Despite rumors, Nintendo has yet to finalize their plans for the Revolution's download service.
The Internet has recently been abuzz with rumors of Nintendo's plan for the Revolution's downloadable service, which will feature full backwards compatibility with previous Nintendo consoles. Along with a recent article in the Japanese publication, Famitsu, many people seem to believe that first party games will be completely free at launch. This rumor became even more bloated when a supposed "launch list" surfaced, containing all 221 Nintendo-published games for NES through N64.
The gossip’s origin is probably this statement made by George Harrison during a Q&A session with GameSpot:
“But certainly with the next console it would be, with a couple of important changes like eliminating the access fee so there's not really a monthly subscription, and making use of first-party games, downloadable for free. That to us will be really revolutionary.”
The truth of the matter is, however, that Nintendo is still finalizing their approach with how games will be acquired and how/if gamers will be charged for them. The status of the download service was clarified in this statement from Perrin Kaplan, which PGC obtained from Nintendo of America today:
"For Revolution and accessing older games, we haven't finalized how we will structure it yet. It is possible that players will enjoy these games without a charge from Nintendo, or there may be some pay structure for accessing the actual product. We haven't finalized it yet. Our goal is to make it as easy and inexpensive as possible, which could be free."
So, in short, while it is certainly an entertaining and wishful thought, consider this rumor debunked. Neither pricing nor game availability have been finalized for the Revolution's download service.

The latest issue of Famitsu Magazine in Japan reveals that all of Nintendo's first party-published NES, S-NES, and Nintendo 64 classics will be available for download on Revolution.
The publication offers no specifics on games, but an overzealous message board poster calling himself 'myahon' put together a preliminary list of some 214 possibilities based on their first party status.