred for battles, that calm and sence of duity overtakes everything in them almost all the time.battles, that calm and sence of duity overtakes everything in them almost
I've always thought the white kept them calm. The main instances of the getting angry I've seen are in HtH combat, this is just business as usual in space.
"it seems to be invulnerable to scanning equipment." Why?
He's locked it down, I've also noticed that sensors can be fooled easily. (See:
The Way of The Warrior)
"the Federation formed a moving wall." I don't think they've ever formed a wall. How long have the Federation and Dominion been fighting at this point?
Watch them in battle early on, they basically form moving walls. This is set between season 5-6.
"anieptilons" spelling error
Artificially generated by aliens. Antilepton interference may prevent communications. Antileptons actually exist, as a collective name for the antiparticles of leptons. DS9: "Emissary" - Gul Jasad's fleet flooded subspace with antilepton interference. It doesn't sound very plausible that on one hand the type of leptons can't be determined (or isn't worth mentioning), but on the other hand they would have to be be antiparticles. Interference would have to involve certain frequencies and certain particles.
It's been a few years since I've seen that ep. Basically had to go on memory. Thanks for the pointer.
"Can we go after it ourselves?" They're calling him an 'it'?:D
They were referring to the ship/brig with the lifesigns.
"tachyon beam or something" The "or something" doesn't inspire confidence in this plan.
He hadn't settled on using the tachyons. This isn't a procedure we see often.
Instead of tachyon (which can be any particle which travels faster than light) I think you should use a tetryon particle beam. It's more unusual and therefore more likely to cach the etention of the other ships, even though they don't normaly scan for it. It's also something that can be used for scanning (although Federation ships don't use). So it might go "If we could tag that ship with a tatryon beam it might incite the other ships to scan them, in order to detect the human."
Redemption? The tachyons made the Romulan ships light up. It's kind of just used as a signal. Kind of a smoke signal thing.
General Comments
I'm liking this story quite a bit and like the forshadowing of the destruction of the Jedi's vehicle, since it will lead to a more character driven story. That's if I'm right of course. Still, it's starting off well and looks like this could get very interesting. I look forward to chapter 4. You should consider posting this at the spacebattles fanfiction forum . I think it might get a good response.
I have no account on SB I can recall. To be honest I have no real interest in or have time to be there.
Thanks for the feedback.
Chapter 4 should be in tomorrow.