Empires at War (SFB vs. SW)

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Invader ZIm
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Post by Invader ZIm »

Sorry this is a little late...enjoy.

Chapter 8

“Will he ever be able to speak again Doctor?” asked Admiral Ket. His ice blue eyes had been focused on the twisted horror suspended in the bacta tank. Beyond the tank a platoon of Stormtroopers stood at the ready.

“Unknown at this moment Sir. We are doing everything we can at this point to keep him alive.” Said Chief Surgeon Wen Kanno. Off-handedly he pointed to some charts surrounding the bacta tank. “I believe the bacta is helping, but the majority of the work is being done by something else…” he trailed off.

“So you believe he is a Jedi?” Ket questioned, carefully watching the doctor’s response.

“Beyond my ability to ascertain. But what ever is sustaining him is …unnatural.” The Doctors hesitant pause spoke volumes to Ket. Lord Vader was the only Jedi that he had ever personally met and he had a habit of killing off his subordinates. “Wen must be thinking of his safety.”

“Have we been able to determine if he is a Rebel or not?”

“Oh yes Sir. The medical droids stripped all the fragments of his clothing off before we could begin treatment. In the process we found these.” Kanno produced a small box and handed it to the Admiral.

Ket opened the box and inspected its contents. Several of the items were immediately recognizable, like the Imperial identification card. The name on the card was Dac-var Cael, with the occupation listed as member of the Imperial Intelligence Service and citizen of Courosant. Ket’s eyebrows rose, “So he’s IIS and most likely a Jedi. Interesting…” his thoughts trailed off.

“Our guest is IIS Doctor. He’s no Rebel and may prove a valuable resource.”

“What do you intend Admiral?”

“I want you to do everything you can to revive him Doctor. The information he has could be vital to future operations.”

“But Admiral…the damage is so extensive, and our facilities are limited. Surely we could maintain him until we reach a suitable location with the proper security at least!” The Doctor’s last words came out as a hiss.

“Take what precautions you feel are necessary Kanno.” Ket said dismissively. The Doctor nodded nervously as Ket, flanked by his white armored body guards strode out of the medical bay.

Hanging in the thick bacta fluid Dac-var Cael, opened one of his eyes and watched as Emjas Ket left. Despite the sedatives that were being pumped into him he was very much awake. Panicked he took stock of his situation. Each time he tried to move his body pain flooded in like the tide and threatened to drown him. “How did I get here?” The last thing he remembered was the mad rush for the escape pods flashes of crimson, and strewn dead bodies. As the seriousness of his condition began to set in despair began to overwhelm him.

“I am doomed to life as a cripple or a beggar!” he thought. Only so much flesh could be replaced with cybernetics – Bacta tanks could only heal so much – life would never be the same.

“Do not fear”

“Who is that?”

“An Ally”

Deep inside him he could feel the Force lifting him, sustaining his wrecked form, breathing life into his soul. The training the IIS had provided him and the other six candidates had been rudimentary, and he had never really felt comfortable using the Force even for simple tasks. The great power rising on the edge of his perception was something he had never imagined.

Dac-var Cael reached out with his mind and began to sense the others in the Medical bay. Plainly the thoughts and feelings of the people he could see outside the Bacta tank stood out to him like beacon. That one was a Nurse worried about, a recent amputee. That one was a medical technician checking the bacta supply. This one is the Doctor, and he is afraid. Wen Kanno looked up from his charts, and stared at the bacta tank briefly and then shook his head and rubbed his temples.

“I have never been able to do this before.” Dac thought eagerly. The sensation left him hungry for more as it permeated his being.

Dac could now see the power was gathering strength. Gradually the incremental increase began to give way to an all out rush. The sensation was something that Dac had never imagined, and he doubted words could describe it anymore than one could explain the color blue to a man blind from birth. The amorphous presence began to roll and twist, folding in on itself and intensifying. Tension began to build within it as if it were a predator about to strike at prey.

“What is happening?”


The coiled power sprang and Dac-var lost conciseness.
The hyperspace tunnel the Dominator was traveling through began to waver and deform. Klaxons began to sound as almost every indicator and display on the engineering panels began to show massive failure. A deep shudder traveled through the ship.

