Real Paladins CC with Repentance.Lancer wrote:Heh, I just tried my hand at SM Graveyard and Library as a lvl 33 Prot/Ret Pally tank. The group composition was three pallys, a rogue, and a mage. One of the pallys and the rogue were 33, while the third pally and mage were both 29. Some of them had some bad luck with AFK's and DC's, so it got to the point where we were doing 4-pulls of lvl 33-34 elites in Library, and yet we didn't notice that we had lost two players.
Also, Omen works perfectly again! I was getting clean threat reads from party members who weren't running it, and I was able to hold aggro most of the time. When I couldn't, it was either because the group was focus firing on a target other than the one I was slicing and dicing, or the other pally was stealing my off-mobs
Two of the people dropped though, so I ended up switching to my Warlock and running the other guys through the Library in maybe 5 minutes. What's funny is that both times we ran GY, and the speedrun through Library, all the blues that dropped from the final bosses were mage gear that she couldn't wear yet.

On a side note, I pretty much quit WoW a week after BC came out and only started playing again in the last two months, but I've heard that a lot of the old, classic instances took a tremendous nerf. When I was leveling my first character, my Rogue, about two and a half years ago, pulling four packs with two of the party members AFK or otherwise D/C'd was a great way to end up back at Faol's Rest.