Cyril wrote:Question: What is the Exterminus?.
Exterminus, the Catch all term/codeword for the Extermination of all life on a Planet. It can take many different forms, ranging from a Plantary Virus that wipes out all life on a planet... (And I mean all life) before turning in onself and devouring itself down to single molecule whatever, To a Planetary Bombardment that will destroy the planet. Whatever really is avaible to the Sector Fleet. Many people within the Imperium have the power to call such a measure down on a Planet, including of course the dreaded Inquistor's once the order has been given, and it has been verified that the order comes from a legitimate source. The order cannot be countermanded except by a higher source obviously, and is rarely countermanded, since the person given the order is usually assumed to have a reason, it is the Death of a Planet.
Taint, and Genestealers. Stealer's are the first wave of the Nid's they advance before the Hivefleet, and where first encountered by the Imperium long before the first Hive Fleets entered our Galaxy. They operate by, Infecting the Local Genepool, making normal people into carriers of the Stealer Genetic Code. (The Code being Located in the Reproductive organs only.) and and the same time setting up a Psychic link to the Victums, turning them into devoted servants of the Stealer Patriarch, they want to go out and breed. The Offspring of people infected by a Purestrain Stealer, are mostly Stealer, but have partly the DNA of the host species, over time until the 4th Generation the offspring become more and more like the host Species, the Third Generation able to pass in the host species as a member with a few genetic oddities. The 4th Generation is a mix either Pure Strain Stealers or Pure Strain Host are born. All fanatically devoted to the Patriarch, who is gaining power by the size of his 'Family'. These 'cults' hide among the population at first they set themselves up as a small religious community that wishes isolation to reflect on... whatever, when the numbers have grown large enough they move into the community at large, and start to perminate society, the aim is to gain control, or access to the defence forces, and the rulership of a Planet. When one of three factors arises the 'Family' willl rise up, The First being being discovered, the second being the Hive Fleet approaches, and damage to the local defences now will aid the Nid's invasion. The Last being when they are the dominant power on the Planet and will win, when this occurs they rise up, and when they take control the Hive Fleet is informed and detour's to the Planet. The Non Pure Strain Stealwer's will be devoured by the Nid's and redesigned, the PureStrains may not be.
Vhaos Taint. The Planet has Chaos Cults... VERY VERY Bad.