Empires at War (SFB vs. SW)
Moderator: LadyTevar
- Invader ZIm
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 210
- Joined: 2002-07-29 01:01am
Empires at War (SFB vs. SW)
I started working on this Fanfic in my spare time...please let me know if you like it and would want to see more. I figured it was time for an SFB take on the traditional ST vs. SW theme.
Thanks to all.
Chapter 1
Captains Log: Stardate 2285.4 Jack Mackenzie commanding USS Monitor NCC 1712. We have been out of space dock for our refit for almost a full four months, and have worked out the majority of the bugs in the new systems installed in the ship. We are scheduled to complete this sweep of the Romulan boarder and make sure the Romulans are keeping their part of the general armistice.
Captain Mackenzie folded back the recorder built into the command chair and struggled to get comfortable. The chair was new like so many of the other systems on board, and he was having trouble adjusting. No matter what the technicians at dry-dock had told him, the chair was not ergo dynamic, and it seemed to have been fighting his oversized frame since it was installed.
“The chair is a symptom, something else is bothering you”, he told himself silently.
Jack Mackenzie had replaced the captain of the Monitor half way through her 1st tour of duty during the ISC war, and the crew had not ever really accepted him. After the refit most of the crew had found a way to move on or be transferred. Jack couldn’t blame them, he had been picked to command Monitor from outside of the ship’s command structure. That had rubbed many people the wrong way. As a result Monitor’s crew was capable and trained but, they never caught “lighting in a bottle” like on a few of here sister ships. Now Monitor had a new crew, straight out of training. None of the old grudges existed, all the old wounds had been erased. Jack could prove himself.
“At least I didn’t end up like Jim Kirk!” he thought and smiled.
Jack had been there when James Kirk had been promoted to Admiral brusquely after Enterprise had returned home shortly before the war. Most of the commanders that had served with Kirk had managed to make the ceremony as a show of respect. Jim had been cheery, pleasant, spit and polished throughout. The party afterwards was more like a wake. Jack was even convinced that Jim was trying to drink himself to death that night. A week later when Spock had been promoted to Captain and given the Enterprise, good friends or not, Jim was conspicuously absent from the change of command ceremony. Kirk now spent his time micromanaging the FLEETCOM office as CFO (Chief of Fleet Operations) at Star Fleet HQ, making field commanders miserable, and acting like his time commanding Enterprise never happened.
“Sir”, Laszt the Gorn Science Officer interrupted in a rasping voice.
“Yes, Laszt. What do you have?”
“ We seem to be detecting an energy flux.”
“On screen.”
The forward view screen switched from computer projections of Monitor’s course waypoints to an artificial color map of a region of space. The map changed from black to blue on its edges and then to brighter oranges and yellows in its center.
“What are we looking at Las?”
“Sir, this seems to be a region of space that is rapidly changing energy density. As you can see there is a rapid increase in the flux of tachyons in the center of the region and …”
“The short answer Las. What is this?” technobabble made Jack’s head hurt.
The massive lizard paused and connected his thoughts before replying,” A dent in subspace Sir”.
“Is this a danger to commercial traffic?” Mackenzie asked.
“Unknown Sir. It seems to cover five square light years total. The most intense region only covers a tenth of that area.”
“Ok, whose side of the boarder is it on? Us or the Romulans?”
“Romulans Sir. About two parsecs into their side of the treaty zone.” Laszt hissed.
“Any idea what is causing it?”
“None.” The Science Officer said, cocking his head to the side like a confused puppy.
“Ok. Lets, give it the once over. Tactical, any RSE ships in the area?”
Evans, the Tactical Officer, looked back over his shoulder and almost shrugged. “Sir if the RSE are here they are rigged for silent running. We have no contacts on the board.”
“Chief of the boat - Set yellow alert”
“ Aye, Aye Sir. Set yellow alert”, Master Chief Hank Mitchell replied in a Texas drawl and then flipped a switch on a bulkhead panel. Quietly the Chief then opened a recessed locker and withdrew a sidearm, carefully noting the phaser capacitor was full.
The lighting on the bridge changed from bright to subdued with the control panels glowing in red. The ships XO Suzkari Ichiro approached the Captain from his station towards the aft of the bridge.
“Ready to go to work Sir. All decks and watches reporting ready.” The slight Japanese XO reported.
“XO, reduce to warp one. Plot us a course parallel to the treaty zone, and toward that …”, Jack paused and looked at Laszt “...dent.”
Ichiro began to bark out orders to the bridge staff, which they parroted back to confirm the command. On the view screen the ships computer avatar, a wire-frame copy of the USS Monitor, began to spin and yaw into a new orientation. In a few seconds it came to rest on its new heading, straight into the nightmarish colors of the false color sensor map. The sensor map continued to change growing in intensity and, Jack was struck by childhood memories he had of being on his father’s boat heading out from Charleston Bay into a hurricane.
“Looks like one hell of a storm.” Jack mused.
Chapter 2
Emjas Ket rushed out of his personal suite and towards the central transport hub of the Imperial Star Destroyer Dominator. He had barely enough time to secure his uniform and boots when the general quarters alarm began to sound. Stormtroopers clad in black and white armor, running to their assembly stations cleared a path for him, like a school of fish would for a barracuda.
“ What the devil is going on here!” he thought as he reached the hub and boarded a transport to the command bridge.
A junior Lieutenant sharing the lift with him looked at him for reassurance, “Are we under attack Admiral? Is it the Rebels?”
“No Lieutenant.” Ket grimaced. The new fleet officers were becoming less and less formal. He would have to institute some disciplinary actions to prevent them from addressing anyone outside of their direct chain of command.
The transport arrived at the bridge, and Ket rushed out to be greeted by the Dominator’s Captain. Betan Phi looked shaken as he approached.
“Sir! We have received a priority transmission from the Executor from the Endor system. They were sending out a general distress call before their transmission was cut”
“Lord Vader’s ship…” Ket trailed off.
“Yes Sir. The transmission reported heavy battle damage and was requesting assistance. They are apparently engaged with a major potion of the Alliance fleet!”
“How fast can we make it to Endor?”
“In a few hours Sir.”
“Alert the Fleet. We will leave a picket here, all capital ships and escorts are to form up and make the hyperspace jump with us.”
“Endor?” pondered Ket.
Why would the Alliance attack Endor and what was the Executor doing there? The system was not remote enough for the Alliance to be using it as a base, so the Executor and her support fleet could not have stumbled on to them. The Alliance must have had a reason for showing up, and what’s more with enough firepower to incapacitate a Super Star Destroyer. Ket was certain of only one thing, something was going terribly wrong at Endor, and he would use the 200 hundred ships under his command to stop it.
Out side the Dominator’s forward observation windows the fleet, which had been conducting a standard search for the Rebel Base began to pinwheel and line up. Ket’s fleet was not state of the art, many resources, ships and valuable equipment in recent months had been transferred off to parts unknown. However, even at its present reduced capacity the Imperial Battle Group was fearsome and the rival of anything in the galaxy. Ket was certain if they could make it to Endor he could make a difference that might forge victory from defeat.
“Admiral, the Fleet is answering, all fighters recovered and all hyperdrive engines ready.”
“Proceed when ready.”
The engines on the Dominator flared to life and the ship surged ahead into hyperspace, followed by several more Star Destroyers, and then the rest of the fleet. In moments they had disappeared towards destiny, leaving only dark void behind them.
Chapter 3
The Romulan Star Empire heavy cruiser Conqueror and her two escort Frigates lay near the boarder of Federation space wrapped their cloaks. Externally she appeared to be the same as the Klingon’s standard venerable cruiser the KD7 where it not for the flaming eagle emblazed on its upper hull. No Klingon would be so esthetic. Romulans had long ago obtained the hull design from the Klingons as part of a non-aggression pact, and since that time they had made many changes to produce the KCR. During the ISC war the KCR had proved and invaluable tool in defense of the Empire, and now in a time of peace an invaluable deterrent.
Legion-commander Audux stared at his forward view screen at the lone Federation ship, which had changed course several minutes ago, and was warily approaching the armistice zone. The cruiser was one of Star Fleets new upgrades and the warp signature did not match anything in the ship recognition database. Imperial procedures required that he gain as much information about the ship as possible. Star Fleet had cunning designs and one day the Empire would have to face them in battle and crush them. Better to know your enemy now than when you must fight him.
“Status sub-commander?” Audux demanded.
“Sir, range to target is under ten light years and closing. Plasma- S and G bays have fully primed their weapons. The power drain from the cloaking device and other systems is limiting our maximum velocity to just above warp factor 1. Additionally our cloak is blocking some of our more sophisticated sensors.”
“Have we made contact with our agent yet?”
“No Legion-commander. No other ship has come into range but the Federation cruiser.”
The sub-commander paused and added “Permission to speak?”
Audux smiled wiry, with out looking up from the display he was studying “ By all means Vultarius. Speak your mind before it explodes.”
“Legion-commander, should we not assume that our agent’s mission has been compromised? Look at the amount of energy that Federation ship is directing to active sensors! They are looking for us!”
“Explain.” Audux adopted the tone of a schoolteacher, humoring his student for stating the obvious.
“Star Fleet should not be in this area. There are no strategic goals, or resources within a three-parsec radius. If they have not captured our agent why would they be so interested in this region? Surely, Legion-commander this is not a coincidence.”
“And your evaluation Vultarius?”
“We should withdraw at once and make a full report of the incident…”
Audux cut the Sub-commander off with a wave of his hand. “No Vultarius. The Federation ship is unaware of our presence. Their senor sweeps are far too localized to be looking for a ship under cloak. The question is, what are they looking for.”
Just then the Federation ship changed course and began to run parallel to the treaty line. The sensor sweeps emitting from the vessel however, to be focused on the direction as before.
“You see Vultarius. Doubtless their sensors are picking up something that we cannot see under the cloaking field. They have found something worth looking at. It would behoove us not to do so ourselves. We must move closer…yes. Contact the Sestus, Cariux and tell them to proceed with the mission as planned. They are more than sufficient for the task.”
“ Sir what of violating the treaty zone? If we intercept them and they detect us…”
“Plot a course in the direction that Federation ship is scanning and press forward at warp one. Do so now under my command.” Ready to be rid of Vultarius’ irritation, Audux raised his hand, palm open in salute to complete the formal issuance of his orders.
