To those who skipped the LK...they are cowardly little fucks. Seriously that battle is one of the tougher in ICC. I will say Heroic is likely something that will make most guilds cry and the top world ten reconsider their whole "Blizzard make things harder!!" stance. Yogg-0 was hard. Firefighter was hard. This requires somewhere in the lines of 10-11K DPS from everyone. Not me, not our best warlock, and such not. Everyone.Minischoles wrote:I'm really hoping Arthas HM absolutely bitch slaps even the hardcore guilds. LK normal did for some, there's a fuckload of drama surrounding some US guild, who couldn't down LK normal, so to keep up they recruited a mage from Vis Maior, so they could access hardmodes this reset. Ensidia did roughly the same (they used an alt) and I imagine a fair few other guilds are doing the same.
Having finished the regular Arthas battle last night? It is a fucking obscene battle in 25(our 10 didn't get it down before hand but the experience was decent). Shit is flying around, there are quite a few new mechanics and it requires a lot of more DPS and coordination then not. M'Uru is easier in thought then this battle since there is no way of overpowering it(Yeah, I'm looking at the guilds that went DRUMS + SHAMMMMMMMMMMMMAN). Someone fucks up? You die.
Now that we know Heroic has 40 million more HP, and likely double the HP for adds? My guild is wondering how long in heroic are we gearing for. I made a joke that we'll have 1-2 Shadowmournes. No one in Ochat really laughed except the horror that I was probably right.