WHATI bought this fairly innocently at a Video Update (video rental) in Christiansburg Va. Granted I noticed a few phallic qualities before purchasing, but I didn't know what you're seeing here till I got home.
Yes, it is a candy shaped like a cock, marketed to kids, that you suck on. And yes, when you squeeze the shaft it squirts a viscous goo from the tip, that you can either take straight into your mouth or lick off of the head. What...the...fuck?
Ok, first off, how could this idea POSSIBLY become marketed without ANYONE in the commitee on these kinda things noticing that its a fucking BLOWJOB POP? How is this possible?! Omg.
The worst part is when I was trying so hard to squeeze the flavor juice out and it shot straight down my throat. Now I know how chicks feel.
Lata and Happy, erm,.... umm Nevermind!