Homeworld2: ISD vs Sajuuk

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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

the Taiidani fleet was huge, bigger than anything the Kharaki had seen. We saw battlefortresses and stuff in the cutscenes, to show this. So they took teh most indirect route to Higarra to bypass it, IIRC.
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Post by Ra »

That's right. The Kushan jump to avoid the Taiidan outposts, taking them through the asteroid field and through - my favorite part - the Great Nebula! Man, the Protectors of Kadesh are awesome. I especially love their Needle Motherships. One part carrier, one part ion cannon frigate, and ONE PART BATTERING RAM! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Kadesh: "If you will not join us, then die. There is no withdrawal...from the Garden."
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Post by Stark »

Except the Taiidan should have known where the Kushan exiles were going, ie Hiigara. No thought necissary.

Then again, I say this now. In HW2, when the Vaygr have upwards of a dozen BCs, I screamed 'cheating motherfucking computer' and stopped playing. But inventing the Vaygr was just lame.
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Post by Ra »

From what I read of the Vaygr, they're modeled after some kind of warrior clan race. In other words, the Vaygr are just another stereotype Space Viking race. In fact, I think the very word "Vaygr" is from Viking lore. Ugh. I hated the Klingons and their Viking-wank shit, and I hate the Vaygr even more. Will these sci-fi "writers" stop with the Vikings already? :kill:
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Post by Vanas »

I think the Taiidan were trying to a) hold off various other races that didn't like them, b) crush the rebellion, c) trying to pay off the Turanics, and still fielded hundreds of ships to try and stop the Exiles.

And the Kadeshi are my favourite race. They're nice, quiet guys who wouldn't hurt a fly. Unless you do this one thing. And if you do this one thing, they will hunt you down to the end of the earth, kill you, desecrate your grave, hold a drinking party in the shattered remananats of your fleet, then re-cycle them into their own ships.
According to wikipedia, "the Mohorovičić discontinuity is the boundary between the Earth's crust and the mantle."
According to Starbound, it's a problem solvable with enough combat drugs to turn you into the Incredible Hulk.
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Post by Ra »

When he defects, Elite Guard Captain Ellison mentions that the Taiidan Empire had become "decadant and corrupt". Decadant powers always become militarily complacent.
I agree that the Taiidan fleet was spread very thin trying to keep the Empire's restless systems in line and fight boarder wars with another power. This kept most of the fleet away from the Kushan. By the time Riesteiu (sp?) IV realized the threat, it was too late to call back most of the fleet, just whatever was within the range of one jump.
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Post by Nephtys »

Well, one indication also of how ludicrously huge the Taiidan fleet was... is the gigantic Sphere of Doom(tm), consisting of somewhere around 200 ion beam frigates guarding a single hyperspace interdictor in place over uninhabited hiigara. If they have that many to defend a single interdictor, and the network consisted of dozens... oh my indeed.
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Post by Vanas »

We know that one jump can get between the spiral arms of a galaxy, so perhaps it's more like 'a few hours' than 'one jump away'

Galactic map
Even the old Kushan Empire was scattered everywhich way but loose.
According to wikipedia, "the Mohorovičić discontinuity is the boundary between the Earth's crust and the mantle."
According to Starbound, it's a problem solvable with enough combat drugs to turn you into the Incredible Hulk.
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Post by Antares »

Nephtys wrote:Well, one indication also of how ludicrously huge the Taiidan fleet was... is the gigantic Sphere of Doom(tm), consisting of somewhere around 200 ion beam frigates guarding a single hyperspace interdictor in place over uninhabited hiigara. If they have that many to defend a single interdictor, and the network consisted of dozens... oh my indeed.
Hehe.. it was always fun to capture all of those frigates ^^
But the fleet which the Taiidan threw at you in the following mission, where you had to stop an asteroid from ramming your ship was even more fun :D
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Post by Ra »

Shifting gears a little, how about the technology of the Nomad Moon? It was a large Taiidani Republic battlestation built at Naval Base Alpha, intended to be a super weapon in the war against the Beast. The Imperialist faction wanted the Moon very badly, thus when the Beast took it for itself, this pissed the Taiidan Imperials enough to turn on their allies.
For one thing, it had the awesome repulsor weapon (much, much more powerful than the Dreadnought repulsor), and several high-power ion cannons. What made the Moon's cannons special, they fired at much longer rates than the standard Taiidani cannon, and at much longer range.
Of course, Nomad Moon was captured and infected by the Beast, turning the Taiidani Republic's super weapon against it. The main weakness was its sucky scanners, which couldn't detect Leaches eating away at its field emitter nodes. Once the repulsor was gone, its only defense was with the ion cannons, which can't stop a decent-sized Somtaaw fleet. Judging by the name and the fact that the Moon was being heralded as a super weapon, I suspect the station was mobile, or at least capable of hyperspace jumps.
Too bad the Beast caputured Nomad Moon. I would have loved to have seen the thing in action in the way it was intended.
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