“At your command Legion.” Vultarius said snapping to attention.
“By your command Legion!” and with that the Sub-commander turned to the bridge crew and began briskly issuing his own commands.
The RSE Conqueror broke formation with its escorts and stealthily transitioned to warp.
Chapter 4
An X-wing on fire slammed into the engine module of a damaged light cruiser. The resulting shock began a chain reaction that ripped the cruiser in two as Admiral Ket watched in shock. “I will loose this battle if I stay!” he screamed silently to himself.
The Dominator and her escorts had dropped out of Hyperspace in the Endor system into complete chaos. Both Alliance and Imperial ships were engaged in wild duels. Unlike past engagements were the Imperial Navy had routed the Alliance, this time the Imperial formations were being picked apart. One by one the Star Destroyers that were mobile began to abandon their escorts. The lighter ships were now exposed to the full firepower of the better-organized Alliance capital ships. The slaughter added to the already massive debris field that had begun to settle into orbit around the tranquil blue planet of Endor.
“Sir Tie groups 7, 8 and 14 are not reporting in…we are estimating 100% loss for those groups” reported the flight Commander.
Ket stood ramrod straight, with his hand clasped tightly behind his back. “Madness, this is utter madness! I don’t care about the Ties Commander! Tactical give me a holo!”
A 3-D picture of the battle was projected from an inset circle on the floor. More than half of Ket’s fleet had been cut off or disabled. Large groups of Alliance ships arranged in walls had begun to section off his forces, enclosing them like coffins. As he watched his own detachment lead by the Dominator, was being encircled.
A Mon Calamari cruiser, leading one of the wall formations bracketed the Dominator with a full salvo and found her range. The mighty ship rocked, and the forlorn shriek of tearing metal echoed through the air. The heavy Turbo laser shots had penetrated the Star Destroyer’s shields. “Return Fire, Port Batteries!” Ket screamed.
“Two port side main guns not reporting Admiral…all others returning fire!” Captain Phi thundered.
Outside the bridge window lit up with a massive yellow-green glow, forcing more than one of the bridge crew to shield their eyes. The Dominator’s remaining Heavy Turbo laser cannons discharged and found their mark on the Alliance ship.
“Transmission coming in Captain Phi, from the enemy ship!” A junior communications officer shouted excitedly.
“Rebel Scum!”
“Don’t be to hastily Betan…put them through.” Replied Ket.
“…Imperial Star Destroyer Domin…This is Admiral Ackb…Stand down. We wish to discuss terms of…”
“Rebel Commander, this is Admiral Ket. There is no need to discuss terms, as we do not has the facilities to take you all prisoner at this moment”
“…Don’t be a fool Ket…the Dea…is…the Emperor is dead! The Alliance has won!”
The bridge became so quite with these words that to many breathing sounded like thunder.
Beat red and eyes bulging Captain Phi whirled to the tactical station. “Lies! All Lies! Tactical wipe that ship from the sky!” shouted the enraged Captain.
<<<End for Now>>
Thanks to all.
Chapter 1
Captains Log: Stardate 2285.4 Jack Mackenzie commanding USS Monitor NCC 1712. We have been out of space dock for our refit for almost a full four months, and have worked out the majority of the bugs in the new systems installed in the ship. We are scheduled to complete this sweep of the Romulan boarder and make sure the Romulans are keeping their part of the general armistice.
Captain Mackenzie folded back the recorder built into the command chair and struggled to get comfortable. The chair was new like so many of the other systems on board, and he was having trouble adjusting. No matter what the technicians at dry-dock had told him, the chair was not ergo dynamic, and it seemed to have been fighting his oversized frame since it was installed.
“The chair is a symptom, something else is bothering you”, he told himself silently.
Jack Mackenzie had replaced the captain of the Monitor half way through her 1st tour of duty during the ISC war, and the crew had not ever really accepted him. After the refit most of the crew had found a way to move on or be transferred. Jack couldn’t blame them, he had been picked to command Monitor from outside of the ship’s command structure. That had rubbed many people the wrong way. As a result Monitor’s crew was capable and trained but, they never caught “lighting in a bottle” like on a few of here sister ships. Now Monitor had a new crew, straight out of training. None of the old grudges existed, all the old wounds had been erased. Jack could prove himself.
“At least I didn’t end up like Jim Kirk!” he thought and smiled.
Jack had been there when James Kirk had been promoted to Admiral brusquely after Enterprise had returned home shortly before the war. Most of the commanders that had served with Kirk had managed to make the ceremony as a show of respect. Jim had been cheery, pleasant, spit and polished throughout. The party afterwards was more like a wake. Jack was even convinced that Jim was trying to drink himself to death that night. A week later when Spock had been promoted to Captain and given the Enterprise, good friends or not, Jim was conspicuously absent from the change of command ceremony. Kirk now spent his time micromanaging the FLEETCOM office as CFO (Chief of Fleet Operations) at Star Fleet HQ, making field commanders miserable, and acting like his time commanding Enterprise never happened.
“Sir”, Laszt the Gorn Science Officer interrupted in a rasping voice.
“Yes, Laszt. What do you have?”
“ We seem to be detecting an energy flux.”
“On screen.”
The forward view screen switched from computer projections of Monitor’s course waypoints to an artificial color map of a region of space. The map changed from black to blue on its edges and then to brighter oranges and yellows in its center.
“What are we looking at Las?”
“Sir, this seems to be a region of space that is rapidly changing energy density. As you can see there is a rapid increase in the flux of tachyons in the center of the region and …”
“The short answer Las. What is this?” technobabble made Jack’s head hurt.
The massive lizard paused and connected his thoughts before replying,” A dent in subspace Sir”.
“Is this a danger to commercial traffic?” Mackenzie asked.
“Unknown Sir. It seems to cover five square light years total. The most intense region only covers a tenth of that area.”
“Ok, whose side of the boarder is it on? Us or the Romulans?”
“Romulans Sir. About two parsecs into their side of the treaty zone.” Laszt hissed.
“Any idea what is causing it?”
“None.” The Science Officer said, cocking his head to the side like a confused puppy.
“Ok. Lets, give it the once over. Tactical, any RSE ships in the area?”
Evans, the Tactical Officer, looked back over his shoulder and almost shrugged. “Sir if the RSE are here they are rigged for silent running. We have no contacts on the board.”
“Chief of the boat - Set yellow alert”
“ Aye, Aye Sir. Set yellow alert”, Master Chief Hank Mitchell replied in a Texas drawl and then flipped a switch on a bulkhead panel. Quietly the Chief then opened a recessed locker and withdrew a sidearm, carefully noting the phaser capacitor was full.
The lighting on the bridge changed from bright to subdued with the control panels glowing in red. The ships XO Suzkari Ichiro approached the Captain from his station towards the aft of the bridge.
“Ready to go to work Sir. All decks and watches reporting ready.” The slight Japanese XO reported.
“XO, reduce to warp one. Plot us a course parallel to the treaty zone, and toward that …”, Jack paused and looked at Laszt “...dent.”
Ichiro began to bark out orders to the bridge staff, which they parroted back to confirm the command. On the view screen the ships computer avatar, a wire-frame copy of the USS Monitor, began to spin and yaw into a new orientation. In a few seconds it came to rest on its new heading, straight into the nightmarish colors of the false color sensor map. The sensor map continued to change growing in intensity and, Jack was struck by childhood memories he had of being on his father’s boat heading out from Charleston Bay into a hurricane.
“Looks like one hell of a storm.” Jack mused.
Chapter 2
Emjas Ket rushed out of his personal suite and towards the central transport hub of the Imperial Star Destroyer Dominator. He had barely enough time to secure his uniform and boots when the general quarters alarm began to sound. Stormtroopers clad in black and white armor, running to their assembly stations cleared a path for him, like a school of fish would for a barracuda.
“ What the devil is going on here!” he thought as he reached the hub and boarded a transport to the command bridge.
A junior Lieutenant sharing the lift with him looked at him for reassurance, “Are we under attack Admiral? Is it the Rebels?”
“No Lieutenant.” Ket grimaced. The new fleet officers were becoming less and less formal. He would have to institute some disciplinary actions to prevent them from addressing anyone outside of their direct chain of command.
The transport arrived at the bridge, and Ket rushed out to be greeted by the Dominator’s Captain. Betan Phi looked shaken as he approached.
“Sir! We have received a priority transmission from the Executor from the Endor system. They were sending out a general distress call before their transmission was cut”
“Lord Vader’s ship…” Ket trailed off.
“Yes Sir. The transmission reported heavy battle damage and was requesting assistance. They are apparently engaged with a major potion of the Alliance fleet!”
“How fast can we make it to Endor?”
“In a few hours Sir.”
“Alert the Fleet. We will leave a picket here, all capital ships and escorts are to form up and make the hyperspace jump with us.”
“Endor?” pondered Ket.
Why would the Alliance attack Endor and what was the Executor doing there? The system was not remote enough for the Alliance to be using it as a base, so the Executor and her support fleet could not have stumbled on to them. The Alliance must have had a reason for showing up, and what’s more with enough firepower to incapacitate a Super Star Destroyer. Ket was certain of only one thing, something was going terribly wrong at Endor, and he would use the 200 hundred ships under his command to stop it.
Out side the Dominator’s forward observation windows the fleet, which had been conducting a standard search for the Rebel Base began to pinwheel and line up. Ket’s fleet was not state of the art, many resources, ships and valuable equipment in recent months had been transferred off to parts unknown. However, even at its present reduced capacity the Imperial Battle Group was fearsome and the rival of anything in the galaxy. Ket was certain if they could make it to Endor he could make a difference that might forge victory from defeat.
“Admiral, the Fleet is answering, all fighters recovered and all hyperdrive engines ready.”
“Proceed when ready.”
The engines on the Dominator flared to life and the ship surged ahead into hyperspace, followed by several more Star Destroyers, and then the rest of the fleet. In moments they had disappeared towards destiny, leaving only dark void behind them.
Chapter 3
The Romulan Star Empire heavy cruiser Conqueror and her two escort Frigates lay near the boarder of Federation space wrapped their cloaks. Externally she appeared to be the same as the Klingon’s standard venerable cruiser the KD7 where it not for the flaming eagle emblazed on its upper hull. No Klingon would be so esthetic. Romulans had long ago obtained the hull design from the Klingons as part of a non-aggression pact, and since that time they had made many changes to produce the KCR. During the ISC war the KCR had proved and invaluable tool in defense of the Empire, and now in a time of peace an invaluable deterrent.
