Spoonist wrote:How come everyone started picking on my attempt of humor?
(First I just had the statements and : roll: , but it looked boring so I added the puns).
Because most of them were funny, but a few had the potential to backfire and make the smart-alec look stupid. I guess it wouldn't have hurt to make that clear, though. . .
::snip the Coriolis stuff::
I'm just glad I checked up on it myself, before someone else beat me to it
Nick wrote:Spoonist wrote:If the polar caps melt only mount everest will be above waterlevel.

(So that's why I spill my drink everytime that the ice melts in it).
The ice in your drink is almost completely submerged before it melts. A lot of the ice in the polar caps is above sea level.
Your point being?
This nitpick is a totally redundant point.
(I admit that my attempt at humor here seemed to pass under everyones nose).
My response was based on the fact that this attempt at humour resulted in a statement almost as stupid as the one it was making fun of.
You are right that the original statement was really dumb - but your riposte is equally dumb (well, maybe not
equally. . .)
Most herbs used in traditional medicine have effects and side-effects.
The difference being that most people have no clues what the effects or the side-effects are.
My bad. I was thinking of homeopathy in particular rather than herbal remedies in general.
Comment retracted
Bullshit! This just shows the persons ignorance of classical philosophy.
If you are so fond of quoting Mike then why don't you quote his refutation as well?

It includes a pistol.
To quote myself instead, if you claim that nothing can be proven then you are excused from the debate since you know nothing.
Yes, I agree. My point was that your smart alec response was inaccurate, because it
is impossible to prove anything to the standard they are talking about. That's why you should do exactly as you say and point out what a stupid comment it is - but do so without inadvertently claiming that it is possible to prove something to 100% certainty (which is what your response did).
Nick wrote:Spoonist wrote:
Humans only use 10% of their brains.

(In your case that's true but for the rest of us...)
For some reason, people always miss out the 'for conscious thought' which should be tacked on to the end of this statement (and even then, I'm still not sure if it is particularly accurate).
Being a besserwisser you should really go check sources sometimes.
And so? Do you class your visual cortex as being used 'for conscious thought'? Your involuntary motor control region? Your voluntary motor control region for that matter? What about the areas dedicated to auditory processing, speech production or speech comprehension? The distributed neurons responsible for holding our long-term memories?
Our brain is NOT a big, undifferentiated blob. Different areas are used for different things - sure the boundaries are fuzzy, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. And the area dedicated to the higher cognitive functions (what I would term 'conscious thought') just isn't that big a fraction of the whole. It's a respectable chunk, to be sure, but it is far from the whole thing. If you tack ' for conscious thought' on to the original statement, it becomes a much more reasonable comment. Surely you didn't think I was claiming that the part of our brain which
isn't used for conscious thought, wasn't being used for
anything? (Well actually, given the links you posted, it's pretty clear you
did think that)
And as for the besserwisser crack - well, given that you are such a fine practitioner of the art, I'm sure you can understand its allure
And also a future tip to you; don't smalltalk and criticise in the same post, it usually confuses people to the point where they think that your small talk is criticism.
Alternatively, they could take a more positive outlook on life, and recognise the tone of the post as such that it is
all intended as small talk (and an attempt to help someone avoid making an ass of themselves when they screw up trying to impress an audience with how knowledgeable they are).
However, I do agree I could have my purpose much clearer - I was definitely trying to be helpful

"People should buy our toaster because it toasts bread the best, not because it has the only plug that fits in the outlet" - Robert Morris, Almaden Research Center (IBM)
"If you have any faith in the human race you have too much." - Enlightenment