Actually, the entry was completely legal: Kasia was in danger, and they had her identified.Steve wrote:The problem is that the way the Astarians have been written, they'd be more outraged at the warrantless entry into his manor and hardliner slavocrats could paint the entire situation as a CSR ally "undermining the rights of Astarian citizens with secret abolitionist collusion".
Of course, an asshole lawyer could argue on technicalities (Oh, they wouldn't have killed her!) and there will be questions asked about how and why Gill died, it will be hard to get the BOSS in trouble for the entry itself.
That couple was simply ignorant of foreigners (and much of their own country), greedy and self-centered. They rationalized Maciek's accent away, satisfied they managed to beat the Joneses.Steve wrote:The way Astaria has been written, I figure that concern over whether a slave is legal or not begins and ends with obvious bits. If a normal middle-class couple kept a clearly non-Astarian born slave with a strange foreign accent without asking questions....