Legion-commander Audux stared at his forward view screen at the lone Federation ship, which had changed course several minutes ago, and was warily approaching the armistice zone. The cruiser was one of Star Fleets new upgrades and the warp signature did not match anything in the ship recognition database. Imperial procedures required that he gain as much information about the ship as possible. Star Fleet had cunning designs and one day the Empire would have to face them in battle and crush them. Better to know your enemy now than when you must fight him.
“Status sub-commander?” Audux demanded.
“Sir, range to target is under ten light years and closing. Plasma- S and G bays have fully primed their weapons. The power drain from the cloaking device and other systems is limiting our maximum velocity to just above warp factor 1. Additionally our cloak is blocking some of our more sophisticated sensors.”
“Have we made contact with our agent yet?”
“No Legion-commander. No other ship has come into range but the Federation cruiser.”
The sub-commander paused and added “Permission to speak?”
Audux smiled wiry, with out looking up from the display he was studying “ By all means Vultarius. Speak your mind before it explodes.”
“Legion-commander, should we not assume that our agent’s mission has been compromised? Look at the amount of energy that Federation ship is directing to active sensors! They are looking for us!”
“Explain.” Audux adopted the tone of a schoolteacher, humoring his student for stating the obvious.
“Star Fleet should not be in this area. There are no strategic goals, or resources within a three-parsec radius. If they have not captured our agent why would they be so interested in this region? Surely, Legion-commander this is not a coincidence.”
“And your evaluation Vultarius?”
“We should withdraw at once and make a full report of the incident…”
Audux cut the Sub-commander off with a wave of his hand. “No Vultarius. The Federation ship is unaware of our presence. Their senor sweeps are far too localized to be looking for a ship under cloak. The question is, what are they looking for.”
Just then the Federation ship changed course and began to run parallel to the treaty line. The sensor sweeps emitting from the vessel however, to be focused on the direction as before.
“You see Vultarius. Doubtless their sensors are picking up something that we cannot see under the cloaking field. They have found something worth looking at. It would behoove us not to do so ourselves. We must move closer…yes. Contact the Sestus, Cariux and tell them to proceed with the mission as planned. They are more than sufficient for the task.”
“ Sir what of violating the treaty zone? If we intercept them and they detect us…”
“Plot a course in the direction that Federation ship is scanning and press forward at warp one. Do so now under my command.” Ready to be rid of Vultarius’ irritation, Audux raised his hand, palm open in salute to complete the formal issuance of his orders.
“At your command Legion.” Vultarius said snapping to attention.
“By your command Legion!” and with that the Sub-commander turned to the bridge crew and began briskly issuing his own commands.
The RSE Conqueror broke formation with its escorts and stealthily transitioned to warp.
Chapter 4
An X-wing on fire slammed into the engine module of a damaged light cruiser. The resulting shock began a chain reaction that ripped the cruiser in two as Admiral Ket watched in shock. “I will loose this battle if I stay!” he screamed silently to himself.
The Dominator and her escorts had dropped out of Hyperspace in the Endor system into complete chaos. Both Alliance and Imperial ships were engaged in wild duels. Unlike past engagements were the Imperial Navy had routed the Alliance, this time the Imperial formations were being picked apart. One by one the Star Destroyers that were mobile began to abandon their escorts. The lighter ships were now exposed to the full firepower of the better-organized Alliance capital ships. The slaughter added to the already massive debris field that had begun to settle into orbit around the tranquil blue planet of Endor.
“Sir Tie groups 7, 8 and 14 are not reporting in…we are estimating 100% loss for those groups” reported the flight Commander.
Ket stood ramrod straight, with his hand clasped tightly behind his back. “Madness, this is utter madness! I don’t care about the Ties Commander! Tactical give me a holo!”
A 3-D picture of the battle was projected from an inset circle on the floor. More than half of Ket’s fleet had been cut off or disabled. Large groups of Alliance ships arranged in walls had begun to section off his forces, enclosing them like coffins. As he watched his own detachment lead by the Dominator, was being encircled.
A Mon Calamari cruiser, leading one of the wall formations bracketed the Dominator with a full salvo and found her range. The mighty ship rocked, and the forlorn shriek of tearing metal echoed through the air. The heavy Turbo laser shots had penetrated the Star Destroyer’s shields. “Return Fire, Port Batteries!” Ket screamed.
“Two port side main guns not reporting Admiral…all others returning fire!” Captain Phi thundered.
Outside the bridge window lit up with a massive yellow-green glow, forcing more than one of the bridge crew to shield their eyes. The Dominator’s remaining Heavy Turbo laser cannons discharged and found their mark on the Alliance ship.
“Transmission coming in Captain Phi, from the enemy ship!” A junior communications officer shouted excitedly.
“Rebel Scum!”
“Don’t be to hastily Betan…put them through.” Replied Ket.
“…Imperial Star Destroyer Domin…This is Admiral Ackb…Stand down. We wish to discuss terms of…”
“Rebel Commander, this is Admiral Ket. There is no need to discuss terms, as we do not has the facilities to take you all prisoner at this moment”
“…Don’t be a fool Ket…the Dea…is…the Emperor is dead! The Alliance has won!”
The bridge became so quite with these words that to many breathing sounded like thunder.
Beat red and eyes bulging Captain Phi whirled to the tactical station. “Lies! All Lies! Tactical wipe that ship from the sky!” shouted the enraged Captain.
<<<End for Now>>
Ah SFB, generally the type of Trek I wish existed as mainstream Trek.
This is a good fanfic, and well writen. But not long enough!
This is a good fanfic, and well writen. But not long enough!
"Okay, I'll have the truth with a side order of clarity." ~ Dr. Daniel Jackson.
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." ~ Stephen Colbert
"One Drive, One Partition, the One True Path" ~ ars technica forums - warrens - on hhd partitioning schemes.
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." ~ Stephen Colbert
"One Drive, One Partition, the One True Path" ~ ars technica forums - warrens - on hhd partitioning schemes.
- Invader ZIm
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 210
- Joined: 2002-07-29 01:01am
Starfleet Battles. It's a boardgame based on the TOS era Trek universe. Unfortunately, despite all the detail and ancilliary information, SFB has nothing more than alternate reality status as far as canon is concerned. (ie it's not even official) Too bad, because it kicks arse.Tribun wrote:By the way, what does SFB mean?

- Invader ZIm
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 210
- Joined: 2002-07-29 01:01am
Combat takes place at warp velocities, and time runs faster at warp (time dilation in reverse)Tribun wrote:By the way, what does SFB mean?
"Okay, I'll have the truth with a side order of clarity." ~ Dr. Daniel Jackson.
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." ~ Stephen Colbert
"One Drive, One Partition, the One True Path" ~ ars technica forums - warrens - on hhd partitioning schemes.
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." ~ Stephen Colbert
"One Drive, One Partition, the One True Path" ~ ars technica forums - warrens - on hhd partitioning schemes.
- Invader ZIm
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 210
- Joined: 2002-07-29 01:01am
Completed Chapter 4 - enjoy.
Chapter 4
An X-wing on fire slammed into the engine module of a damaged light cruiser. The resulting shock began a chain reaction that ripped the cruiser in two as Admiral Ket watched in shock. “I will loose this battle if I stay!” he screamed silently to himself.
The Dominator and her escorts had dropped out of Hyperspace in the Endor system into complete chaos. Both Alliance and Imperial ships were engaged in wild duels. Unlike past engagements were the Imperial Navy had routed the Alliance, this time the Imperial formations were being picked apart. One by one the Star Destroyers that were mobile began to abandon their escorts. The lighter ships were now exposed to the full firepower of the better-organized Alliance capital ships. The slaughter added to the already massive debris field that had begun to settle into orbit around the tranquil blue planet of Endor.
“Sir Tie groups 7, 8 and 14 are not reporting in…we are estimating 100% loss for those groups” reported the flight Commander.
Ket stood ramrod straight, with his hand clasped tightly behind his back. “Madness, this is utter madness! I don’t care about the Ties Commander! Tactical give me a holo!”
A 3-D picture of the battle was projected from an inset circle on the floor. More than half of Ket’s fleet had been cut off or disabled. Large groups of Alliance ships arranged in walls had begun to section off his forces, enclosing them like coffins. As he watched his own detachment lead by the Dominator, was being encircled.
A Mon Calamari cruiser, leading one of the wall formations bracketed the Dominator with a full salvo and found her range. The mighty ship rocked, and the forlorn shriek of tearing metal echoed through the air. The heavy Turbo laser shots had penetrated the Star Destroyer’s shields. “Return Fire, Port Batteries!” Ket screamed.
“Two port side main guns not reporting Admiral…all others returning fire!” Captain Phi thundered.
Outside the bridge window lit up with a massive yellow-green glow, forcing more than one of the bridge crew to shield their eyes. The Dominator’s remaining Heavy Turbo laser cannons discharged and found their mark on the Alliance ship.
“Transmission coming in Captain Phi, from the enemy ship!” A junior communications officer shouted excitedly.
“Rebel Scum!”
“Don’t be to hastily Betan…put them through.” Replied Ket.
“…Imperial Star Destroyer Domin…This is Admiral Ackb…Stand down. We wish to discuss terms of…”
“Rebel Commander, this is Admiral Ket. There is no need to discuss terms, as we do not have the facilities to take you all prisoner at this moment”
“…Don’t be a fool Ket…the Dea…is…the Emperor is dead! The Alliance has won!”
The bridge became so quite with these words that to many breathing sounded like thunder.
Beat red and eyes bulging Captain Phi whirled to the tactical station. “Lies! All Lies! Tactical wipe that ship from the sky!” shouted the enraged Captain.
Flight Commander Tura had left the bridge and gone to supervise operations on the Dominators’ hangar deck. The wiry, gray haired, correlian noted as he arrived that the flight crews were more occupied with recovering escape pods. As each pod was tractored on board the occupants were quickly withdrawn and given over to medical teams. The empty pod was then quickly jettisoned to make room for another.
Deep creases appeared in his face as he looked toward the tie racks. Only the reserve squadrons were docked in place. A large holographic status board showed that Alliance fighters had destroyed most of the ties that had been launched. Sending out the reserves would be a suicide mission at best.
