World of Tanks

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Re: World of Tanks

Post by xthetenth »

Norade wrote:I had forgotten how nice premium is.
Yeah, it's the difference between running tier VII at a loss and working to break even at tier IX. It's really good stuff.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by PhilosopherOfSorts »

I'm liking arty, I only have the first American SPG so far, but I managed to rack up four kills with it, on sand river, accounting for half of my teams total kills. Haven't tried any tank destroyers yet, I think I'm going to buy the Soviet one when I get enough credits.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by PeZook »

The AT-1 is pretty fun. It can mount the long 57mm which is very very lethal and snipy at that tier.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by xthetenth »

PeZook wrote:The AT-1 is pretty fun. It can mount the long 57mm which is very very lethal and snipy at that tier.
This is seconded, the US tank destroyers are far more aggressive at low tiers. Also, the Tier 2 american arty is great. It's probably the best armored thing in that tier.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Norade »

The M10 blows, same gun as the T40, Same armor, easier to spot, and facing higher level enemies. The M36 looks to have some of the same issues, but at least the 90mm is an okay weapon.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Slacker »

I sort of figured the Slugger was decent if only because it has access to a 90mm gun. The T95 is a monster, and the T25 doesn't seem so bad either, so there is a reward down the road once you get past it.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Hawkwings »

I'm really liking my T40, so I guess I won't be in a hurry to upgrade. Just need to save up money for the Sherman...
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Imperial Overlord »

Slacker wrote:I sort of figured the Slugger was decent if only because it has access to a 90mm gun.
The Slugger's front armour is also very good. I've bounced 88mm/L56 and 75mm/L70 off of it on several occasions. It should be treated with respect.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Slacker »

Hawkwings wrote:I'm really liking my T40, so I guess I won't be in a hurry to upgrade. Just need to save up money for the Sherman...
The Sherman is an absolute joy. I have a T30, a Patton, and ten other tanks, and my tier 5 M4 Sherman with a 105mm derp gun remains the tank I've played the most games in. GREAT tank.

@IO: Most of the time when I run into it I'm significantly bigger than it, so I haven't noticed its armor so much as the decent hitting power of its gun against my generally bigger tank.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Imperial Overlord »

Well I like running my Pz IV a lot and when I run into it in the Pz IV I have noticed that it is quite difficult to penetrate from the front under anything other than ideal conditions. Ditto with the 88mm/L56 on the VK3601H. Sure big guns will rip through the front armour most of the time, but the Slugger is Tier 6 and will be fighting less well armed foes at least some of the time.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by xthetenth »

Keep in mind that when norade said the same gun he actually meant a vastly more accurate and faster firing gun in a faster chassis where you can do a lot of tank tricks and has nearly as many HP as a medium. The damage output isn't close, and the accuracy means a lot. Plus, the T40 sucks. Slow and poorly armored isn't a good combination in my book. I'm somewhat fond of the Wolverine, it packs a punch and has more tactical flexibility than the tank destroyers with fixed guns. Sure it doesn't have the knockout punch of the Su-85, but it puts out damage stupidly fast. The slugger is better though.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Norade »

xthetenth wrote:Keep in mind that when norade said the same gun he actually meant a vastly more accurate and faster firing gun in a faster chassis where you can do a lot of tank tricks and has nearly as many HP as a medium. The damage output isn't close, and the accuracy means a lot. Plus, the T40 sucks. Slow and poorly armored isn't a good combination in my book. I'm somewhat fond of the Wolverine, it packs a punch and has more tactical flexibility than the tank destroyers with fixed guns. Sure it doesn't have the knockout punch of the Su-85, but it puts out damage stupidly fast. The slugger is better though.
To start it actually has a lower rate of fire, and even with the upgrades you still just have a 76. Other TD's of the tier have far more favorable weapons, and the speed isn't that much better than the T40. In the T40 I have more kills than deaths and have been at around a kill per match for a while with around 60% win rate. The M10 I have no wins and 2 kills in 4 matches.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by PhilosopherOfSorts »

Noob question: How do you get gold? Do you have to pay real money for it?
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Norade »

Yes. Though the cost for premium each month with gold to spare is between $10/month & $15/month depending on if you buy lump sum or in smaller lots.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Zinegata »

My Hetzer has been upgraded to a Stug, and it is good.

