Dangerous Fun In The House Of The Scorpion

SLAM: debunk creationism, pseudoscience, and superstitions. Discuss logic and morality.

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Post by Lagmonster »

LadyTevar wrote:Made me want to give the receptionist the finger. :twisted:
I remember coming back from a three-day excursion with a group of uber-hippy organic-food-growing psychic ghost-hunters (one of whom was an incredibly hot, athletic young blond of the 'free love' persuasion). We'd spent two nights on licence in an abandoned church, me rationally striking apart their claims of the bogeyman they saw in every nook, while frequently bedding the one hot one (the lifestyle needed for a skeptic / folklore hobbist). And I smelled BAD as a result of the lack of showers and...um...exercise. Anyway, in my near street-person-attire, I couldn't have gotten the time of day from a rolex-wearing poodle.
Note: I'm semi-retired from the board, so if you need something, please be patient.
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Post by Lagmonster »

Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:I'm not entirely sure I understand the genesis of the title, either... I hope that it is simply a declaration that I am the Paragon of mischievous little ne'er-do-wells, the character of Tom Sawyer personified to the mythic level. I hope.
I can't see you as Tom Sawyer. When I read that, I pictured you as an extra on the Smurfs. You know, the one they never see. The one off behind the mushrooms smoking weed and drinking, and occasionally wandering into Smurfette's room at night and giving her a good smurfing.
Otherwise, Kelly thinks I'm a pervert. And I am... just not that kind of pervert.
I'm sure no one thinks you're a pervert, but this being SD.net, you're naturally welcome to prove us all wrong.
Note: I'm semi-retired from the board, so if you need something, please be patient.
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Post by Baron Mordo »

The lengths you go to for the sake of your craft! I guess that's what Gonzo Journalism is all about, eh?
Raoul Duke, Jr.
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

So, I'd like to hear some reviews of the Dangerous Fun website. Anyone?
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

LOL, or, maybe we'll just move right along to:

Day Four: Stranger Than Fiction

Sleep didn't come easy last night, so it's no surprise when I wake up cooking in my bag. James and Meredith are already gone -- no sign of our furry friend, either -- but there are perhaps half a dozen Lost Boys scattered through Craterville this morning, completely unhidden.

Inconsiderate assholes. I think bitterly. If they don't care about getting arrested, they could at least think of the rest of us who depend on this place.

Today's agenda, after a brief check-in with Shelley rewards me with an unexpected box of doughnuts, is a fact-finding mission... assuming I can penetrate -- heh, heh -- ASU campus and slip unnoticed into Hayden Library to access their computers. I am told that non-students are verboten here recently, for reasons known only to ASU. But the next nearest terminal is the one at home, and I fear that should I find myself back in the comfort of my own ergonomic chair, the temptation to call this whole thing off would be insurmountable.

But I still have fifty cents from last night, and coffee is most assuredly in order. I find James, Meredith, Sparky and a few other familiar faces already at their customary table.

"Hail, hail, the gang's all here!" James calls out jovially. For once, everyone seems to have a minimum purchase, and they're enjoying the rare wealth to the fullest. James has his feet up; Meredith is using his lanky legs for a seat. Sparky has his feet on the table -- probably not a good idea, but why rain on his parade until it becomes necessary. Another kid, a gigantic Samoan-looking guy whose long, stringy black hair is tucked into the collar of his sleeveless flannel shirt, stands at parade rest glaring ominously at a cluster of pigeons. His name is Pumpkin. Yeah.

I decide to get my coffee to go this morning; lots to do, and I won't get it done here. Besides, blisters have formed on my feet overnight and are still making their presence known -- walking is barely tolerable, and the sooner I get the walk over with the better.

I check the directions James has provided me in order to reach the library -- there's the Memorial Union, the library is approximately seventy feet to the northwest... I look, and there's what appears to be a small colonnade with a turret jutting vertically out of it. I move closer -- ah. The entrance to the library is subterranean, access by descending two long flights of steps. My feet are still chewing their own nerve endings. This should be pleasant...

I am extremely apprehensive as I make my way past the turnstile into the library lobby. I still smell horrible, and I am convinced that at any moment, I'll be seized or tackled like an axe-weilding maniac, properly beaten and dumped in the desert... low-grade sleep deprivation is a wonderful base for paranoia.

I reached my objective, unmolested, and take my seat at a blank computer terminal. I turn the computer on. The small yellow light on the monitor winks out. Okay, so it was already on. I turn the computer on again. Too Much Fun.

After several frustrating minutes, the computer comes to life. I punch up a search on Google under "Urban Camping" AND "Tempe". I am rewarded with an electronic copy of Tempe's Urban Camping Act, which reads...

"Chapter 23


Art. IV. Urban Camping, §§ 23-90-23-92


Sec. 23-90. Definitions.

The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

Camp means resident in or using a public park, street or other public place for living accommodation purposes; including, but not limited to, activities such as erecting tents or any structure providing shelter, laying down bedding for the purpose of sleeping, storing personal belongings, starting a fire, regularly cooking or preparing meals, or living in a parked vehicle.