A commotion attracted his attention near the cluster of escape pods that had just been drawn in. A man clad in black and scarlet, presumably a survivor, had a medical technician pinned to a bulkhead. A group of Stormtroopers with weapons drawn rushed toward the turmoil.
“What the hell is this?” Tura thought as he broke into a sprint. Could the person be a Rebel, which accidentally was brought into the bay? Tura managed to beat the approaching troopers and grasped the stranger with as much strength as he could and hauled him off the screaming medic.
The survivor whirled around, releasing the terrified medic and staggered groggily. Just as Tura advanced and was about to demand the man’s name he was brought up short by the sudden appearance of a bright crimson light saber blade, poised a few inches from his face. The clatter of the approaching troopers increased as they broke into an all out rush.
Tura could now see the man and steadying his nerves to a moment to study him. He was wearing a black tunic with pale blue piping saturated with blood. Horrible burns, wet with blood covered most of his face and almost all of the hair on his head had been burned away. His face was a twisted mass of raw flesh. One hand held a light saber, while the other, missing some digits, clutched feebly at his gut. Tura was struck that judging from his size the wounded man was probably young. The presence of a Light saber also brought up the uncomfortable possibility that this person was also a Jedi. Which could explain how he had survived such horrible injuries He must be out of his mind in pain.
“Hold on their son”, Tura spoke cautiously and began backing away. The hand holding the light saber began to tremor as if the wounded man was suffering a seizure. The youth attempted to say something but only wet sounds and blood came out. The group of Stormtroopers finally arrived and surrounded Tura and the young man, fanning out with blasters at the ready.
“Sir! You all right?” asked one of the troopers in an electronically filtered voice.
“Yes. Move back…give him some room”, and the troopers obediently began to half step backward.
More wet and slick sounds can from the man and the penetrating smell of copper began to fill the air. His legs began to shake, and his body swayed. “Rebel or not he isn’t going to last much longer in the shape he’s in.” thought Commander Tura.
“Listen to me son. We are here to help you. Put the saber down.”
“He’s a Rebel, Commander!” piped in one of the troopers.
Tura glanced at the white armored figure narrowly, “Shut up!” then focused again on the wounded man. “Are you with the Alliance?”
The light saber blade tipped to the deck, and then shut off. The man drew him self up, standing straight for a moment then collapsed in a bloody pile. “Medical!” Tura shouted and the nearby medics rushed in to treat the stranger. The Storm trooper captain reached down and secured the light saber.
“Is he a Jedi, Sir?” the captain asked.
“How would I know trooper? Do I look like I have met many Jedi before?” Tura glanced at the man being loaded onto a stretcher droid for transport to the Dominator’s medical bay. “I thought Lord Vader was supposed to be the last.” he thought.
“Captain, form a detail to guard that man until we know exactly who he is.”
“Yes Sir!” buzzed the trooper as he and the rest of the Stormtroopers trotted after the receding stretcher droid. Tura watched them leave the Hanger bay and then returned to the grim business of trying to manage loosing his first battle to the Rebel Alliance.
Chapter 4
An X-wing on fire slammed into the engine module of a damaged light cruiser. The resulting shock began a chain reaction that ripped the cruiser in two as Admiral Ket watched in shock. “I will loose this battle if I stay!” he screamed silently to himself.
The Dominator and her escorts had dropped out of Hyperspace in the Endor system into complete chaos. Both Alliance and Imperial ships were engaged in wild duels. Unlike past engagements were the Imperial Navy had routed the Alliance, this time the Imperial formations were being picked apart. One by one the Star Destroyers that were mobile began to abandon their escorts. The lighter ships were now exposed to the full firepower of the better-organized Alliance capital ships. The slaughter added to the already massive debris field that had begun to settle into orbit around the tranquil blue planet of Endor.
“Sir Tie groups 7, 8 and 14 are not reporting in…we are estimating 100% loss for those groups” reported the flight Commander.
Ket stood ramrod straight, with his hand clasped tightly behind his back. “Madness, this is utter madness! I don’t care about the Ties Commander! Tactical give me a holo!”
A 3-D picture of the battle was projected from an inset circle on the floor. More than half of Ket’s fleet had been cut off or disabled. Large groups of Alliance ships arranged in walls had begun to section off his forces, enclosing them like coffins. As he watched his own detachment lead by the Dominator, was being encircled.
A Mon Calamari cruiser, leading one of the wall formations bracketed the Dominator with a full salvo and found her range. The mighty ship rocked, and the forlorn shriek of tearing metal echoed through the air. The heavy Turbo laser shots had penetrated the Star Destroyer’s shields. “Return Fire, Port Batteries!” Ket screamed.
“Two port side main guns not reporting Admiral…all others returning fire!” Captain Phi thundered.
Outside the bridge window lit up with a massive yellow-green glow, forcing more than one of the bridge crew to shield their eyes. The Dominator’s remaining Heavy Turbo laser cannons discharged and found their mark on the Alliance ship.
“Transmission coming in Captain Phi, from the enemy ship!” A junior communications officer shouted excitedly.
“Rebel Scum!”
“Don’t be to hastily Betan…put them through.” Replied Ket.
“…Imperial Star Destroyer Domin…This is Admiral Ackb…Stand down. We wish to discuss terms of…”
“Rebel Commander, this is Admiral Ket. There is no need to discuss terms, as we do not have the facilities to take you all prisoner at this moment”
“…Don’t be a fool Ket…the Dea…is…the Emperor is dead! The Alliance has won!”
The bridge became so quite with these words that to many breathing sounded like thunder.
Beat red and eyes bulging Captain Phi whirled to the tactical station. “Lies! All Lies! Tactical wipe that ship from the sky!” shouted the enraged Captain.
Flight Commander Tura had left the bridge and gone to supervise operations on the Dominators’ hangar deck. The wiry, gray haired, correlian noted as he arrived that the flight crews were more occupied with recovering escape pods. As each pod was tractored on board the occupants were quickly withdrawn and given over to medical teams. The empty pod was then quickly jettisoned to make room for another.
Deep creases appeared in his face as he looked toward the tie racks. Only the reserve squadrons were docked in place. A large holographic status board showed that Alliance fighters had destroyed most of the ties that had been launched. Sending out the reserves would be a suicide mission at best.
A commotion attracted his attention near the cluster of escape pods that had just been drawn in. A man clad in black and scarlet, presumably a survivor, had a medical technician pinned to a bulkhead. A group of Stormtroopers with weapons drawn rushed toward the turmoil.
“What the hell is this?” Tura thought as he broke into a sprint. Could the person be a Rebel, which accidentally was brought into the bay? Tura managed to beat the approaching troopers and grasped the stranger with as much strength as he could and hauled him off the screaming medic.
The survivor whirled around, releasing the terrified medic and staggered groggily. Just as Tura advanced and was about to demand the man’s name he was brought up short by the sudden appearance of a bright crimson light saber blade, poised a few inches from his face. The clatter of the approaching troopers increased as they broke into an all out rush.
Tura could now see the man and steadying his nerves to a moment to study him. He was wearing a black tunic with pale blue piping saturated with blood. Horrible burns, wet with blood covered most of his face and almost all of the hair on his head had been burned away. His face was a twisted mass of raw flesh. One hand held a light saber, while the other, missing some digits, clutched feebly at his gut. Tura was struck that judging from his size the wounded man was probably young. The presence of a Light saber also brought up the uncomfortable possibility that this person was also a Jedi. Which could explain how he had survived such horrible injuries He must be out of his mind in pain.
“Hold on their son”, Tura spoke cautiously and began backing away. The hand holding the light saber began to tremor as if the wounded man was suffering a seizure. The youth attempted to say something but only wet sounds and blood came out. The group of Stormtroopers finally arrived and surrounded Tura and the young man, fanning out with blasters at the ready.
“Sir! You all right?” asked one of the troopers in an electronically filtered voice.
“Yes. Move back…give him some room”, and the troopers obediently began to half step backward.
More wet and slick sounds can from the man and the penetrating smell of copper began to fill the air. His legs began to shake, and his body swayed. “Rebel or not he isn’t going to last much longer in the shape he’s in.” thought Commander Tura.
“Listen to me son. We are here to help you. Put the saber down.”
“He’s a Rebel, Commander!” piped in one of the troopers.
Tura glanced at the white armored figure narrowly, “Shut up!” then focused again on the wounded man. “Are you with the Alliance?”
The light saber blade tipped to the deck, and then shut off. The man drew him self up, standing straight for a moment then collapsed in a bloody pile. “Medical!” Tura shouted and the nearby medics rushed in to treat the stranger. The Storm trooper captain reached down and secured the light saber.
“Is he a Jedi, Sir?” the captain asked.
“How would I know trooper? Do I look like I have met many Jedi before?” Tura glanced at the man being loaded onto a stretcher droid for transport to the Dominator’s medical bay. “I thought Lord Vader was supposed to be the last.” he thought.
“Captain, form a detail to guard that man until we know exactly who he is.”
“Yes Sir!” buzzed the trooper as he and the rest of the Stormtroopers trotted after the receding stretcher droid. Tura watched them leave the Hanger bay and then returned to the grim business of trying to manage loosing his first battle to the Rebel Alliance.
Last edited by Invader ZIm on 2004-03-13 08:43pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Invader ZIm
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 210
- Joined: 2002-07-29 01:01am
- Invader ZIm
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 210
- Joined: 2002-07-29 01:01am
Stop or keep going? Please let me know if you are enjoying it.
Chapter 5
“Well Jim it’s going to be official policy soon. Here’s our shuttle.”
“Mike why did I agree to this job?” sighed Rear Admiral James Kirk and Commodore Mike Guidry smiled broadly. “It’s a brave new world Jim, or haven’t you heard the ISC surrendered?”
“That’s sarcasm…right? Interstellar Concordium or not you do realize that the new Federation President is talking about gutting the Fleet.”
A low slung, white VIP shuttle slowly settled to the docking station at Star Fleet Headquarters. Quickly the doors opened and Petty Officers standing by began loading the two Officers luggage. “Admiral Kirk and Commodore Guidry?” asked the shuttles pilot from the main hatch.
“Here.” Responded Kirk.
“We will be ready to get moving in a few moments Sirs. Our ETA to the UFP complex in Geneva is roughly four hours.”
