Psychology questionnaire: God in school.

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Re: Psychology questionnaire: God in school.

Post by Hethrir »


1) Do you believe in God? Yes
2) If not, who/what do you believe in/what religion do you follow? Christian
3) Do you believe that schools only support Christianity? No
4) Do you believe that schools should support other religions, too? Yes
5) Do you believe that schools should have religion in school? Yes. School is meant to prepare you for life and in life you encounter religion.
6) If yes, should there be programs like FCA for the other religions that members of the student body follow? What is FCA?
7) Should a class on religions be offered to the students at Cookeville High School? What's special about cookeville high?
8 ) If yes, do you believe it should be a required class? No
9) Do you believe that if such a class was offered, the instructor(s) would be biased? No
10) If you are/were a parent, would you allow your student to take a course like this? Yes
11) Why or why not? Because people should learn.
12) If you are/were a student, would you take this course? Yes
13) Why or why not? To learn about different religions
14) If not, would you be interested if you knew for certain that the teachings would be historically correct? N/A
15) If religion was kept in school, would the violence rate and/or drug usage dwindle? Dunno.
16) If religion was not allowed in school, would it still be all right for a person or a group of people to pray as long as they were not bothering anyone else around them? Yes
17) What about witnessing to people? Yes. If they wanted to hear it
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Post by SeebianWurm »

A lot of people apparently don't know this, but FCA means Fellowship of Christian Athletes. And that's all I know about it.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

A lot of people apparently don't know this even after I've pointed it out twice in this thread, but "witnessing" in this context refers to proselytizing. Perhaps the third time will actually work.
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Re: Psychology questionnaire: God in school.

Post by victorhadin »

Age: 21.
Sex: Male.

1) Do you believe in God? -No.
2) If not, who/what do you believe in/what religion do you follow? -I' an atheist. No religion per se. If you absolutely must tag on a faith, I'll have faith in gravity and oxygen. They've always been reliable to me.
3) Do you believe that schools only support Christianity? -No.
4) Do you believe that schools should support other religions, too? -Yes.
5) Do you believe that schools should have religion in school? -No. Religious education classes, maybe, (for purposes of studying global religions; a valuable lesson in culture) but nothing more. Religion is a personal choice.
6) If yes, should there be programs like FCA for the other religions that members of the student body follow? I cannot answer since I have no idea what FCA is. Since, however, my answer to the last question was no, I don't believe this applies.
7) Should a class on religions be offered to the students at Cookeville High School? -Yes. Why not?
8) If yes, do you believe it should be a required class? -No.
9) Do you believe that if such a class was offered, the instructor(s) would be biased? -Probably, but we are only human. They will do their best as a teacher.
10) If you are/were a parent, would you allow your student to take a course like this? -Am not a parent, but would have no major problems with it.
11) Why or why not? -The study of different religions that exist on the planet is, firstly, interesting and, secondly, teaches how cultures can differ substantially from our own and remain viable. Ignorance is never a virtue.
12) If you are/were a student, would you take this course? Yes. I've had R.E classes before and it never did me any harm.
13) Why or why not? -See above answer on world culture. It is interesting.
14) If not, would you be interested if you knew for certain that the teachings would be historically correct? -N/A.
15) If religion was kept in school, would the violence rate and/or drug usage dwindle? -No.
16) If religion was not allowed in school, would it still be all right for a person or a group of people to pray as long as they were not bothering anyone else around them? -If they do it privately, fine.
17) What about witnessing to people? -No. It's a bloody nuisance. (Though I must admit that I have gone through with it in the past to get free food and suchlike at such evangelising events. You can't talk ill against a free curry.)
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Post by Exonerate »

1. No.
2. None, I'm atheist.
3. No.
4. No. I believe school should not support any religion.
5. Religion as in teaching about it, but not indoctrinating kids.
6. Only if they exclude no religion - which includes Satanists, etc :P
7. On religions? Yes. There's a difference between learning about the religion and being taught that it is right, etc.
8. No.
9. Most likely.
10. Yes.
11. So my kid could learn about religion...
12. Yes.
13. To learn about the religion...
14. N/A.
15. Haha. No.
16. As long as it is not faculty endorsed, yes.
17. No. If they start doing that, I'll start insulting their religion and see how they like it.

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Post by Exonerate »

Err, sorry, forgot to mention that I'm male, 15 (16 in a few days)

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Re: Psychology questionnaire: God in school.

Post by Solauren »

Age: M
Sex: 28

1) Do you believe in God?
Yes, just not the 'classic' version of god

2) If not, who/what do you believe in/what religion do you follow?
Closet real-world comparisons: Taoism/Buddism/Deisim
Closest becoming a religion: Jedi

3) Do you believe that schools only support Christianity?

4) Do you believe that schools should support other religions, too?