“Captain Phi! The Hyperdrive engines are not holding!” shouted the Engineering section officer.

“Shut them down now!” roared back Betan Phi.

“I cant Sir! We have an overload building!”

Betan’s blood ran cold. He knew an overload in the hyperdrive would either result in the destruction of the ship or possibly strand them in an unknown section of space. With sweaty palms he pushed the intercom button and called for Admiral Ket to the bridge. At that moment the ship gave a brutal heave.

Abruptly the distorted hyperspace tunnel disappeared, and was replaced by a tranquil field of stars. Behind him Admiral Ket entered the bridge.


“Admiral, we seem to have misjumped. I will get Navigation to get a fix on our location and replot our course…”

Ket stared narrowly at the Captain and then outside of the observation windows.

“Betan…you say ‘we’ have misjumped?”

“Yes Sir! I was about to get a report from Engineering about the cause.”

“I don’t think we have.”

“Why Sir?”

“Have you ever heard of a hyperdrive malfunction that affects an entire Fleet? See for yourself!”

Betan turned and stood in mute shock. Outside the forward windows Phi could see other ships of the Fleet emerging from hyperspace around the Dominator.
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Post by Xon »


An interesting approach to doing the crossover bit.

Now all the SFB side needs todo once they meet & get told of how the Starwars side got there is to start rattling off a list of entities which could do that ;)
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Invader ZIm
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Post by Invader ZIm »

ggs wrote::)

An interesting approach to doing the crossover bit.

Now all the SFB side needs todo once they meet & get told of how the Starwars side got there is to start rattling off a list of entities which could do that ;)
No cheesy uber entities. I promise.
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Post by Xon »

Invader ZIm wrote:No cheesy uber entities. I promise.
Thats good. If anything, leaving it as mostly a mystery would be good thing.

So when is the next part? :D
"Okay, I'll have the truth with a side order of clarity." ~ Dr. Daniel Jackson.
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." ~ Stephen Colbert
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Invader ZIm
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Post by Invader ZIm »

ggs wrote:Thats good. If anything, leaving it as mostly a mystery would be good thing.

So when is the next part? :D
Look for Chapter 9 and maybe 10 Saturday or Sunday.
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Post by SpecWar826 »

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Invader ZIm
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Post by Invader ZIm »

Post #200...yippie.

Chapter 9

Orange battle lighting illuminated the Conqueror’s command center, as Legion-commander Audux studied a portion of the hexagonal praeceptum. Touching a control, rotated the pillar until he was facing the current readings from the ships sensors, now trained on the pin wheeling Federation heavy cruiser. Touching another control raised the praeceptum upwards until a new bank of controls and displays was reveled. On these he noted the painfully slow rate of charge of his ships four plasma tubes. Balefully his dark eyes scanned the activity of his subordinates, busy at their controls along the outer perimeter of the center’s curved bulkhead.

Sub-commander Vultarius approached, and carefully walked along the designated dark colored pathway on the floors that lead towards the praeceptum. Only a Legion-commander had the full authority to choose his own path while on the bridge.

“Paeter! Success!” Vultarius cheered excitedly, and grasped his hands in front of his chest in a “V” shape.

“Approach Sub-commander.” Toned Audux and Vultarius obediently stepped onto the lightly colored floor known as the Rector Calceata, reserved only for the Legion-commander.

“You have dealt them a mighty blow Legion!” Vultarius gushed.

“Indeed…” Audux touched another control, and the command pillar shifted again.

“The Federation ship has been broadcasting a distress signal, but our jamming has been effective. They will receive not support. No one will know they were here. On our present course we will continue to close and will soon be in transporter range.”

“Curb your enthusiasm Vultarius. This fight is far from over.”

“Sir we at transporter range we can send in cohorts to seize them. The Senate would vote you a Triumph if you brought back this ship as a spoil.”

“Trivialities do not concern me. Had they not detected us I would not have fired on them. Tell me Vultarius what is your assessment of the damage to the enemy?”

Audux was becoming increasingly disgusted with his sycophantic junior officer. “If a suitable candidate can be found, perhaps I can dispose of him. Vultarius has far out lived his usefulness to me.” Audux thought darkly.