Both Guidry and Kirk stepped into the shuttle and secured them selves in the overstuffed leather seats. “Mike, he is taking about cutting the Fleet by a third! We were barely holding our own against the Coalition and the only reason the ISC stopped was because they out ran their supply lines.”
“Jim don’t forget he’s seen combat too. He volunteered for Ardonis Minor; people with his connections could have skipped that one easy. Not to mention he was wounded twice and …”
“…And he came back to lead the largest protest against the war that Earth has ever seen. I’m not impressed with his resume Mike.” Kirk interrupted, as Guidry made a sour face. Only a handful of people escaped the Klingon brutality on Ardonis Minor.
“Sirs. We are ready to get moving.” Said the pilot, appearing briefly and then disappearing into the cockpit. Silently the shuttle began to lift off from the hexagonal main docking terminal. The rising sun highlighted San Francisco bay and the Golden Gate Bridge in brilliant blue and gold as the pilot began a smooth acceleration east. A yeoman appeared from the aft service station with drinks. Kirk ordered a double-bourbon, not because he wanted it but because he needed it.
“Jim, look at all the money the Federation has spent on upgrading the Fleet. Enterprise alone cost a small fortune, not to mention the new CVNs. President Bauer just thinks that we need more emphasis on science, and exploration. The member planets are not going to support a wartime fleet indefinitely. Which is exactly why we are going to this meeting.”
“The Fleet does that already. Seek out new life…etcetera.”
“Only when scientific missions happen to be along the patrol route…” shot back Guidry.
“Enough… Lets save it for the conference.” Kirk grumbled withdrawing a data pad to study his notes. It was becoming difficult to focus on the fine characters on the softly glowing display. Holding the pad at arm’s length helped him read, but caused his head to begin throbbing.
Kirk rubbed his eyes, which seemed to be bothering him more and more frequently these days. McCoy had mentioned some treatment he had found to correct the problem, but Jim hadn’t seen him since he went native in the wilds of Colorado. This conversation was becoming tiresome and Kirk was largely humoring his junior. Guidry had transferred to Fleet Operations Command from the science branch, on a political appointment. Guidry was a capable, albeit misguided administrator in Kirk’s opinion.
As the shuttle cut across the Florida coast Admiral James Kirk was certain of two things; that he was about to lose the fight for the heart and soul of Star Fleet and before long the entire Alpha Quadrant would regret it soon.
Chapter 5
“Well Jim it’s going to be official policy soon. Here’s our shuttle.”
“Mike why did I agree to this job?” sighed Rear Admiral James Kirk and Commodore Mike Guidry smiled broadly. “It’s a brave new world Jim, or haven’t you heard the ISC surrendered?”
“That’s sarcasm…right? Interstellar Concordium or not you do realize that the new Federation President is talking about gutting the Fleet.”
A low slung, white VIP shuttle slowly settled to the docking station at Star Fleet Headquarters. Quickly the doors opened and Petty Officers standing by began loading the two Officers luggage. “Admiral Kirk and Commodore Guidry?” asked the shuttles pilot from the main hatch.
“Here.” Responded Kirk.
“We will be ready to get moving in a few moments Sirs. Our ETA to the UFP complex in Geneva is roughly four hours.”
Both Guidry and Kirk stepped into the shuttle and secured them selves in the overstuffed leather seats. “Mike, he is taking about cutting the Fleet by a third! We were barely holding our own against the Coalition and the only reason the ISC stopped was because they out ran their supply lines.”
“Jim don’t forget he’s seen combat too. He volunteered for Ardonis Minor; people with his connections could have skipped that one easy. Not to mention he was wounded twice and …”
“…And he came back to lead the largest protest against the war that Earth has ever seen. I’m not impressed with his resume Mike.” Kirk interrupted, as Guidry made a sour face. Only a handful of people escaped the Klingon brutality on Ardonis Minor.
“Sirs. We are ready to get moving.” Said the pilot, appearing briefly and then disappearing into the cockpit. Silently the shuttle began to lift off from the hexagonal main docking terminal. The rising sun highlighted San Francisco bay and the Golden Gate Bridge in brilliant blue and gold as the pilot began a smooth acceleration east. A yeoman appeared from the aft service station with drinks. Kirk ordered a double-bourbon, not because he wanted it but because he needed it.
“Jim, look at all the money the Federation has spent on upgrading the Fleet. Enterprise alone cost a small fortune, not to mention the new CVNs. President Bauer just thinks that we need more emphasis on science, and exploration. The member planets are not going to support a wartime fleet indefinitely. Which is exactly why we are going to this meeting.”
“The Fleet does that already. Seek out new life…etcetera.”
“Only when scientific missions happen to be along the patrol route…” shot back Guidry.
“Enough… Lets save it for the conference.” Kirk grumbled withdrawing a data pad to study his notes. It was becoming difficult to focus on the fine characters on the softly glowing display. Holding the pad at arm’s length helped him read, but caused his head to begin throbbing.
Kirk rubbed his eyes, which seemed to be bothering him more and more frequently these days. McCoy had mentioned some treatment he had found to correct the problem, but Jim hadn’t seen him since he went native in the wilds of Colorado. This conversation was becoming tiresome and Kirk was largely humoring his junior. Guidry had transferred to Fleet Operations Command from the science branch, on a political appointment. Guidry was a capable, albeit misguided administrator in Kirk’s opinion.
As the shuttle cut across the Florida coast Admiral James Kirk was certain of two things; that he was about to lose the fight for the heart and soul of Star Fleet and before long the entire Alpha Quadrant would regret it soon.
Silly question!Invader ZIm wrote:Stop or keep going? Please let me know if you are enjoying it.
Keep going, this is fairly well written and definitaly a keeper.
"Okay, I'll have the truth with a side order of clarity." ~ Dr. Daniel Jackson.
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." ~ Stephen Colbert
"One Drive, One Partition, the One True Path" ~ ars technica forums - warrens - on hhd partitioning schemes.
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." ~ Stephen Colbert
"One Drive, One Partition, the One True Path" ~ ars technica forums - warrens - on hhd partitioning schemes.
- Invader ZIm
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 210
- Joined: 2002-07-29 01:01am
Since you are enjoying it.
Chapter 6
The main guns of the ISD Dominator had scored multiple hits on the lead Mon Calamari cruiser, crippling its engines. As the larger Alliance ship began to pull back the formation it was leading began to disintegrate. “Now we have a chance!” thought Admiral Ket.
“Captain Phi. Move the ship out to minimum distance for hyperspace.”
“We are leaving Sir? We could call for reinforcements and wipe these traitors out once and for all.” Phi Answered.
“We where the reinforcements you fool! The battle was lost before we arrived – do you see a sign of Vader or the Emperor’s ship?”
“No but…” stammered Betan Phi.
“Because the Alliance Commander was no lying to you. They are dead and if we remain here so will we.”
“Communications open a coded channel to the remainder of the fleet. Order all ships to begin to withdraw to minimum safe distance for hyperspace. “ Ket shouted to the Communications Officer across the bridge.
“Yes Sir!” The Officer shouted as the communications section went to work. “Message sent Sir. We are getting confirmations from roughly half of our task force and some of the other Imperial ships. One moment Sir…” the Officer paused as a technician handed him a print out. “Admiral some of our forces are reporting their hyperdrive nonfunctional, what shall we tell them?”
“Tactical - show me these ships.”
Instantly a holographic display of the disabled ships appeared. Ket studied them intently. Most of the ships listed on the display where support cruisers, but a few were Star Destroyers. Loosing them to the Alliance would be a terrible waste, but it could not be avoided.
“Have them form up and create a blocking force for us. They can buy us enough time to disengage.” Ket replied, as he strode briskly over to the Navigation section of the Dominator’s bridge. Captain Phi followed closely on his heels.
“Admiral Ket…we can’t just abandon them!” pleaded Betan Phi. Emjas Ket was about to respond when the Dominator shook violently, causing a few people to loose their footing. Ket looked sternly at Phi, “I think that is an adequate response for you Captain. Now stop questioning me or I shall have you removed from the Bridge!”
“My priority at this moment is protecting the Fleet…we are going to need it without the Emperor.” Ket said as he turned his back on the speechless Captain.
Reaching the Navigation station Ket interested a computer spike from his pocket. Quickly the computer began to display a list of secure rallying and staging points that had been distributed across the Galaxy. He took a second to scan the list until he settled on one a remote post on Kantari. There they would be able to take on supplies and perform repairs. Quickly he saved the information and handed it to the Navigation Officer. “Coordinate with communications. This is the target for the fleet’s hyperspace jump.”
“Yes Sir!” answered the Navigation Officer. Hastily the navigation section went to work. It would take precious minutes to make the calculation fro the hyperdrive jump and there was not one to spare. The communications technicians busied them selves by passing word to the rest of the fleet.
“All ships confirming orders Sir!” the communications Officer shouted.
Ket pressed the intercom and called for the Flight Commander. “Commander Tura here Admiral.”
“Commander, we are disengaging. Inform the Tie pilots we still have deployed to cover us. I do not want my engines shot out by Alliance bombers! When we reach the hyperspace point the Fleet will recover as many fighters as we can.”
“Yes Sir. Tura out.”
“Good. Captain Phi get us out of here if you please.” Ket ordered as he strode to the expansive forward windows of the Dominator’s bridge. Behind him he could hear Betan Phi ordering the massive ship into motion and slowly the view through the forward windows began to change. He could see individual fighters both Tie and various Alliance ones, ducking a weaving among the larger ships. Burning ships both Alliance and Imperial began to slide out of view as the Dominator and her escorts began to slip the fist of the Alliance fleet.
Suddenly a ship began to move to intercept. A Rebel Nebulon B, with a particularly foolish Captain decided to use his ship to bar the way. As Ket watched the Rebels’ plan became plain. “He’s going to force us to ram him! “
“Sound collision!” Ket screamed. “Main batteries fire on that ship!”
The Nebulon had managed to come directly into the path of the ISD and had begun to fire sporadically. The main guns on the Dominator pivoted and targeted the cruiser. Gun crews took a moment to calculate a firing solution and then fired. Four brilliant bolts streaked out across the forward structure of the Star Destroyer and toward the Rebel ship. Three of the shots caught the Nebulon amidships at its thinnest point. The final bolt slammed into the engine section. The ship was enveloped in a fireball briefly that lit up the bridge with and incredible light show. As the explosion dissipated, the forward section of the Nebulon tumbled aimlessly in the void.
