Really? Cool. Guess I better get started updating and adding the CB stuff.Dalton wrote: (which reminds me, Kelly, I linked your site)
wow.... that is just so cool.
Moderator: Edi
So I have gathered.Mr Bean wrote:The secret Forums for the Brotherhood of the Monkey memebers and those choose to go off and fight idiots elsewhere, They go along with the Tax forum where I show you the best ways to not pay taxs each year and the Moderator forum where we pick our next victum.. I mean test subject
My pleasure.Kelly Antilles wrote:Really? Cool. Guess I better get started updating and adding the CB stuff.Dalton wrote: (which reminds me, Kelly, I linked your site)
wow.... that is just so cool.
Love mozilla's tabbed browser. Do you use multizilla. Get it if you don't from mozdev.orgSlartibartfast wrote:I open them all in Mozilla's über-cool tabbed window, then I begin opening more tabs for the messages in the last one I opened, and close as I read each. It's really efficient.
Honestly, off-topic is one I touch less. I never bother with fanfiction, and rarely about science & morality.
I start with Off Topic, and move up in order, mostly skipping the Fanfics section.SolidSnake wrote:For me, i automatically click Off-Topic for some reason. I guess it's a tick i have. :D