5) Do you believe that schools should have religion in school?

6) If yes, should there be programs like FCA for the other religions that members of the student body follow?

7) Should a class on religions be offered to the students at Cookeville High School?

8) If yes, do you believe it should be a required class?

9) Do you believe that if such a class was offered, the instructor(s) would be biased?

10) If you are/were a parent, would you allow your student to take a course like this?
Yes, after I was allowed to evaluate the material

11) Why or why not?
It's there choice at the high school level, I just want to know what I might have to put up with hearing about

12) If you are/were a student, would you take this course?
Yes, on condition

13) Why or why not?
Condition: That it was about the religions, not how to be them

14) If not, would you be interested if you knew for certain that the teachings would be historically correct?

15) If religion was kept in school, would the violence rate and/or drug usage dwindle?

16) If religion was not allowed in school, would it still be all right for a person or a group of people to pray as long as they were not bothering anyone else around them?

17) What about witnessing to people?
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Post by Semage »

Well, she has all she needs. Comence the debate...or name calling, if you all still don't feel like debating.

Well, if there is to be a debate.

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Post by Darth Wong »

Semage wrote:Well, she has all she needs. Comence the debate...or name calling, if you all still don't feel like debating.
Speak for yourself. You seem to think that it is very clever to avoid stating specifics whenever possible and then try to nail people for "assuming too much" when they finish your leading statements, WITHOUT clarifying the vagueness in question. No doubt this technque wows 'em at the Christian boards.

PS. Answer the point I made earlier about how you were obviously lying about having consulted every Christian who took the survey to make sure their answers on "religion" would apply equally to Satanists, scientologists, and Japanese death cults.
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Post by Semage »

Darth Wong wrote: No doubt this technque wows 'em at the Christian boards.
I wouldn’t know.
Darth Wong wrote: PS. Answer the point I made earlier about how you were obviously lying about having consulted every Christian who took the survey to make sure their answers on "religion" would apply equally to Satanists, scientologists, and Japanese death cults.
Sorry. I’ve not been keeping up with this thread. I just checked at the beginning then go tired of doing it and made Allie do it, since it’s her survey. :D

Then again, she made me sit right there and pick them out.

Damn bitch!

Darth Wong wrote: How do you know? Did you interview them all and ask them whether their answers were meant to apply equally regardless of which religion was being discussed, even if it was Satanism or Japanese doomsday cults? You didn't even bother asking the people who answered this thread how they interpreted it before speaking on their behalf! I smell the overwhelming stench of bullshit from you.
Well, for some, it was implied in the answer (not all of them answered yes/no either). Some I know from what we have talked about since. Some, I know because they are some of my best friends and I know everything they are thinking. That pretty much accounts for most of the Christians who took it.

I do not know the people who answered in this thread and I did not speak on their behalf.

I think that is your diaper.

^ See, I’m learning. I’ve got an insult at the end of a lot of my posts, now.
I’m becoming one of the guys.
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666th post. Ironic, huh?

Post by Symmetry »

Age: 22
Sex: M

1) Do you believe in God? No.
2) If not, who/what do you believe in/what religion do you follow? Agnosticism.
3) Do you believe that schools only support Christianity? No.
4) Do you believe that schools should support other religions, too? No.
5) Do you believe that schools should have religion in school? Yes. (teaching about them, not proselytizing).
6) If yes, should there be programs like FCA for the other religions that members of the student body follow? Yes. (Its ok for schools to aknowledge any type of reasonable student groups).
7) Should a class on religions be offered to the students at Cookeville High School? No. (Thats what History should be for).
8) If yes, do you believe it should be a required class? No.
9) Do you believe that if such a class was offered, the instructor(s) would be biased? No.
10) If you are/were a parent, would you allow your student to take a course like this? Yes
11) Why or why not? What reason could I have to object? Assuming that my child was also non-religious (I certainly wouldn't try to indoctrinate them) they would probably be sincerely interested in learning about the religions other people follow, and learning about Christianity in particular is useful for living in this country.
12) If you are/were a student, would you take this course? Yes, if I didn't have anything I wanted to take more.
13) Why or why not? The section of my HS history class that dealt with Chrisianity was useful in putting the religion in its historic place. Thus, the class would be enlightening, and I'd understand more allusions and references.
14) If not, would you be interested if you knew for certain that the teachings would be historically correct? Yes. I'm assuming some minimum level of historical correctness in my answer above, but even without that it could be interesting.
15) If religion was kept in school, would the violence rate and/or drug usage dwindle? No. The only drug users I knew in HS were all religious.
16) If religion was not allowed in school, would it still be all right for a person or a group of people to pray as long as they were not bothering anyone else around them? Yes.
17) What about witnessing to people? Fine by me, as long as its not coming from the teachers in the classroom.
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