Public park includes all city parks and playgrounds.

Public street includes all public streets and highways, public sidewalks, public benches and public parking lots.

Public place includes public plazas, transportation facilities, schools, attractions, monuments,
No sleeping on your local obelisk, kids! and any improved or unimproved public area. (Ord. No. 97.25, 8-21-97)

Sec. 23-91. Prohibited acts.

No person shall camp in any public park, street or place; except in areas specifically for such use, or specifically authorized by permit. (Ord. No. 97.25, 8-21-97)

Ah HA! I think. Here's the meaty part! It strikes me as odd, sitting here reading this, that this ordinance should specify an exemption that does not exist. Of course, since Parks And Recreation is the department that is directly responsible for this ordinance, it strikes me as either gross incompetence or malicious dishonesty on the part of their part to claim to have no such permit.

Sec. 23-92. Penalty.

Any person convicted of a violation of any provision of this article shall be guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor punishable as set forth in § 1-7 of this code. (Ord. No. 97.25, 8-21-97)"
Really. I scratch the four-day growth of beard on my cheek distractedly. Does that include violating the clause in the ordinance that mandates a permit?

I look further to see if any mitigating alterations or revisions have been made to this law.

After running a search for "Section 23-90" AND "Tempe" AND "amend", I am directed to a City of Tempe municipal government web site(http://www.tempe.gov/clerk/history_02/2 ... csmr01.htm) where I find...

Sec. 23-90. Definitions.

The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

Camp means resident in or using a public park, PRESERVE, street or other public place for living accommodation purposes; including, but not limited to, activities such as erecting tents or any structure providing shelter, laying down bedding for the purpose of sleeping, storing personal belongings, starting a fire, regularly cooking or preparing meals, or living in a parked vehicle.


Public park includes all city parks and playgrounds.

Public street includes all public streets and highways, public sidewalks, public benches and public parking lots.

Public place includes public plazas, transportation facilities, schools, attractions, monuments, and any improved or unimproved public area.

Essentially the same, except now we include "preserves"... which are only defined in the ordinance, essentially, as, "whatever place we say is a preserve." Charming. Let's see what became of Section 23-91.

Sec. 23-91. Prohibited acts.

No person shall camp in any public park, PRESERVE, street or place; except in areas specifically for such use, or specifically authorized by permit.

Funny... that "nonexistent" permit is still mentioned. Nothing changed, except a broadening of the city's ability to define what constitutes a prohibited area. I do a slow burn; the veins at my temples begin to throb and I massage them lightly. This is the most current available version of the ordinance -- no guesswork here, this one's standing. Let's see if anyone's tried to challenge it.

Google returns a single, lonely link -- labeled "Homeless Civil Rights Successes". This brings us the following article:

Tempe (AZ)

Victory in Tempe

Thanks to a preliminary injunction granted by the United States District Court, police in Tempe, Arizona are enjoined from citing or arresting homeless people for sitting or lying in public spaces.

In a federal lawsuit involving a constitutional challenge to a sidewalk sitting ordinance, the District Court held that the City of Tempe’s statutory attempt to allow free movement of pedestrians along the sidewalks conflicts with federal laws governing first amendment rights.

In January of 1999, the Tempe City Council enacted a city ordinance that stated, "No person shall sit or lie down upon a public sidewalk or upon a blanket, chair, stool, or any other object not permanently affixed upon a public sidewalk or median in the downtown central commercial district" during consumer hours.

According to the complaint filed in the case, the impetus for this ordinance were complaints filed with the Tempe Police Department by downtown merchants. The memorandum from the Police Department to the City Council read, "...various individuals continue to disrupt business by sitting on sidewalks in front or near their (merchants) place of business... The merchants feel that this affects their business because the potential customers look to avoid these individuals or groups and steer clear of their locations".

In its memorandum decision and order, the Court granted a preliminary injunction prohibiting the City of Tempe from enforcing the sidewalk sitting ordinance in its entirety pending a final decision on its merits.

But the Urban Camping Act was revise and expanded in 2002, and rather than restraining its power, the city broadened it. Some "victory". Something startles me, and I'm not sure at first what it is. I hear it again -- the squawk of a radio.

"...yeah, got a complaint..."
Shit. I freeze.
Another squawk, then -- "...yeah, we think he's a..."
Panic. Cold-sweat ice-in-the-vein Panic. I'm on the second floor -- in the British system, which means I'm actually three stories above the ground. I shut down the computer and head for the stairs. I don't look directly at the ASU security guard, but I see him out of the corner of my eye as I come around the desk -- I can't make out whether he's seen me get up or not, but he's still stationary.

I head around a bookshelf just as he begins to move; he hasn't called my name. I bank past another bookshelf and into the stairwell, letting the door swing free behind me. I take the stairs -- upward -- two at a time and round the bend just as the stairwell door opens again. I freeze. He looks around -- looks down -- but does not look up. He heads down the stairs, obviously guessing that I'm headed for the Concourse level and the main entrance. So it's true -- most of the time, people don't look above eye level.