The entire Bridge crew leapt to their feet and cheered.
Captain Phi rushed to the forward windows. “That’s going to be close Sir!” indicating the spinning hulk of the Rebel cruiser. “We can’t change direction in time.”
Ket watched as the forward section of the Dominator began to slide past the twisted metal hulk. Everyone on the bridge held his or her breath as the ISD slid past the ruined ship. The bridge of the Dominator slid past the tumbling hulk with only scant meters to spare. Finally the massive ship was free of the Alliance blockade.
“Captain Phi, four standard to minimum distance.” Navigation reported.
“Excellent. Tactical how much of the fleet managed to make it with us?”
“Most of it Sir. The crippled ships are doing their best to hold back the Alliance and our fighters are providing as much cover as they can.” The Tactical Officer reported.
“Captain Phi, Inform Commander Tura and the rest of the Fleet to begin recovering as many fighters as they can.”
“As you command Admiral.” Phi replied in an almost resentful venomous tone that raised Ket’s eyebrows. “I am going to have to watch him…very closely.” Thought Ket.
Outside the battle began to recede and groups of Ties not engaged with repelling Alliance fighter-bombers began to dock with which ever ship would take them. Finally the fleet reached the point at which the hyperdrive calculations were valid.
“Admiral we are ready for hyperdrive.” Came the excited report from the Navigation Officer.
“Very well all ships prepare for the jump to light speed. Hyperspace when ready.” Ket tried not to sound relived.
The battered Imperial fleet of some 163 ships of various makes including twelve Star Destroyers, formed up. One by one they activated their hyperdrive and disappeared into the void without a trace.
Chapter 6
The main guns of the ISD Dominator had scored multiple hits on the lead Mon Calamari cruiser, crippling its engines. As the larger Alliance ship began to pull back the formation it was leading began to disintegrate. “Now we have a chance!” thought Admiral Ket.
“Captain Phi. Move the ship out to minimum distance for hyperspace.”
“We are leaving Sir? We could call for reinforcements and wipe these traitors out once and for all.” Phi Answered.
“We where the reinforcements you fool! The battle was lost before we arrived – do you see a sign of Vader or the Emperor’s ship?”
“No but…” stammered Betan Phi.
“Because the Alliance Commander was no lying to you. They are dead and if we remain here so will we.”
“Communications open a coded channel to the remainder of the fleet. Order all ships to begin to withdraw to minimum safe distance for hyperspace. “ Ket shouted to the Communications Officer across the bridge.
“Yes Sir!” The Officer shouted as the communications section went to work. “Message sent Sir. We are getting confirmations from roughly half of our task force and some of the other Imperial ships. One moment Sir…” the Officer paused as a technician handed him a print out. “Admiral some of our forces are reporting their hyperdrive nonfunctional, what shall we tell them?”
“Tactical - show me these ships.”
Instantly a holographic display of the disabled ships appeared. Ket studied them intently. Most of the ships listed on the display where support cruisers, but a few were Star Destroyers. Loosing them to the Alliance would be a terrible waste, but it could not be avoided.
“Have them form up and create a blocking force for us. They can buy us enough time to disengage.” Ket replied, as he strode briskly over to the Navigation section of the Dominator’s bridge. Captain Phi followed closely on his heels.
“Admiral Ket…we can’t just abandon them!” pleaded Betan Phi. Emjas Ket was about to respond when the Dominator shook violently, causing a few people to loose their footing. Ket looked sternly at Phi, “I think that is an adequate response for you Captain. Now stop questioning me or I shall have you removed from the Bridge!”
“My priority at this moment is protecting the Fleet…we are going to need it without the Emperor.” Ket said as he turned his back on the speechless Captain.
Reaching the Navigation station Ket interested a computer spike from his pocket. Quickly the computer began to display a list of secure rallying and staging points that had been distributed across the Galaxy. He took a second to scan the list until he settled on one a remote post on Kantari. There they would be able to take on supplies and perform repairs. Quickly he saved the information and handed it to the Navigation Officer. “Coordinate with communications. This is the target for the fleet’s hyperspace jump.”
“Yes Sir!” answered the Navigation Officer. Hastily the navigation section went to work. It would take precious minutes to make the calculation fro the hyperdrive jump and there was not one to spare. The communications technicians busied them selves by passing word to the rest of the fleet.
“All ships confirming orders Sir!” the communications Officer shouted.
Ket pressed the intercom and called for the Flight Commander. “Commander Tura here Admiral.”
“Commander, we are disengaging. Inform the Tie pilots we still have deployed to cover us. I do not want my engines shot out by Alliance bombers! When we reach the hyperspace point the Fleet will recover as many fighters as we can.”
“Yes Sir. Tura out.”
“Good. Captain Phi get us out of here if you please.” Ket ordered as he strode to the expansive forward windows of the Dominator’s bridge. Behind him he could hear Betan Phi ordering the massive ship into motion and slowly the view through the forward windows began to change. He could see individual fighters both Tie and various Alliance ones, ducking a weaving among the larger ships. Burning ships both Alliance and Imperial began to slide out of view as the Dominator and her escorts began to slip the fist of the Alliance fleet.
Suddenly a ship began to move to intercept. A Rebel Nebulon B, with a particularly foolish Captain decided to use his ship to bar the way. As Ket watched the Rebels’ plan became plain. “He’s going to force us to ram him! “
“Sound collision!” Ket screamed. “Main batteries fire on that ship!”
The Nebulon had managed to come directly into the path of the ISD and had begun to fire sporadically. The main guns on the Dominator pivoted and targeted the cruiser. Gun crews took a moment to calculate a firing solution and then fired. Four brilliant bolts streaked out across the forward structure of the Star Destroyer and toward the Rebel ship. Three of the shots caught the Nebulon amidships at its thinnest point. The final bolt slammed into the engine section. The ship was enveloped in a fireball briefly that lit up the bridge with and incredible light show. As the explosion dissipated, the forward section of the Nebulon tumbled aimlessly in the void.
The entire Bridge crew leapt to their feet and cheered.
Captain Phi rushed to the forward windows. “That’s going to be close Sir!” indicating the spinning hulk of the Rebel cruiser. “We can’t change direction in time.”
Ket watched as the forward section of the Dominator began to slide past the twisted metal hulk. Everyone on the bridge held his or her breath as the ISD slid past the ruined ship. The bridge of the Dominator slid past the tumbling hulk with only scant meters to spare. Finally the massive ship was free of the Alliance blockade.
“Captain Phi, four standard to minimum distance.” Navigation reported.
“Excellent. Tactical how much of the fleet managed to make it with us?”
“Most of it Sir. The crippled ships are doing their best to hold back the Alliance and our fighters are providing as much cover as they can.” The Tactical Officer reported.
“Captain Phi, Inform Commander Tura and the rest of the Fleet to begin recovering as many fighters as they can.”
“As you command Admiral.” Phi replied in an almost resentful venomous tone that raised Ket’s eyebrows. “I am going to have to watch him…very closely.” Thought Ket.
Outside the battle began to recede and groups of Ties not engaged with repelling Alliance fighter-bombers began to dock with which ever ship would take them. Finally the fleet reached the point at which the hyperdrive calculations were valid.
“Admiral we are ready for hyperdrive.” Came the excited report from the Navigation Officer.
“Very well all ships prepare for the jump to light speed. Hyperspace when ready.” Ket tried not to sound relived.
The battered Imperial fleet of some 163 ships of various makes including twelve Star Destroyers, formed up. One by one they activated their hyperdrive and disappeared into the void without a trace.
- Youngling
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- Location: I don't know I'm Lost
- Invader ZIm
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 210
- Joined: 2002-07-29 01:01am
- Youngling
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- Joined: 2004-02-02 10:35pm
- Location: I don't know I'm Lost
- Invader ZIm
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 210
- Joined: 2002-07-29 01:01am
Chapter 7
USS Monitor had been running parallel to the armistice zone for the better part of ten hours now. Science Officer Laszt had been running continual scans of the anomaly, which seemed to be steadily intensifying. The level of dexterity that the huge Gorn possessed when operating the ships consoles always-amazed Jack Mackenzie. Shifts had changed twice since this investigation had begun, but even in his cabin Mackenzie hadn’t gotten any rest.
“You look like crap…Sir. Need some coffee?” Ichiro said in a low voice with a big grin.
“Your one to talk short stuff! And yes…black. God this crap is boring maybe we should run a drill.” Jack beamed back. He had developed a profound respect for Ichiro. As an officer he was diligent, focused and efficient. Looking back on it Ichiro was many of the things that Jack wished he could have been when he was 12 years younger. “What’s the status of our little fishing expedition?”
Ichiro sighed deeply, and folded his hands behind his back. “Laszt has determined that whatever this is, it’s probably a natural phenomenon. None of the major powers have the capability to generate a subspace distortion on that scale.” A small thermos appeared in Ichiro’s hands along with two cups, stenciled in blue with the registry number of the Monitor. The smell of the hot brown liquid as it filled the two cups wafted through the bridge like an aphrodisiac.
“Replicated?” Jack asked.
“Oh no. It’s the real stuff – Jamaican!” said proudly with a broad smile.
“I hope it tastes as good as it smells!” replied the Captain. Real food items were something of a luxury on deep patrols like this one. Taking a sip, Jack was not disappointed. “God that’s good! Remind me of this on your next performance review.”
“Thanks. We have about two hours left on the schedule before we have to depart and resume the planned mission profile.”
“Ok. I guess we have to pull the plug. Las! Front and center.”
The enormous Gorn lift his head from the science consol and walked toward the center chair. “Yes Sir.” He said exaggerating the ‘s’ in each word.
“Las, we need to wrap this up. We have a two hour window of departure to get back on schedule.” Jack told the towering Gorn.
“Sir, this is a find of some importance. Surely it will override the priority of our patrol mission? We do not know when we will see a phenomenon like this again.”
“Las, I’m sorry. Nevertheless, this is a military ship first and an exploration ship second. We have spend ten hours looking at that thing and have learned what…exactly?”
“Captain Mackenzie it is a vast subspace bubble approximately two light-years across. Although its energy density seems to vary from moment to moment, it is generally becoming more intense. Apart from the tachyon emissions and the uniformity of the field it looks like a giant warp field…”
“…That you believe to be natural?” inquired the XO.