“They have lost one main warp engine, and taken hull damage to their engineering section. They are helpless.” Vultarius indicted the spinning form on the view screen. Gracefully, the long axis of the Federation ship swept a giant arc across the sky. The rotating hull displayed gaping holes and massive burns. Silently the secondary hull of the moved out of view on the saucer became visible.

“Can you read Terran Legion?”

“Yes. The ship is named the Monitor. A reference to Terran Naval history if I am right.”

“What will you do with her Sir?”

The saucer continued to rotate on the view screen its angle becoming ever more oblique.

“I will hold position until our tubes are charged and then destroy that ship. Afterwards we will return to the Empire and our previous mission.”

Just a hint of the soft blue glow of the deflector dish could be seen past the curve of the primary hull. Vultarius, although he tried could not help from grinning in the satisfaction of seeing the Empire’s most hated enemy brought low.

Abruptly his elation turned to astonishment, as Monitors bow came into view. Now edge on the view ports and running lights on the Federation ship flickered and came on. Two bright red lights flared to life just above the blue haze of the deflector dish.

“But…they are disabled!”

“Maneuvering! Hard about!” Audux shouted.

In succession four bright red glowing balls of energy shot forth from the photon bay of the Monitor and quickly closed the distance between the two ships. The first three photons slammed hard into the Conqueror’s forward shield. The last one penetrated, impacted, and removed a sizable chunk of the Romulan ship’s forward superstructure in a large fireball. A few diminished shots from the forward phaser banks that probed into the bare structure added to the damage.

“Nice shooting Lieutenant!” Captain Mackenzie congratulated.

“Surprise you bastards!” growled Cameron under his breath. His hand still gripped the photon fire control tightly.

“Ichiro, get us out of here! And I mean now!”

“Working on it Sir! We have only partial main power back, our top speed is going to be limited.”

“COB, get the shuttle bay crew to prep a scatter pack!”

The Texan immediately began working the intercom and relaying orders. “They are working on it Captain. The shuttle bay is depressurized, it’s going to take a bit to move the drones from the launch bay in vacc suits.”

Deep in the hull of the Monitor, ordinance crews working in pressure suits had begun unloading six drones from the vertical launch cells. Carefully each drone was loaded onto a dolly, secured in place and wheeled to the adjacent shuttle bay. There a flight crew hurriedly prepping a shuttle for launch greeted them.

“Captain! I think we took out his ECM suite.” Reported a petty officer stationed at the communications board. “He’s not jamming us anymore!”

“Great! That’s some good news. Send a distress signal to Starfleet and to any ship in the area son.”

“Under way!” Ichiro shouted. The Monitor halted her rotation and haltingly began to move way from the Romulan ship.

Laszt who had been studying his console for the last few minutes looked up. “Captain. Due to the loss of one of our engines our warp field is unstable. We will not be able to move faster than warp 5. If the Romulan fires on us again I recommend we turn into the plasma and avoid future damage to the stern sections.”

“So noted Las. Do we have enough power for transporters?”

“If we reduce the power to weapons, yes.”

“Mister Cameron. Shut off all the photon tubes. Reduce phaser draw to half normal.” Mackenzie ordered and Cameron confirmed.

“Las, I want to lay down T-bombs between us and him…as many as you can.”

“Yes Sir.” the enormous lizard hissed back.

Monitor’s velocity had started at a crawl, but was steadily building. Slowly she began to slide past the Romulan ship. In her wake several bright flashes indicated the arrival of transporter bombs transported trough the gap in Monitor’s aft shields. As each materialized they extended an antenna and began scanning for the presence of a warp field in the immediate area it trigger detonation. Packed in the core of each bomb was a potent nuclear explosive roughly the equivalent of a 500-megaton bomb.

“KCR is coming about Sir” The Romulan ship had recovered from its wounds sufficiently to begin tracking the Monitor again. In a few more seconds it would be able to inflict maximum damage through the demolished rear shields.

“Shuttle bay reporting Scatter pack is ready!” shouted the COB.

“Let it fly!”

In the Monitor’s shuttle bay the flight crew had positioned the six drones delivered to them on the exterior surface of a standard shuttle. An improvised timer was wired into their firing circuit. As soon as the order from the bridge came the shuttle was launched on a preprogrammed course directly at the Romulan ship. Almost simultaneously the vertical launch rack coughed out three more drones, which quickly out paced the lumbering shuttle.