Sherman is still awesome though (killed another Lowe with it), but I am getting close to getting a KV-1S which I suspect will eat up more of my playtime.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Marko Dash »

I've gotten addicted to it in the past week or so. currently i'm sitting on the M2(?) medium. I've heard nothing but bad things about the M3 lee, which is the next tank on the list. after fighting a few i'm impressed by the armor as it stood up well to my short barreled 105, whats the opinion here from those who've had it?

I'm mostly building up my main tank line, but also do some arty and tank destroyers. still first tier on them however, the T57 is a good piece but i may upgrade to get more range. i'm holding off on building up the TD line until the second tree comes out with the M18 hellcat. also interested in the christie tanks but haven't been able to find anything on what their armament is going to be like.

Does anybody else have any problems with the server? it likes to go non-responsive after a match, lags up at the worst times, and tends to put my tank into battle when i'm still on the loading screen. i don't think it's on my end because ive got several times the posted requirements and things like xbox live never have this kind of problems.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by White Haven »

The Lee is...the Lee. It has narrow situations where it is very good, and many, many ones where it is mediocre. If you take the time to learn to manufacture situations that it is good in, then it will give you good results. Personally, I hated that tank with a burning passion, and very little gave me more pleasure than getting out of it.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Broken »

Finally got the Panther II. Too bad you need 100,000 xp after buying it to turn it into anything other then a slightly more expensive Panther I. It's literally 20k tracks, 20k turret, and another 60k for the awesome gun. Until then its just like a fully kitted out Panther I, but currently a Tier 9 Panther so you see lots of tanks the 88 long just doesn't cut it for.

As for the M3 Lee it's not a bad tank though not a great one. It has a decent gun for its tier and some armor. Unfortunately its one of the tallest tanks in the game and is rumored to have a camo value that is only beaten by the Maus. Overall, like many tanks, it suffers heavily due to the matchmaker. When its near the top of the heap, it performs well enough. When at the the bottom it is fairly useless. The usual advice for it; play it like its a TD. Ambush, back up, etc as your gun has such a limited firing arc.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by White Haven »

A decent gun? For its tier, it has a goddamned amazing gun. The downside is that that's about all it is. It's sorta like an A-10 without wings.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by PhilosopherOfSorts »

The game seems kind of laggy and twitchy on my end, its making it so I can't aim for shit, or maybe I just suck at it. Indirect fire mode for arty doesn't seem to be affected, but everything else gets frustrating as hell, as by the time I'm able to draw a bead on someone I'm dead. Good thing I like the artillary, eh?

Cheezus Chrust, Hetzers are tough. I pinged one three times, including a direct fire shot at a range of about fifty meters in my T-57 and didn't kill it, it then it shot me one time in the frontal armor and I was done, I never want to be that close to one again.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Imperial Overlord »

The Hetzer is a rolling advertisement for the awesomeness of slopped armour. 60mm of well sloped frontal on a tier 4 is a nightmare to pen if you don't out tier it or have a really shooty gun on your tank.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Hawkwings »

Finally got my Sherman! First game, get one-shotted. Ahh well, such is life.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by ComradeClaus »

Do you guys have any videos of this game on youtube? I'd like to see what some of those tanks can do.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by The Infidel »

Imperial Overlord wrote:The Hetzer is a rolling advertisement for the awesomeness of slopped armour. 60mm of well sloped frontal on a tier 4 is a nightmare to pen if you don't out tier it or have a really shooty gun on your tank.
Indeed. I like my Hetzer.
I played Lakeville earlier today and had hidden myself in the upper right corner (I played the top team). I had just sniped at someone coming up the middle road when a healthy SU-85B appeared at my left. I just managed to turn towards it before I got shot. He then slammed into me, front to front and shot me again, all while I was waiting for the 105mm to reload.

When it finally did, I took him out in one shot of pure awesomeness. The really good part was that I didn't even loose one percent health from the encounter. 8)
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Zinegata »

My most epic match in a Hetzer had me paired up with a Jagdpanther. On the Mines map, the Jagdpanther and I were stationed on the hill beside the north base. After most of our team was massacred, the two of us proceeded to kill every single tank that tried to mass-rush our base. We killed 10 tanks in all. I killed 4, including the enemy's Jagdpanther, an IS, and a pair of mediums.

I took two heavy caliber hits that bounced off. A third got me, but by then the Japdpanther was eating all of the remaining enemy tanks alive.

I love the Hetzer.