Half an hour later, I exit the second floor bathroom and take the elevator to the concourse. Hurrying past the Reference Desk, I catch no one's eye. I am moving briskly but not frantically -- through the security gate, here we go, out the door, fuck, my feet hurt, now up the stairs...

I relate my findings to James and Sparky back at Coffee Plant. "No surprise there." James shakes his head. Sparky looks up from his deck of Magic cards only briefly, shurgs, and goes back to his own little world. There's nothing surprising about this to them -- to them, it's just the way things are. You take your time where you can, for the few moments you can, and you get moved on -- or worse. Nothing you can do about it. How many of these kids could get a lawyer to back them against these laws, even if they could prove grounds for a case? It's easy to trample the civil rights of those who can't pay for representation.

Panhandling goes more smoothly tonight; before heading back to Craterville, I've managed to come up with enough for Burger King and Circle K coffee. But it doesn't sit well -- I'm not sure if I'm coming down with something or just upset.

As I make my way back to Craterville, the scenery takes on an ominous cast... the orange glare of the streetlights seems sickly, somehow; the intermittently place floodlights too bright. I have the sensation that I'm being followed, and the brief spark of fear from this afternoon begins to creep back by degrees with each step I take.

I slip into my sleeping bag on the verge of full-blown paranoia. I have a bad feeling about this. Something is going to go horribly wrong, and the worst part is that I don't yet know what, or from which direction it's coming.

I lay fully awake for another hour. Finally, my eyes drift closed.

And the evening and the morning were --
Last edited by Raoul Duke, Jr. on 2003-04-11 03:05pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Post by Beowulf »

Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:So, I'd like to hear some reviews of the Dangerous Fun website. Anyone?
It sucks.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

Beowulf wrote:
Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:So, I'd like to hear some reviews of the Dangerous Fun website. Anyone?
It sucks.
?! What's wrong with it?
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Post by Beowulf »

Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:
Beowulf wrote:
Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:So, I'd like to hear some reviews of the Dangerous Fun website. Anyone?
It sucks.
?! What's wrong with it?
Ahem... deadpan humor... :twisted:

Looks great.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

Day Four will tentatively be titled Stranger Than Fiction and will be complete tomorrow. Stay tuned.
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Post by SylasGaunt »

Okay I finally looked in this thread out of sheer curiosity.. and hot damn this is some good stuff.
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

Starting to feel a little drained, kids...
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Take it easy, RD. Writer's block is a pain.
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

Kelly Antilles wrote:Take it easy, RD. Writer's block is a pain.
More like fatique, really, kitten. I'll be back at it in awhile... I think I just need to bask in the glory for a minute. lol
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

I love it when you call me "kitten". :D
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

Kelly Antilles wrote:I love it when you call me "kitten". :D
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

So, Mike, where's that review? *tap tap tap tap tap tap tap*

Note to self: don't be an asshole.

Impatience and frustration are setting in. I need a cigarette.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:So, Mike, where's that review? *tap tap tap tap tap tap tap*

Note to self: don't be an asshole.

Impatience and frustration are setting in. I need a cigarette.
*hides your cigs* I have something better for frustration. ;)
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

Kelly Antilles wrote:
Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:So, Mike, where's that review? *tap tap tap tap tap tap tap*

Note to self: don't be an asshole.

Impatience and frustration are setting in. I need a cigarette.
*hides your cigs* I have something better for frustration. ;)
Do you, now? Well, do tell... :)
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote: Do you, now? Well, do tell... :)
Come now... I've told you about how strong my legs are. :D
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

Kelly Antilles wrote:
Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote: Do you, now? Well, do tell... :)
Come now... I've told you about how strong my legs are. :D
Good thing I'm just this side of unbreakable. :)
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:So, I'd like to hear some reviews of the Dangerous Fun website. Anyone?
I dig it. Very simple and to the point. It has a quality look, while at the same time there are no distractions from the material. Very sexy. :D
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

Frank Hipper wrote:
Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:So, I'd like to hear some reviews of the Dangerous Fun website. Anyone?
I dig it. Very simple and to the point. It has a quality look, while at the same time there are no distractions from the material. Very sexy. :D
Ach, danke mein Herr.

Now if we could only get a few donations rolling in...
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Post by RedImperator »

The Dangerous Fun site is perfect, layout wise. Navigation is simple, there's no stupid Javascript or Flash dingles to waste my time, and the whole thing is nice and readable--plain background, plain text in a normal font. I believe my opinion of the material is already known. :D
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

RedImperator wrote:The Dangerous Fun site is perfect, layout wise. Navigation is simple, there's no stupid Javascript or Flash dingles to waste my time, and the whole thing is nice and readable--plain background, plain text in a normal font. I believe my opinion of the material is already known. :D
Heh heh! Cool beans!

Day Four is stalled at the moment -- I'm having trouble finding my notes for Thursday. :( Bear with me, kids, the majority of what's missing seems to be the results of research I did on the net that day concerning relevant statistics and laws. I can find it again and reconstruct from there, but it may take time.
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Post by SirNitram »

I like it. Yes sir, I like it. Insightful and humourous.

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