next of Kin,
Well thank you for the Israel history lesson. So you can read and copy from a book, big shit! You seem to forget the ideology of zionism. If the problems in Israel are purely secular then why didn't the Israelis accept a chunk of Africa as their homeland?
Thanks! Maybe if you read books also, you'd know that most Zionists were against the idea of moving back to Israel. Most of them did not want to be there until the Messiah comes, whenever that may be.
According to strict interpretation of Judaic law, Jews should not be back in Israel until the Messiah comes (which according to jews is at the end of the world).
BTW please do not bring up the "protocols of the learned elders"; it has been proven fake hundreds of times.
So why israel? Well, simply put, Jews were not wanted anywhere in Europe. Europe's catholics were the enemies of Jews - throughout Europe, jews were rounded up in advance by the local populations for presentation to the Nazis. As for teh Protestants (largely Lutherans outside of england), read some Martin Luther. He was such a rabid Jew - hater that Hitler used his speeches as a rallying point for his people. (Of course, Germany has a large Lutheran population)
England simply did not want an influx of millions of jews, nor did America. even a cursory study of the postwar climate as it relates to Jews will demonstrate that the US and UK knew full well that creating Israel would cause great strife in the region, but it was preferred by the leaders at the time over alowing Jews to settle in their countries.
It is believed that some world leaders at the time expected the newly formed state to be overrun by the popuation already there (they tried, 1948), and the problem would solve itself.
Creating Israel was not done as a gesture to the jews, rather as a way for world powers to avoid Jews coming to their countries.