Phasers on the Romulan ship dealt swiftly with the first three drones. As each came into range, they were destroyed in a brief flash. Now the timer on the shuttle reached zero and triggered the launch sequence for the six drones. The thruster fire of the departing drones destroyed the sacrificial shuttle and they streaked towards the target.

The Romulan ship immediately detected the threat and began to pivot away from the escaping Monitor’s course. The phaser banks it had used just moments ago to destroy the first drone flight were depleted and would not recharge in time to stop these. As it pivoted a new phaser bank came into firing arc, and it promptly destroyed 2 of the drones. The remaining drones were caught by tractor beam before they could impact against the shields. All the while Monitor limped farther away from her aggressor.

Amid the coking toxic smoke swirling about the command center of the Conqueror, Audux looked at the retreating Federation ship with some admiration. “Impressive…he has delivered a surprise blow and exhausted the weapons I could strike with.”

Sub-commander Vultarius lay dead at his feet, with a broken neck. “Perhaps I should congratulate this Terran, he has saved me the trouble of doing that myself.” Audux thought.

“Fire control can you increase the charge rate to the plasma tubes?”

“We will attempt to do so Legion.” One of the crew answered back.

“I must eliminate that ship before their distress is received! Do everything you can!”

“Legion!” The sensors officer shouted breathlessly.

“Yes! Speak.”

“We have just picked up a massive subspace wave front traveling towards us. I have never seen anything like this before – it is simply enormous! There was a brief but massive energy spike from our side of the treaty zone and…”

“And what commander?”

“Well…Legion, it appears that there was a massive fluctuation in subspace at least 2 light years across.”

“Does it have any bearing on this battle Commander?”

“No Sir. Our sensors will be affected briefly by the wave front when it passes us several minutes from now, but that should be the extent of it.”

“After this engagement we will take some time to study the cause of this phenomenon. You are positive there will be no ill effects to this vessel?”

“As positive as I can be Legion.” The commander answered nervously.

“Good Commander. I hope you are right. If you are wrong I’ll execute you myself!”
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Post by SpecWar826 »

Very Cool I like the battle sequence a lot.
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Post by Stofsk »

I like this a lot.
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Invader ZIm
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Post by Invader ZIm »

Chapter 10

The astromech droid whirred and beep furiously as it interfaced with the navigation computer on the Dominator’s bridge. Its computer probe clicked from one position to another as it scanned and compared data. After another moment it detached and rolled over to a waiting technician and plugged into his data pad. Before the technician could even look at the pad, the Navigation Officer snatched it from his hands.

“What’s the verdict?” asked Ket.

The navigator looked at the pad and sullenly returned the Admiral’s gaze. “Not good Admiral. There are zero matches to observations and the data in the computer. There is no telling where we are.”

Captain Betan Phi, standing next to the Admiral, crossed his arms shook his head. “If we had stayed to fight the Rebels instead of fleeing this would have never…” said Phi tapping his foot petulantly on the deck.

Ket glanced around the bridge and could see crewmembers whispering to each other. He could not hear what they where saying, but their furtive glances in his direction said everything he needed to know.

“Captain Phi! You forget yourself and your position!”

“Admiral I am merely pointing out…”

“Betan, “ said the Admiral, leaning in close, “make yourself useful or make yourself scarce…NOW!”

All heads turned in the bridge, as Captain Phi staggered back with a shocked look on his face. With as much composure as he could muster, he drew himself up and marched toward the exit. As he left the Admiral pushed a raised button on the ships intercom. “Doctor Kanno…please expect Captain Phi for a physical and metal examination.” he said curtly. Not yet out of earshot, Captain Phi paused in mid stride and stiffened for a moment before proceeding out of the bridge.

“Good riddance!” thought Ket. Every crew person on the bridge was staring at him. He returned the gaze coldly, and one by one each crewmember returned to their work.

“Admiral!” said the communications officer.

“Yes.” said Ket, happy to be free the distraction.

“We are picking up what appears organized transmission. Wait a moment…” said the comms officer, as he adjusted some controls. “Yes Sir! I am sure of it…it’s a signal both audio and video.”
“Very good news Lieutenant! Put it on the holo.”