“Yes Commander Ichiro. I don’t believe it is possible for anything to generate the level of power that would be required to achieve this effect. In addition, over the last five hours the effect at the center of the field has become much more pronounced than when we first encountered it. Please allow me to demonstrate.”
“As you wish Las.” Jack said taking another sip of coffee.
The center view screen split. Half showed the computerized false color map from ten hours ago, and the other half showed a more recent data. “As you can see Sirs, the center 20,000 Km of the disturbance has increased to the point at which navigation would become dangerous. Subspace in that region is splitting apart.” Laszt said pointing to the more garish of the two images.
“Well we’ve seen rifts like that one before. The Tolians have been using the Meridonas rift for centuries as a natural boundary to prevent invasions. Besides it’s on the other side of the armistice zone. It’s the Romulan Star Empire’s problem, not ours.”
“I will mention two things Captain. First, while it is currently on the RSE side of the zone, it is not certain that will not spread to ours. Second, while we have studied the Meridonas rift, we have only theories about how and why it formed. Here the process is unfolding in front of us.” Jack could swear the lizard was smugly smiling at him, if that was possible.
“Ok Las. I’ll get on the horn to Star Fleet and see if I can get us diverted.” Of course the way Star Fleet Command was acting these days they would say yes. “ In the mean time we are going to continue with our patrol, and at least we will get some work done. Las see to leaving what ever remote package behind to record data, that you need to.”
“As you Command.” Laszt said taking a huge bow, a habit he had not quite broken from being in the Gorn Navy. After righting himself he turned away from the Captain and XO toward the Chief of the Boat who was busy looking over the Engineering consol.
Master Chief Hank Mitchell was looking over the engine simulations that were being run and marveling how much things had changed since he first set foot on a Starship. Automation and adaptive feedback controls were standard now, unlike the old days of “tweaking” the engines power curves. His interest was not simply in passing, as COB it was his responsibility to monitor and evaluate the crew’s training on all ship systems. So far the Engineering section, despite a rocky start was exceeding the training standard he had set.
As Commander Laszt approached him, he quickly stood to attention. The big Lizard bared his teeth, and Hank got the chills. There was something primal about seeing all those yellow sharp teeth. “Did I do it correctly Master Chief?” Laszt inquired in an expectant voice.
“Do wha…Oh the smile! Yes Commander you are doing much better. What can I do for you Sir?” Hank quickly shifted the topic of conversation, half afraid to offend the well-meaning Gorn.
“We will be leaving this section of space shortly. I wish to prepare a sensor package to leave behind. In cargo bay four there is a container with such a device. Will you see to it that it is moved to the shuttle bay for deployment?”
“Yes Sir. If I might ask why not a standard probe?”
“The signals we are monitoring are far to complex for a generic probe. The package that I wish to deploy can also stream data to the ships main sensors. Which will allow us to monitor events here for some time after we depart.”
Hank Mitchell nodded his head and said “Affirmative, Commander. I will get right on it.” Laszt returned to the Science station and began to preparations to tie the ships main sensors into the package. A minute later the COB reported the device was launched and running.
“Status Las?” asked Captain Mackenzie, rotating his chair toward the Science Officer.
“Handshake confirmed. We will be able to monitor this event from a considerable distance.”
Jack rotated his chair forward again. “Ok Ichiro, end of the science mission. Lets pick up where we left off.”
Ichiro stood up from his seat and was about to order the helm to alter course when the excited voice of Lieutenant Cameron at the Tactical station interrupted him. “Unknown Contact! Bearing 345 mark 5!”
“What! Do we have anything on the board right now?” asked Jack.
“No Sir! Nothing. We are picking this up off of the sensor package.”
“Assign target Uniform-1-1 and show me the TMA plot.” the XO ordered sharply.
The ship’s forward screen shifted and several vector lines appeared. Each line was time stamped and terminated at one of three a labeled points. The center point was labeled for the USS Monitor, one slightly behind it was the sensor package and finally the third was the unknown return. As the Target Motion Analysis plot progressed more lines built up and began to triangulate the position of the unknown contact.
“It’s moving at low warp behind us Captain. Very faint contact, range looks to be about 70,000 Km. On our side of the treaty zone.”
“Give me a visual on it!” ordered Jack.
The ships view screen again shifted, this time to a blank field of stars. “Nothing! Crap! Red Alert!” Mackenzie shouted.
“Designate contact Uniform-1-1 to Romeo-1-1 and begin a new track.” Ichiro instructed Lieutenant Cameron. The plot track symbol of what had been U11 changed from a simple box to a diamond inlayed with the symbol of the Romulan Star Empire.
Master Chief Hank Mitchell sprang into action and began operating his consol set next to the security station. Entering a special code caused a compartment to open from which he withdrew a key card. He then turned to the Turbo lift and began to count off 60 seconds. Before he reached 45, two marines in battle dress, with side arms exited the lift and took up flanking positions. As soon as the marines were in position, the Chief used the key card to lock the lift. The bridge was now isolated from the rest of the ship.
All throughout the Monitor bulkheads were lowered into position and airtight doors were sealed. Damage control teams assembled in their designated areas and the senior enlisted began to do head counts. In the secondary hull, the Engineering teams quickly donned radiation and pressure suits. Marines scrambled to man checkpoints at stations near vital ship systems. As each of these preparations was completed, they were reported back to the bridge and a light on the Chief’s consol turned from red to green.
“All decks and sections report ready Captain!” Hank shouted after checking the consol status.
“Confirmed Chief of the Boat. Status on shields and weapons?”
The XO whirled to the tactical station and conferred with Lieutenant Cameron. “Phaser capacitor coming up to 100 percent, Photon tubes 1 and 4 charging, 3 and 2 are ready. VLS drone bay reports ready. Shields fully charged.”
“Communications begin ECCM, I need a solid target! Set a perpendicular course.”
“Aye Sir!” Ichiro confirmed dutifully and then passed the order onto the rest of the crew.
On the view screen the USS Monitor’s avatar turned in a tight arc until it was pointed away from the treaty boundary and was crossing the projected track path of R11. “Visual! One RSE KCR decloaking! His plasma tubes are primed!”
“Shit! Got to hit him before he gets his shields up!” Jack thought. That ship out gunned the Monitor at least twice over. “Ichiro do we have a firing solution?”
“Yes Sir! Photons are not in arc though!”
“No time to change course, we will hold them for another pass. Helm increase speed to warp 7! Tactical fire all weapons!”
Multiple crimson beams reached out from the Monitor’s phaser banks and raked molten lines in the Romulan cruiser’s hull. The brilliant white lights that illuminated the portholes on the KCR flickered, faded and then returned brightly. On the dorsal side of the ship three drones exited from their VLS cells, engaged their warp fields and began to track on the target.
“Her shields just came up Captain. She’s a hard target now.”
“Get ready to…”
Just then the Monitor’s computer began to sound the master alarm. The stern female voice of the computer began advising “INCOMING FIRE: BEARING 340 MARK 12. ETA 40 SECONDS… INCOMING FIRE: BEARING 340 MARK 12. ETA 35 SECONDS…”
“Incoming Plasma Torpedoes! Four of them running hot!” shouted the Tactical Officer.
“Helm hard over! We are going to try to out run them, maximum warp!” Dutifully the USS Monitor turned and began running parallel to and away from the incoming balls of green swirling death chasing her. Monitor was fast and the plasma was loosing density with every second, but she was nowhere near fast enough.
“Reinforce the aft shields and sound collision!” the XO ordered.
“Laszt! Try to get a lock on one of those Plasma generators. Maybe we can damage it.”
“At once Captain!” and the large Gorn began to manipulate the science console. Attempting to adjust the ships sensors to allow for a solid lock on the heart of the erratically, twisting torpedoes swiftly closing on them. “No good sir! The best we can do is optical targeting.”
“Lieutenant Cameron. Do your best son! Fire at will!”
Cameron immediately pulled up a viewfinder from his consol. In it he targeted the nearest torpedo and tried his best to align a phaser emitter with it. The first two shots from the rear banks missed, the third hit but had no discernable effect. He was about to fire a forth, but by then it was too late. The bridge was hit by a titanic shock that lifted everyone off their feet.
The plasma slammed into the rear shield of the USS Monitor causing it to collapse. It flowed forward along the secondary hull and sheared one of the support pylons, severing the port warp engine from the ship. The once white hull was pock marked with black scorches and gaping holes. Power flickered and died as the ship began to topple end for end helplessly.
USS Monitor had been running parallel to the armistice zone for the better part of ten hours now. Science Officer Laszt had been running continual scans of the anomaly, which seemed to be steadily intensifying. The level of dexterity that the huge Gorn possessed when operating the ships consoles always-amazed Jack Mackenzie. Shifts had changed twice since this investigation had begun, but even in his cabin Mackenzie hadn’t gotten any rest.
“You look like crap…Sir. Need some coffee?” Ichiro said in a low voice with a big grin.
“Your one to talk short stuff! And yes…black. God this crap is boring maybe we should run a drill.” Jack beamed back. He had developed a profound respect for Ichiro. As an officer he was diligent, focused and efficient. Looking back on it Ichiro was many of the things that Jack wished he could have been when he was 12 years younger. “What’s the status of our little fishing expedition?”
Ichiro sighed deeply, and folded his hands behind his back. “Laszt has determined that whatever this is, it’s probably a natural phenomenon. None of the major powers have the capability to generate a subspace distortion on that scale.” A small thermos appeared in Ichiro’s hands along with two cups, stenciled in blue with the registry number of the Monitor. The smell of the hot brown liquid as it filled the two cups wafted through the bridge like an aphrodisiac.
“Replicated?” Jack asked.
“Oh no. It’s the real stuff – Jamaican!” said proudly with a broad smile.
“I hope it tastes as good as it smells!” replied the Captain. Real food items were something of a luxury on deep patrols like this one. Taking a sip, Jack was not disappointed. “God that’s good! Remind me of this on your next performance review.”
“Thanks. We have about two hours left on the schedule before we have to depart and resume the planned mission profile.”
“Ok. I guess we have to pull the plug. Las! Front and center.”
The enormous Gorn lift his head from the science consol and walked toward the center chair. “Yes Sir.” He said exaggerating the ‘s’ in each word.
“Las, we need to wrap this up. We have a two hour window of departure to get back on schedule.” Jack told the towering Gorn.
