Most of it is better. Snake doesn't usually sound so bad; although at least they were honest about how the thirty-year old should sound after smoking way too much.Durandal wrote:I can't say enough bad things about the acting and writing. Whoever plays Solid Snake sounds like he chain-smoked for 3 years to get a "bad-ass" voice but really just ended up sounding like he is locked in an eternal struggle on the toilet to get out a massive turd.
This is the shining jewel of MGS2: they took all of that shit out, entirely.Durandal wrote:The "rookie" exchange was just awful from both a writing and acting standpoint. All that stuff about "on the battlefield" just made me roll my eyes.
I was overjoyed at least in being denied the Kojima treatise on the "horror of war."
MGS is filled with totally bizarre shit. I've always imagined it as what would happen if Quentin Tarantino wanted to make a futuristic melodramatic war movie while on drugs.Durandal wrote:The "telepathy" thing was just stupid. Is this a spy thriller or X-Men?
One of the satisfying moments of MGS2 is when Kojima awknowledged the bizarre shit in Ocelot's line: "You are the most impressive collection of freaks outside of FOXHOUND."
Eh, I kind of like most of the characters. Raven was never very interesting; Mantis somewhat more. And Liquid was just amusing in how he just refused to ever die and his odd-sounding British accent.Durandal wrote:The guy with the revolver was stupid. The telepathic guy was stupid. The Raven guy was stupid. Snake's "brother" was stupid. Jesus, that's a whole lot of stupid for one game.
One positive of MGS2 (yes, I do awknowledge the vastly over-complex factor in the plot and conspiracy shit of the game) was the fact that its dilemma was over Orwellian manipulation of the knowledge available to us--a lot better than the genetic predestination stuff of MGS; which I thought could've been dealt with a lot better.Joe wrote:The appallingly bad scientific ignorance displayed in MGS1 also always bugged me. I felt insulted; either Kojima was convinced his public was completely ignorant of basic genetics (which is unlikely, due to the high quality of Japanese education) or he was just a fucking idiot himself.
Not to mention the stupid genetic ethics pseudobabble..."You mustn't allow yourself to be ruled by your genes!" Gag me.