“I cant Sir. The signal has a very odd structure to it. It’s being broadcast along a special distortion wavelength that no one uses. I can break out part of audio…” he said as he pressed a few buttons. Suddenly the bridge speakers filled with the strange alien message.

“…All ships, mayday—mayday—mayday! This is the USS Monitor; we are under fire and requesting assistance! I repeat, all ships…”

“What the hell is that, Lieutenant?”

“I don’t know Sir. We have a translator droid working on it right now.”

“Do you have the origin of the transmission?”

“Yes Sir. It’s not far from…uh...here.” Said the comms officer, using his finger to indicate where “here” was.

“Navigation, can you plot a course to that location?”

“Just a second Sir.” Came back the reply.

“Admiral, we have a partial translation on the message.”

Again the bridge address system began to bark out the static packed message, but this time in recognizable basic. “…All ships, <Unknown—Unknown—Unknown>!” The comms officer paused the playback. The translator droid believes the message should read, “‘alert’ their Sir.” reported the comms Lieutenant.

“Continue.” listening intently, said Ket.

“…All ships Alert—alert—alert! Support the Monitor under fire! I speak again, all ships…”

“That’s the best the translator droid can do with this limited sample. I think I have also isolated a frame of the video image in the message.”

“Lets see it.” Admiral Ket said.

A screen nearby switched to a blurred reddish image of a human in a strange uniform. Ket closely examined the image. The face of the human in the picture was streaked with black marks, and some cuts were visible on his forehead. The strange uniform he wore was certainly not imperial; it consisted of a red tunic and a white under shirt. Some form of insignia could also be seen on the man’s shoulders.

The bridge section heads pressed close to the screen, examining the face. Each man hoping that they would glance something that would point them home.

“They could be civilian’s Sir.” Commented the Navigator.

“Unknown…” Ket said. “One thing is for certain they require assistance. Can we plot a course?”

The Navigator looked pensively at his readings. “Admiral Ket, are you sure you want to use the Hyperdrive again. I mean…”

“What does your panel say now Commander?”

“Its all green. But…”

“ And what did it say when we jumped to Kantari?”

“The same Admiral.”

“Well we have little choice that I see but to trust that it will function correctly. We seem to be short of a dry-dock.” Ket turned his back on the navigator and looked at the assembled fleet hovering in front of Dominator. “Make your course calculations.”

“At once.” The Navigator said and returned to his console.

“Comm send to Fleet. Tell them to stand by and hold position. The Dominator will depart the formation and return when we have assessed the situation.”
Immediately the comms section when to work. In a few seconds each and every one of the 163 ships in the Imperial fleet had been informed, and begun to clear a path for the Dominator.

“Course plotted Admiral. It's a short hop.”

“Jump to light speed on my mark. Now—now—now.”

Dominator ripped a hole in the structure of the cosmos and vanished from sight.
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Invader ZIm
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Post by Invader ZIm »

Hope everyone is still having a good time. Just a reminder there are some differences between SFB and ture Trek. I have done my best to be accurate and true to both SFB and SW.

Chapter 11

For the last minute and a half the USS Monitor and the RSE Conqueror had been exchanging sporadic fire, probing for weaknesses in each other’s shields. The Romulan ship had undertaken some erratic maneuvers to avoid the random scattering of transporter bombs that Captain Mackenzie had ordered laid down. One by one the drones that Conqueror had been towing from the previous attack had run out of fuel or been destroyed by point defense weapons when they came into arc. Each drone that flared in explosion, or was released to float aimlessly in space, freed a bit more power to feed the plasma generators that were nearing critical capacity.

The Monitor trailing plasma from here missing engine mount, like a wounded animal had opened her lead to 80,000 Km. But as the last mine was safely evaded Legion-commander Audux could scent blood. Nothing stood between him and the wounded ship now.

“Legion! Plasma Tubes have primed!” Weapons control Commander Marus shouted.

Audux turned to the praeceptum and noted that a firing solution was locked into the battle computer. “I could launch everything…No. He will turn into my fire, attempt to use his remaining shields to absorb the blow.” He thought.

“Make ready only tube two. Fire-on my command.”