“Sir, this is a find of some importance. Surely it will override the priority of our patrol mission? We do not know when we will see a phenomenon like this again.”
“Las, I’m sorry. Nevertheless, this is a military ship first and an exploration ship second. We have spend ten hours looking at that thing and have learned what…exactly?”
“Captain Mackenzie it is a vast subspace bubble approximately two light-years across. Although its energy density seems to vary from moment to moment, it is generally becoming more intense. Apart from the tachyon emissions and the uniformity of the field it looks like a giant warp field…”
“…That you believe to be natural?” inquired the XO.
“Yes Commander Ichiro. I don’t believe it is possible for anything to generate the level of power that would be required to achieve this effect. In addition, over the last five hours the effect at the center of the field has become much more pronounced than when we first encountered it. Please allow me to demonstrate.”
“As you wish Las.” Jack said taking another sip of coffee.
The center view screen split. Half showed the computerized false color map from ten hours ago, and the other half showed a more recent data. “As you can see Sirs, the center 20,000 Km of the disturbance has increased to the point at which navigation would become dangerous. Subspace in that region is splitting apart.” Laszt said pointing to the more garish of the two images.
“Well we’ve seen rifts like that one before. The Tolians have been using the Meridonas rift for centuries as a natural boundary to prevent invasions. Besides it’s on the other side of the armistice zone. It’s the Romulan Star Empire’s problem, not ours.”
“I will mention two things Captain. First, while it is currently on the RSE side of the zone, it is not certain that will not spread to ours. Second, while we have studied the Meridonas rift, we have only theories about how and why it formed. Here the process is unfolding in front of us.” Jack could swear the lizard was smugly smiling at him, if that was possible.
“Ok Las. I’ll get on the horn to Star Fleet and see if I can get us diverted.” Of course the way Star Fleet Command was acting these days they would say yes. “ In the mean time we are going to continue with our patrol, and at least we will get some work done. Las see to leaving what ever remote package behind to record data, that you need to.”
“As you Command.” Laszt said taking a huge bow, a habit he had not quite broken from being in the Gorn Navy. After righting himself he turned away from the Captain and XO toward the Chief of the Boat who was busy looking over the Engineering consol.
Master Chief Hank Mitchell was looking over the engine simulations that were being run and marveling how much things had changed since he first set foot on a Starship. Automation and adaptive feedback controls were standard now, unlike the old days of “tweaking” the engines power curves. His interest was not simply in passing, as COB it was his responsibility to monitor and evaluate the crew’s training on all ship systems. So far the Engineering section, despite a rocky start was exceeding the training standard he had set.
As Commander Laszt approached him, he quickly stood to attention. The big Lizard bared his teeth, and Hank got the chills. There was something primal about seeing all those yellow sharp teeth. “Did I do it correctly Master Chief?” Laszt inquired in an expectant voice.
“Do wha…Oh the smile! Yes Commander you are doing much better. What can I do for you Sir?” Hank quickly shifted the topic of conversation, half afraid to offend the well-meaning Gorn.
“We will be leaving this section of space shortly. I wish to prepare a sensor package to leave behind. In cargo bay four there is a container with such a device. Will you see to it that it is moved to the shuttle bay for deployment?”
“Yes Sir. If I might ask why not a standard probe?”
“The signals we are monitoring are far to complex for a generic probe. The package that I wish to deploy can also stream data to the ships main sensors. Which will allow us to monitor events here for some time after we depart.”
Hank Mitchell nodded his head and said “Affirmative, Commander. I will get right on it.” Laszt returned to the Science station and began to preparations to tie the ships main sensors into the package. A minute later the COB reported the device was launched and running.
“Status Las?” asked Captain Mackenzie, rotating his chair toward the Science Officer.
“Handshake confirmed. We will be able to monitor this event from a considerable distance.”
Jack rotated his chair forward again. “Ok Ichiro, end of the science mission. Lets pick up where we left off.”
Ichiro stood up from his seat and was about to order the helm to alter course when the excited voice of Lieutenant Cameron at the Tactical station interrupted him. “Unknown Contact! Bearing 345 mark 5!”
“What! Do we have anything on the board right now?” asked Jack.
“No Sir! Nothing. We are picking this up off of the sensor package.”
“Assign target Uniform-1-1 and show me the TMA plot.” the XO ordered sharply.
The ship’s forward screen shifted and several vector lines appeared. Each line was time stamped and terminated at one of three a labeled points. The center point was labeled for the USS Monitor, one slightly behind it was the sensor package and finally the third was the unknown return. As the Target Motion Analysis plot progressed more lines built up and began to triangulate the position of the unknown contact.
“It’s moving at low warp behind us Captain. Very faint contact, range looks to be about 70,000 Km. On our side of the treaty zone.”
“Give me a visual on it!” ordered Jack.
The ships view screen again shifted, this time to a blank field of stars. “Nothing! Crap! Red Alert!” Mackenzie shouted.
“Designate contact Uniform-1-1 to Romeo-1-1 and begin a new track.” Ichiro instructed Lieutenant Cameron. The plot track symbol of what had been U11 changed from a simple box to a diamond inlayed with the symbol of the Romulan Star Empire.
Master Chief Hank Mitchell sprang into action and began operating his consol set next to the security station. Entering a special code caused a compartment to open from which he withdrew a key card. He then turned to the Turbo lift and began to count off 60 seconds. Before he reached 45, two marines in battle dress, with side arms exited the lift and took up flanking positions. As soon as the marines were in position, the Chief used the key card to lock the lift. The bridge was now isolated from the rest of the ship.
All throughout the Monitor bulkheads were lowered into position and airtight doors were sealed. Damage control teams assembled in their designated areas and the senior enlisted began to do head counts. In the secondary hull, the Engineering teams quickly donned radiation and pressure suits. Marines scrambled to man checkpoints at stations near vital ship systems. As each of these preparations was completed, they were reported back to the bridge and a light on the Chief’s consol turned from red to green.
“All decks and sections report ready Captain!” Hank shouted after checking the consol status.
“Confirmed Chief of the Boat. Status on shields and weapons?”
The XO whirled to the tactical station and conferred with Lieutenant Cameron. “Phaser capacitor coming up to 100 percent, Photon tubes 1 and 4 charging, 3 and 2 are ready. VLS drone bay reports ready. Shields fully charged.”
“Communications begin ECCM, I need a solid target! Set a perpendicular course.”
“Aye Sir!” Ichiro confirmed dutifully and then passed the order onto the rest of the crew.
On the view screen the USS Monitor’s avatar turned in a tight arc until it was pointed away from the treaty boundary and was crossing the projected track path of R11. “Visual! One RSE KCR decloaking! His plasma tubes are primed!”
“Shit! Got to hit him before he gets his shields up!” Jack thought. That ship out gunned the Monitor at least twice over. “Ichiro do we have a firing solution?”
“Yes Sir! Photons are not in arc though!”
“No time to change course, we will hold them for another pass. Helm increase speed to warp 7! Tactical fire all weapons!”
Multiple crimson beams reached out from the Monitor’s phaser banks and raked molten lines in the Romulan cruiser’s hull. The brilliant white lights that illuminated the portholes on the KCR flickered, faded and then returned brightly. On the dorsal side of the ship three drones exited from their VLS cells, engaged their warp fields and began to track on the target.
“Her shields just came up Captain. She’s a hard target now.”
“Get ready to…”
Just then the Monitor’s computer began to sound the master alarm. The stern female voice of the computer began advising “INCOMING FIRE: BEARING 340 MARK 12. ETA 40 SECONDS… INCOMING FIRE: BEARING 340 MARK 12. ETA 35 SECONDS…”
“Incoming Plasma Torpedoes! Four of them running hot!” shouted the Tactical Officer.
“Helm hard over! We are going to try to out run them, maximum warp!” Dutifully the USS Monitor turned and began running parallel to and away from the incoming balls of green swirling death chasing her. Monitor was fast and the plasma was loosing density with every second, but she was nowhere near fast enough.
“Reinforce the aft shields and sound collision!” the XO ordered.
“Laszt! Try to get a lock on one of those Plasma generators. Maybe we can damage it.”
“At once Captain!” and the large Gorn began to manipulate the science console. Attempting to adjust the ships sensors to allow for a solid lock on the heart of the erratically, twisting torpedoes swiftly closing on them. “No good sir! The best we can do is optical targeting.”
“Lieutenant Cameron. Do your best son! Fire at will!”
Cameron immediately pulled up a viewfinder from his consol. In it he targeted the nearest torpedo and tried his best to align a phaser emitter with it. The first two shots from the rear banks missed, the third hit but had no discernable effect. He was about to fire a forth, but by then it was too late. The bridge was hit by a titanic shock that lifted everyone off their feet.
The plasma slammed into the rear shield of the USS Monitor causing it to collapse. It flowed forward along the secondary hull and sheared one of the support pylons, severing the port warp engine from the ship. The once white hull was pock marked with black scorches and gaping holes. Power flickered and died as the ship began to topple end for end helplessly.
- Youngling
- Posts: 80
- Joined: 2004-02-02 10:35pm
- Location: I don't know I'm Lost
- Invader ZIm
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 210
- Joined: 2002-07-29 01:01am
- Youngling
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- Joined: 2004-02-02 10:35pm
- Location: I don't know I'm Lost
I'ld keep to the major races around the Federation-Romulan neural zone. And keep the number of races limited at the start.Invader ZIm wrote:One thing I am curious about is which SFB race people would like to see the most?
After all; this is going to actually have a SW & SFB factions actually encounter each other at some point.
You can always add more factions as the story continues, its harder to take them out than it is to put them in.
"Okay, I'll have the truth with a side order of clarity." ~ Dr. Daniel Jackson.
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." ~ Stephen Colbert
"One Drive, One Partition, the One True Path" ~ ars technica forums - warrens - on hhd partitioning schemes.
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." ~ Stephen Colbert
"One Drive, One Partition, the One True Path" ~ ars technica forums - warrens - on hhd partitioning schemes.
- Invader ZIm
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 210
- Joined: 2002-07-29 01:01am
Have not abanddoned the story. have to deal with RL stuff all week. Look for an update new week.
Last edited by Invader ZIm on 2004-03-13 08:41pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Invader ZIm
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 210
- Joined: 2002-07-29 01:01am
- Emperor's Hand
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- Invader ZIm
- Padawan Learner
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