I'm glad you stopped there. Besides nipples, I've known people who've had other things pierced that should not be pierced, vulnerable things.IRG CommandoJoe wrote:And it's expensive. Put me down for have neither; want neither.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and you can't forget the disadvantages it would give you in life.
(Walks down the street and a hoodlum runs up and punches man.)
(Man notices the mugger's earing.)
(Man RIPS mugger's earing out of his ear.)
(Mugger SCREAMS out in pain and unintelligently clutches his torn ear.)
(Man continues beating the mugger in the stomach.)
(Police officer arrives and arrests the mugger.)
(Mugger curses out the police officer as he drags him towards the squad car.)
(Police officer notices mugger's pierced navel.)
(Police officer RIPS mugger's navel piercing.)
(Police officer drives mugger to the police station.)
(After being thrown in the prison cell, mugger starts cursing out a cellmate who bumped into him.)
(Cellmate notices mugger's pierced tongue.)
(Cellmate RIPS mugger's tongue piercing out.)
(At court, mugger starts complaining about police brutality.)
(Judge gets annoyed.)
(Judge notices mugger's pierced eyebrow.)
(Judge jumps out of his desk and lands on the mugger.)
(Judge repeatedly pounds mugger's head with the gavel and RIPS his eyebrow piercing out.)
(Mugger is sent to hospital for being knocked unconscious by the pissed off judge's gavel.)
(When mugger comes to, he tries hitting on the hot nurse.)
(The hot nurse gets annoyed and notcies his pierced chin.)
(She smiles at the mugger, touches his cheek, slides her hand down to his chin, her smiling face turns to a wicked one, and RIPS the piercing out.)

One time in Berkley I saw this guy who had a chain running from his nose ring to his cheek to his ear AND then (several feet of chain later) over to his boyfriend's ear to cheek, to nose ring. With the amount of space between then and the busy sidewalk they were just asking for someone to walk between them.
Since I was in the Navy I've known lots of people who've made mistakes with tattoos. I've seen some cool ones too. I'm not a big fan of the tattoo "sleave"(wrist to shoulder) just because they are usually too busy. If you can find a good tattoo artist and something you really like then go for it but definately think it over first. Alot of the bad tattoos I've seen usually involved people getting drunk before they decided to get a tattoo. Getting drunk while you are getting the tattoo can help with the pain but it might be a good idea for you to have a friend along, who's sober, to make sure you don't get carried away.
Also, be careful about color choices. One guy I knew tried to have a brown bulldog put on his calf. Because it was brown you couldn't see the black outline so it looked like a big brown blob (or potato as he liked to call it.).
Placement is another thing you should think about. A cartoon character on your calf is going to be visable quite often if you like to wear shorts. Something on your chest or shoulder blade isn't going to be seen that often. One guy I knew had a very good color tattoo of Mighty Mouse on his calf. The only problem is he felt like a dork when he wore shorts. Another guy I knew had a drunk version of the Pink Panther on his shoulder blade, not as good as Mighty Mouse but at least it wasn't visible all the time (some friends of his got that for hime while he was drunk).
By the way, tattoos on thin skined areas over bone (shoulder blade, ribs, ankle) hurt more than say getting one on your deltoid or forearm.