“Legion, one S class torpedo will not deliver a victory!” the weapons officer protested.

“I disagree Commander…It will ensure it. Make ready to fire.”

Marus turned back to his subordinates, and after a moment called out “Solution valid, Tube Two ready to fire. Weapon safeties are free.”

“Fire Commander.”

The Conqueror lined up with the rear shield of the escaping Monitor and a turbulent ball of green flame shot forth from a structure near its port warp engine. The hyperactive engine in the core of the torpedo generated a mixture of both magnetic field to contain a roiling ball of plasma, and a warp field to propel it to its target. Its simple sensor system locked onto the crippled ship, and it began to accelerate.

Now that Conqueror had presented her unshielded nose to the enemy, three bright beams briefly linked the ships together across thousands of kilometers of empty space. The damage was superficial, and the Romulan ship quickly turned obliquely to protect its unshielded bow.

“New Target – I designate Tango Six!” Jack heard his Tactical Officer scream.
“I’m getting too old for this shit! Lets see the plot.” Jack said.

The view screen shifted, the TMA plot, and showed the bright red diamond of the incoming plasma torpedo beginning to eat up the distance between the two ships.

“What’s our weapon status Mister Cameron?”

“Drones depleted Sir. Phasers firing at half efficiency.”

“Looks like this is as far as we get Jack.” sighed Ichiro.

Jack smiled grimly. “Ya…he’s forcing us to turn around. Bastard knows we can’t take that hit in the ass again. Bring us about.” Ichiro nodded, with a scowl on his face, and turned to Navigation. Quickly he began issuing orders and the ship began to change course.

Jack turned and walked to the Communications board. A very frightened looking Petty officer with “ANDERSON” stitched on the front of his uniform looked up at him.

“Has anyone answered our mayday, Son?”

“One ship Sir. The USS Freedom but she is at least an hour away…”

“Freedom, uh…she’s a light frigate, Tom Duvall’s ship. He will be absolutely smeared in this fight. Call him back and wave him off. No sense in two of us getting kil…” Jack trailed off as he looked at the frightened eyes staring back at him.

“Sir I have a wife…and we just had a Kid. I…I…I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye.” Tears began to form at the corners of the man’s eyes. Jack put his hand on Anderson’s shoulder as gently as he could and smiled softly.

Jack briefly thought about his son. He remembered he hadn’t seen him since he turned 14, and how they had spent that perfect day fishing in the Keys. “Funny how you forget important things” he thought.

“None of us did, son. Do I need to relive you Anderson?”

“No Captain. I can…” the petty officer wiped his eyes. The tears cleared off some of the soot and blood on his face.

“Goodman. Raise the Freedom and tell Tom Duvall to keep his nose out of this. He can help us more by getting the word to Fleet Command if they don’t know yet.”

The tactical plot showed that the Torpedo had moved to 30,000 Km and was beginning terminal homing. Monitor had completed her turn and was presenting one of her three front shields to the incoming torture.

“Ichiro, drop us out of warp and transfer the remaining power to the number three shield.”

“Aye Sir. You want the Photons back online?”

“No. We’ll never get a chance to use them at close range…he’s too maneuverable.” Jack said as he slumped into his chair. “Better to use the juice for the shields.”

“Aye Sir.”

“Laszt…same drill as before. Try to get a lock on…”

“One moment Captain…we are still receiving telemetry from the sensor package, and…”

“Oh, who gives a crap Las!” Jack shouted angrily.

“Sir it’s just the anomaly is gone…”

“Target that torpedo…NOW!” Laszt began to fumble with his consol and his color changed from deep to light green.

“Cameron fire at will.”

Monitor fired several shots at the incoming torpedo, with the same effect as before. The torpedo struck the prepared shield and clawed like a living thing at the invisible barrier. Wicked tendrils twisted, and coiled trying to find a way to wrap the weakened starship within in a deadly caress.

The Bridge shuddered. “Number three capacitor is down to 30%.” Ichiro reported.

“Conn- Tactical! Romeo 11 is moving behind us!”

“Kill shot…Ichiro pivot with him. Keep him against our shields for as long as you can.” Ichiro nodded firmly and instructed the helm.

