Borgholio wrote:I wouldn't mind an Admiral class battlecruiser. Then you could recreate the historic Bismarck vs Hood engagement.
Im gonna bet you the price of a T7/8 premium right now that the Hood will be released as a T7/8 premium.
Moderator: Thanas
Borgholio wrote:I wouldn't mind an Admiral class battlecruiser. Then you could recreate the historic Bismarck vs Hood engagement.
That would be dumb, if they go that way..ugh reminds me not to play. They are willing to make ships from scratch, the British had 8in and 9.2in cruiser projects in WW2. Sadly the Warships Project Forum imploded for the third time a few years ago or it would be much easier to direct people to said ships, I have them in books and saved files. But said forum also had a few people WoW consulted with back before the third disaster, so they know...Venator wrote:[
- 6"/152mm guns all the way up to at least Tier 8, possibly up to Tier 10. Expect accuracy, fast traverse, and fast fire speed to make up for the anaemic caliber. So... basically, the WoT British heavy tanks all over again.
Jingles is not a great source. If you asked the Royal Navy it built zero classes of heavy cruiser, because the classification did not exist at the time any such ships were built. If you asked them how many classes of trade protection cruisers it built with 7.5in and 8in guns then the answer is five. But the British also had at least three unbuilt classes with 8in that were developed enough to be built, plus two or three with 9.2in guns, close to what the Russian Tier X has, and the Surrey and Northumberland with 8in guns actually got specific hull names. Cancelled in 1930 with material ordered. They would have had actual armor. Far more realistic then say, nerfed H-44 being in game lol.
Jingles points out that the Brits only ever built 3 classes of heavy cruisers. So, we're either getting a second cruiser line of Battlecruisers (unlikely, since all existing BCs have ended up as BBs in-game), or we can expect at least one British CA as a tier 7-8 premium.
If you were more familiar with the game client, you would know that it is really crappy and has tons of lag. So much lag and server desync that torpedoes can arrive out of nowhere, or that hits that did not hit the hitbox of a citadel suddenly become citadel hits even if the visuals do not match. It has got nothing to do with the designers being unable to read a diagram and more with server desync, which you should know by now just by playing the game. I have been detonated by torpedoes hitting my bow (far away from the magazine) and I have been citadelled even though shells hit nowhere near a citadel on my monitor.Sea Skimmer wrote:That could always actually happen with a hit near a magazine, and at least in the case of Japanese torpedoes some of the late war aerial models far exceeded the rated resistance of the ship's flawed system. Not that it mattered since it was penetrated multiple times by warheads below the rating anyway. If I blowup a Yamato with one torpedo I'll be happy, but thanks for missing the point.
"OMG, floatplanez iz so OP, plz nerf!!!"Venator wrote:In lieu of making a crack about anime-style exploding anchor whip limit-break attacks... what Thanas said.
I suspect the EU server is run off a TI-83 graphing calculator since I've never had that "torps from nowhere" issue. I did suffer a citadel penetration to by floatplane fighter once, though.
It wasn't, that torp hit him. Only his computer failedd to tell the server that he had started moving much earlier due to server desync.U.P. Cinnabar wrote:I saw the clip, Thanas, that was a clean miss astern.
Honestly? They probably did everything they could. Unless WG has a catastrophic staff shortage, the poor shmuck monitoring the ticket line isn't responsible for the coding, and to keep the accountants happy, they're probably also not able to give very material rewards without checks and balances.Thanas wrote:Solo warrior achievement is bugged. WG screwed me out of getting the most important medal in the game (would have been my second one) because their fucking servers cannot register it correctly. Their "response" was basically a "fuck you, have some flags which you would have gotten anyway and shut up".
See that massive display of excellence on WG's part here. Fuck them.
Actually, I think that that scenario is technically possible. Back during the first CW campaign there was a guy that was accidentally given an M60 before anybody else on the server because a rep misclicked when he put in a ticket to restore his Super Pershing. It was taken away from him after a day or two, which is exactly what would happen in the above case as well, but it is certainly plausible and would cause a PR shitstorm.Venator wrote: Could you imagine the alternative if he/she was having a shitty day and decided to quit in style? "Yeah, I know, lag sucks, have a Type 59." In response to a thousand different, mostly meaningless tickets.
Slow clap for Wargaming's support system. I hate to say it, but Level 1s exist for a reason.Luke Starkiller wrote:Actually, I think that that scenario is technically possible. Back during the first CW campaign there was a guy that was accidentally given an M60 before anybody else on the server because a rep misclicked when he put in a ticket to restore his Super Pershing. It was taken away from him after a day or two, which is exactly what would happen in the above case as well, but it is certainly plausible and would cause a PR shitstorm.Venator wrote: Could you imagine the alternative if he/she was having a shitty day and decided to quit in style? "Yeah, I know, lag sucks, have a Type 59." In response to a thousand different, mostly meaningless tickets.