“Anderson…put me on ship wide comms”. Jack said to the shaken petty officer.

“This is my worst nightmare…” Jack thought. Clearing his throat he said, “Attention all hands…this is the Captain. Junior Officers and Senior Enlisted will begin an evacuation of the ship. Senior Officers will begin scuttling procedures and then join the evacuation. May God keep you safe…that is all.”

“Anderson give me your security key and get below.” Quickly Anderson pulled his message buoy key from around his neck, and extended it in shaking hands to the Captain.

“You too Hank.” Jack said to the COB.

“Not a chance Jack. I’m going down with you.” The Texan said definitely.

“ No Hank…I need you to look after them, not us.” Jack indicated Anderson, the Marines and a few other Enlisted standing by the Turbo lift door. “Go…that’s an order.”

Silently the wiry Senior Enlisted man nodded, and entered the turbo lift. He had just enough time to salute before the doors closed.

“Legion. We have them.” Marus reported. “I estimate firing position in another 45 seconds.”

Conqueror had dropped out of wrap drive as to prevent from over shooting the target. The blazing red bird painted on its back gave the impression of a devilish eagle swooping through space, as it banked around for a clean shot.

“You may fire when in position Commander.” said the Legion-commander in a soft voice. He was intent on savoring the moment. On his screen he could see the escape pods beginning to depart the Federation ship. Recovering them would take only a few moments. Some of the prisoners would be a valuable source of information, while the others would make great sport in the games.

“Yes…When I return to Romulus I will hold games in honor of the Senate and the Consuls.” He thought. The games had been quite dull when he was last on his home world, these prisoners could be just the things to spice things up and increase his families standing. “There could even be some Vulcans in that crew!” The crowds on Romulus loved nothing more than seeing their hated cousins ripped apart by wild beasts.

“Firing in 30…WHAT IS THAT!” screamed Marus.

Audux spun on his heal, to look at his screens and for a moment thought his eyes were deceiving him. There a gigantic gray wedge had appeared from nowhere and was bearing down on their position fast.

“Sensors…where did that ship come from?”

“Unknown Sir! It suddenly appeared about 5000 Km from our position, traveling at near light speed. If its velocity continues to drop at this rate I estimate it will fall to low impulse speed. It has altered its course and cross between us and the Federation ship.”

“Sir! Permission to speak?” asked the Communications officer.

“Granted. What is it Sub-commander?”

“That ship is broadcasting a very strong signal…I think the translator circuits can make it out.”

“Place it on speakers.”

The sub-commander reached over his subordinates and touched a few controls.

“Alien?” Audux directed the question to the sensors officer.

“Almost certainly Legion. There is no ship like this on record.”

“We cannot let them contact the Terrans. They have too many allies as it is. Are we in Firing position Marus? Quickly!”

“Not Optimal Legion! But…”

“Fire! Now!”

The Conqueror shot out three more torpedoes that quickly streaked towards the Monitor. They smashed through the quarter aft shield and lit up the secondary hull with violent explosions. A full third of the Monitor’s secondary hull was ripped away, and its main power blinked and failed for the last time.

This elicited a violent response from the newcomer which had now closed to 500 Km. Large greenish-yellow bolts of energy shot forth across the Conqueror’s bow and a small cloud of ships began to exit from an enormous docking bay on the bottom of the ship. As each flight cleared the bay they quickly headed towards the Romulan ship.

“Damn! Engineering – engage the cloak! Navigation- maximum warp!”

The Romulan ship wavered for a moment and then vanished, leaving the incoming fighters without a target. The megalithic mother ship continued to pour destructive energy at the spot where the Conqueror was. In fact judging from the patterns of their shots, Audux suspected they new exactly where he was. Each salvo from the huge ship bracketed an area the Conqueror had just been through. As she accelerated up to her full speed the shots began to fall behind them. The immediate danger past, legion –commander Audux with his jaw clenched in rage, gathered his cloak and followed the Rector Calceata off the bridge, his crew did their best not to look at the figure silently moving past them. Behind him a huge gray shape settled over his mortally wounded enemy.
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Post by Xon »


Keep up the good work.

Hmm, 500km in SFB is spitball range.
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Post by willburns84 »

I think he might have meant 500K Km... But that's just my guess.
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